blob: 11c23433cec983521f28b1e315456f4561029ea0 [file] [log] [blame]
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Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.1:
*) General:
- Modify ParamikoSSHClient.connect so it supports authentication using a
key file ; LIBCLOUD-116
[Jay Doane]
- User must now explicitly specify a path when using LIBCLOUD_DEBUG
environment variable ; LIBCLOUD-95.
[daveb, Tomaz Muraus]
- Add new XmlResponse and JsonResponse base class and modify all the
driver-specific response classes to inherit from one of those two
classes where applicable.
[Caio Romão]
- Add new 'PollingConnection' class. This class can work with 'async'
APIs. It sends and an initial request and then periodically poll the API
until the job has completed or a timeout has been reached.
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Compute:
- Add 24GB size to the GoGrid driver
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
- Fix API endpoint URL in the Softlayer driver
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Add support for OpenNebula 3.0 API ; LIBCLOUD-120
[Hutson Betts]
- Add more attributes to the extra dictionary in the EC2 driver ;
[Juan Carlos Moreno]
- Fix IP address assignment in the EC2 driver. Don't include "None" in the
public_ip and private_ip Node list attribute.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Make deploy_node functionality more robust and don't start deployment if
node public_ip attribute is an empty list.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Support SSH key authentication when using deploy_node.
[Russell Haering, Tomaz Muraus]
- Enable deploy_node functionality in the EC2 driver using SSH key
[Russell Haering, Tomaz Muraus]
- Enable paramiko library debug log level if LIBCLOUD_DEBUG is used and
paramiko is installed.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Fix the request signature generation in the base EC2 compute driver.
If the endpoint is using a non-standard port (Eucalyptus based
installations), append it to the hostname used to generate the
[Simon Delamare]
- Add new "unavailable" state to the BrightboxNodeDriver class.
[Tim Fletcher]
- Increase a PollingConnection timeout in the CloudStack connection
and fix the context dictionary creation in the _async_request method.
- Fix networks retrieval in the CloudStack driver create_node method.
Also only pass 'networkids' field to the API if there are any networks
[gigimon, Tomaz Muraus]
- Fix list_nodes in the CloudStack driver. Private IPs aren't always
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Load-baancer:
- Add a missing argument to the method call inside
LoadBalancer.attach_compute_node and Driver.balancer_attach_compute_node.
[Tim Fletcher, Tomaz Muraus]
- Add missing destroy() method to the LoadBalancer class.
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) DNS:
- New drivers for Rackspace Cloud DNS (US and UK region)
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Add list_record_types() method. This method returns a list of record
types supported by the provider.
[Tomaz Muraus]
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.0-beta1
*) General:
- All the driver classes now inherit from the BaseDriver class
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Prefer simplejson (if available) over json module; LIBCLOUD-112
[Geoff Greer]
- Update compute demo and change the syntax of test credentials stored in
test/ ; LIBCLOUD-111
[Mike Nerone]
- Enable SSL certificate verification by default and throw an exception
if CA certificate files cannot be found. This can be overridden by
setting to False.
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Compute:
- Support for 1.1 API and many other improvements in the OpenStack driver ;
[Mike Nerone, Paul Querna, Brad Morgan, Tomaz Muraus]
- Add some extra methods to the driver ; LIBCLOUD-115
[Aymeric Barantal]
- Add ex_delete_image method to the Rackspace driver ; GITHUB-27
[David Busby]
- Linode driver now supports new 'Japan' location
[Jed Smith]
- Rackspace driver now inherits from the OpenStack one instead of doing
it vice versa.; LIBCLOUD-110
[Mike Nerone]
- Properly populate NodeImage "details" dictionary in the Rackspace
compute driver.; LIBCLOUD-107
[Lucy Mendel]
- Fix a bug in Eucalyptus driver ex_describe_addresses method.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Add the following new extenstion methods to the Rackspace driver:
ex_resize, ex_confirm_resize, ex_revert_resize.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Also allow user to pass in Node object to some ex_ methods in
the Rackspace compute driver.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Throw an exception in deploy_node if paramiko library is not
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Fix chmod argument value which is pased to the sftpclient.put
method; GITHUB-17
[John Carr]
- New driver for; LIBCLOUD-98
[Benno Rice]
*) Storage:
- New driver for Google Storage based on the v1.0 / legacy API
[Tomaz Muraus]
- New driver for; GITHUB-19
[Benno Rice]
- Fix a bug in uploading an object with some versions of Python 2.7
where httplib library doesn't automatically call str() on the
header values.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Allow users to upload (create) 0-bytes large (empty) objects
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Load-balancer:
- New driver for Rackspace UK location
[Tomaz Muraus]
- New driver for; LIBCLOUD-98
[Benno Rice]
*) DNS:
- Drivers for Linode DNS and Zerigo DNS
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Brand new DNS API!
[Tomaz Muraus]
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.5.2
*) Compute:
- New driver for and
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Fix node name and tag handling in the Amazon EC2 driver
[Wiktor Kolodziej]
- Fix pricing and response handling in the OpenStack driver
[Andrey Zhuchkov]
- Fix deploy_node() method and make it more robust
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Users can now pass file like objects to ScriptDeployment and
SSHKeyDeployment constructor.
[Tomaz Muraus]
- Include node tags when calling list_nodes() in the Amazon EC2
[Trevor Pounds]
- Properly handle response errors in the Rackspace driver and
only throw InvalidCredsError if the returned status code is 401
[Brad Morgan]
- Fix the create_node method in the Nimbus driver and make the
"ex_create_tag" method a no-op, because Nimbus doesn't support creating
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Storage:
- Fix handling of the containers with a lot of objects. Now a LazyList
object is returned when user calls list_container_objects() method
and this object transparently handles pagination.
[Danny Clark, Wiktor Kolodziej]
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.5.0
*) Existing APIs directly on the libcloud.* module have been
deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6.0. Most methods
were moved to the libcloud.compute.* module.
*) Add new libcloud.loadbalancers API, with initial support for:
- GoGrid Load Balancers
- Rackspace Load Balancers
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Add new API, with initial support for:
- Amazon S3
- Rackspace CloudFiles
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Add new libcloud.compute drivers for:
- Bluebox [Christian Paredes]
- [Aymeric Barantal]
- Nimbus [David LaBissoniere]
- OpenStack [Roman Bogorodskiy]
- [Joe Miller]
*) Added "pricing" module and improved pricing handling.
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Updates to the GoGrid compute driver:
- Use API version 1.0.
- Remove sandbox flag.
- Add ex_list_ips() to list IP addresses assigned to the account.
- Implement ex_edit_image method which allows changing image attributes
like name, description and make image public or private.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Updates to the Amazon EC2 compute driver:
- When creating a Node, use the name argument to set a Tag with the
value. [Tomaz Muraus]
- Add extension method for modifying node attributes and changing the
node size. [Tomaz Muraus]
- Add support for the new Amazon Region (Tokyo). [Tomaz Muraus]
- Added ex_create_tags and ex_delete_tags. [Brandon Rhodes]
- Include node Elastic IP addresses in the node public_ip attribute
for the EC2 nodes. [Tomaz Muraus]
- Use ipAddress and privateIpAddress attribute for the EC 2node public
and private ip. [Tomaz Muraus]
- Add ex_describe_addresses method to the EC2 driver. [Tomaz Muraus]
*) Updates to the Rackspace CloudServers compute driver:
- Add ex_rebuild() and ex_get_node_details() [Andrew Klochkov]
- Expose URI of a Rackspace node to the node meta data. [Paul Querna]
*) Minor fixes to get the library and tests working on Python 2.7 and PyPy.
[Tomaz Muraus]
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.4.2 (Released January 18, 2011)
*) Fix EC2 create_node to become backward compatible for
[Tomaž Muraus]
*) Update code for compatibility with CPython 2.5
[Jerry Chen]
*) Implement ex_edit_node method for GoGrid driver which allows
changing node attributes like amount of RAM or description.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Add ex_set_password and ex_set_server_name to Rackspace driver.
[Peter Herndon, Paul Querna]
*) Add Hard and Soft reboot methods to Rackspace driver.
[Peter Herndon]
*) EC2 Driver availability zones, via ex_list_availability_zones;
list_locations rewrite to include availablity zones
[Tomaž Muraus]
*) EC2 Driver Idempotency capability in create_node; LIBCLOUD-69
[David LaBissoniere]
*) SSL Certificate Name Verification:
- module
- LibcloudHTTPSConnection, LibcloudHTTPConnection (alias)
- Emits warning when not verifying, or CA certs not found
*) Append ORD1 to available Rackspace location, but keep in the
same node as DFW1, because it's not readable or writeable from
the API.
[Per suggestion of Grig Gheorghiu]
*) ex_create_ip_group, ex_list_ip_groups, ex_delete_ip_group,
ex_share_ip, ex_unshare_ip, ex_list_ip_addresses additions
to Rackspace driver
[Andrew Klochkov]
*) New driver for CloudSigma
[Tomaž Muraus]
*) New driver for Brightbox Cloud. LIBCLOUD-63
[Tim Fletcher]
*) Deployment capability to ElasticHosts
[Tomaž Muraus]
*) Allow deploy_node to use non-standard SSH username and port
[Tomaž Muraus]
*) Added Rackspace UK (London) support
[Chmouel Boudjnah]
*) GoGrid driver: add support for locations, i.e. listing
of locations and creation of a node in specified
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) GoGrid and Rackspace drivers: add ex_save_image() extra
call to convert running node to an image
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) GoGrid driver: add support for creating 'sandbox' server
and populate isSandbox flag in node's extra information.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Add ImportKeyPair and DescribeKeyPair to EC2. LIBCLOUD-62
[Philip Schwartz]
*) Update EC2 driver and test fixtures for new API.
[Philip Schwartz]
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.4.0 [Released October 6, 2010]
*) Add create keypair functionality to EC2 Drivers. LIBCLOUD-57
[Grig Gheorghiu]
*) Improve handling of GoGrid accounts with limited access
API keys. [Paul Querna]
*) New Driver for ElasticHosts. LIBCLOUD-45
[Tomaz Muraus]
*) Use more consistent name for GoGrid driver and use http
POST method for 'unsafe' operations
[Russell Haering]
*) Implement password handling and add deployment support
for GoGrid nodes.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Fix behavior of GoGrid's create_node to wait for a Node ID.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Add ex_create_node_nowait to GoGrid driver if you don't need to
wait for a Node ID when creating a node.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Removed libcloud.interfaces module.
[Paul Querna]
*) Removed dependency on zope.interfaces.
[Paul Querna]
*) RimuHosting moved API endpoint address.
[Paul Querna]
*) Fix regression and error in GoGrid driver for parsing node objects.
[Roman Bogorodskiy]
*) Added more test cases for GoGrid driver. LIBCLOUD-34
[Roman Bogorodskiy, Jerry Chen]
*) Fix parsing of Slicehost nodes with multiple Public IP addresses.
[Paul Querna]
*) Add exit_status to ScriptDeployment. LIBCLOUD-36
[Paul Querna]
*) Update prices for several drivers.
[Brad Morgan, Paul Querna]
*) Update Linode driver to reflect new plan sizes.
[Jed Smith]
*) Change default of 'location' in Linode create_node. LIBCLOUD-41
[Jed Smith, Steve Steiner]
*) Document the Linode driver.
[Jed Smith]
*) Request a private, LAN IP address at Linode creation.
[Jed Smith]
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.3.1 [Released May 11, 2010]
*) Updates to Apache License blocks to correctly reflect status as an
Apache Project.
*) Fix NOTICE file to use 2010 copyright date.
*) Improve error messages for when running the test cases without
first setting up a
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.3.0 [Tagged May 6, 2010, not released]
*) New Drivers for:
- Dreamhost
- Eucalyptus
- Enomaly ECP
- IBM Developer Cloud
- OpenNebula
- SoftLayer
*) Added new deployment and bootstrap API.
*) Improved Voxel driver.
*) Added support for Amazon EC2 Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region.
*) Improved test coverage for all drivers.
*) Add support for multiple security groups in EC2.
*) Fixed bug in Rackspace and RimuHosting when using multiple threads.
*) Improved debugging and logging of HTTP requests.
*) Improved documentation for all classes and methods.
Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.2.0 [Tagged February 2, 2010]
*) First public release.