blob: 6acd72363743df8aca57da774f7ff5b288b3c4a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <process/address.hpp>
#include <stout/result.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/slave/containerizer.hpp>
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
namespace containerizer {
namespace paths {
// The containerizer uses the runtime directory to checkpoint things
// for each container, like the PID of the first process executed
// within a container (i.e., the "PID 1") or the LaunchInfo associated
// with the given container.
// The file system layout is as follows:
// root ('--runtime_dir' flag)
// |-- containers
// |-- <container_id>
// |-- config
// |-- containers
// | |-- <container_id>
// | | |-- <more nesting of containers>
// | |-- pid
// | |-- ...
// |-- devices
// |-- force_destroy_on_recovery
// |-- io_switchboard
// | |-- pid
// | |-- socket
// |-- launch_info
// |-- mnt
// | |-- host_proc
// |-- pid
// |-- shm
// |-- standalone.marker
// |-- status
// |-- termination
constexpr char PID_FILE[] = "pid";
constexpr char CONTAINER_CONFIG_FILE[] = "config";
constexpr char STATUS_FILE[] = "status";
constexpr char TERMINATION_FILE[] = "termination";
constexpr char SOCKET_FILE[] = "socket";
constexpr char FORCE_DESTROY_ON_RECOVERY_FILE[] = "force_destroy_on_recovery";
constexpr char IO_SWITCHBOARD_DIRECTORY[] = "io_switchboard";
constexpr char MNT_DIRECTORY[] = "mnt";
constexpr char MNT_HOST_PROC[] = "host_proc";
constexpr char CONTAINER_DIRECTORY[] = "containers";
constexpr char CONTAINER_DEVICES_DIRECTORY[] = "devices";
constexpr char CONTAINER_LAUNCH_INFO_FILE[] = "launch_info";
constexpr char STANDALONE_MARKER_FILE[] = "standalone.marker";
constexpr char CONTAINER_SHM_DIRECTORY[] = "shm";
constexpr char AGENT_SHM_DIRECTORY[] = "/dev/shm";
constexpr char SECRET_DIRECTORY[] = ".secret";
enum Mode
// Returns a path representation of a ContainerID that can be used for
// creating cgroups or writing to the filesystem. A ContainerID can
// represent a nested container (i.e, it has a parent ContainerID) and
// the path representation includes all of the parents as directories
// in the path. Depending on the 'mode', the result can be the
// following for a nested container 'xxx.yyy':
// 1) mode == PREFIX: '<separator>/xxx/<separator>/yyy'
// 2) mode == SUFFIX: 'xxx/<separator>/yyy/<separator>'
// 3) mode == JOIN: 'xxx/<separator>/yyy'
std::string buildPath(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const std::string& separator,
const Mode& mode);
// The following helper function constructs the path
// for a container given the 'runtimeDir' that was
// used as well as the container `containerId`.
std::string getRuntimePath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// Given a `runtimeDir`, construct a unique directory to stage
// per-container device nodes. This directory is initially created
// and populated by the `filesystem/linux` isolator. Any subsequent
// isolators may add devices to this directory and bind mount them
// into the container.
std::string getContainerDevicesPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to read the pid file.
Result<pid_t> getContainerPid(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to read the status file.
Result<int> getContainerStatus(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
// The helper method to get the io switchboard directory path.
std::string getContainerIOSwitchboardPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the io switchboard pid file path.
std::string getContainerIOSwitchboardPidPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the io switchboard pid.
Result<pid_t> getContainerIOSwitchboardPid(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the socket file path.
std::string getContainerIOSwitchboardSocketPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the io switchboard provisional socket path,
// see comment in IOSwitchboardServer::create().
std::string getContainerIOSwitchboardSocketProvisionalPath(
const std::string& socketPath);
// The helper method to get the io switchboard provisional socket path,
// see comment in IOSwitchboardServer::create().
std::string getContainerIOSwitchboardSocketProvisionalPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to read the io switchboard socket file.
Result<process::network::unix::Address> getContainerIOSwitchboardAddress(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the host proc mount point path.
std::string getHostProcMountPointPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the destroy on recovery file path.
std::string getContainerForceDestroyOnRecoveryPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to check if we should
// destroy a container on recovery or not.
bool getContainerForceDestroyOnRecovery(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to read the container termination state.
Result<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination> getContainerTermination(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the standalone container marker path.
std::string getStandaloneContainerMarkerPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to check if the given container is a standalone
// container or not. This is determined by the existence (or not) of
// a marker file in the container's runtime metadata directory.
bool isStandaloneContainer(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to read the launch config of the contaienr.
Result<mesos::slave::ContainerConfig> getContainerConfig(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to list all container IDs (including nested
// containers) from the container runtime directory. The order of
// returned vector is a result of pre-ordering walk (i.e., parent
// is inserted before its children).
Try<std::vector<ContainerID>> getContainerIds(
const std::string& runtimeDir);
// The helper method to get the container launch information path.
std::string getContainerLaunchInfoPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the container launch information
// at the moment it was launched.
Result<mesos::slave::ContainerLaunchInfo> getContainerLaunchInfo(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method to get the sandbox path.
std::string getSandboxPath(
const std::string& rootSandboxPath,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// The helper method parses a given 'path' and returns the container
// ID of the container whose sandbox contains 'path'.
Try<ContainerID> parseSandboxPath(
const ContainerID& rootContainerId,
const std::string& rootSandboxPath,
const std::string& path);
std::string getContainerShmPath(
const std::string& runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
Try<std::string> getParentShmPath(
const std::string runtimeDir,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// Helper for determining the cgroup for a container (i.e., the path
// in a cgroup subsystem).
std::string getCgroupPath(
const std::string& cgroupsRoot,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// Helper for parsing the cgroup path to determine the container ID
// it belongs to.
Option<ContainerID> parseCgroupPath(
const std::string& cgroupsRoot,
const std::string& cgroup);
// All cgroups v2 paths are either leaf or non-leaf paths. Leaf paths end
// in `/leaf`, contain processes, and may impose resource constraints. Non-leaf
// paths do not contain processes and may impose resource constraints.
// This is done to avoid the restrictions of the "Internal Process Contraint".
// More information:
// The cgroup2 file system has the structure:
// <MOUNT>/<root>/agent Mesos Agent constraints
// <MOUNT>/<root>/agent/leaf Mesos Agent process
// <MOUNT>/<root>/<id> Container constraints
// <MOUNT>/<root>/<id>/leaf Container process
// <MOUNT>/<root>/<id>/mesos/<id2> Nested container constraints
// <MOUNT>/<root>/<id>/mesos/<id2>/leaf Nested container process
// For every new level of nesting, `/mesos/<idN>` is added to the path.
// <root> Value of the `cgroups_root` flag.
// <MOUNT> /sys/fs/cgroup, where the cgroup2 hierarchy is mounted.
namespace cgroups2 {
// Path to the Mesos Agent's cgroup.
// `root` is the value of the `cgroups_root` flag.
std::string agent(const std::string& root, bool leaf = false);
// Path to a container's cgroup.
// `root` is the value of the `cgroups_root` flag.
std::string container(
const std::string& root,
const ContainerID& containerId,
bool leaf = false);
// Get a containerId from a container's cgroup.
// Inverse of `cgroups2::container(root, id)`.
// Leaf paths (which end in `/leaf`) and non-leaf paths will resolve to the
// same container id.
Option<ContainerID> containerId(
const std::string& root,
const std::string& cgroup);
} // namespace cgroups2 {
} // namespace paths {
} // namespace containerizer {
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {