blob: 331067440c2ea8105b39030883f084414c8fabf6 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestAPRlib::table;
# testing APR::Table API
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use APR::Table ();
use APR::Pool ();
use APR::Const -compile => ':table';
use constant TABLE_SIZE => 20;
our $filter_count;
sub num_of_tests {
my $tests = 56;
# tied hash values() for a table w/ multiple values for the same
# key
$tests += 2 if $] >= 5.008;
return $tests;
sub test {
$filter_count = 0;
my $pool = APR::Pool->new();
my $table = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
ok UNIVERSAL::isa($table, 'APR::Table');
# get on non-existing key
# in scalar context
my $val = $table->get('foo');
ok t_cmp($val, undef, '$val = $table->get("no_such_key")');
# in list context
my @val = $table->get('foo');
ok t_cmp(+@val, 0, '@val = $table->get("no_such_key")');
# set/add/get/copy normal values
$table->set(foo => 'bar');
# get scalar context
my $val = $table->get('foo');
ok t_cmp($val, 'bar', '$val = $table->get("foo")');
# add + get list context
$table->add(foo => 'tar');
$table->add(foo => 'kar');
my @val = $table->get('foo');
ok @val == 3 &&
$val[0] eq 'bar' &&
$val[1] eq 'tar' &&
$val[2] eq 'kar';
# copy
$table->set(too => 'boo');
my $table_copy = $table->copy($pool);
my $val_copy = $table->get('too');
ok t_cmp($val_copy, 'boo', '$val = $table->get("too")');
my @val_copy = $table_copy->get('foo');
ok @val_copy == 3 &&
$val_copy[0] eq 'bar' &&
$val_copy[1] eq 'tar' &&
$val_copy[2] eq 'kar';
# make sure 0 comes through as 0 and not undef
$table->set(foo => 0);
my $zero = $table->get('foo');
ok t_cmp($zero, 0, 'table value 0 is not undef');
# unset
$table->set(foo => "bar");
ok t_cmp(+$table->get('foo'), undef, '$table->unset("foo")');
# merge
$table->set( merge => '1');
$table->merge(merge => 'a');
my $val = $table->get('merge');
ok t_cmp($val, "1, a", 'one val $table->merge(...)');
# if there is more than one value for the same key, merge does
# the job only for the first value
$table->add( merge => '2');
$table->merge(merge => 'b');
my @val = $table->get('merge');
ok t_cmp($val[0], "1, a, b", '$table->merge(...)');
ok t_cmp($val[1], "2", 'two values $table->merge(...)');
# if the key is not found, works like set/add
$table->merge(miss => 'a');
my $val_miss = $table->get('miss');
ok t_cmp($val_miss, "a", 'no value $table->merge(...)');
# clear
$table->set(foo => 0);
$table->set(bar => 1);
# t_cmp forces scalar context on get
ok t_cmp($table->get('foo'), undef, '$table->clear');
ok t_cmp($table->get('bar'), undef, '$table->clear');
# filtering
for (1..TABLE_SIZE) {
$table->set(chr($_+97), $_);
# Simple filtering
$filter_count = 0;
ok t_cmp($filter_count, TABLE_SIZE);
# Filtering aborting in the middle
$filter_count = 0;
ok t_cmp($filter_count, int(TABLE_SIZE)/2) ;
# Filtering with anon sub
$table->do(sub {
my ($key,$value) = @_;
unless ($key eq chr($value+97)) {
die "arguments I recieved are bogus($key,$value)";
return 1;
ok t_cmp($filter_count, TABLE_SIZE, "table size");
$filter_count = 0;
$table->do("my_filter", "c", "b", "e");
ok t_cmp($filter_count, 3, "table size");
#Tied interface
my $table = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
ok UNIVERSAL::isa($table, 'HASH');
ok UNIVERSAL::isa($table, 'HASH') && tied(%$table);
ok $table->{'foo'} = 'bar';
# scalar context
ok $table->{'foo'} eq 'bar';
ok delete $table->{'foo'} || 1;
ok not exists $table->{'foo'};
for (1..TABLE_SIZE) {
$table->{chr($_+97)} = $_;
$filter_count = 0;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$table) {
my_filter($key, $table->{$key});
ok $filter_count == TABLE_SIZE;
# each, values
my $table = APR::Table::make($pool, 2);
$table->add("first" => 1);
$table->add("second" => 2);
$table->add("first" => 3);
my $i = 0;
while (my ($a,$b) = each %$table) {
my $key = ("first", "second")[$i % 2];
my $val = ++$i;
ok t_cmp $a, $key, "table each: key test";
ok t_cmp $b, $val, "table each: value test";
ok t_cmp $table->{$a}, $val, "table each: get test";
ok t_cmp tied(%$table)->FETCH($a), $val,
"table each: tied get test";
# this doesn't work with Perl < 5.8
if ($] >= 5.008) {
ok t_cmp "1,2,3", join(",", values %$table),
"table values";
ok t_cmp "first,1,second,2,first,3", join(",", %$table),
"table entries";
# overlap and compress routines
my $base = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
my $add = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
$base->set(foo => 'one');
$base->add(foo => 'two');
$add->set(foo => 'three');
$add->set(bar => 'beer');
my $overlay = $base->overlay($add, $pool);
my @foo = $overlay->get('foo');
my @bar = $overlay->get('bar');
ok t_cmp(+@foo, 3);
ok t_cmp($bar[0], 'beer');
my $overlay2 = $overlay->copy($pool);
# compress/merge
# $add first, then $base
ok t_cmp($overlay->get('foo'),
'three, one, two',
ok t_cmp($overlay->get('bar'),
# compress/set
# $add first, then $base
ok t_cmp($overlay2->get('foo'),
ok t_cmp($overlay2->get('bar'),
# overlap set
my $base = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
my $add = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
$base->set(bar => 'beer');
$base->set(foo => 'one');
$base->add(foo => 'two');
$add->set(foo => 'three');
$base->overlap($add, APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_SET);
my @foo = $base->get('foo');
my @bar = $base->get('bar');
ok t_cmp(+@foo, 1, 'overlap/set');
ok t_cmp($foo[0], 'three');
ok t_cmp($bar[0], 'beer');
# overlap merge
my $base = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
my $add = APR::Table::make($pool, TABLE_SIZE);
$base->set(foo => 'one');
$base->add(foo => 'two');
$add->set(foo => 'three');
$add->set(bar => 'beer');
$base->overlap($add, APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_MERGE);
my @foo = $base->get('foo');
my @bar = $base->get('bar');
ok t_cmp(+@foo, 1, 'overlap/set');
ok t_cmp($foo[0], 'one, two, three');
ok t_cmp($bar[0], 'beer');
# temp pool objects.
# testing here that the temp pool object doesn't go out of scope
# before the object based on it was freed. the following tests
# were previously segfaulting when using apr1/httpd2.1 built w/
# --enable-pool-debug CPPFLAGS="-DAPR_BUCKET_DEBUG",
# the affected methods are:
# - make
# - copy
# - overlay
my $table = APR::Table::make(APR::Pool->new, 10);
$table->set($_ => $_) for 1..20;
ok t_cmp $table->get(20), 20, "no segfault";
my $pool = APR::Pool->new;
my $table = APR::Table::make($pool, 10);
$table->set($_ => $_) for 1..20;
my $table_copy = $table->copy($pool->new);
# verify that the temp pool used to create $table_copy was
# not freed, by allocating a new table to fill with a
# different data. if that former pool was freed
# $table_copy will now contain bogus data (and may
# segfault)
my $table = APR::Table::make(APR::Pool->new, 50);
$table->set($_ => $_) for 'a'..'z';
ok t_cmp $table->get('z'), 'z', "helper test";
ok t_cmp $table_copy->get(20), 20, "no segfault/valid data";
my $table2 = APR::Table::make($pool, 1);
$table2->set($_**2 => $_**2) for 1..20;
my $table2_copy = APR::Table::make($pool, 1);
$table2_copy->set($_ => $_) for 1..20;
my $overlay = $table2_copy->overlay($table2, $pool->new);
# see the comment for above's:
# $table_copy = $table->copy(APR::Pool->new);
my $table = APR::Table::make(APR::Pool->new, 50);
$table->set($_ => $_) for 'aa'..'za';
ok t_cmp $table->get('za'), 'za', "helper test";
ok t_cmp $overlay->get(20), 20, "no segfault/valid data";
my $p = APR::Pool->new;
$p->cleanup_register(sub { "whatever" });
$table = APR::Table::make($p, 10)
$table->set(a => 5);
ok t_cmp $table->get("a"), 5, "no segfault";
sub my_filter {
my ($key, $value) = @_;
unless ($key eq chr($value+97)) {
die "arguments I received are bogus($key,$value)";
return 1;
sub my_filter_stop {
my ($key, $value) = @_;
unless ($key eq chr($value+97)) {
die "arguments I received are bogus($key,$value)";
return $filter_count == int(TABLE_SIZE)/2 ? 0 : 1;