blob: 8c4e1878a43131f56b3f68fe95f8409dede77b42 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using Bits = Lucene.Net.Util.Bits;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using Codec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Codec;
using CompoundFileDirectory = Lucene.Net.Store.CompoundFileDirectory;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using DocValuesFormat = Lucene.Net.Codecs.DocValuesFormat;
using DocValuesProducer = Lucene.Net.Codecs.DocValuesProducer;
using DocValuesType = Lucene.Net.Index.FieldInfo.DocValuesType_e;
using IOContext = Lucene.Net.Store.IOContext;
using IOUtils = Lucene.Net.Util.IOUtils;
using StoredFieldsReader = Lucene.Net.Codecs.StoredFieldsReader;
using TermVectorsReader = Lucene.Net.Codecs.TermVectorsReader;
/// <summary>
/// IndexReader implementation over a single segment.
/// <p>
/// Instances pointing to the same segment (but with different deletes, etc)
/// may share the same core data.
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public sealed class SegmentReader : AtomicReader
private readonly SegmentCommitInfo Si;
private readonly Bits LiveDocs_Renamed;
// Normally set to si.docCount - si.delDocCount, unless we
// were created as an NRT reader from IW, in which case IW
// tells us the docCount:
private readonly int numDocs;
internal readonly SegmentCoreReaders Core;
internal readonly SegmentDocValues SegDocValues;
internal readonly IDisposableThreadLocal<IDictionary<string, object>> docValuesLocal = new IDisposableThreadLocalAnonymousInnerClassHelper();
private class IDisposableThreadLocalAnonymousInnerClassHelper : IDisposableThreadLocal<IDictionary<string, object>>
public IDisposableThreadLocalAnonymousInnerClassHelper()
protected internal override IDictionary<string, object> InitialValue()
return new Dictionary<string, object>();
internal readonly IDisposableThreadLocal<IDictionary<string, Bits>> docsWithFieldLocal = new IDisposableThreadLocalAnonymousInnerClassHelper2();
private class IDisposableThreadLocalAnonymousInnerClassHelper2 : IDisposableThreadLocal<IDictionary<string, Bits>>
public IDisposableThreadLocalAnonymousInnerClassHelper2()
protected internal override IDictionary<string, Bits> InitialValue()
return new Dictionary<string, Bits>();
internal readonly IDictionary<string, DocValuesProducer> DvProducersByField = new Dictionary<string, DocValuesProducer>();
internal readonly ISet<DocValuesProducer> DvProducers = new IdentityHashSet<DocValuesProducer>();
internal readonly FieldInfos FieldInfos_Renamed;
private readonly IList<long?> DvGens = new List<long?>();
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new SegmentReader with a new core. </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
// TODO: why is this public?
public SegmentReader(SegmentCommitInfo si, int termInfosIndexDivisor, IOContext context)
this.Si = si;
// TODO if the segment uses CFS, we may open the CFS file twice: once for
// reading the FieldInfos (if they are not gen'd) and second time by
// SegmentCoreReaders. We can open the CFS here and pass to SCR, but then it
// results in less readable code (resource not closed where it was opened).
// Best if we could somehow read FieldInfos in SCR but not keep it there, but
// constructors don't allow returning two things...
FieldInfos_Renamed = ReadFieldInfos(si);
Core = new SegmentCoreReaders(this, si.Info.Dir, si, context, termInfosIndexDivisor);
SegDocValues = new SegmentDocValues();
bool success = false;
Codec codec = si.Info.Codec;
if (si.HasDeletions())
// NOTE: the bitvector is stored using the regular directory, not cfs
LiveDocs_Renamed = codec.LiveDocsFormat().ReadLiveDocs(Directory(), si, IOContext.READONCE);
Debug.Assert(si.DelCount == 0);
LiveDocs_Renamed = null;
numDocs = si.Info.DocCount - si.DelCount;
if (FieldInfos_Renamed.HasDocValues())
success = true;
// With lock-less commits, it's entirely possible (and
// fine) to hit a FileNotFound exception above. In
// this case, we want to explicitly close any subset
// of things that were opened so that we don't have to
// wait for a GC to do so.
if (!success)
/// <summary>
/// Create new SegmentReader sharing core from a previous
/// SegmentReader and loading new live docs from a new
/// deletes file. Used by openIfChanged.
/// </summary>
internal SegmentReader(SegmentCommitInfo si, SegmentReader sr)
: this(si, sr, si.Info.Codec.LiveDocsFormat().ReadLiveDocs(si.Info.Dir, si, IOContext.READONCE), si.Info.DocCount - si.DelCount)
/// <summary>
/// Create new SegmentReader sharing core from a previous
/// SegmentReader and using the provided in-memory
/// liveDocs. Used by IndexWriter to provide a new NRT
/// reader
/// </summary>
internal SegmentReader(SegmentCommitInfo si, SegmentReader sr, Bits liveDocs, int numDocs)
this.Si = si;
this.LiveDocs_Renamed = liveDocs;
this.numDocs = numDocs;
this.Core = sr.Core;
this.SegDocValues = sr.SegDocValues;
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] SR.init: sharing reader: " + sr + " for gens=" + sr.genDVProducers.keySet());
// increment refCount of DocValuesProducers that are used by this reader
bool success = false;
Codec codec = si.Info.Codec;
if (si.FieldInfosGen == -1)
FieldInfos_Renamed = sr.FieldInfos_Renamed;
FieldInfos_Renamed = ReadFieldInfos(si);
if (FieldInfos_Renamed.HasDocValues())
success = true;
if (!success)
// initialize the per-field DocValuesProducer
private void InitDocValuesProducers(Codec codec)
Directory dir = Core.CfsReader != null ? Core.CfsReader : Si.Info.Dir;
DocValuesFormat dvFormat = codec.DocValuesFormat();
IDictionary<long?, IList<FieldInfo>> genInfos = GenInfos;
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] SR.initDocValuesProducers: segInfo=" + si + "; gens=" + genInfos.keySet());
// TODO: can we avoid iterating over fieldinfos several times and creating maps of all this stuff if dv updates do not exist?
foreach (KeyValuePair<long?, IList<FieldInfo>> e in genInfos)
long? gen = e.Key;
IList<FieldInfo> infos = e.Value;
DocValuesProducer dvp = SegDocValues.GetDocValuesProducer(gen, Si, IOContext.READ, dir, dvFormat, infos, TermInfosIndexDivisor);
foreach (FieldInfo fi in infos)
DvProducersByField[fi.Name] = dvp;
/// <summary>
/// Reads the most recent <seealso cref="FieldInfos"/> of the given segment info.
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public static FieldInfos ReadFieldInfos(SegmentCommitInfo info)
Directory dir;
bool closeDir;
if (info.FieldInfosGen == -1 && info.Info.UseCompoundFile)
// no fieldInfos gen and segment uses a compound file
dir = new CompoundFileDirectory(info.Info.Dir, IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(info.Info.Name, "", IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION), IOContext.READONCE, false);
closeDir = true;
// gen'd FIS are read outside CFS, or the segment doesn't use a compound file
dir = info.Info.Dir;
closeDir = false;
string segmentSuffix = info.FieldInfosGen == -1 ? "" : info.FieldInfosGen.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);//Convert.ToString(info.FieldInfosGen, Character.MAX_RADIX));
return info.Info.Codec.FieldInfosFormat().FieldInfosReader.Read(dir, info.Info.Name, segmentSuffix, IOContext.READONCE);
if (closeDir)
// returns a gen->List<FieldInfo> mapping. Fields without DV updates have gen=-1
private IDictionary<long?, IList<FieldInfo>> GenInfos
IDictionary<long?, IList<FieldInfo>> genInfos = new Dictionary<long?, IList<FieldInfo>>();
foreach (FieldInfo fi in FieldInfos_Renamed)
if (fi.DocValuesType == null)
long gen = fi.DocValuesGen;
IList<FieldInfo> infos;
genInfos.TryGetValue(gen, out infos);
if (infos == null)
infos = new List<FieldInfo>();
genInfos[gen] = infos;
return genInfos;
public override Bits LiveDocs
return LiveDocs_Renamed;
protected internal override void DoClose()
//System.out.println("SR.close seg=" + si);
IOUtils.Close(docValuesLocal, docsWithFieldLocal);
public override FieldInfos FieldInfos
return FieldInfos_Renamed;
/// <summary>
/// Expert: retrieve thread-private {@link
/// StoredFieldsReader}
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public StoredFieldsReader FieldsReader
return Core.fieldsReaderLocal.Get();
public override void Document(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor visitor)
FieldsReader.VisitDocument(docID, visitor);
public override Fields Fields
return Core.Fields;
public override int NumDocs
// Don't call ensureOpen() here (it could affect performance)
return numDocs;
public override int MaxDoc
// Don't call ensureOpen() here (it could affect performance)
return Si.Info.DocCount;
/// <summary>
/// Expert: retrieve thread-private {@link
/// TermVectorsReader}
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public TermVectorsReader TermVectorsReader
return Core.termVectorsLocal.Get();
public override Fields GetTermVectors(int docID)
TermVectorsReader termVectorsReader = TermVectorsReader;
if (termVectorsReader == null)
return null;
return termVectorsReader.Get(docID);
private void CheckBounds(int docID)
if (docID < 0 || docID >= MaxDoc)
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("docID must be >= 0 and < maxDoc=" + MaxDoc + " (got docID=" + docID + ")");
public override string ToString()
// SegmentInfo.toString takes dir and number of
// *pending* deletions; so we reverse compute that here:
return Si.ToString(Si.Info.Dir, Si.Info.DocCount - numDocs - Si.DelCount);
/// <summary>
/// Return the name of the segment this reader is reading.
/// </summary>
public string SegmentName
return Si.Info.Name;
/// <summary>
/// Return the SegmentInfoPerCommit of the segment this reader is reading.
/// </summary>
public SegmentCommitInfo SegmentInfo
return Si;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the directory this index resides in. </summary>
public Directory Directory()
// Don't ensureOpen here -- in certain cases, when a
// cloned/reopened reader needs to commit, it may call
// this method on the closed original reader
return Si.Info.Dir;
// this is necessary so that cloned SegmentReaders (which
// share the underlying postings data) will map to the
// same entry in the FieldCache. See LUCENE-1579.
public override object CoreCacheKey
// NOTE: if this ever changes, be sure to fix
// SegmentCoreReader.notifyCoreClosedListeners to match!
// Today it passes "this" as its coreCacheKey:
return Core;
public override object CombinedCoreAndDeletesKey
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Returns term infos index divisor originally passed to
/// <seealso cref="#SegmentReader(SegmentCommitInfo, int, IOContext)"/>.
/// </summary>
public int TermInfosIndexDivisor
return Core.TermsIndexDivisor;
// returns the FieldInfo that corresponds to the given field and type, or
// null if the field does not exist, or not indexed as the requested
// DovDocValuesType.
private FieldInfo GetDVField(string field, DocValuesType type)
FieldInfo fi = FieldInfos_Renamed.FieldInfo(field);
if (fi == null)
// Field does not exist
return null;
if (fi.DocValuesType == null)
// Field was not indexed with doc values
return null;
if (fi.DocValuesType != type)
// Field DocValues are different than requested type
return null;
return fi;
public override NumericDocValues GetNumericDocValues(string field)
FieldInfo fi = GetDVField(field, DocValuesType.NUMERIC);
if (fi == null)
return null;
IDictionary<string, object> dvFields = docValuesLocal.Get();
NumericDocValues dvs;
object dvsDummy;
dvFields.TryGetValue(field, out dvsDummy);
dvs = (NumericDocValues)dvsDummy;
if (dvs == null)
DocValuesProducer dvProducer;
DvProducersByField.TryGetValue(field, out dvProducer);
Debug.Assert(dvProducer != null);
dvs = dvProducer.GetNumeric(fi);
dvFields[field] = dvs;
return dvs;
public override Bits GetDocsWithField(string field)
FieldInfo fi = FieldInfos_Renamed.FieldInfo(field);
if (fi == null)
// Field does not exist
return null;
if (fi.DocValuesType == null)
// Field was not indexed with doc values
return null;
IDictionary<string, Bits> dvFields = docsWithFieldLocal.Get();
Bits dvs;
dvFields.TryGetValue(field, out dvs);
if (dvs == null)
DocValuesProducer dvProducer;
DvProducersByField.TryGetValue(field, out dvProducer);
Debug.Assert(dvProducer != null);
dvs = dvProducer.GetDocsWithField(fi);
dvFields[field] = dvs;
return dvs;
public override BinaryDocValues GetBinaryDocValues(string field)
FieldInfo fi = GetDVField(field, DocValuesType.BINARY);
if (fi == null)
return null;
IDictionary<string, object> dvFields = docValuesLocal.Get();
object ret;
BinaryDocValues dvs;
dvFields.TryGetValue(field, out ret);
dvs = (BinaryDocValues)ret;
if (dvs == null)
DocValuesProducer dvProducer;
DvProducersByField.TryGetValue(field, out dvProducer);
Debug.Assert(dvProducer != null);
dvs = dvProducer.GetBinary(fi);
dvFields[field] = dvs;
return dvs;
public override SortedDocValues GetSortedDocValues(string field)
FieldInfo fi = GetDVField(field, DocValuesType.SORTED);
if (fi == null)
return null;
IDictionary<string, object> dvFields = docValuesLocal.Get();
SortedDocValues dvs;
object ret;
dvFields.TryGetValue(field, out ret);
dvs = (SortedDocValues)ret;
if (dvs == null)
DocValuesProducer dvProducer;
DvProducersByField.TryGetValue(field, out dvProducer);
Debug.Assert(dvProducer != null);
dvs = dvProducer.GetSorted(fi);
dvFields[field] = dvs;
return dvs;
public override SortedSetDocValues GetSortedSetDocValues(string field)
FieldInfo fi = GetDVField(field, DocValuesType.SORTED_SET);
if (fi == null)
return null;
IDictionary<string, object> dvFields = docValuesLocal.Get();
object ret;
SortedSetDocValues dvs;
dvFields.TryGetValue(field, out ret);
dvs = (SortedSetDocValues)ret;
if (dvs == null)
DocValuesProducer dvProducer;
DvProducersByField.TryGetValue(field, out dvProducer);
Debug.Assert(dvProducer != null);
dvs = dvProducer.GetSortedSet(fi);
dvFields[field] = dvs;
return dvs;
public override NumericDocValues GetNormValues(string field)
FieldInfo fi = FieldInfos_Renamed.FieldInfo(field);
if (fi == null || !fi.HasNorms())
// Field does not exist or does not index norms
return null;
return Core.GetNormValues(fi);
/// <summary>
/// Called when the shared core for this SegmentReader
/// is closed.
/// <p>
/// this listener is called only once all SegmentReaders
/// sharing the same core are closed. At this point it
/// is safe for apps to evict this reader from any caches
/// keyed on <seealso cref="#getCoreCacheKey"/>. this is the same
/// interface that <seealso cref="IFieldCache"/> uses, internally,
/// to evict entries.</p>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public interface CoreClosedListener
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the shared core of the original {@code
/// SegmentReader} has closed.
/// </summary>
void OnClose(object ownerCoreCacheKey);
/// <summary>
/// Expert: adds a CoreClosedListener to this reader's shared core </summary>
public void AddCoreClosedListener(CoreClosedListener listener)
/// <summary>
/// Expert: removes a CoreClosedListener from this reader's shared core </summary>
public void RemoveCoreClosedListener(CoreClosedListener listener)
/// <summary>
/// Returns approximate RAM Bytes used </summary>
public long RamBytesUsed()
long ramBytesUsed = 0;
if (DvProducers != null)
foreach (DocValuesProducer producer in DvProducers)
ramBytesUsed += producer.RamBytesUsed();
if (Core != null)
ramBytesUsed += Core.RamBytesUsed();
return ramBytesUsed;
public override void CheckIntegrity()
// stored fields
// term vectors
TermVectorsReader termVectorsReader = TermVectorsReader;
if (termVectorsReader != null)
// terms/postings
if (Core.Fields != null)
// norms
if (Core.NormsProducer != null)
// docvalues
if (DvProducers != null)
foreach (DocValuesProducer producer in DvProducers)