blob: 86719316b0a8639558ebfcb2d25aa2bbc45ad427 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package lucy
import "sync"
type indexInt uintptr
type objRegistry struct {
// Use pointer to array to guarantee atomic update for lock-free reads.
// Assume that loads and stores of the pointer are atomic.
entries *[]interface{}
freeListHead indexInt
mutex sync.Mutex
func newObjRegistry(size uintptr) *objRegistry {
entries := make([]interface{}, size)
// Each empty entry points to the index of the next empty entry. Index 0
// is unused. The last slot is seet to a terminating sentry value of 0.
entries[0] = indexInt(0) // unused
for i := uintptr(1); i < size - 1; i++ {
entries[i] = indexInt(i + 1)
entries[size-1] = indexInt(0)
reg := &objRegistry{}
reg.entries = &entries
reg.freeListHead = indexInt(1)
return reg
func (reg *objRegistry) store(obj interface{}) uintptr {
// Find the index of the next empty slot.
index := uintptr(reg.freeListHead)
entries := reg.entries
if (index != 0) {
// A slot is available. It contains the index of the next available
// slot; put that index into the freeListHead.
reg.freeListHead = (*entries)[index].(indexInt)
} else {
// The sentinel value was encountered, indicating that we are out of
// space and must grow the entries array.
// The list head was 0, a slot we don't want to use. Figure out what
// slot we're going to use instead. If the current size of the
// entries array is 8, and will soon be 16, use slot 8.
index = uintptr(len(*entries))
// Duplicate the array and copy in the existing entries data.
newSize := index * 2
newEntries := make([]interface{}, newSize)
copy(newEntries, *entries)
// Set up each new empty slot to point at another new empty slot, up
// to the final slot which will get the sentinel value 0.
for i := index + 1; i < newSize - 1; i++ {
newEntries[i] = indexInt(i + 1)
newEntries[newSize - 1] = indexInt(0)
entries = &newEntries
reg.entries = entries
// Set the freeListHead to one greater than the slot we're using this
// time -- i.e. if the current size is 8, the new size is 16, and the
// slot we use for the supplied value is 8, then the new list head
// will be 9.
reg.freeListHead = indexInt(index + 1)
// Store the supplied value in the slot.
(*entries)[index] = obj
return index
func (reg *objRegistry) fetch(index uintptr) interface{} {
// Ignore an out of range request.
if index >= uintptr(len(*reg.entries)) {
return nil
entry := (*reg.entries)[index]
if _, ok := entry.(indexInt); ok {
// Return nil if the slot is empty.
return nil
return entry
func (reg *objRegistry) delete(index uintptr) {
// Overwrite the value at the supplied index with the freeListHead. For
// example, if you are storing strings and the entries array consists of
// {0, "A", "B", C", 5, 6, 7, 0}, with freeListHead at 4, then deleting
// index 2 (string value "B") will result in the following state:
// {0, "A", 4, "C", 5, 6, 7, 0} and freeListHead at 2.
// Some potential errors are ignored:
// * Index is greater than the size of the array.
// * Slot is empty.
if index < uintptr(len(*reg.entries)) {
_, isIndexInt := (*reg.entries)[index].(indexInt)
if !isIndexInt {
(*reg.entries)[index] = reg.freeListHead
reg.freeListHead = indexInt(index)