blob: d964211a5329148c76513536c6b224ba0f000700 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <boost/optional/optional_fwd.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/common/scan_spec.h"
#include "kudu/common/rowblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log_anchor_registry.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/concurrent_btree.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/mutation.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/memory.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class MemTracker;
namespace tablet {
// Implementation notes:
// --------------------------
// The MemRowSet is a concurrent b-tree which stores newly inserted data which
// has not yet been flushed to on-disk rowsets. In order to provide snapshot
// consistency, data is never updated in-place in the memrowset after insertion.
// Rather, a chain of mutations hangs off each row, acting as a per-row "redo log".
// Each row is stored in exactly one CBTree entry. Its key is the encoded form
// of the row's primary key, such that the entries sort correctly using the default
// lexicographic comparator. The value for each row is an instance of MRSRow.
// NOTE: all allocations done by the MemRowSet are done inside its associated
// thread-safe arena, and then freed in bulk when the MemRowSet is destructed.
class MemRowSet;
// The value stored in the CBTree for a single row.
class MRSRow {
typedef ContiguousRowCell<MRSRow> Cell;
MRSRow(const MemRowSet *memrowset, const Slice &s) {
DCHECK_GE(s.size(), sizeof(Header));
row_slice_ = s;
header_ = reinterpret_cast<Header *>(row_slice_.mutable_data());
memrowset_ = memrowset;
const Schema* schema() const;
Timestamp insertion_timestamp() const { return header_->insertion_timestamp; }
Mutation* redo_head() { return header_->redo_head; }
// Load 'redo_head' with an 'Acquire' memory barrier.
Mutation* acquire_redo_head() {
return reinterpret_cast<Mutation*>(
const Mutation* redo_head() const { return header_->redo_head; }
const Slice &row_slice() const { return row_slice_; }
const uint8_t* row_data() const { return; }
bool is_null(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::is_null(*schema(),, col_idx);
void set_null(size_t col_idx, bool is_null) const {
const_cast<uint8_t*>(, col_idx, is_null);
const uint8_t *cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::cell_ptr(*schema(),, col_idx);
uint8_t *mutable_cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return const_cast<uint8_t*>(cell_ptr(col_idx));
const uint8_t *nullable_cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::nullable_cell_ptr(*schema(),, col_idx);
Cell cell(size_t col_idx) const {
return Cell(this, col_idx);
// Return true if this row is a "ghost" -- i.e its most recent mutation is
// a deletion.
// NOTE: this call is O(n) in the number of mutations, since it has to walk
// the linked list all the way to the end, checking if each mutation is a
// DELETE or REINSERT. We expect the list is usually short (low-update use
// cases) but if this becomes a bottleneck, we could cache the 'ghost' status
// as a bit inside the row header.
bool IsGhost() const;
friend class MemRowSet;
template <class ArenaType>
Status CopyRow(const ConstContiguousRow& row, ArenaType *arena) {
// the representation of the MRSRow and ConstContiguousRow is the same.
// so, instead of using CopyRow we can just do a memcpy.
memcpy(row_slice_.mutable_data(), row.row_data(), row_slice_.size());
// Copy any referred-to memory to arena.
return kudu::RelocateIndirectDataToArena(this, arena);
struct Header {
// Timestamp for the transaction which inserted this row. If a scanner with an
// older snapshot sees this row, it will be ignored.
Timestamp insertion_timestamp;
// Pointer to the first mutation which has been applied to this row. Each
// mutation is an instance of the Mutation class, making up a singly-linked
// list for any mutations applied to the row.
Mutation* redo_head;
Header *header_;
// Actual row data.
Slice row_slice_;
const MemRowSet *memrowset_;
struct MSBTreeTraits : public btree::BTreeTraits {
typedef ThreadSafeMemoryTrackingArena ArenaType;
// Define an MRSRow instance using on-stack storage.
// This defines an array on the stack which is sized correctly for an MRSRow::Header
// plus a single row of the given schema, then constructs an MRSRow object which
// points into that stack storage.
#define DEFINE_MRSROW_ON_STACK(memrowset, varname, slice_name) \
size_t varname##_size = sizeof(MRSRow::Header) + \
ContiguousRowHelper::row_size((memrowset)->schema_nonvirtual()); \
uint8_t varname##_storage[varname##_size]; \
Slice slice_name(varname##_storage, varname##_size); \
ContiguousRowHelper::InitNullsBitmap((memrowset)->schema_nonvirtual(), slice_name); \
MRSRow varname(memrowset, slice_name);
// In-memory storage for data currently being written to the tablet.
// This is a holding area for inserts, currently held in row form
// (i.e not columnar)
// The data is kept sorted.
class MemRowSet : public RowSet,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<MemRowSet> {
class Iterator;
MemRowSet(int64_t id,
const Schema &schema,
log::LogAnchorRegistry* log_anchor_registry,
const std::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent_tracker =
// Insert a new row into the memrowset.
// The provided 'row' must have the same memrowset's Schema.
// (TODO: Different schema are not yet supported)
// After insert, the row and any referred-to memory (eg for strings)
// have been copied into this MemRowSet's internal storage, and thus
// the provided memory buffer may safely be re-used or freed.
// Returns Status::OK unless allocation fails.
Status Insert(Timestamp timestamp,
const ConstContiguousRow& row,
const consensus::OpId& op_id);
// Update or delete an existing row in the memrowset.
// Returns Status::NotFound if the row doesn't exist.
virtual Status MutateRow(Timestamp timestamp,
const RowSetKeyProbe &probe,
const RowChangeList &delta,
const consensus::OpId& op_id,
ProbeStats* stats,
OperationResultPB *result) OVERRIDE;
// Return the number of entries in the memrowset.
// NOTE: this requires iterating all data, and is thus
// not very fast.
uint64_t entry_count() const {
return tree_.count();
// Conform entry_count to RowSet
Status CountRows(rowid_t *count) const OVERRIDE {
*count = entry_count();
return Status::OK();
virtual Status GetBounds(std::string *min_encoded_key,
std::string *max_encoded_key) const OVERRIDE;
uint64_t EstimateOnDiskSize() const OVERRIDE {
return 0;
std::mutex *compact_flush_lock() OVERRIDE {
return &compact_flush_lock_;
// MemRowSets are never available for compaction, currently.
virtual bool IsAvailableForCompaction() OVERRIDE {
return false;
// Return true if there are no entries in the memrowset.
bool empty() const {
return tree_.empty();
// TODO: unit test me
Status CheckRowPresent(const RowSetKeyProbe &probe, bool *present,
ProbeStats* stats) const OVERRIDE;
// Return the memory footprint of this memrowset.
// Note that this may be larger than the sum of the data
// inserted into the memrowset, due to arena and data structure
// overhead.
size_t memory_footprint() const {
return arena_->memory_footprint();
// Return an iterator over the items in this memrowset.
// NOTE: for this function to work, there must be a shared_ptr
// referring to this MemRowSet. Otherwise, this will throw
// a C++ exception and all bets are off.
// TODO: clarify the consistency of this iterator in the method doc
Iterator *NewIterator() const;
Iterator *NewIterator(const Schema *projection,
const MvccSnapshot &snap) const;
// Alias to conform to DiskRowSet interface
virtual Status NewRowIterator(const Schema* projection,
const MvccSnapshot& snap,
gscoped_ptr<RowwiseIterator>* out) const OVERRIDE;
// Create compaction input.
virtual Status NewCompactionInput(const Schema* projection,
const MvccSnapshot& snap,
gscoped_ptr<CompactionInput>* out) const OVERRIDE;
// Return the Schema for the rows in this memrowset.
const Schema &schema() const {
return schema_;
// Same as schema(), but non-virtual method
const Schema& schema_nonvirtual() const {
return schema_;
int64_t mrs_id() const {
return id_;
std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata> metadata() OVERRIDE {
return std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>(
reinterpret_cast<RowSetMetadata *>(NULL));
// Dump the contents of the memrowset to the given vector.
// If 'lines' is NULL, dumps to LOG(INFO).
// This dumps every row, so should only be used in tests, etc.
virtual Status DebugDump(vector<string> *lines = NULL) OVERRIDE;
string ToString() const OVERRIDE {
return string("memrowset");
// Mark the memrowset as frozen. See CBTree::Freeze()
void Freeze() {
uint64_t debug_insert_count() const {
return debug_insert_count_;
uint64_t debug_update_count() const {
return debug_update_count_;
size_t DeltaMemStoreSize() const OVERRIDE { return 0; }
bool DeltaMemStoreEmpty() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
int64_t MinUnflushedLogIndex() const OVERRIDE {
return anchorer_.minimum_log_index();
double DeltaStoresCompactionPerfImprovementScore(DeltaCompactionType type) const OVERRIDE {
return 0;
Status FlushDeltas() OVERRIDE { return Status::OK(); }
Status MinorCompactDeltaStores() OVERRIDE { return Status::OK(); }
friend class Iterator;
// Perform a "Reinsert" -- handle an insertion into a row which was previously
// inserted and deleted, but still has an entry in the MemRowSet.
Status Reinsert(Timestamp timestamp,
const ConstContiguousRow& row_data,
MRSRow *row);
typedef btree::CBTree<MSBTreeTraits> MSBTree;
int64_t id_;
const Schema schema_;
std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> parent_tracker_;
std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker_;
std::shared_ptr<MemoryTrackingBufferAllocator> allocator_;
std::shared_ptr<ThreadSafeMemoryTrackingArena> arena_;
typedef btree::CBTreeIterator<MSBTreeTraits> MSBTIter;
MSBTree tree_;
// Approximate counts of mutations. This variable is updated non-atomically,
// so it cannot be relied upon to be in any way accurate. It's only used
// as a sanity check during flush.
volatile uint64_t debug_insert_count_;
volatile uint64_t debug_update_count_;
std::mutex compact_flush_lock_;
Atomic32 has_logged_throttling_;
log::MinLogIndexAnchorer anchorer_;
// An iterator through in-memory data stored in a MemRowSet.
// This holds a reference to the MemRowSet, and so the memrowset
// must not be freed while this iterator is outstanding.
// This iterator is not a full snapshot, but individual rows
// are consistent, and it is safe to iterate during concurrent
// mutation. The consistency guarantee is that it will return
// at least all rows that were present at the time of construction,
// and potentially more. Each row will be at least as current as
// the time of construction, and potentially more current.
class MemRowSet::Iterator : public RowwiseIterator {
class MRSRowProjector;
virtual ~Iterator();
virtual Status Init(ScanSpec *spec) OVERRIDE;
Status SeekAtOrAfter(const Slice &key, bool *exact);
virtual Status NextBlock(RowBlock *dst) OVERRIDE;
bool has_upper_bound() const {
return exclusive_upper_bound_.is_initialized();
bool out_of_bounds(const Slice &key) const {
DCHECK(has_upper_bound()) << "No upper bound set!";
return*exclusive_upper_bound_) >= 0;
size_t remaining_in_leaf() const {
DCHECK_NE(state_, kUninitialized) << "not initted";
return iter_->remaining_in_leaf();
virtual bool HasNext() const OVERRIDE {
DCHECK_NE(state_, kUninitialized) << "not initted";
return state_ != kFinished && iter_->IsValid();
// NOTE: This method will return a MRSRow with the MemRowSet schema.
// The row is NOT projected using the schema specified to the iterator.
const MRSRow GetCurrentRow() const {
DCHECK_NE(state_, kUninitialized) << "not initted";
Slice dummy, mrsrow_data;
iter_->GetCurrentEntry(&dummy, &mrsrow_data);
return MRSRow(memrowset_.get(), mrsrow_data);
// Copy the current MRSRow to the 'dst_row' provided using the iterator projection schema.
Status GetCurrentRow(RowBlockRow* dst_row,
Arena* row_arena,
Mutation** redo_head,
Arena* mutation_arena,
Timestamp* insertion_timestamp);
bool Next() {
DCHECK_NE(state_, kUninitialized) << "not initted";
return iter_->Next();
string ToString() const OVERRIDE {
return "memrowset iterator";
const Schema& schema() const OVERRIDE {
return *projection_;
virtual void GetIteratorStats(std::vector<IteratorStats>* stats) const OVERRIDE {
// Currently we do not expose any non-disk related statistics in
// IteratorStats. However, callers of GetIteratorStats expected
// an IteratorStats object for every column; vector::resize() is
// used as it will also fill the 'stats' with new instances of
// IteratorStats.
friend class MemRowSet;
enum ScanState {
// Enumerated constants to indicate the iterator state:
kUninitialized = 0,
kScanning = 1, // We may continue fetching and returning values.
kFinished = 2 // We either know we can never reach the lower bound, or
// we've exceeded the upper bound.
Iterator(const std::shared_ptr<const MemRowSet> &mrs,
MemRowSet::MSBTIter *iter, const Schema *projection,
MvccSnapshot mvcc_snap);
// Various helper functions called while getting the next RowBlock
Status FetchRows(RowBlock* dst, size_t* fetched);
Status ApplyMutationsToProjectedRow(const Mutation *mutation_head,
RowBlockRow *dst_row,
Arena *dst_arena);
const std::shared_ptr<const MemRowSet> memrowset_;
gscoped_ptr<MemRowSet::MSBTIter> iter_;
// The MVCC snapshot which determines which rows and mutations are visible to
// this iterator.
const MvccSnapshot mvcc_snap_;
// Mapping from projected column index back to memrowset column index.
// Relies on the MRSRowProjector interface to abstract from the two
// different implementations of the RowProjector, which may change
// at runtime (using vs. not using code generation).
const Schema* const projection_;
gscoped_ptr<MRSRowProjector> projector_;
DeltaProjector delta_projector_;
// Temporary buffer used for RowChangeList projection.
faststring delta_buf_;
size_t prepared_count_;
// Temporary local buffer used for seeking to hold the encoded
// seek target.
faststring tmp_buf;
// State of the scanner: indicates whether we should keep scanning/fetching,
// whether we've scanned the last batch, or whether we've reached the upper bounds
// or will never reach the lower bounds (no more rows can be returned)
ScanState state_;
// Pushed down encoded upper bound key, if any
boost::optional<const Slice &> exclusive_upper_bound_;
inline const Schema* MRSRow::schema() const {
return &memrowset_->schema_nonvirtual();
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu