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VMware vSphere Compute Driver Documentation
`VMware vSphere`_ is VMware's cloud computing operating system which allows
you to run your own private cloud.
.. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/vmware_vsphere.png
:align: center
:width: 200
VMware vSphere driver depends on the `pysphere`_ Python library which needs to
be installed for the driver to work.
This library can be installed using pip as shown bellow:
.. sourcecode:: bash
pip install pysphere
Connecting to vSphere installation
To connect to the vSphere installation you need to pass the following arguments
to the driver constructor
* ``host`` - hostname or IP address of your vSphere installation. Note: if your
installation is using or accessible via a different port, you should use the
``url`` argument which is described bellow instead.
* ``url`` - full URL to your vSphere installation client endpoint - e.g.
``https://<host>/sdk/``. Note: This argument is mutually exclusive with
``host`` argument which means you need to provide either ``host`` or ``url``
argument, but not both.
* ``username`` - username used to log in
* ``password`` - password used to log in
1. Connect by specifying a host
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/vsphere/
:language: python
2. Connect by specifying a url
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/vsphere/
:language: python
3. Connect by specifying a url (custom port)
.. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/vsphere/
:language: python
How do I know if I'm connecting to the correct URL?
If you are connecting by provider ``url`` argument and you get the
``Response is "text", not "text/xml"`` or similar error back, this most likely
means you have specified an invalid URL (e.g. you forgot to specify a path).
You can test if the url you are using is valid by adding ``/vimService.wsdl``
to it (e.g. ``https://<host>/sdk/vimService.wsdl``). When you visit this page,
you should get an XML response back.
API Docs
VMware vSphere v5.5
.. autoclass:: libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphere_5_5_NodeDriver
.. _`VMware vSphere`:
.. _`pysphere`: