blob: 5422c9a322538c9a346e63063a9144a2c4d8c1d2 [file] [log] [blame]
<div id="queryTab">
<!-- for guide start -->
<el-button @click="handleForGuide" style="position: absolute;" v-visible></el-button>
<!-- for guide end -->
<div class="query_panel_box ksd-mb-34">
<kylin-editor ref="insightBox" :class="{'guide-WorkSpaceEditor':isWorkspace}" height="218" lang="sql" theme="chrome" @keydown.meta.enter.native="submitQuery(sourceSchema)" @keydown.ctrl.enter.native="submitQuery(sourceSchema)" v-model="sourceSchema" :readOnly="!isWorkspace">
<div class="clearfix operatorBox">
<p class="tips_box">
<el-button type="primary" text size="small" @click.native="openSaveQueryDialog" :disabled="!sourceSchema">{{$t('')}}</el-button><el-button
size="small" type="primary" text @click.native="resetQuery" :disabled="!sourceSchema" v-if="isWorkspace" style="display:inline-block">{{$t('clear')}}</el-button><el-tooltip
placement="top" :disabled="!sourceSchema" :content="$t('formatTips')">
<el-button size="small" type="primary" text @click.native="format" :disabled="!sourceSchema" v-if="isWorkspace" style="display:inline-block">{{$t('format')}}</el-button>
<p class="operator" v-if="isWorkspace">
<el-form :model="queryForm" :inline="true" ref="queryForm" @submit.native.prevent class="demo-form-inline">
<el-form-item v-show="showHtrace">
<el-checkbox class="ksd-mt-4" v-model="queryForm.isHtrace" @change="changeTrace">{{$t('trace')}}</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox class="ksd-mt-4" v-model="queryForm.hasLimit" @change="changeLimit">Limit</el-checkbox>
</el-form-item><el-form-item :rules="limitRule" prop="listRows" :show-message="false">
<el-input placeholder="" size="small" style="width:90px;" @input="handleInputChange" v-model="queryForm.listRows" class="limit-input"></el-input>
<el-button type="primary" size="small" class="ksd-btn-minwidth" :disabled="!sourceSchema" :loading="isLoading && isStopping" @click="submitQuery(sourceSchema)">{{!isLoading ? $t('runQuery') : $t('stopQuery')}}</el-button>
<div class="submit-tips" v-if="isWorkspace">
<i class="el-icon-ksd-info ksd-fs-12" ></i>
Dryrun is an experimental feature for user to create proper model. To enable/disable Dryrun, please set 'kylin.query.dryrun-enabled=true/false' in Setting -> Advanced Settings -> Custom Project Configuration. <br>
Control / Command + Enter = <span>{{!isLoading ? $t('runQuery') : $t('stopQuery')}}</span>
<div v-show="isLoading" class="ksd-center ksd-mt-10">
<el-progress type="circle" :percentage="percent"></el-progress>
<div id="queryPanelBox" v-if="extraoptionObj&&errinfo">
<div class="resultTipsLine">
<div class="resultTips">
<p class="resultText" v-if="extraoptionObj.queryId">
<span class="label">{{$t('kylinLang.query.query_id')}}: </span>
<span class="text" v-if="extraoptionObj.queryId">{{extraoptionObj.queryId}}</span>
<span v-else class="ksd-ml-10">
<common-tip :content="$t('linkToSpark')" v-if="extraoptionObj.appMasterURL">
<a target="_blank" :href="extraoptionObj.appMasterURL"><i class="el-icon-ksd-go"></i></a>
<!-- <p class="resultText"><span class="label">{{$t('kylinLang.query.status')}}</span>
<span class="ky-error">{{$t('kylinLang.common.error')}}</span></p> -->
<pre class="error-block">{{errinfo}}</pre>
<queryresult :extraoption="extraoptionObj" :isWorkspace="isWorkspace" :isStop="tabsItem.isStop" :tabsItem="tabsItem" v-if="extraoptionObj && !errinfo" :queryExportData="tabsItem.queryObj"></queryresult>
<div class="no-result-block" :class="{'is-global-alter': $store.state.system.isShowGlobalAlter}" v-if="!extraoptionObj && !isLoading">
<kylin-nodata :content="$t('queryTips')"></kylin-nodata>
<save_query_dialog :show="saveQueryFormVisible" :sql="this.sourceSchema" :project="currentSelectedProject" v-on:closeModal="closeModal"></save_query_dialog>
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Component, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex'
import queryresult from './query_result'
import saveQueryDialog from './save_query_dialog'
import { kylinConfirm, handleSuccess, handleError } from '../../util/business'
props: ['tabsItem', 'completeData', 'tipsName'],
methods: {
components: {
'save_query_dialog': saveQueryDialog
computed: {
config: state => state.config
locales: {
'en': {
trace: 'Trace',
queryBox: 'Query Box',
linkToSpark: 'Jump to Spark Web UI',
resetTips: 'Are you sure you want to clear the SQL Editor?',
queryTips: 'You can enter a SQL query in the SQL editor, and the results will be displayed here after the query runs',
clear: 'Clear',
format: 'Reformat',
formatTips: 'Reformatting for easy reading',
runQuery: 'Run Query',
stopQuery: 'Stop Query',
overIntegerLength: 'Please enter a value no larger than 2,147,483,647.',
viewLogs: 'View Logs',
htraceTips: 'Please make sure Zipkin server is properly deployed according to the manual of performance diagnose package.',
queryError: 'The query fails.',
queryTimeOut: 'The request timeout, please check the network situation and Kylin service instance status.',
queryTimeOutInCloud: 'The request timeout, please check the network situation and Kylin 5 service instance status.'
export default class QueryTab extends Vue {
queryForm = {
hasLimit: true,
listRows: 500,
isHtrace: false
sourceSchema = ''
saveQueryFormVisible = false
extraoptionObj = null
isLoading = false
percent = 0
ST = null
errinfo = ''
isWorkspace = true
activeQueryId = ''
isStopping = false
get limitRule () {
return [
{ validator: this.checkLimitNum, trigger: 'blur' }
checkLimitNum (rule, value, callback) {
if (+value > 2147483647) {
type: 'error',
message: this.$t('overIntegerLength'),
closeOtherMessages: true
callback(new Error())
} else {
uniqueId () {
return `query_${new Date().getTime().toString(32)}`
// 为了guide
handleForGuide (obj) {
let action = obj.action
let data =
if (action === 'intoEditor') {
this.activeSubMenu = 'WorkSpace'
} else if (action === 'inputSql') {
this.sourceSchema = data
} else if (action === 'requestSql') {
const queryObj = {
acceptPartial: true,
limit: 500,
offset: 0,
project: this.currentSelectedProject,
sql: data,
backdoorToggles: {
changeLimit () {
if (this.queryForm.hasLimit) {
this.queryForm.listRows = 500
} else {
this.queryForm.listRows = 0
changeTrace () {
if (this.queryForm.isHtrace) {
kylinConfirm(this.$t('htraceTips'), {centerButton: true})
openSaveQueryDialog () {
this.saveQueryFormVisible = true
closeModal (needRefreshData) {
if (needRefreshData) {
this.saveQueryFormVisible = false
handleInputChange (value) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.queryForm.listRows = (isNaN(value) || value === '' || value < 0) ? 0 : Number(value)
async resetQuery () {
await kylinConfirm(this.$t('resetTips'), {cancelButtonText: this.$t('kylinLang.common.cancel'), confirmButtonText: this.$t('clear'), type: 'warning', centerButton: true})
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.sourceSchema = ''
this.extraoptionObj = null
this.errinfo = ''
const editor = this.$refs.insightBox
editor.$emit('setValue', '')
format () {
const editor = this.$refs.insightBox
this.sourceSchema = editor.handleFormatSql(this.sourceSchema)
async submitQuery (querySql) {
try {
const valid = await this.$refs.queryForm.validate()
if (!valid) {
if (!this.isLoading) {
if (!this.isWorkspace || !querySql) {
this.activeQueryId = this.uniqueId()
const queryObj = {
limit: this.queryForm.listRows,
offset: 0,
project: this.currentSelectedProject,
sql: querySql,
stopId: this.activeQueryId
this.$emit('addTab', 'query', queryObj)
} else {
this.isStopping = true
this.stop({id: this.activeQueryId})
} catch (e) {
resetResult () {
this.extraoptionObj = null
this.errinfo = ''
this.isLoading = false
this.isStopping = false
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.isLoading = true
queryResult (queryObj) {
this.query(queryObj).then((res) => {
handleSuccess(res, (data) => {
this.isLoading = false
this.isStopping = false
this.extraoptionObj = data
if (data.isException) {
this.errinfo = data.exceptionMessage || this.$t('queryError')
this.$emit('changeView', this.tabsItem.index, data, this.errinfo)
} else {
this.errinfo = ''
this.$emit('changeView', this.tabsItem.index, data)
}, (res) => {
this.isLoading = false
this.isStopping = false
handleError(res, (data, code, status, msg) => {
this.errinfo = msg || this.$t('queryTimeOut')
if (!status || status !== 200 || status < 0) {
this.config.errorMsgBox.isShow = true
this.config.errorMsgBox.msg = this.errinfo
this.config.errorMsgBox.detail = data
this.$emit('changeView', this.tabsItem.index, data, this.errinfo, true) // 最后的true为系统弹框报错(job节点不支持查询)
queryLoading () {
var _this = this
this.percent = 0
this.ST = setInterval(() => {
var randomPlus = Math.round(10 * Math.random())
if (_this.percent + randomPlus < 99) {
_this.percent += randomPlus
} else {
}, 600)
get showHtrace () {
return this.$store.state.system.showHtrace === 'true'
onCompleteDataChange (val) {
if (val) {
this.$refs.insightBox.$emit('setAutoCompleteData', this.completeData)
onTipsNameChange (val) {
if (val && this.$ === 'WorkSpace' && this.$ {
const editor = this.$refs.insightBox
editor.$emit('insert', val)
this.sourceSchema = editor.getValue()
onTabsItemChange (val) {
if (val) {
this.extraoptionObj = this.tabsItem.extraoption
this.errinfo = this.tabsItem.queryErrorInfo
this.sourceSchema = this.tabsItem.queryObj && this.tabsItem.queryObj.sql || ''
this.isWorkspace = === 'WorkSpace'
// if (this.tabsItem.queryObj && this.tabsItem.index) {
// this.queryResult(this.tabsItem.queryObj)
// } else {
// this.resetResult()
// }
onTabsResultChange (val) {
this.isLoading = false
this.extraoptionObj = this.tabsItem.extraoption
this.errinfo = this.tabsItem.queryErrorInfo
onQueryException (val) {
this.isLoading = false
this.errinfo = this.tabsItem.queryErrorInfo
onCancelQuery (val) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (val && this.isLoading) {
this.isLoading = false
this.$emit('changeView', 0, null, '')
destoryed () {
created () {
this.extraoptionObj = this.tabsItem.extraoption
this.errinfo = this.tabsItem.queryErrorInfo
this.isWorkspace = === 'WorkSpace'
this.tabsItem.queryObj && !this.tabsItem.queryObj.stopId && (this.tabsItem.queryObj.stopId = this.uniqueId())
if (this.tabsItem.queryObj && !this.tabsItem.extraoption && this.tabsItem.index) {
// 查询语句量大的时候,会造成页面卡顿,所以延迟给编辑器赋值
window.setTimeout(() => {
// 如果快速被切走了,就不执行赋值
if (this._isDestroyed) {
this.sourceSchema = this.tabsItem.queryObj && this.tabsItem.queryObj.sql || ''
}, 100)
<style lang="less">
@import '../../assets/styles/variables.less';
#queryTab {
.no-result-block {
height: calc(~'100vh - 380px');
position: relative;
&.is-global-alter {
height: calc(~'100vh - 433px');
.btn-view-log {
margin-left: 15px;
position: relative;
top: -2px;
#queryPanelBox {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.error-block {
height: 200px;
overflow-y: scroll;
background-color: @fff;
border: 1px solid @grey-2;
padding: 10px;
margin-top: 6px;