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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.marmotta.commons.vocabulary;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;
* Namespace SPARQL_SD - SparqlServiceDescription.
* @see
public class SPARQL_SD {
public static final String NAMESPACE = "";
public static final String PREFIX = "sd";
* An instance of sd:Aggregate represents an aggregate that may be used in a
* SPARQL aggregate query (for instance in a HAVING clause or SELECT
* expression) besides the standard list of supported aggregates COUNT, SUM,
public static final URI Aggregate;
* sd:BasicFederatedQuery, when used as the object of the sd:feature
* property, indicates that the SPARQL service supports basic federated
* query using the SERVICE keyword as defined by SPARQL 1.1 Federation
* Extensions.
public static final URI BasicFederatedQuery;
* An instance of sd:Dataset represents a RDF Dataset comprised of a default
* graph and zero or more named graphs.
public static final URI Dataset;
* sd:DereferencesURIs, when used as the object of the sd:feature property,
* indicates that a SPARQL service will dereference URIs used in FROM/FROM
* NAMED and USING/USING NAMED clauses and use the resulting RDF in the
* dataset during query evaluation.
public static final URI DereferencesURIs;
* sd:EmptyGraphs, when used as the object of the sd:feature property,
* indicates that the underlying graph store supports empty graphs. A graph
* store that supports empty graphs MUST NOT remove graphs that are left
* empty after triples are removed from them.
public static final URI EmptyGraphs;
* An instance of sd:EntailmentProfile represents a profile of an entailment
* regime. An entailment profile MAY impose restrictions on what constitutes
* valid RDF with respect to entailment.
public static final URI EntailmentProfile;
* An instance of sd:EntailmentRegime represents an entailment regime used
* in basic graph pattern matching (as described by SPARQL 1.1 Query
* Language).
public static final URI EntailmentRegime;
* An instance of sd:Feature represents a feature of a SPARQL service.
* Specific types of features include functions, aggregates, languages, and
* entailment regimes and profiles. This document defines five instances of
* sd:Feature: sd:DereferencesURIs, sd:UnionDefaultGraph,
* sd:RequiresDataset, sd:EmptyGraphs, and sd:BasicFederatedQuery.
public static final URI Feature;
* An instance of sd:Function represents a function that may be used in a
* clause.
public static final URI Function;
* An instance of sd:Graph represents the description of an RDF graph.
public static final URI Graph;
* An instance of sd:GraphCollection represents a collection of zero or more
* named graph descriptions. Each named graph description belonging to an
* sd:GraphCollection MUST be linked with the sd:namedGraph predicate.
public static final URI GraphCollection;
* An instance of sd:Language represents one of the SPARQL languages,
* including specific configurations providing particular features or
* extensions. This document defines three instances of sd:Language:
* sd:SPARQL10Query, sd:SPARQL11Query, and sd:SPARQL11Update.
public static final URI Language;
* An instance of sd:NamedGraph represents a named graph having a name (via
* sd:name) and an optional graph description (via sd:graph).
public static final URI NamedGraph;
* sd:RequiresDataset, when used as the object of the sd:feature property,
* indicates that the SPARQL service requires an explicit dataset
* declaration (based on either FROM/FROM NAMED clauses in a query,
* USING/USING NAMED clauses in an update, or the appropriate SPARQL
* Protocol parameters).
public static final URI RequiresDataset;
* sd:SPARQL10Query is an sd:Language representing the SPARQL 1.0 Query
* language.
public static final URI SPARQL10Query;
* sd:SPARQL11Query is an sd:Language representing the SPARQL 1.1 Query
* language.
public static final URI SPARQL11Query;
* sd:SPARQLUpdate is an sd:Language representing the SPARQL 1.1 Update
* language.
public static final URI SPARQL11Update;
* An instance of sd:Service represents a SPARQL service made available via
* the SPARQL Protocol.
public static final URI Service;
* sd:UnionDefaultGraph, when used as the object of the sd:feature property,
* indicates that the default graph of the dataset used during query and
* update evaluation (when an explicit dataset is not specified) is
* comprised of the union of all the named graphs in that dataset.
public static final URI UnionDefaultGraph;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a description of the graphs which
* are allowed in the construction of a dataset either via the SPARQL
* Protocol, with FROM/FROM NAMED clauses in a query, or with USING/USING
* NAMED in an update request, if the service limits the scope of dataset
* construction.
public static final URI availableGraphs;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a description of the default dataset
* available when no explicit dataset is specified in the query, update
* request or via protocol parameters.
public static final URI defaultDataset;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service with a resource representing an
* entailment regime used for basic graph pattern matching. This property is
* intended for use when a single entailment regime by default applies to
* all graphs in the default dataset of the service. In situations where a
* different entailment regime applies to a specific graph in the dataset,
* the sd:entailmentRegime property should be used to indicate this fact in
* the description of that graph.
public static final URI defaultEntailmentRegime;
* Relates an instance of sd:Dataset to the description of its default
* graph.
public static final URI defaultGraph;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service with a resource representing a
* supported profile of the default entailment regime (as declared by
* sd:defaultEntailmentRegime).
public static final URI defaultSupportedEntailmentProfile;
* The SPARQL endpoint of an sd:Service that implements the SPARQL Protocol
* service. The object of the sd:endpoint property is an IRI.
public static final URI endpoint;
* Relates a named graph description with a resource representing an
* entailment regime used for basic graph pattern matching over that graph.
public static final URI entailmentRegime;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to an aggregate that may be used in a
* SPARQL aggregate query (for instance in a HAVING clause or SELECT
* expression) besides the standard list of supported aggregates COUNT, SUM,
public static final URI extensionAggregate;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a function that may be used in a
* clause.
public static final URI extensionFunction;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service with a resource representing a
* supported feature.
public static final URI feature;
* Relates a named graph to its graph description.
public static final URI graph;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a format that is supported for
* parsing RDF input; for example, via a SPARQL 1.1 Update LOAD statement,
* or when URIs are dereferenced in FROM/FROM NAMED/USING/USING NAMED
* clauses.
public static final URI inputFormat;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a resource representing an
* implemented extension to the SPARQL Query or Update language.
public static final URI languageExtension;
* Relates a named graph to the name by which it may be referenced in a
* FROM/FROM NAMED clause. The object of the sd:name property is an IRI.
public static final URI name;
* Relates an instance of sd:GraphCollection (or its subclass sd:Dataset) to
* the description of one of its named graphs. The description of such a
* named graph MUST include the sd:name property and MAY include the
* sd:graph property.
public static final URI namedGraph;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a resource representing an
* implemented feature that extends the SPARQL Query or Update language and
* that is accessed by using the named property.
public static final URI propertyFeature;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a format that is supported for
* serializing query results.
public static final URI resultFormat;
* Relates a named graph description with a resource representing a
* supported profile of the entailment regime (as declared by
* sd:entailmentRegime) used for basic graph pattern matching over that
* graph.
public static final URI supportedEntailmentProfile;
* Relates an instance of sd:Service to a SPARQL language (e.g. Query and
* Update) that it implements.
public static final URI supportedLanguage;
static {
ValueFactory factory = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance();
Aggregate = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Aggregate");
BasicFederatedQuery = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
Dataset = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Dataset");
DereferencesURIs = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
EmptyGraphs = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "EmptyGraphs");
EntailmentProfile = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
EntailmentRegime = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
Feature = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Feature");
Function = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Function");
Graph = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Graph");
GraphCollection = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
Language = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Language");
NamedGraph = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "NamedGraph");
RequiresDataset = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
SPARQL10Query = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "SPARQL10Query");
SPARQL11Query = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "SPARQL11Query");
SPARQL11Update = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
Service = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "Service");
UnionDefaultGraph = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
availableGraphs = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
defaultDataset = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
defaultEntailmentRegime = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
defaultGraph = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "defaultGraph");
defaultSupportedEntailmentProfile = factory.createURI(
SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "defaultSupportedEntailmentProfile");
endpoint = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "endpoint");
entailmentRegime = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
extensionAggregate = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
extensionFunction = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
feature = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "feature");
graph = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "graph");
inputFormat = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "inputFormat");
languageExtension = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
name = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "name");
namedGraph = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "namedGraph");
propertyFeature = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
resultFormat = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE, "resultFormat");
supportedEntailmentProfile = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,
supportedLanguage = factory.createURI(SPARQL_SD.NAMESPACE,