blob: ad994d6d37f36c18e728fe1d5a8282437d0175f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# The following parameters must be specified
#i|input = /path/to/input
#c|clusters = /path/to/initial/clusters
#o|output = /path/to/output
#m|m = <the coefficient normalization factor > 1.0>
#x|max = <the maximum number of iterations to attempt>
# The following parameters all have default values if not specified
#ow|overwrite = <clear output directory if present>
#dm|distance = <distance measure class name. Default: SquaredEuclideanDistanceMeasure>
#cd|convergenceDelta = <the convergence threshold. Default: 0.5>
#u|numMap <the number of mapper tasks to launch. Default: 10>
#r|numReduce = <the number of reduce tasks to launch. Default: 2>
#cl|clustering = <cluster points if present>
#e|emitMostLikely = <emit most likely cluster if clustering. Default: true>
#t|threshold = <threshold if clustering and not emitMostLikely. Default: 0.0>
#rs|randomSeed =<Value to seed RNG with if set>