blob: 5895751c8ae43a1ee3bd4fd01e53e5119adb9b6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/fs/log_block_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include "kudu/fs/block_manager_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/fs/block_manager_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/callback.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strcat.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strip.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/util/alignment.h"
#include "kudu/util/atomic.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/env_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/malloc.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/path_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util_prod.h"
#include "kudu/util/threadpool.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace.h"
// TODO: How should this be configured? Should provide some guidance.
DEFINE_uint64(log_container_max_size, 10LU * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
"Maximum size (soft) of a log container");
TAG_FLAG(log_container_max_size, advanced);
DEFINE_uint64(log_container_preallocate_bytes, 32LU * 1024 * 1024,
"Number of bytes to preallocate in a log container when "
"creating new blocks. Set to 0 to disable preallocation");
TAG_FLAG(log_container_preallocate_bytes, advanced);
DEFINE_bool(log_block_manager_test_hole_punching, true,
"Ensure hole punching is supported by the underlying filesystem");
TAG_FLAG(log_block_manager_test_hole_punching, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(log_block_manager_test_hole_punching, unsafe);
DEFINE_int32(log_block_manager_full_disk_cache_seconds, 30,
"Number of seconds we cache the full-disk status in the block manager. "
"During this time, writes to the corresponding root path will not be attempted.");
TAG_FLAG(log_block_manager_full_disk_cache_seconds, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(log_block_manager_full_disk_cache_seconds, evolving);
DEFINE_int64(fs_data_dirs_reserved_bytes, 0,
"Number of bytes to reserve on each data directory filesystem for non-Kudu usage. "
"Only works with the log block manager and when --log_container_preallocate_bytes "
"is non-zero.");
TAG_FLAG(fs_data_dirs_reserved_bytes, runtime);
TAG_FLAG(fs_data_dirs_reserved_bytes, evolving);
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, log_block_manager_bytes_under_management,
"Bytes Under Management",
"Number of bytes of data blocks currently under management");
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, log_block_manager_blocks_under_management,
"Blocks Under Management",
"Number of data blocks currently under management");
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, log_block_manager_containers,
"Number of Block Containers",
"Number of log block containers");
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, log_block_manager_full_containers,
"Number of Full Block Counters",
"Number of full log block containers");
METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, log_block_manager_unavailable_containers,
"Number of Unavailable Log Block Containers",
"Number of non-full log block containers that are under root paths "
"whose disks are full");
using kudu::env_util::ScopedFileDeleter;
using kudu::fs::internal::LogBlock;
using kudu::fs::internal::LogBlockContainer;
using kudu::pb_util::ReadablePBContainerFile;
using kudu::pb_util::WritablePBContainerFile;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::unordered_set;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace fs {
namespace internal {
// LogBlockManagerMetrics
// Metrics container associated with the log block manager.
// Includes implementation-agnostic metrics as well as some that are
// specific to the log block manager.
struct LogBlockManagerMetrics {
explicit LogBlockManagerMetrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity);
// Implementation-agnostic metrics.
BlockManagerMetrics generic_metrics;
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<uint64_t> > bytes_under_management;
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<uint64_t> > blocks_under_management;
scoped_refptr<Counter> containers;
scoped_refptr<Counter> full_containers;
scoped_refptr<Counter> unavailable_containers;
#define MINIT(x) x(METRIC_log_block_manager_##x.Instantiate(metric_entity))
#define GINIT(x) x(METRIC_log_block_manager_##x.Instantiate(metric_entity, 0))
LogBlockManagerMetrics::LogBlockManagerMetrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity)
: generic_metrics(metric_entity),
MINIT(unavailable_containers) {
#undef GINIT
#undef MINIT
// LogBlockContainer
// A single block container belonging to the log-backed block manager.
// A container may only be used to write one WritableBlock at a given time.
// However, existing blocks may be deleted concurrently. As such, almost
// all container functions must be reentrant, even if the container itself
// is logically thread unsafe (i.e. multiple clients calling WriteData()
// concurrently will produce nonsensical container data). Thread unsafe
// functions are marked explicitly.
class LogBlockContainer {
static const char* kMagic;
// Creates a new block container in 'dir'.
static Status Create(LogBlockManager* block_manager,
PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance,
const std::string& dir,
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer>* container);
// Opens an existing block container in 'dir'.
// Every container is comprised of two files: "<dir>/<id>.data" and
// "<dir>/<id>.metadata". Together, 'dir' and 'id' fully describe both files.
static Status Open(LogBlockManager* block_manager,
PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance,
const std::string& dir,
const std::string& id,
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer>* container);
// Indicates that the writing of 'block' is finished. If successful,
// adds the block to the block manager's in-memory maps.
// Returns a status that is either the same as 's' (if !s.ok()) or
// potentially different (if s.ok() and FinishBlock() failed).
// After returning, this container has been released to the block manager
// and may no longer be used in the context of writing 'block'.
Status FinishBlock(const Status& s, WritableBlock* block);
// Frees the space associated with a block at 'offset' and 'length'. This
// is a physical operation, not a logical one; a separate AppendMetadata()
// is required to record the deletion in container metadata.
// The on-disk effects of this call are made durable only after SyncData().
Status DeleteBlock(int64_t offset, int64_t length);
// Writes 'data' to this container's data file at offset 'offset'.
// The on-disk effects of this call are made durable only after SyncData().
Status WriteData(int64_t offset, const Slice& data);
// See RWFile::Read().
Status ReadData(int64_t offset, size_t length,
Slice* result, uint8_t* scratch) const;
// Appends 'pb' to this container's metadata file.
// The on-disk effects of this call are made durable only after SyncMetadata().
Status AppendMetadata(const BlockRecordPB& pb);
// Asynchronously flush this container's data file from 'offset' through
// to 'length'.
// Does not guarantee data durability; use SyncData() for that.
Status FlushData(int64_t offset, int64_t length);
// Asynchronously flush this container's metadata file (all dirty bits).
// Does not guarantee metadata durability; use SyncMetadata() for that.
// TODO: Add support to just flush a range.
Status FlushMetadata();
// Synchronize this container's data file with the disk. On success,
// guarantees that the data is made durable.
// TODO: Add support to synchronize just a range.
Status SyncData();
// Synchronize this container's metadata file with the disk. On success,
// guarantees that the metadata is made durable.
// TODO: Add support to synchronize just a range.
Status SyncMetadata();
// Ensure that 'length' bytes are preallocated in this container,
// beginning from the position where the last written block ended.
Status Preallocate(size_t length);
// Returns the path to the metadata file.
string MetadataFilePath() const;
// Returns the path to the data file.
string DataFilePath() const;
// Reads the container's metadata from disk, sanity checking and
// returning the records.
Status ReadContainerRecords(deque<BlockRecordPB>* records) const;
// Updates 'total_bytes_written_', marking this container as full if
// needed. Should only be called when a block is fully written, as it
// will round up the container data file's position.
// This function is thread unsafe.
void UpdateBytesWritten(int64_t more_bytes);
// Run a task on this container's root path thread pool.
// Normally the task is performed asynchronously. However, if submission to
// the pool fails, it runs synchronously on the current thread.
void ExecClosure(const Closure& task);
// Simple accessors.
std::string dir() const { return DirName(path_); }
const std::string& ToString() const { return path_; }
LogBlockManager* block_manager() const { return block_manager_; }
int64_t total_bytes_written() const { return total_bytes_written_; }
bool full() const {
return total_bytes_written_ >= FLAGS_log_container_max_size;
const LogBlockManagerMetrics* metrics() const { return metrics_; }
const PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance() const { return instance_; }
const std::string& root_path() const { return root_path_; }
// RAII-style class for finishing containers in FinishBlock().
class ScopedFinisher {
// 'container' must outlive the finisher.
explicit ScopedFinisher(LogBlockContainer* container) :
container_(container) {
~ScopedFinisher() {
LogBlockContainer* container_;
LogBlockContainer(LogBlockManager* block_manager, PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance,
std::string root_path, std::string path,
gscoped_ptr<WritablePBContainerFile> metadata_writer,
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> data_file);
// Performs sanity checks on a block record.
void CheckBlockRecord(const BlockRecordPB& record,
uint64_t data_file_size) const;
// The owning block manager. Must outlive the container itself.
LogBlockManager* const block_manager_;
// The path to the container's root path. This is the root directory under
// which the container lives.
const std::string root_path_;
// The path to the container's files. Equivalent to "<dir>/<id>" (see the
// container constructor).
const std::string path_;
// Offset up to which we have preallocated bytes.
int64_t preallocated_offset_ = 0;
// Opened file handles to the container's files.
// RWFile is not thread safe so access to each writer must be
// serialized through a (sleeping) mutex. We use different mutexes to
// avoid contention in cases where only one writer is needed.
gscoped_ptr<WritablePBContainerFile> metadata_pb_writer_;
Mutex metadata_pb_writer_lock_;
Mutex data_writer_lock_;
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> data_file_;
// The amount of data written thus far in the container.
int64_t total_bytes_written_ = 0;
// The metrics. Not owned by the log container; it has the same lifespan
// as the block manager.
const LogBlockManagerMetrics* metrics_;
const PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance_;
LogBlockManager* block_manager, PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance,
string root_path, string path, gscoped_ptr<WritablePBContainerFile> metadata_writer,
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> data_file)
: block_manager_(block_manager),
instance_(instance) {}
Status LogBlockContainer::Create(LogBlockManager* block_manager,
PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance,
const string& root_path,
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer>* container) {
string common_path;
string metadata_path;
string data_path;
Status metadata_status;
Status data_status;
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> metadata_writer;
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> data_file;
RWFileOptions wr_opts;
wr_opts.mode = Env::CREATE_NON_EXISTING;
// Repeat in the event of a container id collision (unlikely).
// When looping, we delete any created-and-orphaned files.
do {
if (metadata_writer) {
common_path = JoinPathSegments(root_path, block_manager->oid_generator()->Next());
metadata_path = StrCat(common_path, LogBlockManager::kContainerMetadataFileSuffix);
metadata_status = block_manager->env()->NewRWFile(wr_opts,
if (data_file) {
data_path = StrCat(common_path, LogBlockManager::kContainerDataFileSuffix);
RWFileOptions rw_opts;
rw_opts.mode = Env::CREATE_NON_EXISTING;
data_status = block_manager->env()->NewRWFile(rw_opts,
} while (PREDICT_FALSE(metadata_status.IsAlreadyPresent() ||
if (metadata_status.ok() && data_status.ok()) {
gscoped_ptr<WritablePBContainerFile> metadata_pb_writer(
new WritablePBContainerFile(std::move(metadata_writer)));
container->reset(new LogBlockContainer(block_manager,
VLOG(1) << "Created log block container " << (*container)->ToString();
// Prefer metadata status (arbitrarily).
return !metadata_status.ok() ? metadata_status : data_status;
Status LogBlockContainer::Open(LogBlockManager* block_manager,
PathInstanceMetadataPB* instance,
const string& root_path, const string& id,
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer>* container) {
string common_path = JoinPathSegments(root_path, id);
// Open the existing metadata and data files for writing.
string metadata_path = StrCat(common_path, LogBlockManager::kContainerMetadataFileSuffix);
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> metadata_writer;
RWFileOptions wr_opts;
wr_opts.mode = Env::OPEN_EXISTING;
gscoped_ptr<WritablePBContainerFile> metadata_pb_writer(
new WritablePBContainerFile(std::move(metadata_writer)));
string data_path = StrCat(common_path, LogBlockManager::kContainerDataFileSuffix);
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> data_file;
RWFileOptions rw_opts;
rw_opts.mode = Env::OPEN_EXISTING;
// Create the in-memory container and populate it.
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer> open_container(new LogBlockContainer(block_manager,
VLOG(1) << "Opened log block container " << open_container->ToString();
return Status::OK();
string LogBlockContainer::MetadataFilePath() const {
return StrCat(path_, LogBlockManager::kContainerMetadataFileSuffix);
string LogBlockContainer::DataFilePath() const {
return StrCat(path_, LogBlockManager::kContainerDataFileSuffix);
Status LogBlockContainer::ReadContainerRecords(deque<BlockRecordPB>* records) const {
string metadata_path = MetadataFilePath();
gscoped_ptr<RandomAccessFile> metadata_reader;
RETURN_NOT_OK(block_manager()->env()->NewRandomAccessFile(metadata_path, &metadata_reader));
ReadablePBContainerFile pb_reader(std::move(metadata_reader));
uint64_t data_file_size;
deque<BlockRecordPB> local_records;
Status read_status;
while (true) {
local_records.resize(local_records.size() + 1);
read_status = pb_reader.ReadNextPB(&local_records.back());
if (!read_status.ok()) {
// Drop the last element; we didn't use it.
CheckBlockRecord(local_records.back(), data_file_size);
// NOTE: 'read_status' will never be OK here.
if (PREDICT_TRUE(read_status.IsEndOfFile())) {
// We've reached the end of the file without any problems.
return Status::OK();
if (read_status.IsIncomplete()) {
// We found a partial trailing record in a version of the pb container file
// format that can reliably detect this. Consider this a failed partial
// write and truncate the metadata file to remove this partial record.
uint64_t truncate_offset = pb_reader.offset();
LOG(WARNING) << "Log block manager: Found partial trailing metadata record in container "
<< ToString() << ": "
<< "Truncating metadata file to last valid offset: " << truncate_offset;
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> file;
RWFileOptions opts;
opts.mode = Env::OPEN_EXISTING;
RETURN_NOT_OK(block_manager_->env()->NewRWFile(opts, metadata_path, &file));
// Reopen the PB writer so that it will refresh its metadata about the
// underlying file and resume appending to the new end of the file.
return Status::OK();
// If we've made it here, we've found (and are returning) an unrecoverable error.
return read_status;
void LogBlockContainer::CheckBlockRecord(const BlockRecordPB& record,
uint64_t data_file_size) const {
if (record.op_type() == CREATE &&
(!record.has_offset() ||
!record.has_length() ||
record.offset() < 0 ||
record.length() < 0 ||
record.offset() + record.length() > data_file_size)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Found malformed block record: " << record.DebugString();
Status LogBlockContainer::FinishBlock(const Status& s, WritableBlock* block) {
ScopedFinisher finisher(this);
if (!s.ok()) {
// Early return; 'finisher' makes the container available again.
return s;
// A failure when syncing the container means the container (and its new
// blocks) may be missing the next time the on-disk state is reloaded.
// As such, it's not correct to add the block to in-memory state unless
// synchronization succeeds. In the worst case, this means the data file
// will have written some garbage that can be expunged during a GC.
CHECK(block_manager()->AddLogBlock(this, block->id(),
total_bytes_written(), block->BytesAppended()));
if (full() && block_manager()->metrics()) {
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockContainer::DeleteBlock(int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
// Guaranteed by UpdateBytesWritten().
DCHECK_EQ(0, offset % instance()->filesystem_block_size_bytes());
// It is invalid to punch a zero-size hole.
if (length) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(data_writer_lock_);
// Round up to the nearest filesystem block so that the kernel will
// actually reclaim disk space.
// It's OK if we exceed the file's total size; the kernel will truncate
// our request.
return data_file_->PunchHole(offset, KUDU_ALIGN_UP(
length, instance()->filesystem_block_size_bytes()));
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockContainer::WriteData(int64_t offset, const Slice& data) {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(data_writer_lock_);
return data_file_->Write(offset, data);
Status LogBlockContainer::ReadData(int64_t offset, size_t length,
Slice* result, uint8_t* scratch) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
return data_file_->Read(offset, length, result, scratch);
Status LogBlockContainer::AppendMetadata(const BlockRecordPB& pb) {
// Note: We don't check for sufficient disk space for metadata writes in
// order to allow for block deletion on full disks.
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(metadata_pb_writer_lock_);
return metadata_pb_writer_->Append(pb);
Status LogBlockContainer::FlushData(int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(data_writer_lock_);
return data_file_->Flush(RWFile::FLUSH_ASYNC, offset, length);
Status LogBlockContainer::FlushMetadata() {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(metadata_pb_writer_lock_);
return metadata_pb_writer_->Flush();
Status LogBlockContainer::SyncData() {
if (FLAGS_enable_data_block_fsync) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(data_writer_lock_);
return data_file_->Sync();
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockContainer::SyncMetadata() {
if (FLAGS_enable_data_block_fsync) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(metadata_pb_writer_lock_);
return metadata_pb_writer_->Sync();
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockContainer::Preallocate(size_t length) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(data_file_->PreAllocate(total_bytes_written(), length));
preallocated_offset_ = total_bytes_written() + length;
return Status::OK();
void LogBlockContainer::UpdateBytesWritten(int64_t more_bytes) {
DCHECK_GE(more_bytes, 0);
// The number of bytes is rounded up to the nearest filesystem block so
// that each Kudu block is guaranteed to be on a filesystem block
// boundary. This guarantees that the disk space can be reclaimed when
// the block is deleted.
total_bytes_written_ += KUDU_ALIGN_UP(more_bytes,
if (full()) {
VLOG(1) << "Container " << ToString() << " with size "
<< total_bytes_written_ << " is now full, max size is "
<< FLAGS_log_container_max_size;
void LogBlockContainer::ExecClosure(const Closure& task) {
ThreadPool* pool = FindOrDie(block_manager()->thread_pools_by_root_path_,
Status s = pool->SubmitClosure(task);
if (!s.ok()) {
s, "Could not submit task to thread pool, running it synchronously");
// LogBlock
// The persistent metadata that describes a logical block.
// A block grows a LogBlock when its data has been synchronized with
// the disk. That's when it's fully immutable (i.e. none of its metadata
// can change), and when it becomes readable and persistent.
// LogBlocks are reference counted to simplify support for deletion with
// outstanding readers. All refcount increments are performed with the
// block manager lock held, as are deletion-based decrements. However,
// no lock is held when ~LogReadableBlock decrements the refcount, thus it
// must be made thread safe (by extending RefCountedThreadSafe instead of
// the simpler RefCounted).
class LogBlock : public RefCountedThreadSafe<LogBlock> {
LogBlock(LogBlockContainer* container, BlockId block_id, int64_t offset,
int64_t length);
const BlockId& block_id() const { return block_id_; }
LogBlockContainer* container() const { return container_; }
int64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
int64_t length() const { return length_; }
// Delete the block. Actual deletion takes place when the
// block is destructed.
void Delete();
// The owning container. Must outlive the LogBlock.
LogBlockContainer* container_;
// The block identifier.
const BlockId block_id_;
// The block's offset in the container.
const int64_t offset_;
// The block's length.
const int64_t length_;
// Whether the block has been marked for deletion.
bool deleted_;
LogBlock::LogBlock(LogBlockContainer* container, BlockId block_id,
int64_t offset, int64_t length)
: container_(container),
deleted_(false) {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
static void DeleteBlockAsync(LogBlockContainer* container,
BlockId block_id,
int64_t offset,
int64_t length) {
// We don't call SyncData() to synchronize the deletion because it's
// expensive, and in the worst case, we'll just leave orphaned data
// behind to be cleaned up in the next GC.
VLOG(3) << "Freeing space belonging to block " << block_id;
WARN_NOT_OK(container->DeleteBlock(offset, length),
Substitute("Could not delete block $0", block_id.ToString()));
LogBlock::~LogBlock() {
if (deleted_) {
container_->ExecClosure(Bind(&DeleteBlockAsync, container_, block_id_,
offset_, length_));
void LogBlock::Delete() {
deleted_ = true;
// LogWritableBlock
// A log-backed block that has been opened for writing.
// There's no reference to a LogBlock as this block has yet to be
// persisted.
class LogWritableBlock : public WritableBlock {
enum SyncMode {
LogWritableBlock(LogBlockContainer* container, BlockId block_id,
int64_t block_offset);
virtual ~LogWritableBlock();
virtual Status Close() OVERRIDE;
virtual Status Abort() OVERRIDE;
virtual const BlockId& id() const OVERRIDE;
virtual BlockManager* block_manager() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Status Append(const Slice& data) OVERRIDE;
virtual Status FlushDataAsync() OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t BytesAppended() const OVERRIDE;
virtual State state() const OVERRIDE;
// Actually close the block, possibly synchronizing its dirty data and
// metadata to disk.
Status DoClose(SyncMode mode);
// Write this block's metadata to disk.
// Does not synchronize the written data; that takes place in Close().
Status AppendMetadata();
// RAII-style class for finishing writable blocks in DoClose().
class ScopedFinisher {
// Both 'block' and 's' must outlive the finisher.
ScopedFinisher(LogWritableBlock* block, Status* s) :
status_(s) {
~ScopedFinisher() {
block_->state_ = CLOSED;
*status_ = block_->container_->FinishBlock(*status_, block_);
LogWritableBlock* block_;
Status* status_;
// The owning container. Must outlive the block.
LogBlockContainer* container_;
// The block's identifier.
const BlockId block_id_;
// The block's offset within the container. Known from the moment the
// block is created.
const int64_t block_offset_;
// The block's length. Changes with each Append().
int64_t block_length_;
// The state of the block describing where it is in the write lifecycle,
// for example, has it been synchronized to disk?
WritableBlock::State state_;
LogWritableBlock::LogWritableBlock(LogBlockContainer* container,
BlockId block_id, int64_t block_offset)
: container_(container),
state_(CLEAN) {
DCHECK_GE(block_offset, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(0, block_offset % container->instance()->filesystem_block_size_bytes());
if (container->metrics()) {
LogWritableBlock::~LogWritableBlock() {
if (state_ != CLOSED) {
WARN_NOT_OK(Abort(), Substitute("Failed to abort block $0",
Status LogWritableBlock::Close() {
return DoClose(SYNC);
Status LogWritableBlock::Abort() {
// DoClose() has unlocked the container; it may be locked by someone else.
// But block_manager_ is immutable, so this is safe.
return container_->block_manager()->DeleteBlock(id());
const BlockId& LogWritableBlock::id() const {
return block_id_;
BlockManager* LogWritableBlock::block_manager() const {
return container_->block_manager();
Status LogWritableBlock::Append(const Slice& data) {
DCHECK(state_ == CLEAN || state_ == DIRTY)
<< "Invalid state: " << state_;
// The metadata change is deferred to Close() or FlushDataAsync(),
// whichever comes first. We can't do it now because the block's
// length is still in flux.
RETURN_NOT_OK(container_->WriteData(block_offset_ + block_length_, data));
block_length_ += data.size();
state_ = DIRTY;
return Status::OK();
Status LogWritableBlock::FlushDataAsync() {
DCHECK(state_ == CLEAN || state_ == DIRTY || state_ == FLUSHING)
<< "Invalid state: " << state_;
if (state_ == DIRTY) {
VLOG(3) << "Flushing block " << id();
RETURN_NOT_OK(container_->FlushData(block_offset_, block_length_));
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(AppendMetadata(), "Unable to append block metadata");
// TODO: Flush just the range we care about.
state_ = FLUSHING;
return Status::OK();
size_t LogWritableBlock::BytesAppended() const {
return block_length_;
WritableBlock::State LogWritableBlock::state() const {
return state_;
Status LogWritableBlock::DoClose(SyncMode mode) {
if (state_ == CLOSED) {
return Status::OK();
// Tracks the first failure (if any).
// It's important that any subsequent failures mutate 's' before
// returning. Otherwise 'finisher' won't properly provide the first
// failure to LogBlockContainer::FinishBlock().
// Note also that when 'finisher' goes out of scope it may mutate 's'.
Status s;
ScopedFinisher finisher(this, &s);
// FlushDataAsync() was not called; append the metadata now.
if (state_ == CLEAN || state_ == DIRTY) {
s = AppendMetadata();
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(s, "Unable to flush block during close");
if (mode == SYNC &&
(state_ == CLEAN || state_ == DIRTY || state_ == FLUSHING)) {
VLOG(3) << "Syncing block " << id();
// TODO: Sync just this block's dirty data.
s = container_->SyncData();
// TODO: Sync just this block's dirty metadata.
s = container_->SyncMetadata();
if (container_->metrics()) {
return s;
Status LogWritableBlock::AppendMetadata() {
BlockRecordPB record;
return container_->AppendMetadata(record);
// LogReadableBlock
// A log-backed block that has been opened for reading.
// Refers to a LogBlock representing the block's persisted metadata.
class LogReadableBlock : public ReadableBlock {
LogReadableBlock(LogBlockContainer* container,
const scoped_refptr<LogBlock>& log_block);
virtual ~LogReadableBlock();
virtual Status Close() OVERRIDE;
virtual const BlockId& id() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Status Size(uint64_t* sz) const OVERRIDE;
virtual Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t length,
Slice* result, uint8_t* scratch) const OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t memory_footprint() const OVERRIDE;
// The owning container. Must outlive this block.
LogBlockContainer* container_;
// A reference to this block's metadata.
scoped_refptr<internal::LogBlock> log_block_;
// Whether or not this block has been closed. Close() is thread-safe, so
// this must be an atomic primitive.
AtomicBool closed_;
LogReadableBlock::LogReadableBlock(LogBlockContainer* container,
const scoped_refptr<LogBlock>& log_block)
: container_(container),
closed_(false) {
if (container_->metrics()) {
LogReadableBlock::~LogReadableBlock() {
WARN_NOT_OK(Close(), Substitute("Failed to close block $0",
Status LogReadableBlock::Close() {
if (closed_.CompareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (container_->metrics()) {
return Status::OK();
const BlockId& LogReadableBlock::id() const {
return log_block_->block_id();
Status LogReadableBlock::Size(uint64_t* sz) const {
*sz = log_block_->length();
return Status::OK();
Status LogReadableBlock::Read(uint64_t offset, size_t length,
Slice* result, uint8_t* scratch) const {
uint64_t read_offset = log_block_->offset() + offset;
if (log_block_->length() < offset + length) {
return Status::IOError("Out-of-bounds read",
Substitute("read of [$0-$1) in block [$2-$3)",
read_offset + length,
log_block_->offset() + log_block_->length()));
MicrosecondsInt64 start_time = GetMonoTimeMicros();
RETURN_NOT_OK(container_->ReadData(read_offset, length, result, scratch));
MicrosecondsInt64 end_time = GetMonoTimeMicros();
int64_t dur = end_time - start_time;
TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT("lbm_read_time_us", dur);
const char* counter;
if (dur >= 100 * 1000) {
counter = "lbm_reads_gt_100_ms";
} else if (dur >= 10 * 1000) {
counter = "lbm_reads_10-100_ms";
} else if (dur >= 1000) {
counter = "lbm_reads_1-10_ms";
} else {
counter = "lbm_reads_lt_1ms";
if (container_->metrics()) {
return Status::OK();
size_t LogReadableBlock::memory_footprint() const {
return kudu_malloc_usable_size(this);
} // namespace internal
// LogBlockManager
const char* LogBlockManager::kContainerMetadataFileSuffix = ".metadata";
const char* LogBlockManager::kContainerDataFileSuffix = ".data";
static const char* kBlockManagerType = "log";
LogBlockManager::LogBlockManager(Env* env, const BlockManagerOptions& opts)
: mem_tracker_(MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1,
// TODO: C++11 provides a single-arg constructor
next_block_id_(1) {
// HACK: when running in a test environment, we often instantiate many
// LogBlockManagers in the same process, eg corresponding to different
// tablet servers in a minicluster, or due to running many separate test
// cases of some CFile-related code. In that case, we need to make it more
// likely that the block IDs are not reused. So, instead of starting with
// block ID 1, we'll start with a random block ID. A collision is still
// possible, but exceedingly unlikely.
if (IsGTest()) {
Random r(GetRandomSeed32());
DCHECK_GT(root_paths_.size(), 0);
if (opts.metric_entity) {
metrics_.reset(new internal::LogBlockManagerMetrics(opts.metric_entity));
LogBlockManager::~LogBlockManager() {
// Release all of the memory accounted by the blocks.
int64_t mem = 0;
for (const auto& entry : blocks_by_block_id_) {
mem += kudu_malloc_usable_size(entry.second.get());
// A LogBlock's destructor depends on its container, so all LogBlocks must be
// destroyed before their containers.
// As LogBlock destructors run, some blocks may be deleted, so we might be
// waiting here for a little while.
Substitute("waiting on $0 log block manager thread pools",
thread_pools_by_root_path_.size())) {
for (const ThreadPoolMap::value_type& e :
thread_pools_by_root_path_) {
ThreadPool* p = e.second;
static const char kHolePunchErrorMsg[] =
"Error during hole punch test. The log block manager requires a "
"filesystem with hole punching support such as ext4 or xfs. On el6, "
"kernel version 2.6.32-358 or newer is required. To run without hole "
"punching (at the cost of some efficiency and scalability), reconfigure "
"Kudu with --block_manager=file. Refer to the Kudu documentation for more "
"details. Raw error message follows";
Status LogBlockManager::Create() {
deque<ScopedFileDeleter*> delete_on_failure;
ElementDeleter d(&delete_on_failure);
// The UUIDs and indices will be included in every instance file.
vector<string> all_uuids(root_paths_.size());
for (string& u : all_uuids) {
u = oid_generator()->Next();
int idx = 0;
// Ensure the data paths exist and create the instance files.
unordered_set<string> to_sync;
for (const string& root_path : root_paths_) {
bool created;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(env_util::CreateDirIfMissing(env_, root_path, &created),
Substitute("Could not create directory $0", root_path));
if (created) {
delete_on_failure.push_front(new ScopedFileDeleter(env_, root_path));
if (FLAGS_log_block_manager_test_hole_punching) {
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(CheckHolePunch(root_path), kHolePunchErrorMsg);
string instance_filename = JoinPathSegments(
root_path, kInstanceMetadataFileName);
PathInstanceMetadataFile metadata(env_, kBlockManagerType,
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(metadata.Create(all_uuids[idx], all_uuids), instance_filename);
delete_on_failure.push_front(new ScopedFileDeleter(env_, instance_filename));
// Ensure newly created directories are synchronized to disk.
if (FLAGS_enable_data_block_fsync) {
for (const string& dir : to_sync) {
Substitute("Unable to synchronize directory $0", dir));
// Success: don't delete any files.
for (ScopedFileDeleter* deleter : delete_on_failure) {
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockManager::Open() {
vector<Status> statuses(root_paths_.size());
unordered_map<string, PathInstanceMetadataFile*> metadata_files;
ValueDeleter deleter(&metadata_files);
for (const string& root_path : root_paths_) {
InsertOrDie(&metadata_files, root_path, nullptr);
// Submit each open to its own thread pool and wait for them to complete.
int i = 0;
for (const string& root_path : root_paths_) {
ThreadPool* pool = FindOrDie(thread_pools_by_root_path_, root_path);
&FindOrDie(metadata_files, root_path))),
Substitute("Could not open root path $0", root_path));
for (const ThreadPoolMap::value_type& e :
thread_pools_by_root_path_) {
// Ensure that no tasks failed.
for (const Status& s : statuses) {
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockManager::CreateBlock(const CreateBlockOptions& opts,
gscoped_ptr<WritableBlock>* block) {
// Root paths that are below their reserved space threshold. Initialize the
// paths from the FullDiskCache. This function-local cache is necessary for
// correctness in case the FullDiskCache expiration time is set to 0.
unordered_set<string> full_root_paths(root_paths_.size());
for (int i = 0; i < root_paths_.size(); i++) {
if (full_disk_cache_.IsRootFull(root_paths_[i])) {
InsertOrDie(&full_root_paths, root_paths_[i]);
// Find a free container. If one cannot be found, create a new one.
// In case one or more root paths have hit their reserved space limit, we
// retry until we have exhausted all root paths.
// TODO: should we cap the number of outstanding containers and force
// callers to block if we've reached it?
LogBlockContainer* container = nullptr;
while (!container) {
container = GetAvailableContainer(full_root_paths);
if (!container) {
// If all root paths are full, we cannot allocate a block.
if (full_root_paths.size() == root_paths_.size()) {
return Status::IOError("Unable to allocate block: All data directories are full. "
"Please free some disk space or consider changing the "
"fs_data_dirs_reserved_bytes configuration parameter",
"", ENOSPC);
// Round robin through the root paths to select where the next
// container should live.
// TODO: Consider a more random scheme for block placement.
int32 cur_idx;
int32 next_idx;
do {
cur_idx = root_paths_idx_.Load();
next_idx = (cur_idx + 1) % root_paths_.size();
} while (!root_paths_idx_.CompareAndSet(cur_idx, next_idx) ||
ContainsKey(full_root_paths, root_paths_[cur_idx]));
string root_path = root_paths_[cur_idx];
if (full_disk_cache_.IsRootFull(root_path)) {
InsertOrDie(&full_root_paths, root_path);
// Guaranteed by LogBlockManager::Open().
PathInstanceMetadataFile* instance = FindOrDie(instances_by_root_path_, root_path);
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer> new_container;
"Could not create new log block container at " + root_path);
container = new_container.release();
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
// By preallocating with each CreateBlock(), we're effectively
// maintaining a rolling buffer of preallocated data just ahead of where
// the next write will fall.
if (FLAGS_log_container_preallocate_bytes) {
// TODO: The use of FLAGS_log_container_preallocate_bytes may be a poor
// estimate for the number of bytes we are about to consume for a block.
// In the future, we may also want to implement some type of "hard" limit
// to ensure that a giant block doesn't blow through the configured
// reserved disk space.
Status s = env_util::VerifySufficientDiskSpace(env_, container->DataFilePath(),
if (PREDICT_FALSE(s.IsIOError() && s.posix_code() == ENOSPC)) {
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("Log block manager: Insufficient disk space under path $0: "
"Creation of new data blocks under this path can be retried after "
"$1 seconds: $2", container->root_path(),
FLAGS_log_block_manager_full_disk_cache_seconds, s.ToString());
// Blacklist this root globally and locally.
InsertOrDie(&full_root_paths, container->root_path());
container = nullptr;
RETURN_NOT_OK(s); // Catch other types of IOErrors, etc.
// Generate a free block ID.
// We have to loop here because earlier versions used non-sequential block IDs,
// and thus we may have to "skip over" some block IDs that are claimed.
BlockId new_block_id;
do {
} while (!TryUseBlockId(new_block_id));
block->reset(new internal::LogWritableBlock(container,
VLOG(3) << "Created block " << (*block)->id() << " in container "
<< container->ToString();
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockManager::CreateBlock(gscoped_ptr<WritableBlock>* block) {
return CreateBlock(CreateBlockOptions(), block);
Status LogBlockManager::OpenBlock(const BlockId& block_id,
gscoped_ptr<ReadableBlock>* block) {
scoped_refptr<LogBlock> lb;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
lb = FindPtrOrNull(blocks_by_block_id_, block_id);
if (!lb) {
return Status::NotFound("Can't find block", block_id.ToString());
block->reset(new internal::LogReadableBlock(lb->container(),
VLOG(3) << "Opened block " << (*block)->id()
<< " from container " << lb->container()->ToString();
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockManager::DeleteBlock(const BlockId& block_id) {
scoped_refptr<LogBlock> lb(RemoveLogBlock(block_id));
if (!lb) {
return Status::NotFound("Can't find block", block_id.ToString());
VLOG(3) << "Deleting block " << block_id;
// Record the on-disk deletion.
// TODO: what if this fails? Should we restore the in-memory block?
BlockRecordPB record;
"Unable to append deletion record to block metadata");
// We don't bother fsyncing the metadata append for deletes in order to avoid
// the disk overhead. Even if we did fsync it, we'd still need to account for
// garbage at startup time (in the event that we crashed just before the
// fsync). TODO: Implement GC of orphaned blocks. See KUDU-829.
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockManager::CloseBlocks(const std::vector<WritableBlock*>& blocks) {
VLOG(3) << "Closing " << blocks.size() << " blocks";
if (FLAGS_block_coalesce_close) {
// Ask the kernel to begin writing out each block's dirty data. This is
// done up-front to give the kernel opportunities to coalesce contiguous
// dirty pages.
for (WritableBlock* block : blocks) {
// Now close each block, waiting for each to become durable.
for (WritableBlock* block : blocks) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t LogBlockManager::CountBlocksForTests() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return blocks_by_block_id_.size();
void LogBlockManager::AddNewContainerUnlocked(LogBlockContainer* container) {
if (metrics()) {
if (container->full()) {
LogBlockContainer* LogBlockManager::GetAvailableContainer(
const unordered_set<string>& full_root_paths) {
LogBlockContainer* container = nullptr;
int64_t disk_full_containers_delta = 0;
MonoTime now = MonoTime::Now(MonoTime::FINE);
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
// Move containers from disk_full -> available.
while (!disk_full_containers_.empty() && {
disk_full_containers_delta -= 1;
// Return the first currently-available non-full-disk container (according to
// our full-disk cache).
while (!container && !available_containers_.empty()) {
container = available_containers_.front();
MonoTime expires;
// Note: We must check 'full_disk_cache_' before 'full_root_paths' in
// order to correctly use the expiry time provided by 'full_disk_cache_'.
if (full_disk_cache_.IsRootFull(container->root_path(), &expires) ||
ContainsKey(full_root_paths, container->root_path())) {
if (!expires.Initialized()) {
// It's no longer in the cache but we still consider it unusable.
// It will be moved back into 'available_containers_' on the next call.
expires = now;
disk_full_containers_.emplace(container, expires);
disk_full_containers_delta += 1;
container = nullptr;
// Update the metrics in a batch.
if (metrics()) {
// Return the container we found, or null if we don't have anything available.
return container;
void LogBlockManager::MakeContainerAvailable(LogBlockContainer* container) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
void LogBlockManager::MakeContainerAvailableUnlocked(LogBlockContainer* container) {
if (container->full()) {
Status LogBlockManager::SyncContainer(const LogBlockContainer& container) {
Status s;
bool to_sync = false;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
to_sync = dirty_dirs_.erase(container.dir());
if (to_sync && FLAGS_enable_data_block_fsync) {
s = env_->SyncDir(container.dir());
// If SyncDir fails, the container directory must be restored to
// dirty_dirs_. Otherwise a future successful LogWritableBlock::Close()
// on this container won't call SyncDir again, and the container might
// be lost on crash.
// In the worst case (another block synced this container as we did),
// we'll sync it again needlessly.
if (!s.ok()) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return s;
bool LogBlockManager::TryUseBlockId(const BlockId& block_id) {
if (block_id.IsNull()) {
return false;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
if (ContainsKey(blocks_by_block_id_, block_id)) {
return false;
return InsertIfNotPresent(&open_block_ids_, block_id);
bool LogBlockManager::AddLogBlock(LogBlockContainer* container,
const BlockId& block_id,
int64_t offset,
int64_t length) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
scoped_refptr<LogBlock> lb(new LogBlock(container, block_id, offset, length));
return AddLogBlockUnlocked(lb);
bool LogBlockManager::AddLogBlockUnlocked(const scoped_refptr<LogBlock>& lb) {
if (!InsertIfNotPresent(&blocks_by_block_id_, lb->block_id(), lb)) {
return false;
// There may already be an entry in open_block_ids_ (e.g. we just finished
// writing out a block).
if (metrics()) {
return true;
scoped_refptr<LogBlock> LogBlockManager::RemoveLogBlock(const BlockId& block_id) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
scoped_refptr<LogBlock> result =
EraseKeyReturnValuePtr(&blocks_by_block_id_, block_id);
if (result) {
if (metrics()) {
return result;
void LogBlockManager::OpenRootPath(const string& root_path,
Status* result_status,
PathInstanceMetadataFile** result_metadata) {
if (!env_->FileExists(root_path)) {
*result_status = Status::NotFound(Substitute(
"LogBlockManager at $0 not found", root_path));
// Open and lock the metadata instance file.
string instance_filename = JoinPathSegments(
root_path, kInstanceMetadataFileName);
gscoped_ptr<PathInstanceMetadataFile> metadata(
new PathInstanceMetadataFile(env_, kBlockManagerType,
Status s = metadata->LoadFromDisk();
if (!s.ok()) {
*result_status = s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute(
"Could not open $0", instance_filename));
if (FLAGS_block_manager_lock_dirs) {
s = metadata->Lock();
if (!s.ok()) {
Status new_status = s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute(
"Could not lock $0", instance_filename));
if (read_only_) {
// Not fatal in read-only mode.
LOG(WARNING) << new_status.ToString();
LOG(WARNING) << "Proceeding without lock";
} else {
*result_status = new_status;
// Find all containers and open them.
vector<string> children;
s = env_->GetChildren(root_path, &children);
if (!s.ok()) {
*result_status = s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute(
"Could not list children of $0", root_path));
for (const string& child : children) {
string id;
if (!TryStripSuffixString(child, LogBlockManager::kContainerMetadataFileSuffix, &id)) {
gscoped_ptr<LogBlockContainer> container;
s = LogBlockContainer::Open(this, metadata->metadata(),
root_path, id, &container);
if (!s.ok()) {
*result_status = s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute(
"Could not open container $0", id));
// Populate the in-memory block maps using each container's records.
deque<BlockRecordPB> records;
s = container->ReadContainerRecords(&records);
if (!s.ok()) {
*result_status = s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute(
"Could not read records from container $0", container->ToString()));
// Process the records, building a container-local map.
// It's important that we don't try to add these blocks to the global map
// incrementally as we see each record, since it's possible that one container
// has a "CREATE <b>" while another has a "CREATE <b> ; DELETE <b>" pair.
// If we processed those two containers in this order, then upon processing
// the second container, we'd think there was a duplicate block. Building
// the container-local map first ensures that we discount deleted blocks
// before checking for duplicate IDs.
// NOTE: Since KUDU-1538, we allocate sequential block IDs, which makes reuse
// exceedingly unlikely. However, we might have old data which still exhibits
// the above issue.
UntrackedBlockMap blocks_in_container;
uint64_t max_block_id = 0;
for (const BlockRecordPB& r : records) {
ProcessBlockRecord(r, container.get(), &blocks_in_container);
max_block_id = std::max(max_block_id, r.block_id().id());
next_block_id_.StoreMax(max_block_id + 1);
// Under the lock, merge this map into the main block map and add
// the container.
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
// To avoid cacheline contention during startup, we aggregate all of the
// memory in a local and add it to the mem-tracker in a single increment
// at the end of this loop.
int64_t mem_usage = 0;
for (const UntrackedBlockMap::value_type& e : blocks_in_container) {
if (!AddLogBlockUnlocked(e.second)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Found duplicate CREATE record for block " << e.first
<< " which already is alive from another container when "
<< " processing container " << container->ToString();
mem_usage += kudu_malloc_usable_size(e.second.get());
*result_status = Status::OK();
*result_metadata = metadata.release();
void LogBlockManager::ProcessBlockRecord(const BlockRecordPB& record,
LogBlockContainer* container,
UntrackedBlockMap* block_map) {
BlockId block_id(BlockId::FromPB(record.block_id()));
switch (record.op_type()) {
case CREATE: {
scoped_refptr<LogBlock> lb(new LogBlock(container, block_id,
record.offset(), record.length()));
if (!InsertIfNotPresent(block_map, block_id, lb)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Found duplicate CREATE record for block "
<< block_id.ToString() << " in container "
<< container->ToString() << ": "
<< record.DebugString();
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Found CREATE block $0 at offset $1 with length $2",
record.offset(), record.length());
// This block must be included in the container's logical size, even if
// it has since been deleted. This helps satisfy one of our invariants:
// once a container byte range has been used, it may never be reused in
// the future.
// If we ignored deleted blocks, we would end up reusing the space
// belonging to the last deleted block in the container.
case DELETE:
if (block_map->erase(block_id) != 1) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Found DELETE record for invalid block "
<< block_id.ToString() << " in container "
<< container->ToString() << ": "
<< record.DebugString();
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Found DELETE block $0", block_id.ToString());
LOG(FATAL) << "Found unknown op type in block record: "
<< record.DebugString();
Status LogBlockManager::CheckHolePunch(const string& path) {
// Arbitrary constants.
static uint64_t kFileSize = 4096 * 4;
static uint64_t kHoleOffset = 4096;
static uint64_t kHoleSize = 8192;
static uint64_t kPunchedFileSize = kFileSize - kHoleSize;
// Open the test file.
string filename = JoinPathSegments(path, "hole_punch_test_file");
gscoped_ptr<RWFile> file;
RWFileOptions opts;
RETURN_NOT_OK(env_->NewRWFile(opts, filename, &file));
// The file has been created; delete it on exit no matter what happens.
ScopedFileDeleter file_deleter(env_, filename);
// Preallocate it, making sure the file's size is what we'd expect.
uint64_t sz;
RETURN_NOT_OK(file->PreAllocate(0, kFileSize));
RETURN_NOT_OK(env_->GetFileSizeOnDisk(filename, &sz));
if (sz != kFileSize) {
return Status::IOError(Substitute(
"Unexpected pre-punch file size for $0: expected $1 but got $2",
filename, kFileSize, sz));
// Punch the hole, testing the file's size again.
RETURN_NOT_OK(file->PunchHole(kHoleOffset, kHoleSize));
RETURN_NOT_OK(env_->GetFileSizeOnDisk(filename, &sz));
if (sz != kPunchedFileSize) {
return Status::IOError(Substitute(
"Unexpected post-punch file size for $0: expected $1 but got $2",
filename, kPunchedFileSize, sz));
return Status::OK();
Status LogBlockManager::Init() {
// Initialize thread pools.
ThreadPoolMap pools;
ValueDeleter d(&pools);
int i = 0;
for (const string& root : root_paths_) {
gscoped_ptr<ThreadPool> p;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(ThreadPoolBuilder(Substitute("lbm root $0", i++))
"Could not build thread pool");
InsertOrDie(&pools, root, p.release());
return Status::OK();
std::string LogBlockManager::ContainerPathForTests(internal::LogBlockContainer* container) {
return container->ToString();
bool FullDiskCache::IsRootFull(const std::string& root_path, MonoTime* expires_out) const {
const MonoTime* expires;
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_.get_lock());
expires = FindOrNull(cache_, root_path);
if (expires == nullptr) return false; // No entry exists.
if (expires->ComesBefore(MonoTime::Now(MonoTime::FINE))) return false; // Expired.
if (expires_out != nullptr) {
*expires_out = *expires;
return true; // Root is still full according to the cache.
void FullDiskCache::MarkRootFull(const string& root_path) {
MonoTime expires = MonoTime::Now(MonoTime::FINE);
std::lock_guard<percpu_rwlock> l(lock_);
InsertOrUpdate(&cache_, root_path, expires); // Last one wins.
} // namespace fs
} // namespace kudu