blob: df901615128a17d0350b87d650c1f2e6a38720f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.spark.sql.common
import java.sql.Types
import java.util.TimeZone
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.query.StructField
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.sideBySide
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
object SparderQueryTest extends Logging {
def same(sparkDF: DataFrame,
kylinAnswer: DataFrame,
checkOrder: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
checkAnswerBySeq(castDataType(sparkDF, kylinAnswer), kylinAnswer.collect(), checkOrder) match {
case Some(errorMessage) =>
case None => true
def checkAnswer(sparkDF: DataFrame,
kylinAnswer: DataFrame,
checkOrder: Boolean = false): String = {
checkAnswerBySeq(castDataType(sparkDF, kylinAnswer), kylinAnswer.collect(), checkOrder) match {
case Some(errorMessage) => errorMessage
case None => null
* Runs the plan and makes sure the answer matches the expected result.
* If there was exception during the execution or the contents of the DataFrame does not
* match the expected result, an error message will be returned. Otherwise, a [[None]] will
* be returned.
* @param sparkDF the [[org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame]] to be executed
* @param kylinAnswer the expected result in a [[Seq]] of [[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]]s.
* @param checkToRDD whether to verify deserialization to an RDD. This runs the query twice.
def checkAnswerBySeq(sparkDF: DataFrame,
kylinAnswer: Seq[Row],
checkOrder: Boolean = false,
checkToRDD: Boolean = true): Option[String] = {
if (checkToRDD) {
sparkDF.rdd.count() // Also attempt to deserialize as an RDD [SPARK-15791]
val sparkAnswer = try sparkDF.collect().toSeq catch {
case e: Exception =>
val errorMessage =
|Exception thrown while executing query:
|== Exception ==
return Some(errorMessage)
sameRows(sparkAnswer, kylinAnswer, checkOrder).map { results =>
|Results do not match for query:
|Timezone: ${TimeZone.getDefault}
|Timezone Env: ${sys.env.getOrElse("TZ", "")}
|== Results ==
def prepareAnswer(answer: Seq[Row], isSorted: Boolean): Seq[Row] = {
// Converts data to types that we can do equality comparison using Scala collections.
// For BigDecimal type, the Scala type has a better definition of equality test (similar to
// Java's java.math.BigDecimal.compareTo).
// For binary arrays, we convert it to Seq to avoid of calling java.util.Arrays.equals for
// equality test.
val converted: Seq[Row] =
if (!isSorted) converted.sortBy(_.toString()) else converted
// compare string .
def prepareRow(row: Row): Row = {
Row.fromSeq( {
case null => null
case d: java.math.BigDecimal => BigDecimal(d).setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
case db: Double if db.isNaN || db.isInfinite => None
case db: Double => BigDecimal.apply(db).setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toString.toDouble
// Convert array to Seq for easy equality check.
case b: Array[_] => b.toSeq
case r: Row => prepareRow(r)
case o => o
def sameRows(sparkAnswer: Seq[Row],
kylinAnswer: Seq[Row],
isSorted: Boolean = false): Option[String] = {
if (prepareAnswer(sparkAnswer, isSorted) != prepareAnswer(kylinAnswer,
isSorted)) {
val errorMessage =
|== Results ==
s"== Kylin Answer - ${kylinAnswer.size} ==" +:
prepareAnswer(kylinAnswer, isSorted).map(_.toString()),
s"== Spark Answer - ${sparkAnswer.size} ==" +:
prepareAnswer(sparkAnswer, isSorted).map(_.toString())
return Some(errorMessage)
* Runs the plan and makes sure the answer is within absTol of the expected result.
* @param actualAnswer the actual result in a [[Row]].
* @param expectedAnswer the expected result in a[[Row]].
* @param absTol the absolute tolerance between actual and expected answers.
protected def checkAggregatesWithTol(actualAnswer: Row,
expectedAnswer: Row,
absTol: Double): Unit = {
require(actualAnswer.length == expectedAnswer.length,
s"actual answer length ${actualAnswer.length} != " +
s"expected answer length ${expectedAnswer.length}")
// TODO: support other numeric types besides Double
// TODO: support struct types? {
case (actual: Double, expected: Double) =>
math.abs(actual - expected) < absTol,
s"actual answer $actual not within $absTol of correct answer $expected")
case (actual, expected) =>
assert(actual == expected, s"$actual did not equal $expected")
private def isCharType(dataType: Integer): Boolean = {
if (dataType == Types.CHAR || dataType == Types.VARCHAR) {
return true
private def isIntType(structField: StructField): Boolean = {
val intList = scala.collection.immutable.List(Types.TINYINT, Types.SMALLINT, Types.INTEGER, Types.BIGINT)
val dataType = structField.getDataType
if (intList.contains(dataType)) {
return true
private def isBinaryType(structField: StructField): Boolean = {
val intList = scala.collection.immutable.List(Types.BINARY, Types.VARBINARY, Types.LONGVARBINARY)
val dataType = structField.getDataType;
if (intList.contains(dataType)) {
return true
private def isArrayType(field: StructField): Boolean = {
field.getDataTypeName == "ARRAY<STRING>" || field.getDataTypeName == "ARRAY"
def isSameDataType(cubeStructField: StructField, sparkStructField: StructField): Boolean = {
if (cubeStructField.getDataType == sparkStructField.getDataType) {
return true
// calcite dataTypeName = "ANY"
if (cubeStructField.getDataType == 2000) {
return true
if (isCharType(cubeStructField.getDataType()) && isCharType(sparkStructField.getDataType())) {
return true
if (isIntType(cubeStructField) && isIntType(sparkStructField)) {
return true
if (isBinaryType(cubeStructField) && isBinaryType(sparkStructField)) {
return true
if (isArrayType(cubeStructField) && isArrayType(sparkStructField)) {
return true
def castDataType(sparkResult: DataFrame, cubeResult: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val newNames = sparkResult.schema.names
.map(name => name._1.replaceAll("\\.", "_") + "_" + name._2).toSeq
val newDf = sparkResult.toDF(newNames: _*)
val columns = {
case (sparkField, kylinField) =>
if (!sparkField.dataType.sameType(kylinField.dataType)) {
} else {
} _*)