blob: 7d82336582cd7cee5e8086c3e08745f59793166f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
namespace kudu {
// A simple cell of data which directly corresponds to a pointer value.
// stack.
struct SimpleConstCell {
// Both parameters must remain valid for the lifetime of the cell object.
SimpleConstCell(const ColumnSchema* col_schema,
const void* value)
: col_schema_(col_schema),
value_(value) {
const TypeInfo* typeinfo() const { return col_schema_->type_info(); }
size_t size() const { return col_schema_->type_info()->size(); }
bool is_nullable() const { return col_schema_->is_nullable(); }
const void* ptr() const { return value_; }
bool is_null() const { return value_ == NULL; }
const ColumnSchema* col_schema_;
const void* value_;
// Copy the cell data from 'src' to 'dst'. This only copies the data, and not
// the null state. Use CopyCell() if you need to copy the null-ness.
// If dst_arena is non-NULL, relocates the data into the given arena.
template <class SrcCellType, class DstCellType, class ArenaType>
Status CopyCellData(const SrcCellType &src, DstCellType* dst, ArenaType *dst_arena) {
DCHECK_EQ(src.typeinfo()->type(), dst->typeinfo()->type());
if (src.typeinfo()->physical_type() == BINARY) {
// If it's a Slice column, need to relocate the referred-to data
// as well as the slice itself.
// TODO: potential optimization here: if the new value is smaller than
// the old value, we could potentially just overwrite in some cases.
const Slice *src_slice = reinterpret_cast<const Slice *>(src.ptr());
Slice *dst_slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice *>(dst->mutable_ptr());
if (dst_arena != NULL) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!dst_arena->RelocateSlice(*src_slice, dst_slice))) {
return Status::IOError("out of memory copying slice", src_slice->ToString());
} else {
// Just copy the slice without relocating.
// This is used by callers who know that the source row's data is going
// to stick around for the scope of the destination.
*dst_slice = *src_slice;
} else {
memcpy(dst->mutable_ptr(), src.ptr(), src.size()); // TODO: inline?
return Status::OK();
// Copy the cell from 'src' to 'dst'.
// This copies the data, and relocates indirect data into the given arena,
// if it is not NULL.
template <class SrcCellType, class DstCellType, class ArenaType>
Status CopyCell(const SrcCellType &src, DstCellType* dst, ArenaType *dst_arena) {
if (src.is_nullable()) {
// Copy the null state.
if (src.is_null()) {
// no need to copy any data contents once we marked the destination
// cell as null.
return Status::OK();
return CopyCellData(src, dst, dst_arena);
// Copy all of the cells from one row to another. The two rows must share
// the same Schema. If they do not, use ProjectRow() below.
// This can be used to translate between columnar and row-wise layout, for example.
// If 'dst_arena' is set, then will relocate any indirect data to that arena
// during the copy.
template<class RowType1, class RowType2, class ArenaType>
inline Status CopyRow(const RowType1 &src_row, RowType2 *dst_row, ArenaType *dst_arena) {
DCHECK_SCHEMA_EQ(*src_row.schema(), *dst_row->schema());
for (int i = 0; i < src_row.schema()->num_columns(); i++) {
typename RowType1::Cell src = src_row.cell(i);
typename RowType2::Cell dst = dst_row->cell(i);
RETURN_NOT_OK(CopyCell(src, &dst, dst_arena));
return Status::OK();
// Projection mapping for the specified schemas.
// A projection may contain:
// - columns that are present in the "base schema"
// - columns that are present in the "base schema" but with different types.
// In this case an adapter should be used (e.g. INT8 to INT64, INT8 to STRING, ...)
// - columns that are not present in the "base schema".
// In this case the default value of the projection column will be used.
// Example:
// RowProjector projector.
// projector.Init(base_schema, projection);
// projector.ProjectRow(row_a, &row_b, &row_b_arena);
class RowProjector {
typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> ProjectionIdxMapping;
// Construct a projector.
// The two Schema pointers must remain valid for the lifetime of this object.
RowProjector(const Schema* base_schema, const Schema* projection)
: base_schema_(base_schema), projection_(projection),
is_identity_(base_schema->Equals(*projection)) {
// Initialize the projection mapping with the specified base_schema and projection
Status Init() {
return projection_->GetProjectionMapping(*base_schema_, this);
Status Reset(const Schema* base_schema, const Schema* projection) {
base_schema_ = base_schema;
projection_ = projection;
is_identity_ = base_schema->Equals(*projection);
return Init();
// Project a row from one schema into another, using the projection mapping.
// Indirected data is copied into the provided dst arena.
// Use this method only on the read-path.
// The col_schema.read_default_value() will be used.
template<class RowType1, class RowType2, class ArenaType>
Status ProjectRowForRead(const RowType1& src_row, RowType2 *dst_row, ArenaType *dst_arena) const {
return ProjectRow<RowType1, RowType2, ArenaType, true>(src_row, dst_row, dst_arena);
// Project a row from one schema into another, using the projection mapping.
// Indirected data is copied into the provided dst arena.
// Use this method only on the write-path.
// The col_schema.write_default_value() will be used.
template<class RowType1, class RowType2, class ArenaType>
Status ProjectRowForWrite(const RowType1& src_row, RowType2 *dst_row,
ArenaType *dst_arena) const {
return ProjectRow<RowType1, RowType2, ArenaType, false>(src_row, dst_row, dst_arena);
bool is_identity() const { return is_identity_; }
const Schema* projection() const { return projection_; }
const Schema* base_schema() const { return base_schema_; }
// Returns the mapping between base schema and projection schema columns
// first: is the projection column index, second: is the base_schema index
const vector<ProjectionIdxMapping>& base_cols_mapping() const { return base_cols_mapping_; }
// Returns the projection indexes of the columns to add with a default value.
// These are columns which are present in 'projection_' but not in 'base_schema',
// and for which 'projection' has a default.
const vector<size_t>& projection_defaults() const { return projection_defaults_; }
friend class Schema;
Status ProjectBaseColumn(size_t proj_col_idx, size_t base_col_idx) {
base_cols_mapping_.push_back(ProjectionIdxMapping(proj_col_idx, base_col_idx));
return Status::OK();
Status ProjectDefaultColumn(size_t proj_col_idx) {
return Status::OK();
Status ProjectExtraColumn(size_t proj_col_idx) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"The column '" + projection_->column(proj_col_idx).name() +
"' does not exist in the projection, and it does not have a "
"default value or a nullable type");
// Project a row from one schema into another, using the projection mapping.
// Indirected data is copied into the provided dst arena.
template<class RowType1, class RowType2, class ArenaType, bool FOR_READ>
Status ProjectRow(const RowType1& src_row, RowType2 *dst_row, ArenaType *dst_arena) const {
DCHECK_SCHEMA_EQ(*base_schema_, *src_row.schema());
DCHECK_SCHEMA_EQ(*projection_, *dst_row->schema());
// Copy directly from base Data
for (const auto& base_mapping : base_cols_mapping_) {
typename RowType1::Cell src_cell = src_row.cell(base_mapping.second);
typename RowType2::Cell dst_cell = dst_row->cell(base_mapping.first);
RETURN_NOT_OK(CopyCell(src_cell, &dst_cell, dst_arena));
// Fill with Defaults
for (auto proj_idx : projection_defaults_) {
const ColumnSchema& col_proj = projection_->column(proj_idx);
const void *vdefault = FOR_READ ? col_proj.read_default_value() :
SimpleConstCell src_cell(&col_proj, vdefault);
typename RowType2::Cell dst_cell = dst_row->cell(proj_idx);
RETURN_NOT_OK(CopyCell(src_cell, &dst_cell, dst_arena));
return Status::OK();
vector<ProjectionIdxMapping> base_cols_mapping_;
vector<size_t> projection_defaults_;
const Schema* base_schema_;
const Schema* projection_;
bool is_identity_;
// Projection mapping from the schema used to encode a RowChangeList
// to the new specified schema. Used on the read/compaction path to
// project the deltas to the user/latest specified projection.
// A projection may contain:
// - columns that are present in the "base schema"
// - columns that are present in the "base schema" but with different types.
// In this case an adapter should be used (e.g. INT8 to INT64, INT8 to STRING, ...)
// - columns that are not present in the "base schema".
// These columns are not considered since they cannot be in the delta.
class DeltaProjector {
// The delta_schema and projection must remain valid for the lifetime
// of the object.
DeltaProjector(const Schema* delta_schema, const Schema* projection)
: delta_schema_(delta_schema), projection_(projection),
is_identity_(delta_schema->Equals(*projection)) {
Status Init() {
// TODO: doesn't look like this uses the is_identity performance
// shortcut
return projection_->GetProjectionMapping(*delta_schema_, this);
bool is_identity() const { return is_identity_; }
const Schema* projection() const { return projection_; }
const Schema* delta_schema() const { return delta_schema_; }
bool get_base_col_from_proj_idx(size_t proj_col_idx, size_t *base_col_idx) const {
return FindCopy(base_cols_mapping_, proj_col_idx, base_col_idx);
// TODO: Discourage the use of this. At the moment is only in RowChangeList::Project
bool get_proj_col_from_base_id(size_t col_id, size_t *proj_col_idx) const {
return FindCopy(rbase_cols_mapping_, col_id, proj_col_idx);
friend class ::kudu::Schema;
Status ProjectBaseColumn(size_t proj_col_idx, size_t base_col_idx) {
base_cols_mapping_[proj_col_idx] = base_col_idx;
if (delta_schema_->has_column_ids()) {
rbase_cols_mapping_[delta_schema_->column_id(base_col_idx)] = proj_col_idx;
} else {
rbase_cols_mapping_[proj_col_idx] = proj_col_idx;
return Status::OK();
Status ProjectDefaultColumn(size_t proj_col_idx) {
// Not used, since deltas are update...
// we don't have this column, so we don't have updates
return Status::OK();
Status ProjectExtraColumn(size_t proj_col_idx) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"The column '" + delta_schema_->column(proj_col_idx).name() +
"' does not exist in the projection, and it does not have a "
"default value or a nullable type");
std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> base_cols_mapping_; // [proj_idx] = base_idx
std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> rbase_cols_mapping_; // [id] = proj_idx
const Schema* delta_schema_;
const Schema* projection_;
bool is_identity_;
// Copy any indirect (eg STRING) data referenced by the given row into the
// provided arena.
// The row itself is mutated so that the indirect data points to the relocated
// storage.
template <class RowType, class ArenaType>
inline Status RelocateIndirectDataToArena(RowType *row, ArenaType *dst_arena) {
const Schema* schema = row->schema();
// For any Slice columns, copy the sliced data into the arena
// and update the pointers
for (int i = 0; i < schema->num_columns(); i++) {
typename RowType::Cell cell = row->cell(i);
if (cell.typeinfo()->physical_type() == BINARY) {
if (cell.is_nullable() && cell.is_null()) {
Slice *slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice *>(cell.mutable_ptr());
if (!dst_arena->RelocateSlice(*slice, slice)) {
return Status::IOError("Unable to relocate slice");
return Status::OK();
class ContiguousRowHelper {
static size_t null_bitmap_size(const Schema& schema) {
return schema.has_nullables() ? BitmapSize(schema.num_columns()) : 0;
static uint8_t* null_bitmap_ptr(const Schema& schema, uint8_t* row_data) {
return row_data + schema.byte_size();
static size_t row_size(const Schema& schema) {
return schema.byte_size() + null_bitmap_size(schema);
static void InitNullsBitmap(const Schema& schema, Slice& row_data) {
InitNullsBitmap(schema, row_data.mutable_data(), row_data.size() - schema.byte_size());
static void InitNullsBitmap(const Schema& schema, uint8_t *row_data, size_t bitmap_size) {
uint8_t *null_bitmap = row_data + schema.byte_size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < bitmap_size; ++i) {
null_bitmap[i] = 0x00;
static bool is_null(const Schema& schema, const uint8_t *row_data, size_t col_idx) {
return BitmapTest(row_data + schema.byte_size(), col_idx);
static void SetCellIsNull(const Schema& schema, uint8_t *row_data, size_t col_idx, bool is_null) {
uint8_t *null_bitmap = row_data + schema.byte_size();
BitmapChange(null_bitmap, col_idx, is_null);
static const uint8_t *cell_ptr(const Schema& schema, const uint8_t *row_data, size_t col_idx) {
return row_data + schema.column_offset(col_idx);
static const uint8_t *nullable_cell_ptr(const Schema& schema,
const uint8_t *row_data,
size_t col_idx) {
return is_null(schema, row_data, col_idx) ? NULL : cell_ptr(schema, row_data, col_idx);
template<class ContiguousRowType>
class ContiguousRowCell {
ContiguousRowCell(const ContiguousRowType* row, int idx)
: row_(row), col_idx_(idx) {
const TypeInfo* typeinfo() const { return type_info(); }
size_t size() const { return type_info()->size(); }
const void* ptr() const { return row_->cell_ptr(col_idx_); }
void* mutable_ptr() const { return row_->mutable_cell_ptr(col_idx_); }
bool is_nullable() const { return row_->schema()->column(col_idx_).is_nullable(); }
bool is_null() const { return row_->is_null(col_idx_); }
void set_null(bool is_null) const { row_->set_null(col_idx_, is_null); }
const TypeInfo* type_info() const {
return row_->schema()->column(col_idx_).type_info();
const ContiguousRowType* row_;
int col_idx_;
// The row has all columns layed out in memory based on the schema.column_offset()
class ContiguousRow {
typedef ContiguousRowCell<ContiguousRow> Cell;
explicit ContiguousRow(const Schema* schema, uint8_t *row_data = NULL)
: schema_(schema), row_data_(row_data) {
const Schema* schema() const {
return schema_;
void Reset(uint8_t *row_data) {
row_data_ = row_data;
bool is_null(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::is_null(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx);
void set_null(size_t col_idx, bool is_null) const {
ContiguousRowHelper::SetCellIsNull(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx, is_null);
const uint8_t *cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::cell_ptr(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx);
uint8_t *mutable_cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return const_cast<uint8_t*>(cell_ptr(col_idx));
const uint8_t *nullable_cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::nullable_cell_ptr(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx);
Cell cell(size_t col_idx) const {
return Cell(this, col_idx);
friend class ConstContiguousRow;
const Schema* schema_;
uint8_t *row_data_;
// This is the same as ContiguousRow except it refers to a const area of memory that
// should not be mutated.
class ConstContiguousRow {
typedef ContiguousRowCell<ConstContiguousRow> Cell;
explicit ConstContiguousRow(const ContiguousRow &row)
: schema_(row.schema_),
row_data_(row.row_data_) {
ConstContiguousRow(const Schema* schema, const void *row_data)
: schema_(schema), row_data_(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(row_data)) {
ConstContiguousRow(const Schema* schema, const Slice& row_slice)
: schema_(schema), row_data_( {
const Schema* schema() const {
return schema_;
const uint8_t *row_data() const {
return row_data_;
size_t row_size() const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::row_size(*schema_);
bool is_null(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::is_null(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx);
const uint8_t *cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::cell_ptr(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx);
const uint8_t *nullable_cell_ptr(size_t col_idx) const {
return ContiguousRowHelper::nullable_cell_ptr(*schema_, row_data_, col_idx);
Cell cell(size_t col_idx) const {
return Cell(this, col_idx);
const Schema* schema_;
const uint8_t *row_data_;
// Delete functions from ContiguousRowCell that can mutate the cell by
// specializing for ConstContiguousRow.
void* ContiguousRowCell<ConstContiguousRow>::mutable_ptr() const;
void ContiguousRowCell<ConstContiguousRow>::set_null(bool null) const;
// Utility class for building rows corresponding to a given schema.
// This is used only by tests.
// TODO: move it into a test utility.
class RowBuilder {
explicit RowBuilder(const Schema& schema)
: schema_(schema),
arena_(1024, 1024*1024),
bitmap_size_(ContiguousRowHelper::null_bitmap_size(schema)) {
// Reset the RowBuilder so that it is ready to build
// the next row.
// NOTE: The previous row's data is invalidated. Even
// if the previous row's data has been copied, indirected
// entries such as strings may end up shared or deallocated
// after Reset. So, the previous row must be fully copied
// (eg using CopyRowToArena()).
void Reset() {
size_t row_size = schema_.byte_size() + bitmap_size_;
buf_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(arena_.AllocateBytes(row_size));
CHECK(buf_) << "could not allocate " << row_size << " bytes for row builder";
col_idx_ = 0;
byte_idx_ = 0;
ContiguousRowHelper::InitNullsBitmap(schema_, buf_, bitmap_size_);
void AddString(const Slice &slice) {
void AddString(const string &str) {
void AddBinary(const Slice &slice) {
void AddBinary(const string &str) {
void AddInt8(int8_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<int8_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddUint8(uint8_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddInt16(int16_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddUint16(uint16_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddInt32(int32_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddUint32(uint32_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddInt64(int64_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<int64_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddTimestamp(int64_t micros_utc_since_epoch) {
*reinterpret_cast<int64_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = micros_utc_since_epoch;
void AddUint64(uint64_t val) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddFloat(float val) {
*reinterpret_cast<float *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddDouble(double val) {
*reinterpret_cast<double *>(&buf_[byte_idx_]) = val;
void AddNull() {
BitmapSet(buf_ + schema_.byte_size(), col_idx_);
// Retrieve the data slice from the current row.
// The Add*() functions must have been called an appropriate
// number of times such that all columns are filled in, or else
// a crash will occur.
// The data slice returned by this is only valid until the next
// call to Reset().
// Note that the Slice may also contain pointers which refer to
// other parts of the internal Arena, so even if the returned
// data is copied, it is not safe to Reset() before also calling
// CopyRowIndirectDataToArena.
const Slice data() const {
CHECK_EQ(byte_idx_, schema_.byte_size());
return Slice(buf_, byte_idx_ + bitmap_size_);
const Schema& schema() const {
return schema_;
ConstContiguousRow row() const {
return ConstContiguousRow(&schema_, data());
void AddSlice(const Slice &slice) {
Slice *ptr = reinterpret_cast<Slice *>(buf_ + byte_idx_);
CHECK(arena_.RelocateSlice(slice, ptr)) << "could not allocate space in arena";
void AddSlice(const string &str) {
uint8_t *in_arena = arena_.AddSlice(str);
CHECK(in_arena) << "could not allocate space in arena";
Slice *ptr = reinterpret_cast<Slice *>(buf_ + byte_idx_);
*ptr = Slice(in_arena, str.size());
void CheckNextType(DataType type) {
void Advance() {
int size = schema_.column(col_idx_).type_info()->size();
byte_idx_ += size;
const Schema schema_;
Arena arena_;
uint8_t *buf_;
size_t col_idx_;
size_t byte_idx_;
size_t bitmap_size_;
} // namespace kudu