blob: a5483175f7362f2475046f0ef8ca46233f8f19ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <string>
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
namespace kudu {
class Arena;
class ColumnBlock;
class ColumnSchema;
class SelectionVector;
class TypeInfo;
enum class PredicateType {
// A predicate which always evaluates to false.
// A predicate which evaluates to true if the column value equals a known
// value.
// A predicate which evaluates to true if the column value falls within a
// range.
// A predicate which evaluates to true if the value is not null.
// A predicate which can be evaluated over a block of column values.
// Predicates over the same column can be merged to create a conjunction of the
// two constituent predicates.
// There are multiple types of column predicates, which have different behavior
// when merging and evaluating.
// A ColumnPredicate does not own the data to which it points internally,
// so its lifetime must be managed to make sure it does not reference invalid
// data. Typically the lifetime of a ColumnPredicate will be tied to a scan (on
// the client side), or a scan iterator (on the server side).
class ColumnPredicate {
// Creates a new equality predicate on the column and value.
// The value is not copied, and must outlive the returned predicate.
static ColumnPredicate Equality(ColumnSchema column, const void* value);
// Creates a new range column predicate from an inclusive lower bound and
// exclusive upper bound.
// The values are not copied, and must outlive the returned predicate.
// Either (but not both) of the bounds may be a nullptr to indicate an
// unbounded range on that end.
// The range will be simplified into an Equality or None predicate type if
// possible.
static ColumnPredicate Range(ColumnSchema column, const void* lower, const void* upper);
// Creates a new range column predicate from an inclusive lower bound and an
// inclusive upper bound.
// The values are not copied, and must outlive the returned predicate. The
// arena is used for allocating an incremented upper bound to transform the
// bound to exclusive. The arena must outlive the returned predicate.
// If a normalized column predicate cannot be created, then boost::none will
// be returned. This indicates that the predicate would cover the entire
// column range.
static boost::optional<ColumnPredicate> InclusiveRange(ColumnSchema column,
const void* lower,
const void* upper,
Arena* arena);
// Creates a new range column predicate from an exclusive lower bound and an
// exclusive upper bound.
// The values are not copied, and must outlive the returned predicate. The
// arena is used for allocating an incremented lower bound to transform the
// bound to inclusive. The arena must outlive the returned predicate.
static ColumnPredicate ExclusiveRange(ColumnSchema column,
const void* lower,
const void* upper,
Arena* arena);
// Creates a new IS NOT NULL predicate for the column.
static ColumnPredicate IsNotNull(ColumnSchema column);
// Returns the type of this predicate.
PredicateType predicate_type() const {
return predicate_type_;
// Merge another predicate into this one.
// The other predicate must be on the same column.
// After a merge, this predicate will be the logical intersection of the
// original predicates.
// Data is not copied from the other predicate, so its data must continue to
// outlive the merged predicate.
void Merge(const ColumnPredicate& other);
// Evaluate the predicate on every row in the column block.
// This is evaluated as an 'AND' with the current contents of *sel:
// - If the predicate evaluates to false, sets the appropriate bit in the
// selection vector to 0.
// - If the predicate evaluates to true, does not make any change to the
// selection vector.
// On any rows where the current value of *sel is false, the predicate evaluation
// may be skipped.
// NOTE: the evaluation result is stored into '*sel' which may or may not be the
// same vector as block->selection_vector().
void Evaluate(const ColumnBlock& block, SelectionVector* sel) const;
// Print the predicate for debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
// Returns true if the column predicates are equivalent.
// Predicates over different columns are not equal.
bool operator==(const ColumnPredicate& other) const;
// Returns the raw lower bound value if this is a range predicate, or the
// equality value if this is an equality predicate.
const void* raw_lower() const {
return lower_;
// Returns the raw upper bound if this is a range predicate.
const void* raw_upper() const {
return upper_;
// Returns the column schema of the column on which this predicate applies.
const ColumnSchema& column() const {
return column_;
friend class TestColumnPredicate;
// Creates a new column predicate.
ColumnPredicate(PredicateType predicate_type,
ColumnSchema column,
const void* lower,
const void* upper);
// Creates a new predicate which matches no values.
static ColumnPredicate None(ColumnSchema column);
// Transition to a None predicate type.
void SetToNone();
// Simplifies this predicate if possible.
void Simplify();
// Merge another predicate into this Range predicate.
void MergeIntoRange(const ColumnPredicate& other);
// Merge another predicate into this Equality predicate.
void MergeIntoEquality(const ColumnPredicate& other);
// The type of this predicate.
PredicateType predicate_type_;
// The data type of the column. TypeInfo instances have a static lifetime.
ColumnSchema column_;
// The inclusive lower bound value if this is a Range predicate, or the
// equality value if this is an Equality predicate.
const void* lower_;
// The exclusive upper bound value if this is a Range predicate.
const void* upper_;
// Compares predicates according to selectivity. Predicates that match fewer
// rows will sort before predicates that match more rows.
// TODO: this could be improved with a histogram of expected values.
int SelectivityComparator(const ColumnPredicate& left, const ColumnPredicate& right);
} // namespace kudu