blob: bf503221306a5d469ce2faa9ba8a6ff80cc43b9c [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache Maven 3.8.3 Released"
date: '2021-10-04T20:14:30+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-3-8-3
- Maven
- Maven-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the [Apache Maven 3.8.3](
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept
of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation
from a central piece of information.
Maven 3.8.3 is available via
The core release is independent of plugin releases. Further releases of plugins will be made
If you have any questions, please consult:
- the web site:
- the maven-user mailing list:
- the reference documentation:
Release Notes - Maven - Version 3.8.3
* Bugs:
* [MNG-7045]( - Drop CDI API from Maven
* [MNG-7214]( - Bad transitive dependency parent from CDI API
* [MNG-7215]( - [Regression] Maven Site Plugin cannot resolve parent site descriptor without locale
* [MNG-7216]( - Revert MNG-7170
* [MNG-7218]( - [Regression] o.a.m.model.Build.getSourceDirectory() incorrectly returns absolute dir on 3.8.2
* [MNG-7219]( - [Regression] plexus-cipher missing from transitive dependencies
* [MNG-7220]( - [REGRESSION] test-classpath incorrectly resolved
* [MNG-7251]( - Fix threadLocalArtifactsHolder leaking into cloned project
* [MNG-7253]( - Relocation message is never shown
* New Feature:
* [MNG-7164]( - Add constructor MojoExecutionException(Throwable)
* Improvements:
* [MNG-7235]( - Speed improvements when calculating the sorted project graph
* [MNG-7236]( - The DefaultPluginVersionResolver should cache results for the session
* Tasks:
* [MNG-7252]( - Fix warnings issued by dependency:analyze
* [MNG-7254]( - Expand Windows native libraries for Jansi due to JDK-8195129 (workaround)
* Dependency upgrades:
* [MNG-6818]( - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.3.0
* [MNG-6841]( - Upgrade Plexus Interpolation to 1.26
* [MNG-7246]( - Upgrade Plexus Cipher and Sec Dispatcher to 2.0
* [MNG-7250]( - Upgrade Sisu Inject/Plexus to 0.3.5
For more information read
- The Maven Team