blob: 81706145cb40a34fd41c1e0e33d4750ccb7010fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _LOG4CXX_FILE_H
#define _LOG4CXX_FILE_H
#include <log4cxx/logstring.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/pool.h>
#include <vector>
extern "C" {
struct apr_file_t;
struct apr_finfo_t;
#include <log4cxx/helpers/filesystem.h>
namespace LOG4CXX_NS
LOG4CXX_EXPORT bool deleteFile(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f);
LOG4CXX_EXPORT LogString getPath(const File& f);
LOG4CXX_EXPORT LogString getParent(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f);
inline bool exists(helpers::Pool&, const File& f) { return exists(f); }
LOG4CXX_EXPORT log4cxx_time_t lastModified(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f);
LOG4CXX_EXPORT size_t length(helpers::Pool& pool, const File& f);
LOG4CXX_EXPORT std::vector<LogString> getFileList(helpers::Pool& p, const File& dir);
LOG4CXX_EXPORT bool mkdirs(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f);
LOG4CXX_EXPORT log4cxx_status_t openFile(const File& f, apr_file_t** file, int flags, int perm, helpers::Pool& p);
namespace LOG4CXX_NS
* An abstract representation of file and directory path names.
* Construct a new instance.
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path in local encoding.
File(const char* path);
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path in current encoding.
File(const std::string& path);
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path.
File(const wchar_t* path);
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path.
File(const std::wstring& path);
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path.
File(const UniChar* path);
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path.
File(const std::basic_string<UniChar>& path);
* Construct a new instance. Use setPath to specify path using a LogString.
* @param path file path.
File(const CFStringRef& path);
* Copy constructor.
File(const File& src);
* Assignment operator.
File& operator=(const File& src);
* Change the path to \c newName.
File& operator=(const LogString& newName);
* Destructor.
* Determines if file exists.
* @param p pool.
* @return true if file exists.
bool exists(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Determines length of file. May not be accurate if file is current open.
* @param p pool.
* @return length of file.
size_t length(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Determines last modification date.
* @param p pool.
* @return length of file.
log4cxx_time_t lastModified(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Get final portion of file path.
* @return file name.
LogString getName() const;
* Get file path.
* @return file path.
LogString getPath() const;
* Set file path
File& setPath(const LogString&);
* Open file. See apr_file_open for details.
* @param file APR file handle.
* @param flags flags.
* @param perm permissions.
* @param p pool.
* @return APR_SUCCESS if successful.
log4cxx_status_t open(apr_file_t** file, int flags,
int perm, helpers::Pool& p) const;
* List files if current file is a directory.
* @param p pool.
* @return list of files in this directory, operation of non-directory returns empty list.
std::vector<LogString> list(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Delete file.
* @param p pool.
* @return true if file successfully deleted.
bool deleteFile(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Rename file.
* @param dest new path for file.
* @param p pool.
* @return true if file successfully renamed.
bool renameTo(const File& dest, helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Get path of parent directory.
* @param p pool.
* @return path of parent directory.
LogString getParent(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Make directories recursively.
* @param p pool.
* @return true if all requested directories existed or have been created.
bool mkdirs(helpers::Pool& p) const;
* Set the file to be deleted when this object is destroyed.
* @param autoDelete If true, delete file upon destruction. If true, do not delete file.
void setAutoDelete(bool autoDelete);
* Return the value of the autodelete setting. If true, this file will be deleted when the
* destructor is called.
* @return True if the file is deleted upon destruction.
bool getAutoDelete() const;
static char* convertBackSlashes(char*);
char* getPath(helpers::Pool& p) const;
inline bool deleteFile(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f) { return f.deleteFile(p); }
inline LogString getPath(const File& f) { return f.getPath(); }
inline LogString getParent(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f) { return f.getParent(p); }
inline bool exists(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f) { return f.exists(p); }
inline log4cxx_time_t lastModified(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f) { return f.lastModified(p); }
inline size_t length(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f) { return f.length(p); }
LOG4CXX_EXPORT std::vector<LogString> getFileList(helpers::Pool& p, const File& dir);
inline bool mkdirs(helpers::Pool& p, const File& f) { return f.mkdirs(p); }
inline log4cxx_status_t openFile(const File& f, apr_file_t** file, int flags, int perm, helpers::Pool& p)
{ return, flags, perm, p); }
} // namespace log4cxx
#define LOG4CXX_FILE(name) LOG4CXX_NS::File(name)
#endif // _LOG4CXX_FILE_H