blob: f8a09fb6e59307e92f33b1024cb7506a112defaf [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
### this file contains code that should be run on the ###
### server startup but not during the config phase ###
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Socket (); # test DynaLoader vs. XSLoader workaround for 5.6.x
use Apache2::ServerRec ();
use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
use Apache2::Process ();
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestIO ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::Connection ();
use Apache2::Log ();
use APR::Table ();
use APR::Pool ();
use ModPerl::Util (); #for CORE::GLOBAL::exit
use Apache2::Const -compile => ':common';
warn "END in, pid=$$\n";
### only subs below this line ###
sub test_apache_resource {
### Apache2::Resource tests
# load first for the menu
require Apache2::Status;
# uncomment for local tests
#$Apache2::Resource::Debug = 1;
# requires optional BSD::Resource
return unless eval { require BSD::Resource };
require Apache2::Resource;
sub test_apache_status {
### Apache2::Status tests
require Apache2::Status;
require Apache2::Module;
'test_menu' => "Test Menu Entry",
sub {
my ($r) = @_;
return ["This is just a test entry"];
) if Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status');
# test startup loglevel setting (under threaded mpms loglevel can be
# changed only before threads are started) so here we test whether we
# can still set it after restart
sub test_loglevel {
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'LOG_INFO';
my $s = Apache2::ServerUtil->server;
my $oldloglevel = $s->loglevel(Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO);
# restore
sub test_perl_ithreads {
# this is needed for TestPerl::ithreads
# one should be able to boot ithreads at the server startup and
# then access the ithreads setup at run-time when a perl
# interpreter is running on a different native threads (testing
# that perl interpreters and ithreads aren't related to the native
# threads they are running on). This should work starting from
# perl-5.8.1 and higher.
use Config;
if ($] >= 5.008001 && $Config{useithreads}) {
eval { require threads; "threads"->import() };
sub test_server_shutdown_cleanup_register {
Apache2::ServerUtil::server_shutdown_cleanup_register sub {
warn <<'EOF';
*** done with server_shutdown_cleanup_register ***
Apache2::ServerUtil::server_shutdown_cleanup_register sub {
die "testing server_shutdown_cleanup_register\n";
Apache2::ServerUtil::server_shutdown_cleanup_register sub {
warn <<'EOF';
*** This is a test for Apache2::ServerUtil::server_shutdown_cleanup_register ***
*** Following a line consisting only of * characters there should be a line ***
*** containing ***
*** "cleanup died: testing server_shutdown_cleanup_register". ***
*** The next line should then read ***
*** "done with server_shutdown_cleanup_register" ***
sub ModPerl::Test::exit_handler {
my ($p, $s) = @_;
$s->log->info("Child process pid=$$ is exiting");
sub test_method_obj {
# see t/modperl/methodobj
require TestModperl::methodobj;
$TestModperl::MethodObj = TestModperl::methodobj->new;
sub ModPerl::Test::add_config {
my $r = shift;
#test adding config at request time
$r->add_config(['require valid-user']);