blob: 36aa734f562d16bd19424a9388fab04cb6e5954c [file] [log] [blame]
# MAE - Maven App Engine #
Maven App Engine is a wrapper around Apache Maven, which focuses on making it easy to embed Maven and make use of its components inside a third-party application.
## Before You Start ##
Before you can build MAE, you'll need a special variant of Sonatype's Sisu Plexus Container. You can find it here:
To build:
$ git clone
$ cd sisu
$ git fetch origin 2.1.1-selectable
$ git checkout 2.1.1-selectable
$ mvn clean install
## Getting Started ##
The simplest way to use MAE is via the mae-booter. To do this, first add a dependency in your POM to mae-booter:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Then, create a new MAEEmbedder instance, and use it to build a project:
List<String> goals = new ArrayList<String>();
goals.add( "clean" );
goals.add( "install" );
new MAEEmbedderBuilder().build().execute( new MAEExecutionRequest().setGoals( goals ) );
## Using Services ##
You can use allowed Maven components via the ServiceManager. For instance, to resolve an artifact:
MAEEmbedder mae = new MAEEmbedderBuilder().build();
mae.serviceManager().repositorySystem().resolve( artifact );
Or, to build a set of MavenProject instances from POM files:
MAEEmbedder mae = new MAEEmbedderBuilder().build();
ProjectBuildingRequest req = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest()
.setSystemProperties( System.getProperties() )
.setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL )
.setForceUpdate( true )
.setProcessPlugins( false )
.setRepositoryCache( new InternalRepositoryCache() )
.setLocalRepository( mae.serviceManager()
.createLocalRepository( new File( workDir, "local-repository" ) ) );
List<ProjectBuildingResult> results = mae.serviceManager().projectBuilder().build( pomFiles, useReactor, req );
List<MavenProject> projects = new ArrayList<MavenProject>( pomFiles.size() );
for ( final ProjectBuildingResult result : results )
projects.add( result.getProject() );