blob: c754221004c832a3eb08fa95d8e3352040f880c4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json # NOQA
from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import LoadBalancer, Member, Driver, Algorithm
from libcloud.compute.drivers.gce import GCEConnection, GCENodeDriver
# GCE doesn't actually give you an algorithm choice, but this is here simply as
# the closest match. The actual algorithm is described here:
class GCELBDriver(Driver):
connectionCls = GCEConnection
apiname = 'googleapis'
name = 'Google Compute Engine Load Balancer'
website = ''
'RANDOM': Algorithm.RANDOM
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('gce_driver'):
self.gce = kwargs['gce_driver']
self.gce = GCENodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)
self.connection = self.gce.connection
def _get_node_from_ip(self, ip):
Return the node object that matches a given public IP address.
:param ip: Public IP address to search for
:type ip: ``str``
:return: Node object that has the given IP, or None if not found.
:rtype: :class:`Node` or None
all_nodes = self.gce.list_nodes(ex_zone='all')
for node in all_nodes:
if ip in node.public_ips:
return node
return None
def list_protocols(self):
Return a list of supported protocols.
For GCE, this is simply a hardcoded list.
:rtype: ``list`` of ``str``
return ['TCP', 'UDP']
def list_balancers(self, ex_region=None):
List all loadbalancers
:keyword ex_region: The region to return balancers from. If None,
will default to self.region. If 'all', will
return all balancers.
:type ex_region: ``str`` or :class:`GCERegion` or ``None``
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`LoadBalancer`
balancers = []
for fwr in self.gce.ex_list_forwarding_rules(region=ex_region):
return balancers
def create_balancer(self, name, port, protocol, algorithm, members,
ex_region=None, ex_healthchecks=None, ex_address=None,
Create a new load balancer instance.
For GCE, this means creating a forwarding rule and a matching target
pool, then adding the members to the target pool.
:param name: Name of the new load balancer (required)
:type name: ``str``
:param port: Port or range of ports the load balancer should listen
on, defaults to all ports. Examples: '80', '5000-5999'
:type port: ``str``
:param protocol: Load balancer protocol. Should be 'tcp' or 'udp',
defaults to 'tcp'.
:type protocol: ``str``
:param members: List of Members to attach to balancer. Can be Member
objects or Node objects. Node objects are preferred
for GCE, but Member objects are accepted to comply
with the established libcloud API. Note that the
'port' attribute of the members is ignored.
:type members: ``list`` of :class:`Member` or :class:`Node`
:param algorithm: Load balancing algorithm. Ignored for GCE which
uses a hashing-based algorithm.
:type algorithm: :class:`Algorithm` or ``None``
:keyword ex_region: Optional region to create the load balancer in.
Defaults to the default region of the GCE Node
:type ex_region: C{GCERegion} or ``str``
:keyword ex_healthchecks: Optional list of healthcheck objects or
names to add to the load balancer.
:type ex_healthchecks: ``list`` of :class:`GCEHealthCheck` or
``list`` of ``str``
:keyword ex_address: Optional static address object to be assigned to
the load balancer.
:type ex_address: C{GCEAddress}
:keyword ex_session_affinity: Optional algorithm to use for session
affinity. This will modify the hashing
algorithm such that a client will tend
to stick to a particular Member.
:type ex_session_affinity: ``str``
:return: LoadBalancer object
:rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
node_list = []
for member in members:
# Member object
if hasattr(member, 'ip'):
if member.extra.get('node'):
# Node object
elif hasattr(member, 'name'):
# Assume it's a node name otherwise
node_list.append(self.gce.ex_get_node(member, 'all'))
# Create Target Pool
tp_name = '%s-tp' % name
targetpool = self.gce.ex_create_targetpool(
tp_name, region=ex_region, healthchecks=ex_healthchecks,
nodes=node_list, session_affinity=ex_session_affinity)
# Create the Forwarding rule, but if it fails, delete the target pool.
forwarding_rule = self.gce.ex_create_forwarding_rule(
name, targetpool, region=ex_region, protocol=protocol,
port_range=port, address=ex_address)
# Reformat forwarding rule to LoadBalancer object
return self._forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(forwarding_rule)
def destroy_balancer(self, balancer):
Destroy a load balancer.
For GCE, this means destroying the associated forwarding rule, then
destroying the target pool that was attached to the forwarding rule.
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:return: True if successful
:rtype: ``bool``
destroy = balancer.extra['forwarding_rule'].destroy()
if destroy:
tp_destroy = balancer.extra['targetpool'].destroy()
return tp_destroy
return destroy
def get_balancer(self, balancer_id):
Return a :class:`LoadBalancer` object.
:param balancer_id: Name of load balancer you wish to fetch. For GCE,
this is the name of the associated forwarding
:param balancer_id: ``str``
:rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
fwr = self.gce.ex_get_forwarding_rule(balancer_id)
return self._forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(fwr)
def balancer_attach_compute_node(self, balancer, node):
Attach a compute node as a member to the load balancer.
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:param node: Node to join to the balancer
:type node: :class:`Node`
:return: Member after joining the balancer.
:rtype: :class:`Member`
add_node = balancer.extra['targetpool'].add_node(node)
if add_node:
return self._node_to_member(node, balancer)
def balancer_attach_member(self, balancer, member):
Attach a member to balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:param member: Member to join to the balancer
:type member: :class:`Member`
:return: Member after joining the balancer.
:rtype: :class:`Member`
node = member.extra.get('node') or self._get_node_from_ip(member.ip)
add_node = balancer.extra['targetpool'].add_node(node)
if add_node:
return self._node_to_member(node, balancer)
def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member):
Detach member from balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:param member: Member which should be used
:type member: :class:`Member`
:return: True if member detach was successful, otherwise False
:rtype: ``bool``
node = member.extra.get('node') or self._get_node_from_ip(member.ip)
remove_node = balancer.extra['targetpool'].remove_node(node)
return remove_node
def balancer_list_members(self, balancer):
Return list of members attached to balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
return [self._node_to_member(n, balancer) for n in
def ex_create_healthcheck(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.gce.ex_create_healthcheck(*args, **kwargs)
def ex_list_healthchecks(self):
return self.gce.ex_list_healthchecks()
def ex_balancer_attach_healthcheck(self, balancer, healthcheck):
Attach a healthcheck to balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:param healthcheck: Healthcheck to add
:type healthcheck: :class:`GCEHealthCheck`
:return: True if successful
:rtype: ``bool``
return balancer.extra['targetpool'].add_healthcheck(healthcheck)
def ex_balancer_detach_healthcheck(self, balancer, healthcheck):
Detach healtcheck from balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:param healthcheck: Healthcheck to remove
:type healthcheck: :class:`GCEHealthCheck`
:return: True if successful
:rtype: ``bool``
return balancer.extra['targetpool'].remove_healthcheck(healthcheck)
def ex_balancer_list_healthchecks(self, balancer):
Return list of healthchecks attached to balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`HealthChecks`
return balancer.extra['healthchecks']
def _node_to_member(self, node, balancer):
Return a Member object based on a Node.
:param node: Node object
:type node: :class:`Node`
:keyword balancer: The balancer the member is attached to.
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:return: Member object
:rtype: :class:`Member`
# A balancer can have a node as a member, even if the node doesn't
# exist. In this case, 'node' is simply a string to where the resource
# would be found if it was there.
if hasattr(node, 'name'):
member_id =
member_ip = node.public_ips[0]
member_id = node
member_ip = None
extra = {'node': node}
return Member(id=member_id, ip=member_ip, port=balancer.port,
balancer=balancer, extra=extra)
def _forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(self, forwarding_rule):
Return a Load Balancer object based on a GCEForwardingRule object.
:param forwarding_rule: ForwardingRule object
:type forwarding_rule: :class:`GCEForwardingRule`
:return: LoadBalancer object
:rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
extra = {}
extra['forwarding_rule'] = forwarding_rule
extra['targetpool'] = forwarding_rule.targetpool
extra['healthchecks'] = forwarding_rule.targetpool.healthchecks
return LoadBalancer(,, state=None,
driver=self, extra=extra)