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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef __CGROUPS_HPP__
#define __CGROUPS_HPP__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/timeout.hpp>
#include <stout/bytes.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
namespace cgroups {
// Suggested timeout for use with the convenience version of
// cgroups::destroy(); it is not a default timeout and must be
// explicitly specified.
const Duration DESTROY_TIMEOUT = Seconds(60);
// Freezing a cgroup may get stuck (see MESOS-1689 for details). To
// workaround, we may want to thaw the cgroup and retry freezing it.
// This is the suggested retry interval.
const Duration FREEZE_RETRY_INTERVAL = Seconds(10);
// Default number of assign attempts when moving threads to a cgroup.
const unsigned int THREAD_ASSIGN_RETRIES = 100;
// We use the following notations throughout the cgroups code. The notations
// here are derived from the kernel documentation. More details can be found in
// <kernel-source>/Documentation/cgroups/cgroups.txt.
// Hierarchy - A hierarchy contains a set of cgroups arranged in a tree such
// that every task in the system is in exactly one of the cgroups
// in the hierarchy. One or more subsystems can be attached to a
// hierarchy.
// Subsystem - A subsystem (e.g. cpu, memory, cpuset, etc) in the kernel. Each
// subsystem can be attached to only one hierarchy.
// Cgroup - A cgroup is just a set of tasks with a set of controls for one
// or more subsystems.
// Control - A control file in a cgroup (e.g. tasks, cpu.shares).
// TODO(idownes): Rework all functions in this file to better support
// separately mounted subsystems.
// Prepare a hierarchy which has the specified subsystem (and only that
// subsystem) mounted and also has the specified cgroup created. Returns the
// hierarchy. Checks are made to ensure that cgroups are supported and that
// nested cgroups can be created.
Try<std::string> prepare(
const std::string& baseHierarchy,
const std::string& subsystem,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Check whether cgroups module is enabled on the current machine.
// @return True if cgroups module is enabled.
// False if cgroups module is not available.
bool enabled();
// Return the currently active hierarchies.
// @return A set of active hierarchy paths (e.g., '/cgroup').
// Error if unexpected happens.
Try<std::set<std::string>> hierarchies();
// Get an already mounted hierarchy that has 'subsystems' attached.
// This function will return an error if we are unable to find the
// hierarchies or if we are unable to find if the subsystems are
// mounted at a given hierarchy.
// @param subsystems Comma-separated subsystem names.
// @return Path to the hierarchy root, if a hierarchy with all the
// given subsystems mounted exists.
// None, if no such hierarchy exists.
// Error, if the operation fails.
Result<std::string> hierarchy(const std::string& subsystems);
// Check whether all the given subsystems are enabled on the current machine.
// @param subsystems Comma-separated subsystem names.
// @return True if all the given subsystems are enabled.
// False if any of the given subsystems is not enabled.
// Error if something unexpected happens.
Try<bool> enabled(const std::string& subsystems);
// Return true if any of the given subsystems is currently attached to a
// hierarchy.
// @param subsystems Comma-separated subsystem names.
// @return True if any of the given subsystems is being attached.
// False if non of the given subsystems is being attached.
// Error if something unexpected happens.
Try<bool> busy(const std::string& subsystems);
// Return the currently enabled subsystems.
// @return A set of enabled subsystem names if succeeds.
// Error if unexpected happens.
Try<std::set<std::string>> subsystems();
// Return a set of subsystems that are attached to a given hierarchy. An error
// will be returned if the given hierarchy is not currently mounted with a
// cgroups virtual file system. As a result, this function can be used to check
// whether a hierarchy is indeed a cgroups hierarchy root.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @return A set of attached subsystem names.
// Error otherwise, (e.g., hierarchy does not exist or is not mounted).
Try<std::set<std::string>> subsystems(const std::string& hierarchy);
// Mount a cgroups hierarchy and attach the given subsystems to
// it. This function will return error if the path given for the
// hierarchy already exists. Also, the function will return error if
// a subsystem in the given subsystem list has already been attached
// to another hierarchy. On success, the cgroups virtual file system
// will be mounted with the proper subsystems attached. On failure,
// mount will be retried the specified number of times.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param subsystems Comma-separated subsystem names.
// @param retry Number of times to retry mount.
// @return Some if the operation succeeds.
// Error if the operation fails.
Try<Nothing> mount(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& subsystems,
int retry = 0);
// Unmount a hierarchy and remove the directory associated with
// it. This function will return error if the given hierarchy is not
// valid. Also, it will return error if the given hierarchy has
// any cgroups.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @return Some if the operation succeeds.
// Error if the operation fails.
Try<Nothing> unmount(const std::string& hierarchy);
// Returns true if the given hierarchy root is mounted as a cgroups
// virtual file system with the specified subsystems attached.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @return True if the given directory is a hierarchy root and all of the
// specified subsystems are attached.
// False if the directory is not a hierarchy (or doesn't exist)
// or some of the specified subsystems are not attached.
// Error if the operation fails.
Try<bool> mounted(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& subsystems = "");
// Create a cgroup under a given hierarchy. This function will return error if
// the given hierarchy is not valid.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param recursive Will create nested cgroups
// @return Some if the operation succeeds.
// Error if the operation fails.
Try<Nothing> create(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
bool recursive = false);
// Remove a cgroup under a given hierarchy. This function will return error if
// the given hierarchy or the given cgroup is not valid. The cgroup will NOT be
// removed recursively. In other words, if the cgroup has sub-cgroups inside,
// the function will return error. Also, if any process is attached to the
// given cgroup, the removal operation will also fail.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
Try<Nothing> remove(const std::string& hierarchy, const std::string& cgroup);
// Returns true if the given cgroup under a given hierarchy exists.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @return True if the cgroup exists.
// False if the cgroup does not exist.
// Error if the operation fails (i.e., hierarchy is not mounted).
Try<bool> exists(const std::string& hierarchy, const std::string& cgroup);
// Return all the cgroups under the given cgroup of a given hierarchy. By
// default, it returns all the cgroups under the given hierarchy. This function
// will return error if the given hierarchy is not mounted or the cgroup does
// not exist. We use a post-order walk here to ease the removal of cgroups.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @return A vector of cgroup names.
Try<std::vector<std::string>> get(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup = "/");
// Send the specified signal to all process in a cgroup.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param signal The signal to send to all tasks within the cgroup.
// @return Some on success.
// Error if something unexpected happens.
Try<Nothing> kill(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
int signal);
// Read a control file. Control files are used to monitor and control cgroups.
// This function will verify all the parameters. If the given hierarchy is not
// properly mounted with appropriate subsystems, or the given cgroup is not
// valid, or the given control file is not valid, the function will return
// error.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param control Name of the control file.
// @return The value read from the control file.
Try<std::string> read(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const std::string& control);
// Write a control file. Parameter checking is similar to read.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param control Name of the control file.
// @param value Value to be written.
// @return Some if the operation succeeds.
// Error if the operation fails.
Try<Nothing> write(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const std::string& control,
const std::string& value);
// Check whether a control file is valid under a given cgroup and a given
// hierarchy. This function will return error if the given hierarchy is not
// properly mounted with appropriate subsystems, or the given cgroup does not
// exist, or the control file does not exist.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param control Name of the control file.
// @return Some if the check succeeds.
// Error if the check fails.
Try<bool> exists(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const std::string& control);
// Return the set of process IDs in a given cgroup under a given hierarchy. It
// will return error if the given hierarchy or the given cgroup is not valid.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @return The set of process ids.
Try<std::set<pid_t>> processes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Return the set of thread IDs in a given cgroup under a given hierarchy. It
// will return error if the given hierarchy or the given cgroup is not valid.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @return The set of thread ids.
Try<std::set<pid_t>> threads(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Assign a given process specified by its pid to a given cgroup. All threads
// in the pid's threadgroup will also be moved to the cgroup. This function
// will return error if the given hierarchy or the given cgroup is not valid.
// Also, it will return error if the pid has no process associated with it.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param pid The pid of the given process.
// @return Some if the operation succeeds.
// Error if the operation fails.
Try<Nothing> assign(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
pid_t pid);
namespace event {
// Listen on an event notifier and return a future which will become ready when
// the certain event happens. This function will return a future failure if some
// expected happens (e.g. the given hierarchy does not have the proper
// subsystems attached).
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param control Name of the control file.
// @param args Control specific arguments.
// @return A future which contains the value read from the file when ready.
// Error if something unexpected happens.
process::Future<uint64_t> listen(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const std::string& control,
const Option<std::string>& args = Option<std::string>::none());
} // namespace event {
// Destroy a cgroup under a given hierarchy. It will also recursively
// destroy any sub-cgroups. If the freezer subsystem is attached to
// the hierarchy, we attempt to kill all tasks in a given cgroup,
// before removing it. Otherwise, we just attempt to remove the
// cgroup. This function will return an error if the given hierarchy
// or the given cgroup does not exist or if we failed to destroy any
// of the cgroups.
// NOTE: If cgroup is "/" (default), all cgroups under the
// hierarchy are destroyed.
// TODO(vinod): Add support for killing tasks when freezer subsystem
// is not present.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @return A future which will become ready when the operation is done.
// Error if something unexpected happens.
process::Future<Nothing> destroy(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup = "/");
// Destroy a cgroup under a given hierarchy. This is a convenience
// function which wraps the cgroups::destroy() to add a timeout: if
// the cgroup(s) cannot be destroyed after timeout the operation will
// be discarded.
process::Future<Nothing> destroy(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const Duration& timeout);
// Cleanup the hierarchy, by first destroying all the underlying
// cgroups, unmounting the hierarchy and deleting the mount point.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @return A future which will become ready when the operation is done.
// Error if something unexpected happens.
process::Future<bool> cleanup(const std::string& hierarchy);
// Returns the stat information from the given file.
// @param hierarchy Path to the hierarchy root.
// @param cgroup Path to the cgroup relative to the hierarchy root.
// @param file The stat file to read from. (Ex: "memory.stat").
// @return The stat information parsed from the file.
// Error if reading or parsing fails.
// TODO(bmahler): Consider namespacing stat for each subsystem (e.g.
// cgroups::memory::stat and cgroups::cpuacct::stat).
Try<hashmap<std::string, uint64_t>> stat(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const std::string& file);
// Cpu controls.
namespace cpu {
// Returns the cgroup that the specified pid is a member of within the
// hierarchy that the 'cpu' subsytem is mounted or None if the
// subsystem is not mounted or the pid is not a member of a cgroup.
Result<std::string> cgroup(pid_t pid);
// Sets the cpu shares using cpu.shares.
Try<Nothing> shares(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
uint64_t shares);
// Returns the cpu shares from cpu.shares.
Try<uint64_t> shares(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Sets the cfs period using cpu.cfs_period_us.
Try<Nothing> cfs_period_us(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const Duration& duration);
// Returns the cfs quota from cpu.cfs_quota_us.
Try<Duration> cfs_quota_us(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Sets the cfs quota using cpu.cfs_quota_us.
Try<Nothing> cfs_quota_us(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const Duration& duration);
} // namespace cpu {
// Cpuacct subsystem.
namespace cpuacct {
// Returns the cgroup that the specified pid is a member of within the
// hierarchy that the 'cpuacct' subsytem is mounted or None if the
// subsystem is not mounted or the pid is not a member of a cgroup.
// @param pid process id for which cgroup is queried within the cpuacct
// subsytem.
// @return Some cgroup in case there was a valid cgroup found for the pid.
// Error if there was any error in processing.
Result<std::string> cgroup(pid_t pid);
// Encapsulates the 'stat' information exposed by the cpuacct subsystem.
struct Stats
const Duration user;
const Duration system;
// Returns 'Stats' for a given hierarchy and cgroup.
// @param hierarchy hierarchy for the 'cpuacct' subsystem.
// @param cgroup cgroup for a given process.
// @return Some<Stats> if sucessful.
// Error in case of any error during processing.
Try<Stats> stat(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
} // namespace cpuacct {
// Memory controls.
namespace memory {
// Returns the cgroup that the specified pid is a member of within the
// hierarchy that the 'memory' subsytem is mounted or None if the
// subsystem is not mounted or the pid is not a member of a cgroup.
Result<std::string> cgroup(pid_t pid);
// Returns the memory limit from memory.limit_in_bytes.
Try<Bytes> limit_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Sets the memory limit using memory.limit_in_bytes.
Try<Nothing> limit_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const Bytes& limit);
// Returns the memory limit from memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes. Returns
// none if memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes is not supported (e.g., when
// swap is turned off).
Result<Bytes> memsw_limit_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Sets the memory limit using memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes. Returns
// false if memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes is not supported (e.g., when
// swap is turned off).
Try<bool> memsw_limit_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const Bytes& limit);
// Returns the soft memory limit from memory.soft_limit_in_bytes.
Try<Bytes> soft_limit_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Sets the soft memory limit using memory.soft_limit_in_bytes.
Try<Nothing> soft_limit_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
const Bytes& limit);
// Returns the memory usage from memory.usage_in_bytes.
Try<Bytes> usage_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Returns the memory + swap usage from memory.memsw.usage_in_bytes.
Try<Bytes> memsw_usage_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Returns the max memory usage from memory.max_usage_in_bytes.
Try<Bytes> max_usage_in_bytes(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Out-of-memory (OOM) controls.
namespace oom {
// Listen for an OOM event for the cgroup.
process::Future<Nothing> listen(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// OOM killer controls.
namespace killer {
// Return whether the kernel OOM killer is enabled for the cgroup.
Try<bool> enabled(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Enable the kernel OOM killer for the cgroup. The control file will
// only be written to if necessary.
Try<Nothing> enable(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Disable the kernel OOM killer. The control file will only be
// written to if necessary.
Try<Nothing> disable(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
} // namespace killer {
} // namespace oom {
// Memory pressure counters.
namespace pressure {
enum Level
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, Level level);
// Forward declaration.
class CounterProcess;
// Counter is a primitive to listen on events of a given memory
// pressure level for a cgroup and keep track of the number of
// occurrence of that event. Use the public 'create' function to
// create a new counter; see 'value' for how to use.
class Counter
// Create a memory pressure counter for the given cgroup on the
// specified level.
static Try<process::Owned<Counter>> create(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
Level level);
virtual ~Counter();
// Returns the current accumulated number of occurrences of the
// pressure event. Returns a failure if any error occurs while
// monitoring the pressure events, and any subsequent calls to
// 'value' will return the same failure. In such case, the user
// should consider creating a new Counter.
process::Future<uint64_t> value() const;
Counter(const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup,
Level level);
process::Owned<CounterProcess> process;
} // namespace pressure {
} // namespace memory {
// Freezer controls.
// The freezer can be in one of three states:
// 1. THAWED : No process in the cgroup is frozen.
// 2. FREEZING : Freezing is in progress but not all processes are frozen.
// 3. FROZEN : All processes are frozen.
namespace freezer {
// Freeze all processes in the given cgroup. The cgroup must be in a freezer
// hierarchy. This function will return a future which will become ready when
// all processes have been frozen (cgroup is in the FROZEN state).
process::Future<Nothing> freeze(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
// Thaw all processes in the given cgroup. The cgroup must be in a freezer
// hierarchy. This is a revert operation of freezer::freeze. This function will
// return a future which will become ready when all processes have been thawed
// (cgroup is in the THAWED state).
process::Future<Nothing> thaw(
const std::string& hierarchy,
const std::string& cgroup);
} // namespace freezer {
} // namespace cgroups {
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<cgroups::memory::pressure::Level>
typedef size_t result_type;
typedef cgroups::memory::pressure::Level argument_type;
result_type operator()(const argument_type& level) const
// Use the underlying type of the enum as hash value.
return static_cast<size_t>(level);
} // namespace std {
#endif // __CGROUPS_HPP__