blob: 4bd32ceb7b2e1154c816f26f0d6f3b85139d771c [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestFilter::in_str_consume;
# this test verifies that streaming filters framework handles
# gracefully the case when a filter doesn't print anything at all to
# the caller.
# the real problem is that in the streaming filters we can't consume
# more than one bucket brigade during a single filter invocation,
# which we can in non-stream filters., (e.g. see
# it seems that this works just fine (2.0.46+) and older httpds
# had problems when a filter invocation hasn't printed a thing.
# currently if the streaming filter doesn't print anything, the
# upstream filter gets an empty brigade brigade (easily verified with
# the snooping debug filter). Of course if the filter returns
# Apache2::Const::DECLINED the unconsumed data will be passed to upstream filter
# However this filter has a problem. Since it doesn't consume all the
# data, the client is left with un-read data, and when the response is
# sent a client get the broken pipe on the socket. It seems that LWP
# on linux handles that situation gracefully, but not on win32, where
# it silently dies. Other clients may have similar problems as
# well. The proper solution is to consume all the data till EOS and
# just drop it on the floor if it's unneeded. Unfortunately we waste
# the resources of passing the data through all filters in the chain
# and doing a wasteful work, but currently there is no way to tell the
# in_core network filter to discard all the data without passing it
# upstream. Notice that in this test we solve the problem in a
# different manner, we simply call $r->discard_request_body which does
# the trick. However it's inappropriate for a stand-alone filter, who
# should read all the data in instead.
# this test receives about 10 bbs
# it reads only the first 23 bytes of each bb and discards the rest
# since it wants only 105 bytes it partially consumes only the first 5 bbs
# since it doesn't read all the data in, it'll never see EOS
# therefore once it has read all 105 bytes, it manually sets the EOS flag
# and the rest of the bbs are ignored, the filter is invoked only 5 times
# to debug this filter run it as:
# t/TEST -v -trace=debug filter/in_str_consume
# to enable upstream and downstream filter snooping, uncomment the
# snooping filters directives at the end of this file and rerun:
# t/TEST -conf
# to see what happens inside the filter, assuming that you built
# mod_perl with MP_TRACE=1, run:
# env MOD_PERL_TRACE=f t/TEST -v -trace=debug filter/in_str_consume
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache2::Filter ();
use Apache::TestTrace;
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestIO ();
use TestCommon::Utils ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK M_POST);
use constant READ_BYTES_TOTAL => 105;
use constant READ_BYTES_FIRST => 23;
sub handler {
my $filter = shift;
my $ctx = $filter->ctx || { data => '', count => '1'};
debug "FILTER INVOKED: $ctx->{count}";
# read untill READ_BYTES read, no matter how many filter
# invocations it'll take
my $wanted_total = READ_BYTES_TOTAL - length $ctx->{data};
my $wanted_current = READ_BYTES_FIRST;
my $wanted = $wanted_total;
$wanted = $wanted_current if $wanted > $wanted_current;
debug "total wanted: $wanted_total bytes";
debug "this bb wanted: $wanted bytes";
while ($wanted) {
my $len = $filter->read(my $buffer, $wanted);
$ctx->{data} .= $buffer;
$wanted_total -= $len;
$wanted -= $len;
debug "FILTER READ: [$buffer]";
debug "FILTER READ: $len ($wanted_total more to go)";
last unless $len; # no more data to read in this bb
unless ($wanted_total) {
# we don't want to read the rest if there is anything left
# but we really should, though we workaround it in the
# response handler, by calling $r->discard_request_body
if ($filter->seen_eos) {
# flush the data if we are done
else {
# store the data away
# notice that it seems to work even though we don't print
# anything. the upstream filter gets an empty bb.
# alternatively could print the chunks of data that we read,
# if we don't need to have it as a whole chunk
return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub response {
my $r = shift;
if ($r->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_POST) {
my $data = TestCommon::Utils::read_post($r);
# tell Apache to get rid of the rest of the request body
# if we don't a client will get a broken pipe and may fail to
# handle this situation gracefully
my $len = length $data;
debug "HANDLER READ: $len bytes\n";
return Apache2::Const::OK;
SetHandler modperl
PerlModule TestFilter::in_str_consume
PerlResponseHandler TestFilter::in_str_consume::response
#PerlInputFilterHandler TestCommon::FilterDebug::snoop_request
PerlInputFilterHandler TestFilter::in_str_consume::handler
#PerlInputFilterHandler TestCommon::FilterDebug::snoop_request