blob: f8f33bbe55e99e1e4b46b6a0406e3b2150d22133 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun;
# this test exercises the underrun filter concept. Sometimes filters
# need to read at least N bytes before they can apply their
# transformation. It's quite possible that reading one bucket brigade
# is not enough. But two or more are needed.
# When the filter realizes that it doesn't have enough data, it can
# stash the read data in the context, and wait for the next
# invocation, meanwhile it must return an empty bb to the filter that
# has called it. This is not efficient. Instead of returning an empty
# bb to a caller, the input filter can initiate the retrieval of extra
# bucket brigades, after one was received. Notice that this is
# absolutely transparent to any filters before or after the current
# filter.
# to see the filter at work, run it as:
# t/TEST -trace=debug -v filter/in_bbs_underrun
# and look in the error_log. You will see something like:
# ==> TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun::handler : filter called
# ==> asking for a bb
# ==> asking for a bb
# ==> asking for a bb
# ==> storing the remainder: 7611 bytes
# ==> TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun::handler : filter called
# ==> asking for a bb
# ==> asking for a bb
# ==> storing the remainder: 7222 bytes
# ==> TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun::handler : filter called
# ==> asking for a bb
# ==> seen eos, flushing the remaining: 8182 bytes
# it's clear from the log that the filter was invoked 3 times, however
# it has consumed 6 bucket brigades
# finally, we have to note that this is impossible to do with
# streaming filters, since they can only read data from one bucket
# brigade. So you must process bucket brigades.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestIO ();
use Apache2::Filter ();
use Apache::TestTrace;
use TestCommon::Utils ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK M_POST);
use constant SIZE => 1024*16 + 5; # ~16k
sub handler {
my ($filter, $bb, $mode, $block, $readbytes) = @_;
my $ba = $filter->r->connection->bucket_alloc;
my $ctx = $filter->ctx;
my $buffer = defined $ctx ? $ctx : '';
$ctx = ''; # reset
my $seen_eos = 0;
my $data;
debug_sub "filter called";
# fetch and consume bucket brigades untill we have at least SIZE
# bytes to work with
do {
my $tbb = APR::Brigade->new($filter->r->pool, $ba);
$filter->next->get_brigade($tbb, $mode, $block, $readbytes);
debug "asking for a bb";
($data, $seen_eos) = flatten_bb($tbb);
$buffer .= $data;
} while (!$seen_eos && length($buffer) < SIZE);
# now create a bucket per chunk of SIZE size and put the remainder
# in ctx
for (split_buffer($buffer)) {
if (length($_) == SIZE) {
$bb->insert_tail(APR::Bucket->new($bb->bucket_alloc, $_));
else {
$ctx .= $_;
if ($seen_eos) {
# flush the remainder
$bb->insert_tail(APR::Bucket->new($bb->bucket_alloc, $ctx));
debug "seen eos, flushing the remaining: " . length($ctx) . " bytes";
else {
# will re-use the remainder on the next invocation
debug "storing the remainder: " . length($ctx) . " bytes";
return Apache2::Const::OK;
# split in words of SIZE chars and a remainder
sub split_buffer {
my $buffer = shift;
if ($] < 5.007) {
my @words = $buffer =~ /(.{@{[SIZE]}}|.+)/g;
return @words;
else {
# available only since 5.7.x+
return unpack "(A" . SIZE . ")*", $buffer;
sub flatten_bb {
my ($bb) = shift;
my $seen_eos = 0;
my @data;
for (my $b = $bb->first; $b; $b = $bb->next($b)) {
$seen_eos++, last if $b->is_eos;
$b->read(my $bdata);
push @data, $bdata;
return (join('', @data), $seen_eos);
sub response {
my $r = shift;
if ($r->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_POST) {
my $data = TestCommon::Utils::read_post($r);
#warn "HANDLER READ: $data\n";
my $length = length $data;
$r->print("read $length chars");
return Apache2::Const::OK;
SetHandler modperl
PerlModule TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun
PerlResponseHandler TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun::response
PerlInputFilterHandler TestFilter::in_bbs_underrun::handler
#PerlInputFilterHandler TestCommon::FilterDebug::snoop_request