blob: 9c1bda5862048d96f2183099c272381a59694102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Helpers for dealing with the protobufs defined in wire_protocol.proto.
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
using boost::optional;
namespace kudu {
class Arena;
class ColumnPredicate;
class ColumnSchema;
class ConstContiguousRow;
class faststring;
class HostPort;
class RowBlock;
class RowBlockRow;
class RowChangeList;
class Schema;
class Slice;
class Sockaddr;
// Convert the given C++ Status object into the equivalent Protobuf.
void StatusToPB(const Status& status, AppStatusPB* pb);
// Convert the given protobuf into the equivalent C++ Status object.
Status StatusFromPB(const AppStatusPB& pb);
// Convert the specified HostPort to protobuf.
Status HostPortToPB(const HostPort& host_port, HostPortPB* host_port_pb);
// Returns the HostPort created from the specified protobuf.
Status HostPortFromPB(const HostPortPB& host_port_pb, HostPort* host_port);
// Adds addresses in 'addrs' to 'pbs'. If an address is a wildcard
// (e.g., ""), then the local machine's hostname is used in
// its place.
Status AddHostPortPBs(const std::vector<Sockaddr>& addrs,
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<HostPortPB>* pbs);
enum SchemaPBConversionFlags {
// Convert the specified schema to protobuf.
// 'flags' is a bitfield of SchemaPBConversionFlags values.
Status SchemaToPB(const Schema& schema, SchemaPB* pb, int flags = 0);
// Convert the specified schema to protobuf without column IDs.
Status SchemaToPBWithoutIds(const Schema& schema, SchemaPB *pb);
// Returns the Schema created from the specified protobuf.
// If the schema is invalid, return a non-OK status.
Status SchemaFromPB(const SchemaPB& pb, Schema *schema);
// Convert the specified column schema to protobuf.
// 'flags' is a bitfield of SchemaPBConversionFlags values.
void ColumnSchemaToPB(const ColumnSchema& schema, ColumnSchemaPB *pb, int flags = 0);
// Return the ColumnSchema created from the specified protobuf.
ColumnSchema ColumnSchemaFromPB(const ColumnSchemaPB& pb);
// Convert the given list of ColumnSchemaPB objects into a Schema object.
// Returns InvalidArgument if the provided columns don't make a valid Schema
// (eg if the keys are non-contiguous or nullable).
Status ColumnPBsToSchema(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ColumnSchemaPB>& column_pbs,
Schema* schema);
// Extract the columns of the given Schema into protobuf objects.
// The 'cols' list is replaced by this method.
// 'flags' is a bitfield of SchemaPBConversionFlags values.
Status SchemaToColumnPBs(
const Schema& schema,
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ColumnSchemaPB>* cols,
int flags = 0);
// Convert the column predicate to protobuf.
void ColumnPredicateToPB(const ColumnPredicate& predicate, ColumnPredicatePB* pb);
// Convert a column predicate protobuf to a column predicate. The resulting
// predicate is stored in the 'predicate' out parameter, if the result is
// successful.
Status ColumnPredicateFromPB(const Schema& schema,
Arena* arena,
const ColumnPredicatePB& pb,
optional<ColumnPredicate>* predicate);
// Encode the given row block into the provided protobuf and data buffers.
// All data (both direct and indirect) for each selected row in the RowBlock is
// copied into the protobuf and faststrings.
// The original data may be destroyed safely after this returns.
// This only converts those rows whose selection vector entry is true.
// If 'client_projection_schema' is not NULL, then only columns specified in
// 'client_projection_schema' will be projected to 'data_buf'.
// Requires that block.nrows() > 0
void SerializeRowBlock(const RowBlock& block, RowwiseRowBlockPB* rowblock_pb,
const Schema* client_projection_schema,
faststring* data_buf, faststring* indirect_data);
// Rewrites the data pointed-to by row data slice 'row_data_slice' by replacing
// relative indirect data pointers with absolute ones in 'indirect_data_slice'.
// At the time of this writing, this rewriting is only done for STRING types.
// Returns a bad Status if the provided data is invalid or corrupt.
Status RewriteRowBlockPointers(const Schema& schema, const RowwiseRowBlockPB& rowblock_pb,
const Slice& indirect_data_slice, Slice* row_data_slice);
// Extract the rows stored in this protobuf, which must have exactly the
// given Schema. This Schema may be obtained using ColumnPBsToSchema.
// Pointers are added to 'rows' for each of the extracted rows. These
// pointers are suitable for constructing ConstContiguousRow objects.
// TODO: would be nice to just return a vector<ConstContiguousRow>, but
// they're not currently copyable, so this can't be done.
// Note that the returned rows refer to memory managed by 'rows_data' and
// 'indirect_data'. This is also the reason that 'rows_data' is a non-const pointer
// argument: the internal data is mutated in-place to restore the validity of
// indirect data pointers, which are relative on the wire but must be absolute
// while in-memory.
// Returns a bad Status if the provided data is invalid or corrupt.
Status ExtractRowsFromRowBlockPB(const Schema& schema,
const RowwiseRowBlockPB& rowblock_pb,
const Slice& indirect_data,
Slice* rows_data,
std::vector<const uint8_t*>* rows);
// Set 'leader_hostport' to the host/port of the leader server if one
// can be found in 'entries'.
// Returns Status::NotFound if no leader is found.
Status FindLeaderHostPort(const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ServerEntryPB>& entries,
HostPort* leader_hostport);
} // namespace kudu