blob: e348d9849bf756ca5da8503bc8dc4bd20936be91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <boost/optional/optional_fwd.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/common/partition.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
#include "kudu/master/ts_manager.h"
#include "kudu/server/monitored_task.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tablet_peer_lookup.h"
#include "kudu/util/cow_object.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/oid_generator.h"
#include "kudu/util/promise.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/rw_mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class Schema;
class ThreadPool;
class CreateTableStressTest_TestConcurrentCreateTableAndReloadMetadata_Test;
namespace rpc {
class RpcContext;
} // namespace rpc
namespace master {
class CatalogManagerBgTasks;
class Master;
class SysCatalogTable;
class TableInfo;
class TSDescriptor;
struct DeferredAssignmentActions;
// The data related to a tablet which is persisted on disk.
// This portion of TableInfo is managed via CowObject.
// It wraps the underlying protobuf to add useful accessors.
struct PersistentTabletInfo {
bool is_running() const {
return pb.state() == SysTabletsEntryPB::RUNNING;
bool is_deleted() const {
return pb.state() == SysTabletsEntryPB::REPLACED ||
pb.state() == SysTabletsEntryPB::DELETED;
// Helper to set the state of the tablet with a custom message.
// Requires that the caller has prepared this object for write.
// The change will only be visible after Commit().
void set_state(SysTabletsEntryPB::State state, const std::string& msg);
SysTabletsEntryPB pb;
// The information about a single tablet which exists in the cluster,
// This object uses copy-on-write for the portions of data which are persisted
// on disk. This allows the mutated data to be staged and written to disk
// while readers continue to access the previous version. These portions
// of data are in PersistentTableInfo above, and typically accessed using
// TabletMetadataLock. For example:
// TabletInfo* table = ...;
// TabletMetadataLock l(tablet, TableMetadataLock::READ);
// if ( { ... }
// The non-persistent information about the tablet is protected by an internal
// spin-lock.
// The object is owned/managed by the CatalogManager, and exposed for testing.
class TabletInfo : public RefCountedThreadSafe<TabletInfo> {
typedef PersistentTabletInfo cow_state;
TabletInfo(const scoped_refptr<TableInfo>& table, std::string tablet_id);
const std::string& tablet_id() const { return tablet_id_; }
const scoped_refptr<TableInfo>& table() const { return table_; }
// Access the persistent metadata. Typically you should use
// TabletMetadataLock to gain access to this data.
const CowObject<PersistentTabletInfo>& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
CowObject<PersistentTabletInfo>* mutable_metadata() { return &metadata_; }
// Accessors for the last time create tablet RPCs were sent for this tablet.
void set_last_create_tablet_time(const MonoTime& ts);
MonoTime last_create_tablet_time() const;
// Accessors for the last reported schema version
bool set_reported_schema_version(uint32_t version);
uint32_t reported_schema_version() const;
// No synchronization needed.
std::string ToString() const;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<TabletInfo>;
const std::string tablet_id_;
const scoped_refptr<TableInfo> table_;
CowObject<PersistentTabletInfo> metadata_;
// Lock protecting the below mutable fields.
// This doesn't protect metadata_ (the on-disk portion).
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
// The last time the master sent create tablet RPCs for the tablet.
MonoTime last_create_tablet_time_;
// Reported schema version (in-memory only).
uint32_t reported_schema_version_;
// The data related to a table which is persisted on disk.
// This portion of TableInfo is managed via CowObject.
// It wraps the underlying protobuf to add useful accessors.
struct PersistentTableInfo {
bool is_deleted() const {
return pb.state() == SysTablesEntryPB::REMOVED;
bool is_running() const {
return pb.state() == SysTablesEntryPB::RUNNING ||
pb.state() == SysTablesEntryPB::ALTERING;
// Return the table's name.
const std::string& name() const {
// Helper to set the state of the tablet with a custom message.
void set_state(SysTablesEntryPB::State state, const std::string& msg);
SysTablesEntryPB pb;
// The information about a table, including its state and tablets.
// This object uses copy-on-write techniques similarly to TabletInfo.
// Please see the TabletInfo class doc above for more information.
// The non-persistent information about the table is protected by an internal
// spin-lock.
class TableInfo : public RefCountedThreadSafe<TableInfo> {
typedef PersistentTableInfo cow_state;
typedef std::map<std::string, TabletInfo*> TabletInfoMap;
explicit TableInfo(std::string table_id);
std::string ToString() const;
// Return the table's ID. Does not require synchronization.
const std::string& id() const { return table_id_; }
// Add a tablet to this table.
void AddTablet(TabletInfo *tablet);
// Add multiple tablets to this table.
void AddTablets(const std::vector<TabletInfo*>& tablets);
// Atomically add and remove multiple tablets from this table.
void AddRemoveTablets(const vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>>& tablets_to_add,
const vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>>& tablets_to_drop);
// Return true if tablet with 'partition_key_start' has been
// removed from 'tablet_map_' below.
bool RemoveTablet(const std::string& partition_key_start);
// This only returns tablets which are in RUNNING state.
void GetTabletsInRange(const GetTableLocationsRequestPB* req,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo> > *ret) const;
// Adds all tablets to the vector in partition key sorted order.
void GetAllTablets(std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo> > *ret) const;
// Access the persistent metadata. Typically you should use
// TableMetadataLock to gain access to this data.
const CowObject<PersistentTableInfo>& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
CowObject<PersistentTableInfo>* mutable_metadata() { return &metadata_; }
// Returns true if the table creation is in-progress
bool IsCreateInProgress() const;
// Returns true if an "Alter" operation is in-progress
bool IsAlterInProgress(uint32_t version) const;
void AddTask(MonitoredTask *task);
void RemoveTask(MonitoredTask *task);
void AbortTasks();
void WaitTasksCompletion();
// Allow for showing outstanding tasks in the master UI.
void GetTaskList(std::vector<scoped_refptr<MonitoredTask> > *tasks);
// Returns a snapshot copy of the table info's tablet map.
TabletInfoMap tablet_map() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return tablet_map_;
// Returns the number of tablets.
int num_tablets() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return tablet_map_.size();
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<TableInfo>;
void AddTabletUnlocked(TabletInfo* tablet);
const std::string table_id_;
// Sorted index of tablet start partition-keys to TabletInfo.
// The TabletInfo objects are owned by the CatalogManager.
TabletInfoMap tablet_map_;
// Protects tablet_map_ and pending_tasks_
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
CowObject<PersistentTableInfo> metadata_;
// List of pending tasks (e.g. create/alter tablet requests)
std::unordered_set<MonitoredTask*> pending_tasks_;
// Helper to manage locking on the persistent metadata of TabletInfo or TableInfo.
template<class MetadataClass>
class MetadataLock : public CowLock<typename MetadataClass::cow_state> {
typedef CowLock<typename MetadataClass::cow_state> super;
MetadataLock(MetadataClass* info, typename super::LockMode mode)
: super(DCHECK_NOTNULL(info)->mutable_metadata(), mode) {
MetadataLock(const MetadataClass* info, typename super::LockMode mode)
: super(&(DCHECK_NOTNULL(info))->metadata(), mode) {
typedef MetadataLock<TabletInfo> TabletMetadataLock;
typedef MetadataLock<TableInfo> TableMetadataLock;
// The component of the master which tracks the state and location
// of tables/tablets in the cluster.
// This is the master-side counterpart of TSTabletManager, which tracks
// the state of each tablet on a given tablet-server.
// Thread-safe.
class CatalogManager : public tserver::TabletPeerLookupIf {
// Scoped "shared lock" to serialize master leader elections.
// While in scope, blocks the catalog manager in the event that it becomes
// the leader of its Raft configuration and needs to reload its persistent
// metadata. Once destroyed, the catalog manager is unblocked.
// Usage:
// void MasterServiceImpl::CreateTable(const CreateTableRequestPB* req,
// CreateTableResponsePB* resp,
// rpc::RpcContext* rpc) {
// CatalogManager::ScopedLeaderSharedLock l(server_->catalog_manager());
// if (!l.CheckIsInitializedAndIsLeaderOrRespond(resp, rpc)) {
// return;
// }
// Status s = server_->catalog_manager()->CreateTable(req, resp, rpc);
// CheckRespErrorOrSetUnknown(s, resp);
// rpc->RespondSuccess();
// }
class ScopedLeaderSharedLock {
// Creates a new shared lock, acquiring the catalog manager's leader_lock_
// for reading in the process. The lock is released when this object is
// destroyed.
// 'catalog' must outlive this object.
explicit ScopedLeaderSharedLock(CatalogManager* catalog);
// General status of the catalog manager. If not OK (e.g. the catalog
// manager is still being initialized), all operations are illegal and
// leader_status() should not be trusted.
const Status& catalog_status() const { return catalog_status_; }
// Leadership status of the catalog manager. If not OK, the catalog
// manager is not the leader, but some operations may still be legal.
const Status& leader_status() const {
return leader_status_;
// First non-OK status of the catalog manager, adhering to the checking
// order specified above.
const Status& first_failed_status() const {
if (!catalog_status_.ok()) {
return catalog_status_;
return leader_status_;
// Check that the catalog manager is initialized. It may or may not be the
// leader of its Raft configuration.
// If not initialized, writes the corresponding error to 'resp',
// responds to 'rpc', and returns false.
template<typename RespClass>
bool CheckIsInitializedOrRespond(RespClass* resp, rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
// Check that the catalog manager is initialized and that it is the leader
// of its Raft configuration. Initialization status takes precedence over
// leadership status.
// If not initialized or if not the leader, writes the corresponding error
// to 'resp', responds to 'rpc', and returns false.
template<typename RespClass>
bool CheckIsInitializedAndIsLeaderOrRespond(RespClass* resp, rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
CatalogManager* catalog_;
shared_lock<RWMutex> leader_shared_lock_;
Status catalog_status_;
Status leader_status_;
// Temporarily forces the catalog manager to be a follower. Only for tests!
class ScopedLeaderDisablerForTests {
explicit ScopedLeaderDisablerForTests(CatalogManager* catalog)
: catalog_(catalog),
old_leader_ready_term_(catalog->leader_ready_term_) {
catalog_->leader_ready_term_ = -1;
~ScopedLeaderDisablerForTests() {
catalog_->leader_ready_term_ = old_leader_ready_term_;
CatalogManager* catalog_;
int64_t old_leader_ready_term_;
explicit CatalogManager(Master *master);
virtual ~CatalogManager();
Status Init(bool is_first_run);
void Shutdown();
Status CheckOnline() const;
// Create a new Table with the specified attributes
// The RPC context is provided for logging/tracing purposes,
// but this function does not itself respond to the RPC.
Status CreateTable(const CreateTableRequestPB* req,
CreateTableResponsePB* resp,
rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
// Get the information about an in-progress create operation
Status IsCreateTableDone(const IsCreateTableDoneRequestPB* req,
IsCreateTableDoneResponsePB* resp);
// Delete the specified table
// The RPC context is provided for logging/tracing purposes,
// but this function does not itself respond to the RPC.
Status DeleteTable(const DeleteTableRequestPB* req,
DeleteTableResponsePB* resp,
rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
// Alter the specified table
// The RPC context is provided for logging/tracing purposes,
// but this function does not itself respond to the RPC.
Status AlterTable(const AlterTableRequestPB* req,
AlterTableResponsePB* resp,
rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
// Get the information about an in-progress alter operation
// The RPC context is provided for logging/tracing purposes,
// but this function does not itself respond to the RPC.
Status IsAlterTableDone(const IsAlterTableDoneRequestPB* req,
IsAlterTableDoneResponsePB* resp,
rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
// Get the information about the specified table
Status GetTableSchema(const GetTableSchemaRequestPB* req,
GetTableSchemaResponsePB* resp);
// List all the running tables
Status ListTables(const ListTablesRequestPB* req,
ListTablesResponsePB* resp);
// Lookup the tablets contained in the partition range of the request.
// Returns an error if any of the tablets are not running.
Status GetTableLocations(const GetTableLocationsRequestPB* req,
GetTableLocationsResponsePB* resp);
// Look up the locations of the given tablet. The locations
// vector is overwritten (not appended to).
// If the tablet is not found, returns Status::NotFound.
// If the tablet is not running, returns Status::ServiceUnavailable.
// Otherwise, returns Status::OK and puts the result in 'locs_pb'.
// This only returns tablets which are in RUNNING state.
Status GetTabletLocations(const std::string& tablet_id,
TabletLocationsPB* locs_pb);
// Handle a tablet report from the given tablet server.
// The RPC context is provided for logging/tracing purposes,
// but this function does not itself respond to the RPC.
Status ProcessTabletReport(TSDescriptor* ts_desc,
const TabletReportPB& report,
TabletReportUpdatesPB *report_update,
rpc::RpcContext* rpc);
SysCatalogTable* sys_catalog() { return sys_catalog_.get(); }
// Dump all of the current state about tables and tablets to the
// given output stream. This is verbose, meant for debugging.
void DumpState(std::ostream* out) const;
// Return true if the table with the specified ID exists,
// and set the table pointer to the TableInfo object
// NOTE: This should only be used by tests or web-ui
bool GetTableInfo(const std::string& table_id, scoped_refptr<TableInfo> *table);
// Return all the available TableInfo, which also may include not running tables
// NOTE: This should only be used by tests or web-ui
void GetAllTables(std::vector<scoped_refptr<TableInfo> > *tables);
// Return true if the specified table name exists
// NOTE: This should only be used by tests
bool TableNameExists(const std::string& table_name);
// Let the catalog manager know that the the given tablet server successfully
// deleted the specified tablet.
void NotifyTabletDeleteSuccess(const std::string& permanent_uuid, const std::string& tablet_id);
// Used by ConsensusService to retrieve the TabletPeer for a system
// table specified by 'tablet_id'.
// See also: TabletPeerLookupIf, ConsensusServiceImpl.
virtual Status GetTabletPeer(const std::string& tablet_id,
scoped_refptr<tablet::TabletPeer>* tablet_peer) const OVERRIDE;
virtual const NodeInstancePB& NodeInstance() const OVERRIDE;
bool IsInitialized() const;
virtual Status StartRemoteBootstrap(
const consensus::StartRemoteBootstrapRequestPB& req,
boost::optional<kudu::tserver::TabletServerErrorPB::Code>* error_code) OVERRIDE;
// Returns this CatalogManager's role in a consensus configuration. CatalogManager
// must be initialized before calling this method.
consensus::RaftPeerPB::Role Role() const;
// These tests call ElectedAsLeaderCb() directly.
FRIEND_TEST(MasterTest, TestShutdownDuringTableVisit);
FRIEND_TEST(MasterTest, TestGetTableLocationsDuringRepeatedTableVisit);
// This test calls VisitTablesAndTablets() directly.
FRIEND_TEST(kudu::CreateTableStressTest, TestConcurrentCreateTableAndReloadMetadata);
friend class TableLoader;
friend class TabletLoader;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, scoped_refptr<TableInfo>> TableInfoMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>> TabletInfoMap;
// Called by SysCatalog::SysCatalogStateChanged when this node
// becomes the leader of a consensus configuration. Executes VisitTablesAndTabletsTask
// via 'worker_pool_'.
Status ElectedAsLeaderCb();
// Loops and sleeps until one of the following conditions occurs:
// 1. The current node is the leader master in the current term
// and at least one op from the current term is committed. Returns OK.
// 2. The current node is not the leader master.
// Returns IllegalState.
// 3. The provided timeout expires. Returns TimedOut.
// This method is intended to ensure that all operations replicated by
// previous masters are committed and visible to the local node before
// reading that data, to ensure consistency across failovers.
Status WaitUntilCaughtUpAsLeader(const MonoDelta& timeout);
// Performs several checks before calling VisitTablesAndTablets to actually
// reload table/tablet metadata into memory.
void VisitTablesAndTabletsTask();
// Clears out the existing metadata ('table_names_map_', 'table_ids_map_',
// and 'tablet_map_'), loads tables metadata into memory and if successful
// loads the tablets metadata.
Status VisitTablesAndTablets();
// Helper for initializing 'sys_catalog_'. After calling this
// method, the caller should call WaitUntilRunning() on sys_catalog_
// WITHOUT holding 'lock_' to wait for consensus to start for
// sys_catalog_.
// This method is thread-safe.
Status InitSysCatalogAsync(bool is_first_run);
// Helper for creating the initial TableInfo state
// Leaves the table "write locked" with the new info in the
// "dirty" state field.
TableInfo* CreateTableInfo(const CreateTableRequestPB& req,
const Schema& schema,
const PartitionSchema& partition_schema);
// Helper for creating the initial TabletInfo state.
// Leaves the tablet "write locked" with the new info in the
// "dirty" state field.
scoped_refptr<TabletInfo> CreateTabletInfo(TableInfo* table,
const PartitionPB& partition);
// Builds the TabletLocationsPB for a tablet based on the provided TabletInfo.
// Populates locs_pb and returns true on success.
// Returns Status::ServiceUnavailable if tablet is not running.
Status BuildLocationsForTablet(const scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>& tablet,
TabletLocationsPB* locs_pb);
Status FindTable(const TableIdentifierPB& table_identifier,
scoped_refptr<TableInfo>* table_info);
// Handle one of the tablets in a tablet reported.
// Requires that the lock is already held.
Status HandleReportedTablet(TSDescriptor* ts_desc,
const ReportedTabletPB& report,
ReportedTabletUpdatesPB *report_updates);
Status HandleRaftConfigChanged(const ReportedTabletPB& report,
const scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>& tablet,
TabletMetadataLock* tablet_lock,
TableMetadataLock* table_lock);
// Extract the set of tablets that must be processed because not running yet.
void ExtractTabletsToProcess(std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>>* tablets_to_process);
Status ApplyAlterSchemaSteps(const SysTablesEntryPB& current_pb,
std::vector<AlterTableRequestPB::Step> steps,
Schema* new_schema,
ColumnId* next_col_id);
Status ApplyAlterPartitioningSteps(const TableMetadataLock& l,
TableInfo* table,
const Schema& client_schema,
std::vector<AlterTableRequestPB::Step> steps,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>>* tablets_to_add,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>>* tablets_to_drop);
// Task that takes care of the tablet assignments/creations.
// Loops through the "not created" tablets and sends a CreateTablet() request.
Status ProcessPendingAssignments(const std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo> >& tablets);
// Given 'two_choices', which should be a vector of exactly two elements, select which
// one is the better choice for a new replica.
std::shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> PickBetterReplicaLocation(const TSDescriptorVector& two_choices);
// Select a tablet server from 'ts_descs' on which to place a new replica.
// Any tablet servers in 'excluded' are not considered.
// REQUIRES: 'ts_descs' must include at least one non-excluded server.
std::shared_ptr<TSDescriptor> SelectReplica(
const TSDescriptorVector& ts_descs,
const std::set<std::shared_ptr<TSDescriptor>>& excluded);
// Select N Replicas from online tablet servers (as specified by
// 'ts_descs') for the specified tablet and populate the consensus configuration
// object. If 'ts_descs' does not specify enough online tablet
// servers to select the N replicas, return Status::InvalidArgument.
// This method is called by "ProcessPendingAssignments()".
Status SelectReplicasForTablet(const TSDescriptorVector& ts_descs, TabletInfo* tablet);
// Select N Replicas from the online tablet servers
// and populate the consensus configuration object.
// This method is called by "SelectReplicasForTablet".
void SelectReplicas(const TSDescriptorVector& ts_descs,
int nreplicas,
consensus::RaftConfigPB *config);
void HandleAssignPreparingTablet(TabletInfo* tablet,
DeferredAssignmentActions* deferred);
// Assign tablets and send CreateTablet RPCs to tablet servers.
// The out param 'new_tablets' should have any newly-created TabletInfo
// objects appended to it.
void HandleAssignCreatingTablet(TabletInfo* tablet,
DeferredAssignmentActions* deferred,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<TabletInfo> >* new_tablets);
Status HandleTabletSchemaVersionReport(TabletInfo *tablet,
uint32_t version);
// Send the "create tablet request" to all peers of a particular tablet.
// The creation is async, and at the moment there is no error checking on the
// caller side. We rely on the assignment timeout. If we don't see the tablet
// after the timeout, we regenerate a new one and proceed with a new
// assignment/creation.
// This method is part of the "ProcessPendingAssignments()"
// This must be called after persisting the tablet state as
// CREATING to ensure coherent state after Master failover.
// The tablet lock must be acquired for reading before making this call.
void SendCreateTabletRequest(const scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>& tablet,
const TabletMetadataLock& tablet_lock);
// Send the "alter table request" to all tablets of the specified table.
void SendAlterTableRequest(const scoped_refptr<TableInfo>& table);
// Start the background task to send the AlterTable() RPC to the leader for this
// tablet.
void SendAlterTabletRequest(const scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>& tablet);
// Send the "delete tablet request" to all replicas of all tablets of the
// specified table.
void SendDeleteTableRequest(const scoped_refptr<TableInfo>& table,
const std::string& deletion_msg);
// Send the "delete tablet request" to all replicas of the specified tablet.
// The tablet lock must be acquired for reading before making this call.
void SendDeleteTabletRequest(const scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>& tablet,
const TabletMetadataLock& tablet_lock,
const std::string& deletion_msg);
// Send the "delete tablet request" to a particular replica (i.e. TS and
// tablet combination). The specified 'reason' will be logged on the TS.
void SendDeleteReplicaRequest(const std::string& tablet_id,
tablet::TabletDataState delete_type,
const boost::optional<int64_t>& cas_config_opid_index_less_or_equal,
const scoped_refptr<TableInfo>& table,
const std::string& ts_uuid,
const std::string& reason);
// Start a task to change the config to add an additional voter because the
// specified tablet is under-replicated.
void SendAddServerRequest(const scoped_refptr<TabletInfo>& tablet,
const consensus::ConsensusStatePB& cstate);
std::string GenerateId() { return oid_generator_.Next(); }
// Conventional "T xxx P yyy: " prefix for logging.
std::string LogPrefix() const;
// Aborts all tasks belonging to 'tables' and waits for them to finish.
void AbortAndWaitForAllTasks(const std::vector<scoped_refptr<TableInfo>>& tables);
// TODO: the maps are a little wasteful of RAM, since the TableInfo/TabletInfo
// objects have a copy of the string key. But STL doesn't make it
// easy to make a "gettable set".
// Lock protecting the various maps and sets below.
typedef rw_spinlock LockType;
mutable LockType lock_;
// Table maps: table-id -> TableInfo and table-name -> TableInfo
TableInfoMap table_ids_map_;
TableInfoMap table_names_map_;
// Tablet maps: tablet-id -> TabletInfo
TabletInfoMap tablet_map_;
// Names of tables that are currently reserved by CreateTable() or
// AlterTable().
// As a rule, operations that add new table names should do so as follows:
// 1. Acquire lock_.
// 2. Ensure table_names_map_ does not contain the new name.
// 3. Ensure reserved_table_names_ does not contain the new name.
// 4. Add the new name to reserved_table_names_.
// 5. Release lock_.
// 6. Perform the operation.
// 7. If it succeeded, add the name to table_names_map_ with lock_ held.
// 8. Remove the new name from reserved_table_names_ with lock_ held.
std::unordered_set<std::string> reserved_table_names_;
Master *master_;
ObjectIdGenerator oid_generator_;
// Random number generator used for selecting replica locations.
ThreadSafeRandom rng_;
gscoped_ptr<SysCatalogTable> sys_catalog_;
// Background thread, used to execute the catalog manager tasks
// like the assignment and cleaner
friend class CatalogManagerBgTasks;
gscoped_ptr<CatalogManagerBgTasks> background_tasks_;
enum State {
// Lock protecting state_, leader_ready_term_
mutable simple_spinlock state_lock_;
State state_;
// Singleton pool that serializes invocations of ElectedAsLeaderCb().
gscoped_ptr<ThreadPool> leader_election_pool_;
// This field is updated when a node becomes leader master,
// waits for all outstanding uncommitted metadata (table and tablet metadata)
// in the sys catalog to commit, and then reads that metadata into in-memory
// data structures. This is used to "fence" client and tablet server requests
// that depend on the in-memory state until this master can respond
// correctly.
int64_t leader_ready_term_;
// Lock used to fence operations and leader elections. All logical operations
// (i.e. create table, alter table, etc.) should acquire this lock for
// reading. Following an election where this master is elected leader, it
// should acquire this lock for writing before reloading the metadata.
// Readers should not acquire this lock directly; use ScopedLeadershipLock
// instead.
// Always acquire this lock before state_lock_.
RWMutex leader_lock_;
// Async operations are accessing some private methods
// (TODO: this stuff should be deferred and done in the background thread)
friend class AsyncAlterTable;
} // namespace master
} // namespace kudu