blob: 976a0f569aa341c87b99209717c53a44f8536fb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.maven.shared.release.config;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.maven.model.Scm;
* <p>ReleaseDescriptor interface.</p>
* @author Robert Scholte
public interface ReleaseDescriptor {
* Get if updateDependencies is false, dependencies version won't be updated to the next development version.
* @return boolean
boolean isUpdateDependencies();
* Get whether to use the release profile that adds sources and javadocs to the released artifact, if appropriate.
* If set to true, this will set the property "performRelease" to true.
* @return boolean
boolean isUseReleaseProfile();
* Get whether to use the parent pom version for submodule versions.
* @return boolean
boolean isAutoVersionSubmodules();
* Get whether a SNAPSHOT of the release plugin is allowed.
* @return boolean
boolean isSnapshotReleasePluginAllowed();
* Get the commits must be done by modules or not. Set it to true in case of flat directory structure.
* @return boolean
boolean isCommitByProject();
* Get whether to create a branch instead of do a release.
* @return boolean
boolean isBranchCreation();
* Get whether to update branch POM versions.
* @return boolean
boolean isUpdateBranchVersions();
* Get whether to update working copy POM versions.
* @return boolean
boolean isUpdateWorkingCopyVersions();
* Get whether to suppress a commit of changes to the working copy before a tag or branch is created.
* @return boolean
boolean isSuppressCommitBeforeTagOrBranch();
* Get should timestamped SNAPSHOT dependencies be allowed? Default is to fail when any SNAPSHOT dependency is
* found.
* @return boolean
boolean isAllowTimestampedSnapshots();
* Get whether to update branch versions to SNAPSHOT.
* @return boolean
boolean isUpdateVersionsToSnapshot();
* Get nOTE : currently only implemented with svn scm. Enable a workaround to prevent issue due to svn client &gt;
* 1.5.0 (
* @return boolean
boolean isRemoteTagging();
* Get if the scm provider should sign the tag. NOTE: currently only implemented with git-exe.
* @return boolean true if SCM tag should be signed
boolean isScmSignTags();
* Get if the scm provider should use local checkouts via file://${basedir} instead of doing a clean checkout over
* the network. This is very helpful for releasing large projects!
* @return boolean
boolean isLocalCheckout();
* Get should distributed changes be pushed to the central repository? For many distributed SCMs like Git, a change
* like a commit is only stored in your local copy of the repository. Pushing the change allows your to more easily
* share it with other users.
* @return boolean
boolean isPushChanges();
* Get default version to use for new working copy.
* Some SCMs may require a Work Item or a Task to allow the
* changes to be pushed or delivered.
* This field allows you to specify that Work Item
* or Task. It is optional, and only relevant if pushChanges is true.
* @return String
String getWorkItem();
* Get default version to use for new working copy.
* @return String
String getDefaultDevelopmentVersion();
* Get relative path of the project returned by the checkout command.
* @return String
String getScmRelativePathProjectDirectory();
* Get the directory where the tag will be checked out.
* @return String
String getCheckoutDirectory();
* Get the goals to execute in perform phase for the release.
* @return String
String getPerformGoals();
* Get default version to use for the tagged release or the new branch.
* @return String
String getDefaultReleaseVersion();
* Get nOTE : currently only implemented with svn scm. It contains the revision of the committed released pom to
* remotely tag the source code with this revision.
* @return String
String getScmReleasedPomRevision();
* Get whether to add the model schema to the top of the rewritten POM if it wasn't there already. If
* <code>false</code> then the root element will remain untouched.
* @return boolean
boolean isAddSchema();
* Get whether to generate release POMs.
* @return boolean
boolean isGenerateReleasePoms();
* Get whether the release process is interactive and the release manager should be prompted to confirm values, or
* whether the defaults are used regardless.
* @return boolean
boolean isInteractive();
* Get whether to use edit mode when making SCM modifications. This setting is disregarded if the SCM does not
* support edit mode, or if edit mode is compulsory for the given SCM.
* @return boolean
boolean isScmUseEditMode();
* <p>getActivateProfiles.</p>
* @return list of profiles to activate
List<String> getActivateProfiles();
* Get the last completed phase.
* @return String
String getCompletedPhase();
* Method getCheckModificationExcludes.
* @return List
List<String> getCheckModificationExcludes();
* Get additional arguments to pass to any executed Maven process.
* @return String
String getAdditionalArguments();
* Get the goals to execute in preparation for the release.
* @return String
String getPreparationGoals();
* Get the goals to execute in on completion of preparation for the release.
* @return String
String getCompletionGoals();
* Get the file name of the POM to pass to any executed Maven process.
* @return String
String getPomFileName();
* Get the prefix of SCM modification messages.
* @return String
String getScmCommentPrefix();
* Get whether to use a shallow clone with no history or a full clone containing the full history during the
* release.
* @return boolean
* @since 3.0.0-M6
boolean isScmShallowClone();
* Get the SCM commit comment when setting pom.xml to release.
* @return String
* @since 3.0.0-M1
String getScmReleaseCommitComment();
* Get the SCM commit comment when setting pom.xml back to development.
* @return String
* @since 3.0.0-M1
String getScmDevelopmentCommitComment();
* Get the SCM commit comment when branching.
* @return String
* @since 3.0.0-M1
String getScmBranchCommitComment();
* Get the SCM commit comment when rolling back.
* @return String
* @since 3.0.0-M1
String getScmRollbackCommitComment();
* Get pass phrase for the private key.
* @return String
String getScmPrivateKeyPassPhrase();
* Get the password for the user interacting with the scm.
* @return String
String getScmPassword();
* Get private key for an SSH based SCM repository.
* @return String
String getScmPrivateKey();
* Get tag or branch name: the identifier for the tag/branch. Example: maven-release-plugin-2.0.
* @return String
String getScmReleaseLabel();
* Get where you are going to put your tagged sources Example
* @return String
String getScmTagBase();
* Get where you are going to put your branched sources Example
* @return String
String getScmBranchBase();
* Get the id can be used to get the credentials by the server-id from the settings.xml.
* @return String
String getScmId();
* Get this is a MavenSCM of where you're going to get the sources to make the release with. Example:
* scm:svn:
* @return String
String getScmSourceUrl();
* Get the user name to interact with the scm.
* @return String
String getScmUsername();
* Get wait the specified number of seconds before creating a tag.
* @return int
int getWaitBeforeTagging();
* Get the directory where the release is performed.
* @return String
String getWorkingDirectory();
* Get specifies the format for generating a tag name. Property expansion is used with the optional prefix of
* project, where properties are delimited with @{ and }.
* @return String
String getScmTagNameFormat();
* Get the role-hint for the NamingPolicy implementation used to calculate the project branch and tag names.
* @return String
String getProjectNamingPolicyId();
* Get the role-hint for the VersionPolicy implementation used to calculate the project versions.
* @return String
String getProjectVersionPolicyId();
* Get the (optional) config for the VersionPolicy implementation used to calculate the project versions.
* @return The parsed XML of the provided config (an instance of PlexusConfiguration) or null.
Object getProjectVersionPolicyConfig();
* Get the role-hint for the release Strategy implementation.
* @return String
String getReleaseStrategyId();
* <p>getDependencyOriginalVersion.</p>
* @return {@code String} The original version for the resolved snapshot dependency.
* @param artifactKey the artifact key {@code String}
String getDependencyOriginalVersion(String artifactKey);
* <p>getDependencyReleaseVersion.</p>
* @return {@code String} the release version for the resolved snapshot dependency.
* @param artifactKey the artifact key {@code String}
String getDependencyReleaseVersion(String artifactKey);
* <p>getDependencyDevelopmentVersion.</p>
* @return {@code String} the release version for the resolved snapshot dependency.
* @param artifactKey the artifact key {@code String}
String getDependencyDevelopmentVersion(String artifactKey);
* <p>getProjectOriginalVersion.</p>
* @param projectKey a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @return a {@link java.lang.String} object
String getProjectOriginalVersion(String projectKey);
* <p>getProjectDevelopmentVersion.</p>
* @param projectKey a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @return a {@link java.lang.String} object
String getProjectDevelopmentVersion(String projectKey);
* <p>getProjectReleaseVersion.</p>
* @param key a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @return a {@link java.lang.String} object
String getProjectReleaseVersion(String key);
* <p>getOriginalScmInfo.</p>
* @param projectKey the project key {@code String}
* @return the original {@code Scm} information.
Scm getOriginalScmInfo(String projectKey);
* <p>hasOriginalScmInfo.</p>
* @param projectKey the project key {@code String}
* @return has original Scm info.
boolean hasOriginalScmInfo(String projectKey);
// Modifiable
* <p>addDependencyOriginalVersion.</p>
* @param versionlessKey a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @param string a {@link java.lang.String} object
void addDependencyOriginalVersion(String versionlessKey, String string);
* <p>addDependencyReleaseVersion.</p>
* @param versionlessKey a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @param version a {@link java.lang.String} object
void addDependencyReleaseVersion(String versionlessKey, String version);
* <p>addDependencyDevelopmentVersion.</p>
* @param versionlessKey a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @param version a {@link java.lang.String} object
void addDependencyDevelopmentVersion(String versionlessKey, String version);
* <p>addReleaseVersion.</p>
* @param projectId a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @param nextVersion a {@link java.lang.String} object
void addReleaseVersion(String projectId, String nextVersion);
* <p>addDevelopmentVersion.</p>
* @param projectId a {@link java.lang.String} object
* @param nextVersion a {@link java.lang.String} object
void addDevelopmentVersion(String projectId, String nextVersion);
* <p>setScmReleaseLabel.</p>
* @param tag a {@link java.lang.String} object
void setScmReleaseLabel(String tag);
* <p>setScmReleasedPomRevision.</p>
* @param scmRevision a {@link java.lang.String} object
void setScmReleasedPomRevision(String scmRevision);
* <p>setScmRelativePathProjectDirectory.</p>
* @param scmRelativePathProjectDirectory a {@link java.lang.String} object
void setScmRelativePathProjectDirectory(String scmRelativePathProjectDirectory);
* <p>setScmSourceUrl.</p>
* @param scmUrl a {@link java.lang.String} object
void setScmSourceUrl(String scmUrl);
* Returns whether unresolved SNAPSHOT dependencies should automatically be resolved.
* If this is set, then this specifies the default answer to be used when unresolved SNAPSHOT
* dependencies should automatically be resolved ( 0:All 1:Project Dependencies 2:Plugins
* 3:Reports 4:Extensions ). Possible values are:
* <ul>
* <li>"all" or "0": resolve all kinds of snapshots, ie. project, plugin, report and extension dependencies </li>
* <li>"dependencies" or "1": resolve project dependencies</li>
* <li>"plugins" or "2": resolve plugin dependencis</li>
* <li>"reports" or "3": resolve report dependencies</li>
* <li>"extensions" or "4": resolve extension dependencies</li>
* </ul>
* @return String
String getAutoResolveSnapshots();
* Get the line separator to use in the pom.xml.
* @return String
String getLineSeparator();
* Determines whether the {@code --pin-externals} option in {@code svn copy} command is enabled
* which is new in Subversion 1.9.
* @return boolean
boolean isPinExternals();