blob: 5fdcc4ce9ae8d0f06d2ca4ea210794f7b25a2951 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestAPRlib::brigade;
# testing APR::Brigade in this tests.
# Other tests do that too:
# TestAPR::flatten : flatten()
# TestAPR::bucket : is_empty(), first(), last()
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use APR::Pool ();
use APR::Brigade ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use APR::BucketAlloc ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
sub num_of_tests {
return 14;
sub test {
my $p = APR::Pool->new();
my $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->new($p);
# basic + pool + destroy
my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($p, $ba);
t_debug('$bb is defined');
ok defined $bb;
t_debug('$bb ISA APR::Brigade object');
ok $bb->isa('APR::Brigade');
my $pool = $bb->pool;
t_debug('$pool is defined');
ok defined $pool;
t_debug('$pool ISA APR::Pool object');
ok $pool->isa('APR::Pool');
ok 1;
# concat / split / length / flatten
my $bb1 = APR::Brigade->new($p, $ba);
$bb1->insert_head(APR::Bucket->new($ba, "11"));
$bb1->insert_tail(APR::Bucket->new($ba, "12"));
my $bb2 = APR::Brigade->new($p, $ba);
$bb2->insert_head(APR::Bucket->new($ba, "21"));
$bb2->insert_tail(APR::Bucket->new($ba, "22"));
# concat
# bb1: 11, 12, 21, 22
ok t_cmp($bb1->length, 8, "total data length in bb");
my $len = $bb1->flatten(my $data);
ok t_cmp($len, 8, "bb flatten/len");
ok t_cmp($data, "11122122", "bb flatten/data");
t_debug('$bb2 is empty');
ok $bb2->is_empty;
# split
my $b = $bb1->first; # 11
$b = $bb1->next($b); # 12
my $bb3 = $bb1->split($b);
# bb1: 11, bb3: 12, 21, 22
$len = $bb1->flatten($data);
ok t_cmp($len, 2, "bb1 flatten/len");
ok t_cmp($data, "11", "bb1 flatten/data");
$len = $bb3->flatten($data);
ok t_cmp($len, 6, "bb3 flatten/len");
ok t_cmp($data, "122122", "bb3 flatten/data");
# out-of-scope pools
my $bb1 = APR::Brigade->new(APR::Pool->new, $ba);
$bb1->insert_head(APR::Bucket->new($ba, "11"));
$bb1->insert_tail(APR::Bucket->new($ba, "12"));
# try to overwrite the temp pool data
require APR::Table;
my $table = APR::Table::make(APR::Pool->new, 50);
$table->set($_ => $_) for 'aa'..'za';
# now test that we are still OK
my $len = $bb1->flatten(my $data);
ok t_cmp($data, "1112", "correct data");