Refactor script so it supports generating reports per driver, etc.
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 02c022b..fce15d7 100644
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -14,91 +14,191 @@
 # limitations under the License.
-libcloud linter
+Script which checks a driver for for compliance against the base API.
-This script checks the libcloud codebase for registered drivers that don't
-comply to libcloud API guidelines.
+Right now it checks for the following things:
+1. Driver methods which are not part of the base API need to be prefixed with
+   "ex_"
+2. Additional arguments for the methods which are part of the standard API need
+   to be prefixed with "ex_"
+3. Method signature for the methods which are part of the standard API needs to
+   match the signature of of the standard API (ignoring the extension arguments).
-import inspect
 import os
+import argparse
+import hashlib
+import inspect
+from collections import defaultdict
 import libcloud
-import libcloud.compute.providers
+from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver as get_compute_driver
 from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver
 import libcloud.dns.providers
 from libcloud.dns.base import DNSDriver
 import libcloud.loadbalancer.providers
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Driver
+from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Driver as LBDriver
 from import StorageDriver
-modules = [
-    (libcloud.compute.providers, NodeDriver),
-    (libcloud.dns.providers, DNSDriver),
-    (libcloud.loadbalancer.providers, Driver),
-    (, StorageDriver),
-    ]
+# Maps API to base classes
+API_MAP = {
+    'compute': {
+        'get_driver_func': get_compute_driver,
+        'driver_class': NodeDriver,
+        'methods_specs': []
+    }
+# Global object which stores all the warnings so we can avoide duplicates
-warnings = set()
+def get_hash_for_dict(obj):
+    result = hashlib.md5()
-def warning(obj, warning):
+    for key, value in obj.items():
+        result.update('%s-%s' % (key, value))
+    result = result.hexdigest()
+    return result
+def get_warning_object(obj, message):
     source_file = os.path.relpath(inspect.getsourcefile(obj), os.path.dirname(libcloud.__file__))
     source_line = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[1]
-    if (source_file, source_line, warning) in warnings:
+    result = {}
+    result['source_file'] = source_file
+    result['source_line'] = source_line
+    result['message'] = message
+    dict_hash = get_hash_for_dict(result)
+    if dict_hash in WARNINGS_SET:
         # When the error is actually caused by a mixin or base class we can get dupes...
-        return
-    warnings.add((source_file, source_line, warning))
-    print source_file, source_line, warning
+        return None
-for providers, base, in modules:
-    core_api = {}
-    for name, value in inspect.getmembers(base, inspect.ismethod):
-        if name.startswith("_"):
+    WARNINGS_SET.add(dict_hash)
+    return result
+def get_method_list_for_base_apis():
+    """
+    Build a list of methods for all the base APIs.
+    """
+    result = defaultdict(dict)
+    for api_name, values in API_MAP.items():
+        driver_class = values['driver_class']
+        base_class = driver_class
+        core_api = {}
+        base_class_methods = inspect.getmembers(base_class, inspect.ismethod)
+        for name, method in base_class_methods:
+            # Ignore "private" methods
+            if name.startswith('_'):
+                continue
+            if name.startswith('ex_'):
+                #warning(method, 'Core driver shouldn\'t have "ex_" methods')
+                continue
+            args = inspect.getargspec(method)
+            core_api[name] = args
+            for arg in args.args:
+                if arg.startswith('ex_'):
+                    pass
+                    #warning(method, 'Core driver method shouldnt have ex_ arguments')
+        result[api_name] = core_api
+    return result
+def get_warnings_driver_for_module(driver_constant, base_api):
+    get_driver = base_api['get_driver_func']
+    methods_specs = base_api['methods_specs']
+    driver = get_driver(driver_constant)
+    warnings = []
+    for name, method in inspect.getmembers(driver, inspect.ismethod):
+        # Skip "private" methods
+        if name.startswith('_'):
-        if name.startswith("ex_"):
-            warning(value, "Core driver shouldn't haveex_ methods")
+        # Methods which are not part of the base API need to be prefixed with
+        # "ex_"
+        if not name.startswith('ex_') and name not in methods_specs:
+            message = ('"%s" should be prefixed with ex_ or be private as it is not a core API' % (name))
+            warning = get_warning_object(obj=method, message=message)
+            warnings.append(warning)
-        args = core_api[name] = inspect.getargspec(value)
+        if name not in methods_specs:
+            # Method is not part of the base API
+            continue
-        for arg in args.args:
-            if arg.startswith("ex_"):
-                warning(value, "Core driver method shouldnt have ex_ arguments")
+        argspec = inspect.getargspec(method)
+        core_args = set(methods_specs[name].args)
+        driver_args = set(argspec.args)
+        # TODO: Also check the argument order for the base API
+        missing_args = (core_args - driver_args)
+        for missing in missing_args:
+            message = 'Core API function "%s" should support arg "%s" but doesn\'t' % (name, missing)
+            warning = get_warning_object(obj=method, message=message)
+            warnings.append(warning)
+        extra_args = (driver_args - core_args)
+        for extra in extra_args:
+            if not extra.startswith('ex_'):
+                message = "Core API function shouldn't take arg '%s'. Should it be prefixed with ex_?" % extra
+                warning = get_warning_object(obj=method, message=message)
+                warnings.append(warning)
+    # Filter out empty warning objects (dupes)
+    warnings = [warning for warning in warnings if warning is not None]
+    return warnings
-    for driver_id in providers.DRIVERS.keys():
-        driver = providers.get_driver(driver_id)    
+def generate_report_for_driver(warnings):
+    result = []
-        for name, value in inspect.getmembers(driver, inspect.ismethod):
-            if name.startswith("_"):
-                continue
+    for warning in warnings:
+        line = '%s:%s : %s' % (warning['source_file'], warning['source_line'],
+                               warning['message'])
+        result.append(line)
-            if not name.startswith("ex_") and not name in core_api:
-                warning(value, "'%s' should be prefixed with ex_ or be private as it is not a core API" % name)
-                continue
+    result = '\n'.join(result)
+    return result
-            # Only validate arguments of core API's
-            if name.startswith("ex_"):
-                continue
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compliance and quality check')
+    parser.add_argument('--driver-api', action='store', required=True,
+                        help='API of the driver to check')
+    parser.add_argument('--driver-constant', action='store', required=True,
+                        help='Name of the provider constant to check')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
-            argspec = inspect.getargspec(value)
+    driver_api = args.driver_api
+    driver_constant = args.driver_constant
-            core_args = set(core_api[name].args)
-            driver_args = set(argspec.args)
+    base_methods_map = get_method_list_for_base_apis()
-            for missing in core_args - driver_args:
-                warning(value, "Core API function should support arg '%s' but doesn't" % missing)
-            for extra in driver_args - core_args:
-                if not extra.startswith("ex_"):
-                    warning(value, "Core API function shouldn't take arg '%s'. Should it be prefixed with ex_?" % extra)
+    base_methods = base_methods_map[driver_api]
+    API_MAP[driver_api]['methods_specs'] = base_methods
+    warnings = get_warnings_driver_for_module(driver_constant=driver_constant,
+                                              base_api=API_MAP[driver_api])
+    report = generate_report_for_driver(warnings=warnings)
+    print(report)