blob: 2f49df9557445cc2d18546efbd7f7ab0bc73ff25 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using IndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
internal sealed class SegmentTermPositions : SegmentTermDocs, TermPositions
private IndexInput proxStream;
private int proxCount;
private int position;
// the current payload length
private int payloadLength;
// indicates whether the payload of the currend position has
// been read from the proxStream yet
private bool needToLoadPayload;
// these variables are being used to remember information
// for a lazy skip
private long lazySkipPointer = - 1;
private int lazySkipProxCount = 0;
internal SegmentTermPositions(SegmentReader p):base(p)
this.proxStream = null; // the proxStream will be cloned lazily when nextPosition() is called for the first time
internal override void Seek(TermInfo ti, Term term)
base.Seek(ti, term);
if (ti != null)
lazySkipPointer = ti.proxPointer;
lazySkipProxCount = 0;
proxCount = 0;
payloadLength = 0;
needToLoadPayload = false;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (proxStream != null)
public int NextPosition()
if (currentFieldOmitTermFreqAndPositions)
// This field does not store term freq, positions, payloads
return 0;
// perform lazy skips if neccessary
return position += ReadDeltaPosition();
private int ReadDeltaPosition()
int delta = proxStream.ReadVInt();
if (currentFieldStoresPayloads)
// if the current field stores payloads then
// the position delta is shifted one bit to the left.
// if the LSB is set, then we have to read the current
// payload length
if ((delta & 1) != 0)
payloadLength = proxStream.ReadVInt();
delta = Number.URShift(delta, 1);
needToLoadPayload = true;
return delta;
protected internal override void SkippingDoc()
// we remember to skip a document lazily
lazySkipProxCount += freq;
public override bool Next()
// we remember to skip the remaining positions of the current
// document lazily
lazySkipProxCount += proxCount;
if (base.Next())
// run super
proxCount = freq; // note frequency
position = 0; // reset position
return true;
return false;
public override int Read(int[] docs, int[] freqs)
throw new System.NotSupportedException("TermPositions does not support processing multiple documents in one call. Use TermDocs instead.");
/// <summary>Called by super.skipTo(). </summary>
protected internal override void SkipProx(long proxPointer, int payloadLength)
// we save the pointer, we might have to skip there lazily
lazySkipPointer = proxPointer;
lazySkipProxCount = 0;
proxCount = 0;
this.payloadLength = payloadLength;
needToLoadPayload = false;
private void SkipPositions(int n)
for (int f = n; f > 0; f--)
// skip unread positions
private void SkipPayload()
if (needToLoadPayload && payloadLength > 0)
proxStream.Seek(proxStream.FilePointer + payloadLength);
needToLoadPayload = false;
// It is not always neccessary to move the prox pointer
// to a new document after the freq pointer has been moved.
// Consider for example a phrase query with two terms:
// the freq pointer for term 1 has to move to document x
// to answer the question if the term occurs in that document. But
// only if term 2 also matches document x, the positions have to be
// read to figure out if term 1 and term 2 appear next
// to each other in document x and thus satisfy the query.
// So we move the prox pointer lazily to the document
// as soon as positions are requested.
private void LazySkip()
if (proxStream == null)
// clone lazily
proxStream = (IndexInput) parent.core.proxStream.Clone();
// we might have to skip the current payload
// if it was not read yet
if (lazySkipPointer != - 1)
lazySkipPointer = - 1;
if (lazySkipProxCount != 0)
lazySkipProxCount = 0;
public int PayloadLength
get { return payloadLength; }
public byte[] GetPayload(byte[] data, int offset)
if (!needToLoadPayload)
throw new System.IO.IOException("Either no payload exists at this term position or an attempt was made to load it more than once.");
// read payloads lazily
byte[] retArray;
int retOffset;
if (data == null || data.Length - offset < payloadLength)
// the array is too small to store the payload data,
// so we allocate a new one
retArray = new byte[payloadLength];
retOffset = 0;
retArray = data;
retOffset = offset;
proxStream.ReadBytes(retArray, retOffset, payloadLength);
needToLoadPayload = false;
return retArray;
public bool IsPayloadAvailable
get { return needToLoadPayload && payloadLength > 0; }