blob: 7a4022075c782cd7f0c0949c0c0fbfd372c0ce26 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Codecs;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using Lucene.Net.Util.Packed;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// Buffers up pending byte[] per doc, deref and sorting via
/// int ord, then flushes when segment flushes.
/// </summary>
internal class SortedDocValuesWriter : DocValuesWriter
internal readonly BytesRefHash Hash;
private AppendingDeltaPackedLongBuffer Pending;
private readonly Counter IwBytesUsed;
private long BytesUsed; // this currently only tracks differences in 'pending'
private readonly FieldInfo FieldInfo;
private const int EMPTY_ORD = -1;
public SortedDocValuesWriter(FieldInfo fieldInfo, Counter iwBytesUsed)
this.FieldInfo = fieldInfo;
this.IwBytesUsed = iwBytesUsed;
Hash = new BytesRefHash(new ByteBlockPool(new ByteBlockPool.DirectTrackingAllocator(iwBytesUsed)), BytesRefHash.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, new BytesRefHash.DirectBytesStartArray(BytesRefHash.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, iwBytesUsed));
Pending = new AppendingDeltaPackedLongBuffer(PackedInts.COMPACT);
BytesUsed = Pending.RamBytesUsed();
public virtual void AddValue(int docID, BytesRef value)
if (docID < Pending.Size())
throw new System.ArgumentException("DocValuesField \"" + FieldInfo.Name + "\" appears more than once in this document (only one value is allowed per field)");
if (value == null)
throw new System.ArgumentException("field \"" + FieldInfo.Name + "\": null value not allowed");
if (value.Length > (ByteBlockPool.BYTE_BLOCK_SIZE - 2))
throw new System.ArgumentException("DocValuesField \"" + FieldInfo.Name + "\" is too large, must be <= " + (ByteBlockPool.BYTE_BLOCK_SIZE - 2));
// Fill in any holes:
while (Pending.Size() < docID)
internal override void Finish(int maxDoc)
while (Pending.Size() < maxDoc)
private void AddOneValue(BytesRef value)
int termID = Hash.Add(value);
if (termID < 0)
termID = -termID - 1;
// reserve additional space for each unique value:
// 1. when indexing, when hash is 50% full, rehash() suddenly needs 2*size ints.
// TODO: can this same OOM happen in THPF?
// 2. when flushing, we need 1 int per value (slot in the ordMap).
IwBytesUsed.AddAndGet(2 * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT);
private void UpdateBytesUsed()
long newBytesUsed = Pending.RamBytesUsed();
IwBytesUsed.AddAndGet(newBytesUsed - BytesUsed);
BytesUsed = newBytesUsed;
internal override void Flush(SegmentWriteState state, DocValuesConsumer dvConsumer)
int maxDoc = state.SegmentInfo.DocCount;
Debug.Assert(Pending.Size() == maxDoc);
int valueCount = Hash.Size();
int[] sortedValues = Hash.Sort(BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer);
int[] ordMap = new int[valueCount];
for (int ord = 0; ord < valueCount; ord++)
ordMap[sortedValues[ord]] = ord;
dvConsumer.AddSortedField(FieldInfo, GetBytesRefEnumberable(valueCount, sortedValues),
// doc -> ord
GetOrdsEnumberable(maxDoc, ordMap));
internal override void Abort()
private IEnumerable<BytesRef> GetBytesRefEnumberable(int valueCount, int[] sortedValues)
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i)
var scratch = new BytesRef();
yield return Hash.Get(sortedValues[i], scratch);
private IEnumerable<long?> GetOrdsEnumberable(int maxDoc, int[] ordMap)
AppendingDeltaPackedLongBuffer.Iterator iter = Pending.GetIterator();
for (int i = 0; i < maxDoc; ++i)
int ord = (int)iter.Next();
yield return ord == -1 ? ord : ordMap[ord];
private class IterableAnonymousInnerClassHelper : IEnumerable<BytesRef>
private readonly SortedDocValuesWriter OuterInstance;
private int ValueCount;
private int[] SortedValues;
public IterableAnonymousInnerClassHelper(SortedDocValuesWriter outerInstance, int valueCount, int[] sortedValues)
this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
this.ValueCount = valueCount;
this.SortedValues = sortedValues;
// ord -> value
public virtual IEnumerator<BytesRef> GetEnumerator()
return new ValuesIterator(OuterInstance, SortedValues, ValueCount);
private class IterableAnonymousInnerClassHelper2 : IEnumerable<Number>
private readonly SortedDocValuesWriter OuterInstance;
private int MaxDoc;
private int[] OrdMap;
public IterableAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(SortedDocValuesWriter outerInstance, int maxDoc, int[] ordMap)
this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
this.MaxDoc = maxDoc;
this.OrdMap = ordMap;
public virtual IEnumerator<Number> GetEnumerator()
return new OrdsIterator(OuterInstance, OrdMap, MaxDoc);
public override void Abort()
// iterates over the unique values we have in ram
private class ValuesIterator : IEnumerator<BytesRef>
private readonly SortedDocValuesWriter OuterInstance;
internal readonly int[] SortedValues;
internal readonly BytesRef Scratch = new BytesRef();
internal readonly int ValueCount;
internal int OrdUpto;
internal ValuesIterator(SortedDocValuesWriter outerInstance, int[] sortedValues, int valueCount)
this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
this.SortedValues = sortedValues;
this.ValueCount = valueCount;
public override bool HasNext()
return OrdUpto < ValueCount;
public override BytesRef Next()
if (!HasNext())
throw new Exception();
OuterInstance.Hash.Get(SortedValues[OrdUpto], Scratch);
return Scratch;
public override void Remove()
throw new System.NotSupportedException();
// iterates over the ords for each doc we have in ram
private class OrdsIterator : IEnumerator<Number>
internal bool InstanceFieldsInitialized = false;
internal virtual void InitializeInstanceFields()
Iter = OuterInstance.Pending.Iterator();
private readonly SortedDocValuesWriter OuterInstance;
internal AppendingDeltaPackedLongBuffer.Iterator Iter;
internal readonly int[] OrdMap;
internal readonly int MaxDoc;
internal int DocUpto;
internal OrdsIterator(SortedDocValuesWriter outerInstance, int[] ordMap, int maxDoc)
this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
if (!InstanceFieldsInitialized)
InstanceFieldsInitialized = true;
this.OrdMap = ordMap;
this.MaxDoc = maxDoc;
Debug.Assert(outerInstance.Pending.Size() == maxDoc);
public override bool HasNext()
return DocUpto < MaxDoc;
public override Number Next()
if (!HasNext())
throw new Exception();
int ord = (int);
return ord == -1 ? ord : OrdMap[ord];
public override void Remove()
throw new System.NotSupportedException();