blob: e5d1af24c80c5f3b41e130459e5e715ff0065ab2 [file] [log] [blame]
## Produce a report in xdoc format that shows plugins and their open issues,
## sorted descending by the total number of votes for each plugin.
#set( $jira = $xmlrpc.connect("swizzletester:swizzle","") )
#set( $projects = $jira.getProjects().matches("name", "Maven 2.*Plugin") )
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Maven War Plugin Votes</title>
<author email="">Jason van Zyl</author>
<author email="">John Tolentino</author>
#foreach( $project in $projects )
#set( $url = "${}&status=1&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC&tempMax=100&reset=true&decorator=none" )
#set( $jirarss = $rss.fetch( $url ) )
#set( $project.attributes.totalVotes = $jirarss.issues.sum("votes") )
## keep the issues in case you want them later
#set( $project.attributes.issues = $jirarss.issues )
#foreach( $project in $projects.descending("@totalVotes") )
<section name="$ ($project.attributes.totalVotes Votes)">
<th>Issue Summary</th>
#foreach( $issue in $project.attributes.issues.descending("votes") )