blob: 691fdfe295850bce1302b4adde127d551f821b89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/resources.hpp>
#include <mesos/secret/resolver.hpp>
#include <mesos/slave/containerizer.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/http.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
#include "common/future_tracker.hpp"
#include "slave/csi_server.hpp"
#include "slave/gc.hpp"
#include "slave/volume_gid_manager/volume_gid_manager.hpp"
#include "slave/containerizer/fetcher.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
// Forward declaration.
class Slave;
class Flags;
namespace state {
// Forward declaration.
struct SlaveState;
} // namespace state {
// An abstraction of a Containerizer that will contain an executor and
// its tasks.
class Containerizer
enum class LaunchResult {
// Attempts to create a containerizer as specified by 'isolation' in
// flags.
static Try<Containerizer*> create(
const Flags& flags,
bool local,
Fetcher* fetcher,
GarbageCollector* gc,
SecretResolver* secretResolver = nullptr,
VolumeGidManager* volumeGidManager = nullptr,
PendingFutureTracker* futureTracker = nullptr,
CSIServer* csiServer = nullptr);
// Determine slave resources from flags, probing the system or
// querying a delegate.
// TODO(idownes): Consider making this non-static and moving to
// containerizer implementations to enable a containerizer to best
// determine the resources, particularly if containerizeration is
// delegated.
static Try<Resources> resources(const Flags& flags);
virtual ~Containerizer() {}
// Recover all containerized executors specified in state. Any
// containerized executors present on the system but not included in
// state (or state is None) will be terminated and cleaned up.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> recover(
const Option<state::SlaveState>& state) = 0;
// Launch a container with the specified ContainerConfig.
// If the ContainerID has a parent, this will attempt to launch
// a nested container.
// NOTE: For nested containers, the required `directory` field of
// the ContainerConfig will be determined by the containerizer.
virtual process::Future<LaunchResult> launch(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& containerConfig,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& environment,
const Option<std::string>& pidCheckpointPath) = 0;
// Create an HTTP connection that can be used to "attach" (i.e.,
// stream input to or stream output from) a container.
virtual process::Future<process::http::Connection> attach(
const ContainerID& containerId)
return process::Failure("Unsupported");
// Update the resources for a container.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Resources& resourceRequests,
const google::protobuf::Map<
std::string, Value::Scalar>& resourceLimits = {}) = 0;
// Get resource usage statistics on the container.
virtual process::Future<ResourceStatistics> usage(
const ContainerID& containerId) = 0;
// Retrieve the run-time state of various isolator properties
// associated with the container. Unlike other methods in this class
// we are not making this pure virtual, since a `Containerizer`
// doesn't necessarily need to return the status of a container.
virtual process::Future<ContainerStatus> status(
const ContainerID &containerId)
return ContainerStatus();
// Wait on the 'ContainerTermination'. If the executor terminates,
// the containerizer should also destroy the containerized context.
// The future may be failed if an error occurs during termination of
// the executor or destruction of the container.
// Returns `None` if the container cannot be found.
// NOTE: For terminated nested containers, whose parent container is
// still running, the checkpointed `ContainerTermination` must be returned.
virtual process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> wait(
const ContainerID& containerId) = 0;
// Destroy a starting or running container, killing all processes and
// releasing all resources. Returns the same result as `wait()` method,
// therefore calling `wait()` right before `destroy()` is not required.
virtual process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId) = 0;
// Sends a signal to a running container. Returns false when the container
// cannot be found. The future may be failed if an error occurs in sending
// the signal to the running container.
virtual process::Future<bool> kill(
const ContainerID& containerId,
int signal)
return process::Failure("Unsupported");
virtual process::Future<hashset<ContainerID>> containers() = 0;
// Remove a nested container, including its sandbox and runtime directories.
// NOTE: You can only remove a a nested container that has been fully
// destroyed and whose parent has not been destroyed yet. If the parent has
// already been destroyed, then the sandbox and runtime directories will be
// eventually garbage collected. The caller is responsible for ensuring that
// `containerId` belongs to a nested container.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> remove(const ContainerID& containerId)
return process::Failure("Unsupported");
// Prune unused images from supported image stores.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> pruneImages(
const std::vector<Image>& excludedImages) = 0;
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {