blob: 761075bdcbdb00152281f985e4e0f709b8f3a9a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sshd.util.test;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.sshd.client.SshClient;
import org.apache.sshd.common.keyprovider.KeyPairProvider;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.GenericUtils;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.ValidateUtils;
import org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
* Helper used as base class for all test classes
* @author <a href="">Apache MINA SSHD Project</a>
public abstract class BaseTestSupport extends Assert {
public static final String TEMP_SUBFOLDER_NAME = "temp";
// can be used to override the 'localhost' with an address other than in case it is required
public static final String TEST_LOCALHOST = System.getProperty("org.apache.sshd.test.localhost", SshdSocketAddress.LOCALHOST_IP);
public static final boolean OUTPUT_DEBUG_MESSAGES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("org.apache.sshd.test.outputDebugMessages", "false"));
public static final String MAIN_SUBFOLDER = "main";
public static final String TEST_SUBFOLDER = "test";
public static final String RESOURCES_SUBFOLDER = "resources";
// useful test sizes for keys
public static final List<Integer> DSS_SIZES =
Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(512, 768, 1024));
public static final List<Integer> RSA_SIZES =
Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(1024, 2048, 3072, 4096));
public final TestWatcher rule = new TestWatcher() {
// TODO consider using a ThreadLocal storage for the start time - provided
// the code is assured to call starting/finished on the same thread
private long startTime;
protected void starting(Description description) {
System.out.println("\nStarting " + description.getClassName() + ":" + description.getMethodName() + "...\n");
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
protected void finished(Description description) {
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.println("\nFinished " + description.getClassName() + ":" + description.getMethodName() + " in " + duration + " ms\n");
public final TestName testNameHilder = new TestName();
private Path targetFolder;
private Path tempFolder;
protected BaseTestSupport() {
public final String getCurrentTestName() {
return testNameHilder.getMethodName();
protected SshServer setupTestServer() {
return Utils.setupTestServer(getClass());
protected SshClient setupTestClient() {
return Utils.setupTestClient(getClass());
protected KeyPairProvider createTestHostKeyProvider() {
return Utils.createTestHostKeyProvider(getClass());
* Attempts to build a <U>relative</U> path whose root is the location
* of the TEMP sub-folder of the Maven &quot;target&quot; folder associated
* with the project
* @param comps The path components - ignored if {@code null}/empty
* @return The {@link Path} representing the result - same as target folder if no components
* @see #getTargetRelativeFile(Collection)
protected Path getTempTargetRelativeFile(String ... comps) {
return getTempTargetRelativeFile(GenericUtils.isEmpty(comps) ? Collections.<String>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(comps));
* Attempts to build a <U>relative</U> path whose root is the location
* of the TEMP sub-folder of the Maven &quot;target&quot; folder associated
* with the project
* @param comps The path components - ignored if {@code null}/empty
* @return The {@link Path} representing the result - same as target folder if no components
* @see #getTempTargetFolder()
protected Path getTempTargetRelativeFile(Collection<String> comps) {
return Utils.resolve(getTempTargetFolder(), comps);
* @return The TEMP sub-folder {@link Path} of the Maven &quot;target&quot; folder
* associated with the project - never {@code null}
protected Path getTempTargetFolder() {
synchronized (TEMP_SUBFOLDER_NAME) {
if (tempFolder == null) {
tempFolder = ValidateUtils.checkNotNull(detectTargetFolder(), "No target folder detected").resolve(TEMP_SUBFOLDER_NAME);
return tempFolder;
* Attempts to build a <U>relative</U> path whose root is the location
* of the Maven &quot;target&quot; folder associated with the project
* @param comps The path components - ignored if {@code null}/empty
* @return The {@link Path} representing the result - same as target folder if no components
protected Path getTargetRelativeFile(String ... comps) {
return getTargetRelativeFile(GenericUtils.isEmpty(comps) ? Collections.<String>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(comps));
* Attempts to build a <U>relative</U> path whose root is the location
* of the Maven &quot;target&quot; folder associated with the project
* @param comps The path components - ignored if {@code null}/empty
* @return The {@link Path} representing the result - same as target folder if no components
* @see #detectTargetFolder()
protected Path getTargetRelativeFile(Collection<String> comps) {
return Utils.resolve(detectTargetFolder(), comps);
* Attempts to detect the location of the Maven &quot;target&quot; folder
* associated with the project that contains the actual class extending this
* base class
* @return The {@link File} representing the location of the &quot;target&quot; folder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If failed to detect the folder
protected Path detectTargetFolder() throws IllegalArgumentException {
synchronized (TEMP_SUBFOLDER_NAME) {
if (targetFolder == null) {
targetFolder = ValidateUtils.checkNotNull(Utils.detectTargetFolder(getClass()), "Failed to detect target folder").toPath();
return targetFolder;
protected Path detectSourcesFolder() throws IllegalStateException {
Path target = detectTargetFolder();
Path parent = target.getParent();
return parent.resolve("src");
protected Path getClassResourcesFolder(String resType /* test or main */) {
return getClassResourcesFolder(resType, getClass());
protected Path getClassResourcesFolder(String resType /* test or main */, Class<?> clazz) {
return getPackageResourcesFolder(resType, clazz.getPackage());
protected Path getPackageResourcesFolder(String resType /* test or main */, Package pkg) {
return getPackageResourcesFolder(resType, pkg.getName());
protected Path getPackageResourcesFolder(String resType /* test or main */, String pkgName) {
Path src = detectSourcesFolder();
Path root = src.resolve(resType);
Path resources = root.resolve(RESOURCES_SUBFOLDER);
return resources.resolve(pkgName.replace('.', File.separatorChar));
/* ------------------- Useful extra test helpers ---------------------- */
public static String shuffleCase(CharSequence cs) {
if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(cs)) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(cs.length());
for (int index = 0; index < cs.length(); index++) {
char ch = cs.charAt(index);
double v = Math.random();
if (, 0.3d) < 0) {
ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch);
} else if ((, 0.3d) >= 0) && (, 0.6d) < 0)) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
return sb.toString();
public static String repeat(CharSequence csq, int nTimes) {
if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(csq) || (nTimes <= 0)) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nTimes * csq.length());
for (int index = 0; index < nTimes; index++) {
return sb.toString();
public static List<Object[]> parameterize(Collection<?> params) {
if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(params)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(params.size());
for (Object p : params) {
result.add(new Object[]{p});
return result;
/* ----------------------- Useful extra assertions --------------------- */
public static void assertEquals(String message, boolean expected, boolean actual) {
assertEquals(message, Boolean.valueOf(expected), Boolean.valueOf(actual));
public static <T> void assertEquals(String message, Iterable<? extends T> expected, Iterable<? extends T> actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
assertEquals(message, expected.iterator(), actual.iterator());
public static <T> void assertEquals(String message, Iterator<? extends T> expected, Iterator<? extends T> actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
for (int index = 0; expected.hasNext(); index++) {
assertTrue(message + "[next actual index=" + index + "]", actual.hasNext());
T expValue =;
T actValue =;
assertEquals(message + "[iterator index=" + index + "]", expValue, actValue);
// once expected is exhausted make sure no more actual items left
assertFalse(message + "[non-empty-actual]", actual.hasNext());
public static Path assertHierarchyTargetFolderExists(Path folder, LinkOption... options) throws IOException {
if (Files.exists(folder, options)) {
assertTrue("Target is an existing file instead of a folder: " + folder, Files.isDirectory(folder, options));
} else {
return folder;
public static void assertFileContentsEquals(String prefix, Path expected, Path actual) throws IOException {
long cmpSize = Files.size(expected);
assertEquals(prefix + ": Mismatched file size", cmpSize, Files.size(expected));
try (InputStream expStream = Files.newInputStream(expected);
InputStream actStream = Files.newInputStream(actual)) {
byte[] expData = new byte[IoUtils.DEFAULT_COPY_SIZE];
byte[] actData = new byte[expData.length];
for (long offset = 0L; offset < cmpSize;) {
Arrays.fill(expData, (byte) 0);
int expLen =;
Arrays.fill(actData, (byte) 0);
int actLen =;
assertEquals(prefix + ": Mismatched read size at offset=" + offset, expLen, actLen);
assertArrayEquals(prefix + ": Mismatched data at offset=" + offset, expData, actData);
offset += expLen;
public static File assertHierarchyTargetFolderExists(File folder) {
if (folder.exists()) {
assertTrue("Target is an existing file instead of a folder: " + folder.getAbsolutePath(), folder.isDirectory());
} else {
assertTrue("Failed to create hierarchy of " + folder.getAbsolutePath(), folder.mkdirs());
return folder;
public static void assertObjectInstanceOf(String message, Class<?> expected, Object obj) {
assertNotNull(message + " - no actual object", obj);
Class<?> actual = obj.getClass();
if (!expected.isAssignableFrom(actual)) {
fail(message + " - actual object type (" + actual.getName() + ") incompatible with expected (" + expected.getName() + ")");
public static <E> void assertListEquals(String message, List<? extends E> expected, List<? extends E> actual) {
int expSize = GenericUtils.size(expected);
int actSize = GenericUtils.size(actual);
assertEquals(message + "[size]", expSize, actSize);
for (int index = 0; index < expSize; index++) {
E expValue = expected.get(index);
E actValue = actual.get(index);
assertEquals(message + "[" + index + "]", expValue, actValue);
public static <K, V> void assertMapEquals(String message, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> expected, Map<? super K, ? extends V> actual) {
int numItems = GenericUtils.size(expected);
assertEquals(message + "[size]", numItems, GenericUtils.size(actual));
if (numItems > 0) {
for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> ee : expected.entrySet()) {
K key = ee.getKey();
V expValue = ee.getValue();
V actValue = actual.get(key);
assertEquals(message + "[" + key + "]", expValue, actValue);
public static void assertKeyPairEquals(String message, KeyPair expected, KeyPair actual) {
assertKeyEquals(message + "[public]", expected.getPublic(), actual.getPublic());
assertKeyEquals(message + "[private]", expected.getPrivate(), actual.getPrivate());
public static <T extends Key> void assertKeyEquals(String message, T expected, T actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[algorithm]", expected.getAlgorithm(), actual.getAlgorithm());
if (expected instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
assertRSAPublicKeyEquals(message, RSAPublicKey.class.cast(expected), RSAPublicKey.class.cast(actual));
} else if (expected instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
assertDSAPublicKeyEquals(message, DSAPublicKey.class.cast(expected), DSAPublicKey.class.cast(actual));
} else if (expected instanceof ECPublicKey) {
assertECPublicKeyEquals(message, ECPublicKey.class.cast(expected), ECPublicKey.class.cast(actual));
} else if (expected instanceof RSAPrivateKey) {
assertRSAPrivateKeyEquals(message, RSAPrivateKey.class.cast(expected), RSAPrivateKey.class.cast(actual));
} else if (expected instanceof ECPrivateKey) {
assertECPrivateKeyEquals(message, ECPrivateKey.class.cast(expected), ECPrivateKey.class.cast(actual));
assertArrayEquals(message + "[encdoded-data]", expected.getEncoded(), actual.getEncoded());
public static void assertRSAPublicKeyEquals(String message, RSAPublicKey expected, RSAPublicKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[e]", expected.getPublicExponent(), actual.getPublicExponent());
assertEquals(message + "[n]", expected.getModulus(), actual.getModulus());
public static void assertDSAPublicKeyEquals(String message, DSAPublicKey expected, DSAPublicKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[y]", expected.getY(), actual.getY());
assertDSAParamsEquals(message + "[params]", expected.getParams(), actual.getParams());
public static void assertECPublicKeyEquals(String message, ECPublicKey expected, ECPublicKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertECPointEquals(message + "[W]", expected.getW(), actual.getW());
assertECParameterSpecEquals(message, expected, actual);
public static void assertRSAPrivateKeyEquals(String message, RSAPrivateKey expected, RSAPrivateKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[d]", expected.getPrivateExponent(), actual.getPrivateExponent());
assertEquals(message + "[n]", expected.getModulus(), actual.getModulus());
public static void assertDSAPrivateKeyEquals(String message, DSAPrivateKey expected, DSAPrivateKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[x]", expected.getX(), actual.getX());
assertDSAParamsEquals(message + "[params]", expected.getParams(), actual.getParams());
public static void assertDSAParamsEquals(String message, DSAParams expected, DSAParams actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[g]", expected.getG(), actual.getG());
assertEquals(message + "[p]", expected.getP(), actual.getP());
assertEquals(message + "[q]", expected.getQ(), actual.getQ());
public static void assertECPrivateKeyEquals(String message, ECPrivateKey expected, ECPrivateKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[S]", expected.getS(), actual.getS());
assertECParameterSpecEquals(message, expected, actual);
public static void assertECParameterSpecEquals(String message, ECKey expected, ECKey actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertECParameterSpecEquals(message, expected.getParams(), actual.getParams());
public static void assertECParameterSpecEquals(String message, ECParameterSpec expected, ECParameterSpec actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[order]", expected.getOrder(), actual.getOrder());
assertEquals(message + "[cofactor]", expected.getCofactor(), actual.getCofactor());
assertECPointEquals(message + "[generator]", expected.getGenerator(), actual.getGenerator());
assertCurveEquals(message + "[curve]", expected.getCurve(), actual.getCurve());
public static void assertCurveEquals(String message, EllipticCurve expected, EllipticCurve actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[A]", expected.getA(), actual.getA());
assertEquals(message + "[B]", expected.getB(), actual.getB());
assertArrayEquals(message + "[seed]", expected.getSeed(), actual.getSeed());
assertECFieldEquals(message + "[field]", expected.getField(), actual.getField());
public static void assertECFieldEquals(String message, ECField expected, ECField actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[size]", expected.getFieldSize(), actual.getFieldSize());
public static void assertECPointEquals(String message, ECPoint expected, ECPoint actual) {
if (expected == actual) {
assertEquals(message + "[x]", expected.getAffineX(), actual.getAffineX());
assertEquals(message + "[y]", expected.getAffineY(), actual.getAffineY());
public static void assertFileLength(File file, long length, long timeout) throws Exception {
assertFileLength(file.toPath(), length, timeout);
* Waits the specified timeout for the file to exist and have the required length
* @param file The file {@link Path} to check
* @param length Expected length
* @param timeout Timeout (msec.) to wait for satisfying the requirements
* @throws Exception If failed to access the file
public static void assertFileLength(Path file, long length, long timeout) throws Exception {
if (waitForFile(file, length, timeout)) {
assertTrue("File not found: " + file, Files.exists(file));
assertEquals("Mismatched file size for " + file, length, Files.size(file));
public static boolean waitForFile(Path file, long length, long timeout) throws Exception {
while (timeout > 0L) {
long sleepTime = Math.min(timeout, 100L);
if (Files.exists(file) && (Files.size(file) == length)) {
return true;
long sleepStart = System.nanoTime();
long sleepEnd = System.nanoTime();
long nanoSleep = sleepEnd - sleepStart;
sleepTime = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(nanoSleep);
timeout -= sleepTime;
return false;
public static void outputDebugMessage(String format, Object ... args) {
outputDebugMessage(String.format(format, args));
public static void outputDebugMessage(Object message) {
System.out.append("===[DEBUG]=== ").println(message);