blob: ddf7584de87f368f30dd8cd622a8fa24b34af43a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# VERY IMPORTANT: Be very careful modifying the defaults, since many
# VERY IMPORTANT: packages rely on them. In fact you should never
# VERY IMPORTANT: modify the defaults after the package gets released,
# VERY IMPORTANT: since they are a hardcoded part of this suite's API.
package ModPerl::RegistryCooker;
require 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
our $VERSION = '1.99';
use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
use Apache2::Response ();
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::RequestIO ();
use Apache2::Log ();
use Apache2::Access ();
use APR::Table ();
use APR::Status ();
use ModPerl::Util ();
use ModPerl::Global ();
use File::Spec::Functions ();
use File::Basename ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:common &OPT_EXECCGI);
use ModPerl::Const -compile => 'EXIT';
unless (defined $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine) {
$ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine = 1;
# debug constants
use constant D_NONE => 0;
use constant D_ERROR => 1;
use constant D_WARN => 2;
use constant D_COMPILE => 4;
use constant D_NOISE => 8;
# the debug level can be overriden on the main server level of
# httpd.conf with:
# PerlSetVar ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG 4
use constant DEBUG => 0;
#XXX: below currently crashes the server on win32
# defined Apache2->server->dir_config('ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG')
# ? Apache2->server->dir_config('ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG')
# : D_NONE;
# OS specific constants
use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O eq "MSWin32";
# constant subs
use constant NOP => '';
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
use constant NAMESPACE_ROOT => 'ModPerl::ROOT';
unless (defined $ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost) {
$ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost = 1;
# func: new
# dflt: new
# args: $class - class to bless into
# $r - Apache2::RequestRec object
# desc: create the class's object and bless it
# rtrn: the newly created object
sub new {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
# func: init
# dflt: init
# desc: initializes the data object's fields: REQ FILENAME URI
# args: $r - Apache2::RequestRec object
# rtrn: nothing
sub init {
$_[0]->{REQ} = $_[1];
$_[0]->{URI} = $_[1]->uri;
$_[0]->{FILENAME} = $_[1]->filename;
# func: handler
# dflt: handler
# desc: the handler() sub that is expected by Apache
# args: $class - handler's class
# $r - Apache2::RequestRec object
# (o)can be called as handler($r) as well (without leading $class)
# rtrn: handler's response status
# note: must be implemented in a sub-class unless configured as
# Apache2::Foo->handler in httpd.conf (because of the
# __PACKAGE__, which is tied to the file)
sub handler : method {
my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__;
my $r = shift;
return $class->new($r)->default_handler();
# func: default_handler
# dflt: META: see above
# desc: META: see above
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: handler's response status
# note: that's what most sub-class handlers will call
sub default_handler {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->should_compile) {
my $rc = $self->can_compile;
return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK;
$rc = $self->convert_script_to_compiled_handler;
return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK;
# handlers shouldn't set $r->status but return it, so we reset the
# status after running it
my $old_status = $self->{REQ}->status;
my $rc = $self->run;
my $new_status = $self->{REQ}->status($old_status);
return ($rc == Apache2::Const::OK && $old_status != $new_status)
? $new_status
: $rc;
# func: run
# dflt: run
# desc: executes the compiled code
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: execution status (Apache2::?)
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $r = $self->{REQ};
my $package = $self->{PACKAGE};
my $cv = \&{"$package\::handler"};
my %orig_inc;
if ($self->should_reset_inc_hash) {
%orig_inc = %INC;
my $rc = Apache2::Const::OK;
{ # run the code and preserve warnings setup when it's done
no warnings FATAL => 'all';
#local $^W = 0;
eval { $cv->($r, @_) };
# log script's execution errors
$rc = $self->error_check;
# there might be no END blocks to call, so $@ will be not
# reset
local $@;
ModPerl::Global::special_list_call(END => $package);
# log script's END blocks execution errors
my $new_rc = $self->error_check;
# use the END blocks return status if the script's execution
# was successful
$rc = $new_rc if $rc == Apache2::Const::OK;
if ($self->should_reset_inc_hash) {
# to avoid the bite of require'ing a file with no package delaration
# Apache2::PerlRun in mod_perl 1.15_01 started to localize %INC
# later on it has been adjusted to preserve loaded .pm files,
# which presumably contained the package declaration
for (keys %INC) {
next if $orig_inc{$_};
next if /\.pm$/;
delete $INC{$_};
return $rc;
# func: can_compile
# dflt: can_compile
# desc: checks whether the script is allowed and can be compiled
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: $rc - return status to forward
# efct: initializes the data object's fields: MTIME
sub can_compile {
my $self = shift;
my $r = $self->{REQ};
return Apache2::Const::DECLINED if -d $r->my_finfo;
$self->{MTIME} = -M _;
if (!($r->allow_options & Apache2::Const::OPT_EXECCGI)) {
$r->log_error("Options ExecCGI is off in this directory",
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
$self->debug("can compile $self->{FILENAME}") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
# func: namespace_root
# dflt: namespace_root
# desc: define the namespace root for storing compiled scripts
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: the namespace root
sub namespace_root {
my $self = shift;
join '::', NAMESPACE_ROOT, ref($self);
# func: make_namespace
# dflt: make_namespace
# desc: prepares the namespace
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: the namespace
# efct: initializes the field: PACKAGE
sub make_namespace {
my $self = shift;
my $package = $self->namespace_from;
# Escape everything into valid perl identifiers
$package =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_])/sprintf("_%2x", unpack("C", $1))/eg;
# make sure that the sub-package doesn't start with a digit
$package =~ s/^(\d)/_$1/;
# prepend root
$package = $self->namespace_root() . "::$package";
$self->{PACKAGE} = $package;
return $package;
# func: namespace_from
# dflt: namespace_from_filename
# desc: returns a partial raw package name based on filename, uri, else
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: a unique string
*namespace_from = \&namespace_from_filename;
# return a package name based on $r->filename only
sub namespace_from_filename {
my $self = shift;
my ($volume, $dirs, $file) =
my @dirs = File::Spec::Functions::splitdir($dirs);
return join '_', grep { defined && length } $volume, @dirs, $file;
# return a package name based on $r->uri only
sub namespace_from_uri {
my $self = shift;
my $path_info = $self->{REQ}->path_info;
my $script_name = $path_info && $self->{URI} =~ /$path_info$/
? substr($self->{URI}, 0, length($self->{URI}) - length($path_info))
: $self->{URI};
if ($ModPerl::RegistryCooker::NameWithVirtualHost &&
$self->{REQ}->server->is_virtual) {
my $name = $self->{REQ}->get_server_name;
$script_name = join "", $name, $script_name if $name;
$script_name =~ s:/+$:/__INDEX__:;
return $script_name;
# func: convert_script_to_compiled_handler
# dflt: convert_script_to_compiled_handler
# desc: reads the script, converts into a handler and compiles it
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: success/failure status
sub convert_script_to_compiled_handler {
my $self = shift;
my $rc = Apache2::Const::OK;
$self->debug("Adding package $self->{PACKAGE}") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
# get the script's source
$rc = $self->read_script;
return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK;
# convert the shebang line opts into perl code
my $shebang = $self->shebang_to_perl;
# mod_cgi compat, should compile the code while in its dir, so
# relative require/open will work.
# undef &{"$self->{PACKAGE}\::handler"}; unless DEBUG & D_NOISE; #avoid warnings
# $self->{PACKAGE}->can('undef_functions') && $self->{PACKAGE}->undef_functions;
my $line = $self->get_mark_line;
# handle the non-parsed handlers ala mod_cgi (though mod_cgi does
# some tricks removing the header_out and other filters, here we
# just call assbackwards which has the same effect).
my $base = File::Basename::basename($self->{FILENAME});
my $nph = substr($base, 0, 4) eq 'nph-' ? '$_[0]->assbackwards(1);' : "";
my $script_name = $self->get_script_name || $0;
my $eval = join '',
'package ',
$self->{PACKAGE}, ";",
"sub handler {",
"local \$0 = '$script_name';",
${ $self->{CODE} },
"\n}"; # last line comment without newline?
$rc = $self->compile(\$eval);
return $rc unless $rc == Apache2::Const::OK;
$self->debug(qq{compiled package \"$self->{PACKAGE}\"}) if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
# if(my $opt = $r->dir_config("PerlRunOnce")) {
# $r->child_terminate if lc($opt) eq "on";
# }
return $rc;
# func: cache_table
# dflt: cache_table_common
# desc: return a symbol table for caching compiled scripts in
# args: $self - registry blessed object (or the class name)
# rtrn: symbol table
*cache_table = \&cache_table_common;
sub cache_table_common {
sub cache_table_local {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
no strict 'refs';
# func: cache_it
# dflt: cache_it
# desc: mark the package as cached by storing its modification time
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: nothing
sub cache_it {
my $self = shift;
$self->cache_table->{ $self->{PACKAGE} }{mtime} = $self->{MTIME};
# func: is_cached
# dflt: is_cached
# desc: checks whether the package is already cached
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: TRUE if cached,
# FALSE otherwise
sub is_cached {
my $self = shift;
exists $self->cache_table->{ $self->{PACKAGE} }{mtime};
# func: should_compile
# dflt: should_compile_once
# desc: decide whether code should be compiled or not
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: TRUE if should compile
# FALSE otherwise
# efct: sets MTIME if it's not set yet
*should_compile = \&should_compile_once;
# return false only if the package is cached and its source file
# wasn't modified
sub should_compile_if_modified {
my $self = shift;
$self->{MTIME} ||= -M $self->{REQ}->my_finfo;
!($self->is_cached &&
$self->cache_table->{ $self->{PACKAGE} }{mtime} <= $self->{MTIME});
# return false if the package is cached already
sub should_compile_once {
not shift->is_cached;
# func: should_reset_inc_hash
# dflt: FALSE
# desc: decide whether to localize %INC for required .pl files from the script
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: TRUE if should reset
# FALSE otherwise
*should_reset_inc_hash = \&FALSE;
# func: flush_namespace
# dflt: NOP (don't flush)
# desc: flush the compiled package's namespace
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: nothing
*flush_namespace = \&NOP;
sub flush_namespace_normal {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug("flushing namespace") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
# func: read_script
# dflt: read_script
# desc: reads the script in
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: Apache2::Const::OK on success, some other code on failure
# efct: initializes the CODE field with the source script
# reads the contents of the file
sub read_script {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug("reading $self->{FILENAME}") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
$self->{CODE} = eval { $self->{REQ}->slurp_filename(0) }; # untainted
if ($@) {
if (ref $@ eq 'APR::Error') {
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN if APR::Status::is_EACCES($@);
return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND if APR::Status::is_ENOENT($@);
else {
return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
# func: shebang_to_perl
# dflt: shebang_to_perl
# desc: parse the shebang line and convert command line switches
# (defined in %switches) into a perl code.
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: a Perl snippet to be put at the beginning of the CODE field
# by caller
my %switches = (
'T' => sub {
Apache2::ServerRec::warn("-T switch is ignored, enable " .
"with 'PerlSwitches -T' in httpd.conf\n")
unless ${^TAINT};
'w' => sub { "use warnings;\n" },
sub shebang_to_perl {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = ${ $self->{CODE} } =~ /^(.*)$/m;
my @cmdline = split /\s+/, $line;
return "" unless @cmdline;
return "" unless shift(@cmdline) =~ /^\#!/;
my $prepend = "";
for my $s (@cmdline) {
next unless $s =~ s/^-//;
last if substr($s,0,1) eq "-";
for (split //, $s) {
next unless exists $switches{$_};
$prepend .= $switches{$_}->();
return $prepend;
# func: get_script_name
# dflt: get_script_name
# desc: get the script's name to set into $0
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: path to the script's filename
sub get_script_name {
# func: chdir_file
# dflt: NOP
# desc: chdirs into $dir
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# $dir - a dir
# rtrn: nothing (?or success/failure?)
*chdir_file = \&NOP;
sub chdir_file_normal {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
$dir ||= File::Basename::dirname($self->{FILENAME});
$self->debug("chdir $dir") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir to $dir: $!";
# func: get_mark_line
# dflt: get_mark_line
# desc: generates the perl compiler #line directive
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: returns the perl compiler #line directive
sub get_mark_line {
my $self = shift;
$ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine ? "\n#line 1 $self->{FILENAME}\n" : "";
# func: strip_end_data_segment
# dflt: strip_end_data_segment
# desc: remove the trailing non-code from $self->{CODE}
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: nothing
sub strip_end_data_segment {
${ +shift->{CODE} } =~ s/^__(END|DATA)__(.*)//ms;
# func: compile
# dflt: compile
# desc: compile the code in $eval
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# $eval - a ref to a scalar with the code to compile
# rtrn: success/failure
# note: $r must not be in scope of compile(), scripts must do
# my $r = shift; to get it off the args stack
sub compile {
my ($self, $eval) = @_;
$self->debug("compiling $self->{FILENAME}") if DEBUG && D_COMPILE;
ModPerl::Global::special_list_register(END => $self->{PACKAGE});
ModPerl::Global::special_list_clear( END => $self->{PACKAGE});
# let the code define its own warn and strict level
no strict;
no warnings FATAL => 'all'; # because we use FATAL
eval $$eval;
return $self->error_check;
# func: error_check
# dflt: error_check
# desc: checks $@ for errors
# args: $self - registry blessed object
# rtrn: Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR if $@ is set, Apache2::Const::OK otherwise
sub error_check {
my $self = shift;
# ModPerl::Util::exit() throws an exception object whose rc is
# ModPerl::EXIT
# (see modperl_perl_exit() and modperl_errsv() C functions)
if ($@ && !(ref $@ eq 'APR::Error' && $@ == ModPerl::EXIT)) {
return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
# func: install_aliases
# dflt: install_aliases
# desc: install the method aliases into $class
# args: $class - the class to install the methods into
# $rh_aliases - a ref to a hash with aliases mapping
# rtrn: nothing
sub install_aliases {
my ($class, $rh_aliases) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
while (my ($k,$v) = each %$rh_aliases) {
if (my $sub = *{$v}{CODE}){
*{ $class . "::$k" } = $sub;
else {
die "$class: $k aliasing failed; sub $v doesn't exist";
### helper methods
sub debug {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self;
$self->{REQ}->log_error("$$: $class: " . join '', @_);
sub log_error {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
my $class = ref $self;
$self->{REQ}->notes->set('error-notes' => $msg);
$@{$self->{URI}} = $msg;
# func: uncache_myself
# dflt: uncache_myself
# desc: unmark the package as cached by forgetting its modification time
# args: none
# rtrn: nothing
# note: this is a function and not a method, it should be called from
# the registry script, and using the caller() method we figure
# out the package the script was compiled into
# this is a function should be called from the registry script, and
# using the caller() method we figure out the package the script was
# compiled into and trying to uncache it.
# it's currently used only for testing purposes and not a part of the
# public interface. it expects to find the compiled package in the
# symbol table cache returned by cache_table_common(), if you override
# cache_table() to point to another function, this function will fail.
sub uncache_myself {
my $package = scalar caller;
my ($class) = __PACKAGE__->cache_table_common();
unless (defined $class) {
Apache2->warn("$$: cannot figure out cache symbol table for $package");
if (exists $class->{$package} && exists $class->{$package}{mtime}) {
Apache2->warn("$$: uncaching $package\n") if DEBUG & D_COMPILE;
delete $class->{$package}{mtime};
else {
Apache2->warn("$$: cannot find $package in cache");
# XXX: should go away when finfo() is ported to 2.0 (don't want to
# depend on
sub Apache2::RequestRec::my_finfo {
my $r = shift;
stat $r->filename;