blob: 88da90dceeb3eef21270c68d16b36a7c9750eaa8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kylin.query.relnode;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Join;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexCall;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexLiteral;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexSlot;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.kylin.common.QueryContext;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TblColRef;
import org.apache.kylin.query.util.RexUtils;
import org.apache.kylin.util.CalciteSystemProperty;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.apache.kylin.guava30.shaded.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.kylin.guava30.shaded.common.collect.Sets;
public class ContextUtil {
private ContextUtil() {
* used for collect a rel node's all subContext, which contain the context of itself
public static Set<OLAPContext> collectSubContext(RelNode subRel) {
Set<OLAPContext> subContexts = Sets.newHashSet();
if (subRel == null)
return subContexts;
subContexts.addAll(((KapRel) subRel).getSubContext());
if (((KapRel) subRel).getContext() != null)
subContexts.add(((KapRel) subRel).getContext());
return subContexts;
//pre-order travel to set subContexts
public static Set<OLAPContext> setSubContexts(RelNode relNode) {
Set<OLAPContext> subContexts = Sets.newHashSet();
if (relNode == null)
return subContexts;
for (RelNode inputNode : relNode.getInputs()) {
((KapRel) relNode).setSubContexts(subContexts);
return subContexts;
public static List<OLAPContext> listContextsHavingScan() {
// Context has no table scan is created by OLAPJoinRel which looks like
// (sub-query) as A join (sub-query) as B
// No realization needed for such context.
int size = OLAPContext.getThreadLocalContexts().size();
java.util.List<OLAPContext> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(size);
for (OLAPContext ctx : OLAPContext.getThreadLocalContexts()) {
if (ctx.firstTableScan != null)
return result;
public static List<OLAPContext> listContexts() {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(OLAPContext.getThreadLocalContexts()))
return Lists.newArrayList();
return Lists.newArrayList(OLAPContext.getThreadLocalContexts());
public static boolean qualifiedForAggInfoPushDown(RelNode currentRel, OLAPContext subContext) {
// 1. the parent node of TopRel in subContext is not NULL and is instance Of KapJoinRel.
// 2. the TopNode of subContext is NOT instance of KapAggregateRel.
// 3. JoinRels in the path from currentNode to the ParentOfContextTopRel node are all of the same type (left/inner/cross)
// 4. all aggregate is derived from the same subContext
return (subContext.getParentOfTopNode() instanceof KapJoinRel
|| subContext.getParentOfTopNode() instanceof KapNonEquiJoinRel)
&& !(subContext.getTopNode() instanceof KapAggregateRel)
&& areSubJoinRelsSameType(currentRel, subContext, null, null)
&& derivedFromSameContext(new HashSet<>(), currentRel, subContext, false);
public static void dumpCalcitePlan(String msg, RelNode relNode, Logger logger) {
if ((Boolean.TRUE.equals(CalciteSystemProperty.DEBUG.value()) || QueryContext.current().isDryRun())
&& logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("{} :{}{}", msg, System.getProperty("line.separator"), RelOptUtil.toString(relNode));
if (QueryContext.current().isDryRun() && msg.contains("FIRST ROUND")) {
private static boolean derivedFromSameContext(Collection<Integer> indexOfInputCols, RelNode currentNode,
OLAPContext subContext, boolean hasCountConstant) {
if (currentNode instanceof KapAggregateRel) {
hasCountConstant = hasCountConstant((KapAggregateRel) currentNode);
Set<Integer> inputColsIndex = collectAggInputIndex(((KapAggregateRel) currentNode));
return derivedFromSameContext(inputColsIndex, ((KapAggregateRel) currentNode).getInput(), subContext,
} else if (currentNode instanceof KapProjectRel) {
Set<RexNode> rexLiterals =
.map(index -> ((KapProjectRel) currentNode).rewriteProjects.get(index))
Set<Integer> indexOfInputRel =
.map(index -> ((KapProjectRel) currentNode).rewriteProjects.get(index))
.flatMap(rex -> RexUtils.getAllInputRefs(rex).stream()).map(RexSlot::getIndex)
if (!indexOfInputCols.isEmpty() && indexOfInputRel.isEmpty() && rexLiterals.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Error on collection index, index " + indexOfInputCols + " child index " + indexOfInputRel);
return derivedFromSameContext(indexOfInputRel, ((KapProjectRel) currentNode).getInput(), subContext,
} else if (currentNode instanceof KapJoinRel || currentNode instanceof KapNonEquiJoinRel) {
return isJoinFromSameContext(indexOfInputCols, (Join) currentNode, subContext, hasCountConstant);
} else if (currentNode instanceof KapFilterRel) {
RexNode condition = ((KapFilterRel) currentNode).getCondition();
if (condition instanceof RexCall)
indexOfInputCols.addAll(collectColsFromFilterRel((RexCall) condition));
return derivedFromSameContext(indexOfInputCols, ((KapFilterRel) currentNode).getInput(), subContext,
} else {
//do not support agg pushdown if WindowRel, SortRel, LimitRel, ValueRel is met
return false;
private static boolean hasCountConstant(KapAggregateRel aggRel) {
return -> !func.isDistinct() && func.getArgList().isEmpty()
&& func.getAggregation() instanceof SqlCountAggFunction);
private static Set<Integer> collectAggInputIndex(KapAggregateRel aggRel) {
Set<Integer> inputColsIndex = Sets.newHashSet();
for (AggregateCall aggregateCall : aggRel.aggregateCalls) {
if (aggregateCall.getArgList() == null)
return inputColsIndex;
private static boolean isJoinFromSameContext(Collection<Integer> indexOfInputCols, Join joinRel,
OLAPContext subContext, boolean hasCountConstant) {
// now support Cartesian Join if children are from different contexts
if (joinRel.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.LEFT && hasCountConstant)
return false;
if (indexOfInputCols.isEmpty())
return true;
int maxIndex = Collections.max(indexOfInputCols);
int leftLength = joinRel.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldList().size();
if (maxIndex < leftLength) {
return isLeftJoinFromSameContext(indexOfInputCols, joinRel, subContext, hasCountConstant);
int minIndex = Collections.min(indexOfInputCols);
if (minIndex >= leftLength) {
return isRightJoinFromSameContext(indexOfInputCols, joinRel, subContext, hasCountConstant, leftLength);
return false;
private static boolean isLeftJoinFromSameContext(Collection<Integer> indexOfInputCols, Join joinRel,
OLAPContext subContext, boolean hasCountConstant) {
KapRel potentialSubRel = (KapRel) joinRel.getLeft();
if (subContext == potentialSubRel.getContext()) {
return true;
if (potentialSubRel.getContext() != null) {
return false;
if (potentialSubRel instanceof KapProjectRel) {
((KapJoinRel) joinRel).leftKeys.forEach(leftKey -> {
RexNode leftCol = ((KapProjectRel) potentialSubRel).getProjects().get(leftKey);
if (leftCol instanceof RexCall) {
return derivedFromSameContext(indexOfInputCols, potentialSubRel, subContext, hasCountConstant);
private static boolean isRightJoinFromSameContext(Collection<Integer> indexOfInputCols, Join joinRel,
OLAPContext subContext, boolean hasCountConstant, int leftLength) {
KapRel potentialSubRel = (KapRel) joinRel.getRight();
if (subContext == potentialSubRel.getContext()) {
return true;
if (potentialSubRel.getContext() != null) {
return false;
Set<Integer> indexOfInputRel = Sets.newHashSet();
for (Integer indexOfInputCol : indexOfInputCols) {
indexOfInputRel.add(indexOfInputCol - leftLength);
return derivedFromSameContext(indexOfInputRel, potentialSubRel, subContext, hasCountConstant);
private static boolean areSubJoinRelsSameType(RelNode kapRel, OLAPContext subContext, JoinRelType expectedJoinType,
Class<?> joinCondClz) {
OLAPContext ctx = ((KapRel) kapRel).getContext();
if (ctx != null && ctx != subContext)
return false;
if (kapRel instanceof Join) {
Join joinRel = (Join) kapRel;
if (joinCondClz == null) {
joinCondClz = joinRel.getCondition().getClass();
if (expectedJoinType == null) {
expectedJoinType = joinRel.getJoinType();
if (joinRel.getJoinType() == expectedJoinType && joinRel.getCondition().getClass().equals(joinCondClz)) {
return kapRel == subContext.getParentOfTopNode()
|| areSubJoinRelsSameType(joinRel.getLeft(), subContext, expectedJoinType, joinCondClz)
|| areSubJoinRelsSameType(joinRel.getRight(), subContext, expectedJoinType, joinCondClz);
return false;
return kapRel.getInputs().isEmpty()
|| areSubJoinRelsSameType(kapRel.getInput(0), subContext, expectedJoinType, joinCondClz);
private static Set<Integer> collectColsFromFilterRel(RexCall filterCondition) {
return RexUtils.getAllInputRefs(filterCondition).stream().map(RexSlot::getIndex).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public static void updateSubContexts(Collection<TblColRef> colRefs, Set<OLAPContext> subContexts) {
for (TblColRef colRef : colRefs) {
for (OLAPContext context : subContexts) {
if (colRef != null && context.belongToContextTables(colRef)) {