blob: 9307f0f1ccf1caa234136b2e34343a964f0f1c34 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <log4cxx/rolling/gzcompressaction.h>
#include <apr_thread_proc.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/exception.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/transcoder.h>
#include <log4cxx/private/action_priv.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/loglog.h>
using namespace LOG4CXX_NS;
using namespace LOG4CXX_NS::rolling;
using namespace LOG4CXX_NS::helpers;
#define priv static_cast<GZCompressActionPrivate*>(m_priv.get())
struct GZCompressAction::GZCompressActionPrivate : public ActionPrivate
GZCompressActionPrivate( const File& toRename,
const File& renameTo,
bool deleteSource):
source(toRename), destination(renameTo), deleteSource(deleteSource) {}
const File source;
File destination;
bool deleteSource;
bool throwIOExceptionOnForkFailure = true;
GZCompressAction::GZCompressAction(const File& src,
const File& dest,
bool del)
: Action(std::make_unique<GZCompressActionPrivate>(
src, dest, del))
GZCompressAction::~GZCompressAction() {}
bool GZCompressAction::execute(LOG4CXX_NS::helpers::Pool& p) const
if (exists(p, priv->source))
apr_pool_t* aprpool = p.getAPRPool();
apr_procattr_t* attr;
apr_status_t stat = apr_procattr_create(&attr, aprpool);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
stat = apr_procattr_io_set(attr, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_FULL_BLOCK, APR_FULL_BLOCK);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
stat = apr_procattr_cmdtype_set(attr, APR_PROGRAM_PATH);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
// set child process output to destination file
apr_file_t* child_out;
apr_int32_t flags = APR_FOPEN_READ | APR_FOPEN_WRITE |
stat = openFile(priv->destination, &child_out, flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, p);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
stat = apr_procattr_child_out_set(attr, child_out, NULL);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
// redirect the child's error stream to this processes' error stream
apr_file_t* child_err;
stat = apr_file_open_stderr(&child_err, aprpool);
if (stat == APR_SUCCESS)
stat = apr_procattr_child_err_set(attr, child_err, NULL);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
const char** args = (const char**)
apr_palloc(aprpool, 4 * sizeof(*args));
int i = 0;
args[i++] = "gzip";
args[i++] = "-c";
args[i++] = Transcoder::encode(getPath(priv->source), p);
args[i++] = NULL;
apr_proc_t pid;
stat = apr_proc_create(&pid, "gzip", args, NULL, attr, aprpool);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS && priv->throwIOExceptionOnForkFailure)
deleteFile(p, priv->destination);
throw IOException(stat);
else if(stat != APR_SUCCESS && !priv->throwIOExceptionOnForkFailure)
/* If we fail here (to create the gzip child process),
* skip the compression and consider the rotation to be
* otherwise successful. The caller has already rotated
* the log file (`source` here refers to the
* uncompressed, rotated path, and `destination` the
* same path with `.gz` appended). Remove the empty
* destination file and leave source as-is.
LogLog::warn(LOG4CXX_STR("Failed to fork gzip during log rotation; leaving log file uncompressed"));
stat = apr_file_close(child_out);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
LogLog::warn(LOG4CXX_STR("Failed to close abandoned .gz file; ignoring"));
deleteFile(p, priv->destination);
return true;
apr_proc_wait(&pid, NULL, NULL, APR_WAIT);
stat = apr_file_close(child_out);
if (stat != APR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(stat);
if (priv->deleteSource)
deleteFile(p, priv->source);
return true;
return false;
void GZCompressAction::setThrowIOExceptionOnForkFailure(bool throwIO){
priv->throwIOExceptionOnForkFailure = throwIO;