blob: e5fe614b6f74c280fc776b0ac690735ef5dac03c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kylin.cube;
import static;
import static org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.CuboidModeEnum.CURRENT;
import static org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.CuboidModeEnum.RECOMMEND;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfig;
import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfigExt;
import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore;
import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.RootPersistentEntity;
import org.apache.kylin.common.util.CompressionUtils;
import org.apache.kylin.common.util.JsonUtil;
import org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.CuboidModeEnum;
import org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.CuboidScheduler;
import org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.TreeCuboidScheduler;
import org.apache.kylin.cube.model.CubeDesc;
import org.apache.kylin.measure.MeasureInstance;
import org.apache.kylin.measure.MeasureManager;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.ColumnDesc;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.DataModelDesc;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.IBuildable;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.ISegment;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.JoinTableDesc;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.MeasureDesc;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.SegmentRange;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.SegmentStatusEnum;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.Segments;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TblColRef;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.project.ProjectInstance;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.project.ProjectManager;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.CapabilityResult;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.CapabilityResult.CapabilityInfluence;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.IRealization;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.RealizationStatusEnum;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.RealizationType;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.SQLDigest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonManagedReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.NONE, getterVisibility = Visibility.NONE, isGetterVisibility = Visibility.NONE, setterVisibility = Visibility.NONE)
public class CubeInstance extends RootPersistentEntity implements IRealization, IBuildable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CubeInstance.class);
public static final int COST_WEIGHT_MEASURE = 1;
public static final int COST_WEIGHT_DIMENSION = 10;
public static final int COST_WEIGHT_INNER_JOIN = 100;
public static CubeInstance create(String cubeName, CubeDesc cubeDesc) {
CubeInstance cubeInstance = new CubeInstance();
cubeInstance.setConfig((KylinConfigExt) cubeDesc.getConfig());
cubeInstance.setSegments(new Segments<CubeSegment>());
return cubeInstance;
private KylinConfigExt config;
private String name;
private String owner;
private String descName;
private String displayName;
// DEPRECATED: the cost should be calculated in runtime
// Mark cube priority for query
private int cost = 50;
private RealizationStatusEnum status;
private Segments<CubeSegment> segments = new Segments<CubeSegment>();
private long createTimeUTC;
private byte[] cuboidBytes;
private byte[] cuboidBytesRecommend;
private long cuboidLastOptimized;
private Map<String, String> snapshots = Maps.newHashMap();
// cuboid scheduler lazy built
transient private CuboidScheduler cuboidScheduler;
// default constructor for jackson
public CubeInstance() {
public CubeInstance latestCopyForWrite() {
CubeManager mgr = CubeManager.getInstance(config);
CubeInstance latest = mgr.getCube(name); // in case this object is out-of-date
return mgr.copyForWrite(latest);
void init(KylinConfig config) {
CubeDesc cubeDesc = CubeDescManager.getInstance(config).getCubeDesc(descName);
checkNotNull(cubeDesc, "cube descriptor '%s' (for cube '%s') not found", descName, name);
if (cubeDesc.isBroken()) {
logger.error("cube descriptor {} (for cube '{}') is broken", cubeDesc.getResourcePath(), name);
logger.error("Errors: {}", cubeDesc.getErrorsAsString());
} else if (getStatus() == RealizationStatusEnum.DESCBROKEN) {
setStatus(RealizationStatusEnum.DISABLED);"cube {} changed from DESCBROKEN to DISABLED", name);
setConfig((KylinConfigExt) cubeDesc.getConfig());
public CuboidScheduler getCuboidScheduler() {
if (cuboidScheduler != null)
return cuboidScheduler;
synchronized (this) {
if (cuboidScheduler == null) {
Map<Long, Long> cuboidsWithRowCnt = getCuboids();
if (cuboidsWithRowCnt == null) {
cuboidScheduler = getDescriptor().getInitialCuboidScheduler();
} else {
cuboidScheduler = new TreeCuboidScheduler(getDescriptor(),
new TreeCuboidScheduler.CuboidCostComparator(cuboidsWithRowCnt));
return cuboidScheduler;
public Segments<CubeSegment> getBuildingSegments() {
return segments.getBuildingSegments();
public Segments<CubeSegment> getMergingSegments(CubeSegment mergedSegment) {
Segments<CubeSegment> mergingSegments = segments.getMergingSegments(mergedSegment);
return mergingSegments;
private boolean checkAlignedMeasure(Segments<CubeSegment> mergingSegments) {
int maxMeasureNumber = 0;
boolean isUnaligned = false;
MeasureManager measureManager = MeasureManager.getInstance(getConfig());
for (ISegment seg : mergingSegments) {
List<MeasureInstance> measuresOnSeg = measureManager.getMeasuresOnSegment(getName(), seg.getName());
if (measuresOnSeg.size() > maxMeasureNumber) {
if (maxMeasureNumber > 0) {
isUnaligned = true;
maxMeasureNumber = measuresOnSeg.size();
if (isUnaligned) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't merge segment, because they have different measure number. Max measure number is "
+ maxMeasureNumber + ", you can refresh other segments to make them aligned.");
return true;
public CubeSegment getOriginalSegmentToRefresh(CubeSegment refreshedSegment) {
return getOriginalSegment(refreshedSegment);
public CubeSegment getOriginalSegmentToOptimize(CubeSegment optimizedSegment) {
return getOriginalSegment(optimizedSegment);
private CubeSegment getOriginalSegment(CubeSegment toSegment) {
for (CubeSegment segment : this.getSegments(SegmentStatusEnum.READY)) {
if (!toSegment.equals(segment) //
&& toSegment.getSegRange().equals(segment.getSegRange())) {
return segment;
return null;
public CubeDesc getDescriptor() {
if (config == null) {
return null;
return CubeDescManager.getInstance(config).getCubeDesc(descName);
public DataModelDesc getModel() {
CubeDesc cubeDesc = this.getDescriptor();
if (cubeDesc != null) {
return cubeDesc.getModel();
} else {
return null;
public boolean isReady() {
return getStatus() == RealizationStatusEnum.READY;
// if cube is not online and has no data or any building job, we allow its descriptor to be
// in a temporary broken state, so that user can edit and fix it. Broken state is often due to
// schema changes at source.
public boolean allowBrokenDescriptor() {
return (getStatus() == RealizationStatusEnum.DISABLED || getStatus() == RealizationStatusEnum.DESCBROKEN)
&& segments.isEmpty();
public String resourceName() {
return name;
public String getResourcePath() {
return concatResourcePath(resourceName());
public static String concatResourcePath(String cubeName) {
return ResourceStore.CUBE_RESOURCE_ROOT + "/" + cubeName + ".json";
public String toString() {
return getCanonicalName();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
CubeInstance other = (CubeInstance) obj;
if (name == null) {
if ( != null)
return false;
} else if (!name.equals(
return false;
return true;
// ============================================================================
public KylinConfig getConfig() {
return config;
void setConfig(KylinConfigExt config) {
this.config = config;
public String getRootFactTable() {
return getModel().getRootFactTable().getTableIdentity();
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getCanonicalName() {
return getType() + "[name=" + name + "]";
public List<MeasureDesc> getMeasures() {
return getDescriptor().getMeasures();
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getOwner() {
return owner;
public void setOwner(String owner) {
this.owner = owner;
public String getDescName() {
return descName;
public void setDescName(String descName) {
this.descName = descName;
public String getDisplayName() {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(displayName)) {
displayName = name;
return displayName;
public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
public int getCost() {
if (getDescriptor() == null) {
//in case not initialized
return 0;
int countedDimensionNum = getRowKeyColumnCount();
int c = countedDimensionNum * COST_WEIGHT_DIMENSION + getMeasures().size() * COST_WEIGHT_MEASURE;
DataModelDesc model = getModel();
if (model == null) {
//in case broken cube
return 0;
for (JoinTableDesc join : model.getJoinTables()) {
if (join.getJoin().isInnerJoin())
return c;
public void setCost(int cost) {
this.cost = cost;
public RealizationStatusEnum getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(RealizationStatusEnum status) {
this.status = status;
public CubeSegment getFirstSegment() {
return segments.getFirstSegment();
public CubeSegment getLatestReadySegment() {
return segments.getLatestReadySegment();
public CubeSegment getLatestBuiltSegment() {
return segments.getLatestBuiltSegment();
public Segments<CubeSegment> getSegments() {
return segments;
public Segments<CubeSegment> getSegments(SegmentStatusEnum status) {
return segments.getSegments(status);
public CubeSegment getSegment(String name, SegmentStatusEnum status) {
return segments.getSegment(name, status);
public void setSegments(Segments segments) {
this.segments = new Segments<>(segments);
public CubeSegment getSegmentById(String segmentId) {
for (CubeSegment segment : segments) {
if (Objects.equal(segment.getUuid(), segmentId)) {
return segment;
return null;
public CubeSegment[] regetSegments(CubeSegment... segs) {
CubeSegment[] r = new CubeSegment[segs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) {
r[i] = getSegmentById(segs[i].getUuid());
return r;
public long getCreateTimeUTC() {
return createTimeUTC;
public void setCreateTimeUTC(long createTimeUTC) {
this.createTimeUTC = createTimeUTC;
public void clearCuboids() {
cuboidBytes = null;
cuboidBytesRecommend = null;
cuboidLastOptimized = 0L;
public Set<Long> getCuboidsByMode(String cuboidModeName) {
return getCuboidsByMode(cuboidModeName == null ? null : CuboidModeEnum.getByModeName(cuboidModeName));
public Set<Long> getCuboidsByMode(CuboidModeEnum cuboidMode) {
if (cuboidMode == null || cuboidMode == CURRENT) {
return getCuboidScheduler().getAllCuboidIds();
Set<Long> cuboidsRecommend = getCuboidsRecommend();
if (cuboidsRecommend == null || cuboidMode == RECOMMEND) {
return cuboidsRecommend;
Set<Long> currentCuboids = getCuboidScheduler().getAllCuboidIds();
switch (cuboidMode) {
return cuboidsRecommend;
return cuboidsRecommend;
return cuboidsRecommend;
return null;
public Map<Long, Long> getCuboids() {
if (cuboidBytes == null)
return null;
byte[] uncompressed;
try {
uncompressed = CompressionUtils.decompress(cuboidBytes);
String str = new String(uncompressed, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
TypeReference<Map<Long, Long>> typeRef = new TypeReference<Map<Long, Long>>() {
Map<Long, Long> cuboids = JsonUtil.readValue(str, typeRef);
return cuboids.isEmpty() ? null : cuboids;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setCuboids(Map<Long, Long> cuboids) {
if (cuboids == null)
if (cuboids.isEmpty()) {
cuboidBytes = null;
try {
String str = JsonUtil.writeValueAsString(cuboids);
byte[] compressed = CompressionUtils.compress(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
cuboidBytes = compressed;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public Set<Long> getCuboidsRecommend() {
if (cuboidBytesRecommend == null)
return null;
byte[] uncompressed;
try {
uncompressed = CompressionUtils.decompress(cuboidBytesRecommend);
String str = new String(uncompressed, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
TypeReference<Set<Long>> typeRef = new TypeReference<Set<Long>>() {
Set<Long> cuboids = JsonUtil.readValue(str, typeRef);
return cuboids.isEmpty() ? null : cuboids;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setCuboidsRecommend(Set<Long> cuboids) {
if (cuboids == null)
if (cuboids.isEmpty()) {
cuboidBytesRecommend = null;
try {
String str = JsonUtil.writeValueAsString(cuboids);
byte[] compressed = CompressionUtils.compress(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
cuboidBytesRecommend = compressed;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public long getCuboidLastOptimized() {
return cuboidLastOptimized;
public void setCuboidLastOptimized(long lastOptimized) {
this.cuboidLastOptimized = lastOptimized;
* Get cuboid level count except base cuboid
* @return
public int getBuildLevel() {
return getCuboidScheduler().getCuboidsByLayer().size() - 1;
public CapabilityResult isCapable(SQLDigest digest) {
CapabilityResult result = CubeCapabilityChecker.check(this, digest);
if (result.capable) {
result.cost = getCost(digest);
for (CapabilityInfluence i : result.influences) {
double suggestCost = i.suggestCostMultiplier();
result.cost *= (suggestCost == 0) ? 1.0 : suggestCost;
} else {
result.cost = -1;
return result;
public int getCost(SQLDigest digest) {
int calculatedCost = cost;
//the number of dimensions is not as accurate as number of row key cols
calculatedCost += getRowKeyColumnCount() * COST_WEIGHT_DIMENSION + getMeasures().size() * COST_WEIGHT_MEASURE;
for (JoinTableDesc joinTable : this.getModel().getJoinTables()) {
// more tables, more cost
if (joinTable.getJoin().isInnerJoin()) {
// inner join cost is bigger than left join, as it will filter some records
calculatedCost += COST_WEIGHT_INNER_JOIN;
return calculatedCost;
public RealizationType getType() {
return RealizationType.CUBE;
public Set<TblColRef> getAllColumns() {
return getDescriptor().listAllColumns();
public Set<ColumnDesc> getAllColumnDescs() {
return getDescriptor().listAllColumnDescs();
public long getDateRangeStart() {
return segments.getTSStart();
public long getDateRangeEnd() {
return segments.getTSEnd();
public boolean supportsLimitPushDown() {
return getDescriptor().supportsLimitPushDown();
public int getRowKeyColumnCount() {
return getDescriptor().getRowkey().getRowKeyColumns().length;
public List<TblColRef> getAllDimensions() {
return Lists.newArrayList(getDescriptor().listDimensionColumnsIncludingDerived());
public boolean needAutoMerge() {
if (!this.getDescriptor().getModel().getPartitionDesc().isPartitioned())
return false;
return this.getConfig().isAutoMergeEnabled() && this.getDescriptor().getAutoMergeTimeRanges() != null
&& this.getDescriptor().getAutoMergeTimeRanges().length > 0 && this.getStatus() == RealizationStatusEnum.READY;
public SegmentRange autoMergeCubeSegments() throws IOException {
return segments.autoMergeCubeSegments(needAutoMerge(), getName(), getDescriptor().getAutoMergeTimeRanges(),
public Segments calculateToBeSegments(CubeSegment newSegment) {
return segments.calculateToBeSegments(newSegment);
public CubeSegment getLastSegment() {
List<CubeSegment> existing = getSegments();
if (existing.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return existing.get(existing.size() - 1);
// For JSON serialization of this attribute, use CubeInstanceResponse
public long getSizeKB() {
long sizeKb = 0L;
for (CubeSegment cubeSegment : this.getSegments(SegmentStatusEnum.READY)) {
sizeKb += cubeSegment.getSizeKB();
return sizeKb;
// For JSON serialization of this attribute, use CubeInstanceResponse
public long getInputRecordCount() {
long sizeRecordCount = 0L;
for (CubeSegment cubeSegment : this.getSegments(SegmentStatusEnum.READY)) {
sizeRecordCount += cubeSegment.getInputRecords();
return sizeRecordCount;
// For JSON serialization of this attribute, use CubeInstanceResponse
public long getInputRecordSizeBytes() {
long sizeRecordSize = 0L;
for (CubeSegment cubeSegment : this.getSegments(SegmentStatusEnum.READY)) {
sizeRecordSize += cubeSegment.getInputRecordsSize();
return sizeRecordSize;
public String getProject() {
return getDescriptor().getProject();
public ProjectInstance getProjectInstance() {
return ProjectManager.getInstance(getConfig()).getProject(getProject());
public int getSourceType() {
return getModel().getRootFactTable().getTableDesc().getSourceType();
public int getStorageType() {
return getDescriptor().getStorageType();
public int getEngineType() {
return getDescriptor().getEngineType();
public Map<String, String> getSnapshots() {
if (snapshots == null)
snapshots = Maps.newHashMap();
return snapshots;
public String getSnapshotResPath(String tableName) {
return getSnapshots().get(tableName);
public void putSnapshotResPath(String table, String snapshotResPath) {
getSnapshots().put(table, snapshotResPath);
public static CubeInstance getCopyOf(CubeInstance cubeInstance) {
CubeInstance newCube = new CubeInstance();
newCube.setConfig((KylinConfigExt) cubeInstance.getConfig());
return newCube;
public static CubeSegment findSegmentWithJobId(String jobID, CubeInstance cubeInstance) {
for (CubeSegment segment : cubeInstance.getSegments()) {
String lastBuildJobID = segment.getLastBuildJobID();
if (lastBuildJobID != null && lastBuildJobID.equalsIgnoreCase(jobID)) {
return segment;
throw new IllegalStateException("No segment's last build job ID equals " + jobID);