blob: 8937333b2f8ac79b8622e4e17a4287c8e4eb03d0 [file] [log] [blame]
2013-04-07 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-incubating-0
2013-04-04 Glen Mazza (glenmazza AT apache DOT org)
* Updated pom.xml by removing Jaxen transitive dependencies and providing
comments on how to deploy via tomcat7:run-war and tomcat7:redeploy
2013-04-02 Glen Mazza (glenmazza AT apache DOT org)
* Removed apparently unused stripes library from WAR created by build.xml
* Updated Maven WAR plugin to bring in WEB-INF artifacts: classes, JARs, etc.
2013-04-01 Glen Mazza (glenmazza AT apache DOT org)
* Added YUICompressor Maven plugin into pom.xml to do the same compression
done by the Ant build script to CSS and JS files in webdocs/scripts and /templates
* Updated Maven WAR plugin to bring in the webdocs/scripts and /templates files.
2013-03-24 Glen Mazza (glenmazza AT apache DOT org)
* Removed empty src/applets folder
* More work on Maven WAR plugin configuration
2013-03-21 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* JSPWIKI-651: added m2e configuration to pom.xml
2013-03-20 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-31
* fixed JSPWIKI-766): quick search not working anymore
* "unfixed" JSPWIKI-659 : NotSerializableException on Tomcat restart , UserManager not Serializable
2013-03-17 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-30
* fixed JSPWIKI-765): lucene search returns 3 results at max, discovered by Dave Koelmeyer
2013-03-06 Glen Mazza (glenmazza AT apache DOT org)
* Upgraded Maven's tomcat plugin to latest version 2.1
* Placed in a more helpful error message in
to let newbies know RCS needs to be installed on their machine
* Updated location in build.xml and pom.xml for JSTL library.
2013-02-19 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-29
* JSPWIKI-764: ChangeLog published on site
* Upgraded version of maven's tomcat plugin to latest available (JSPWIKI-651 related)
2013-02-19 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-28
* JSPWIKI-762: Drop TranslatorReader
* JSPWIKI-763: Requirement of at least Java 6 to build
2013-02-15 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-27
* changed test email addresses from to
2013-02-14 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-26
* changed test email addresses to (reported by Tony Stevenson from infra)
2013-02-12 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-25
* JSPWIKI-759 Resin 4 Compatibility (thanks to Paul Cowan)
* build.xml tweak: shut down the Jetty test server after the last webtest
2013-02-08 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-24
* Decoupled (for 2.10 scope) Preferences from WikiContext, effectively meaning that the following
methods are now deprecated
- WikiContext#getBundle( String ) in favour of Preferences#getBundle( WikiContext, String )
- WikiContext#getLocale( WikiContext ) in favour of Preferences#getLocale( WikiContext )
- WikiContext#hasAccess( HttpServletResponse ) in favour of
AuthorizationManager#hasAccess( HttpServletResponse )
- WikiContext#hasAccess( HttpServletResponse, boolean ) in favour of
AuthorizationManager#hasAccess( HttpServletResponse, boolean )
* Decoupled (for 2.10 scope) from, by deprecating
- WorkflowEvent#getWorkflow() in favour of WikiEvent#getSrc()
* Added latest pom.xml from JSPWIKI-651 - Convert JSPWiki to a Maven project. Check associated
JIRA for details
2013-01-28 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-23
* Dutch localization updates in follow up on JSPWIKI-143 and JSPWIKI-150
2013-01-28 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-22
* JSPWIKI-143: Unlocalized messages in user management
* JSPWIKI-150: Unlocalized content at workflow's notification for creating a new user
* Minor refactor to HsqlDbUtils init checks
* deprecated
- JSPWikiMarkupParser.getImagePatterns( WikiEngine ) in favour of
- UserManager.SaveUserProfileTask( WikiEngine ) in favour of
UserManager.SaveUserProfileTask( WikiEngine, Locale )
2013-01-27 Dirk Frederickx (brushed AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-21
* JSPWIKI-712, fixing entities encoding in change-note, author and link fields.
Part 2 : more fixes when adding page comments. (as pointed out by Harry)
* Improved styling of form buttons, fixing presentation issues in Chrome.
2013-01-26 Glen Mazza
* Removed no longer needed,
returned StressTestVersioningProvider to JUnit tests in build.xml
2013-01-26 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-20
* JSPWIKI-758 - deprecate RCS support.
2013-01-24 Glen Mazza
* Minor tweak to testSerialization() in AclImplTest so it will work with both Maven and Ant
running the test.
2013-01-22 Glen Mazza
* Fix for JSPWiki-396 (updated org/apache/wiki/util/ to
use streaming instead of char array-based output to WebLogic.
2013-01-20 Dirk Frederickx (brushed AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-19
* JSPWIKI-712, fixing entities encoding in change-note, author and link fields.
2013-01-15 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-18
* fixed JSPWIKI-712 Entities in ChangeNote should be decoded when "keep editing"
2013-01-14 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-17
* fixed JSPWIKI-659 NotSerializableException on Tomcat restart , UserManager not Serializable
We now no longer put JSONRPCBridge in the HttpSession. Long term solution is to migrate to
2013-01-12 Glen Mazza (
* Switched to a hardcoded file for testing to simplify build.xml and future
Maven conversion. Updated the developing pom.xml in JSPWIKI-651.
2013-01-10 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-16
* some additional changes regarding (cfr. $SVN/trunk/doc/2.10-API.txt):
- @Deprecated public void executeParse(PluginContent content, WikiContext context)
+ consider using PluginContent.executeParse(WikiContext) instead
- WikiPlugin newWikiPlugin( String pluginName, ResourceBundle rb ) is now public and part
of the API
2013-01-09 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-15
* fixed JSPWIKI-757 Have default file direction location be in relative directory instead of
hardcoded /p/dir1/dir2.If jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir in isn't
provided, it will default to ${user.home}/jspwiki-files
* new API package, intended to hold WikiEngine, its managers and
related classes. FilterManager and PluginManager moved there (cfr. JSPWIKI-155, JSPWIKI-303
and $SVN/trunk/doc/2.10-API.txt).
* and Moved to equivalent classes under Original classes marked with @Deprecated and forwarding to the new
ones until 2.10
* deprecated WikiEngine.getRequiredProperty( props, key ) in favour of
TextUtil.getRequiredProperty( props, key ). The former will be deleted in 2.10 scope
2013-01-08 Glen Mazza (
* JSPWIKI-756 removed unused Xalan, Xerces, and Custom-Rhino JARs
2013-01-06 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-14
* Global use of instead of,
as part of JSPWiki API (cfr. JSPWIKI-303).
* Corrected the displayed version of commons-httpclient, we are downloading 3.1, but it was
named 3.0.1 (it is needed to either delete commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar or run ant
clean-deps to ensure that the old jar goes away)
* Some minor refactors to expose generified collections at Acl and AclEntry, and adding
missing serialVersionUID at
2013-01-06 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-13
* fixed JSPWIKI-533 proper handling of page deletes and renames for the Breadcrumb trail
2013-01-06 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-12
* fixed JSPWIKI-439 Localization of JSPWiki
2013-01-02 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-11
* JSPWIKI-513 - Remove DAV support from JSPWiki
2013-01-01 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-10
* webtests now also use HsqlDbUtils (just like the normal tests), also removed redundant
hsqldb ant tasks from build.xml
2012-12-30 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-9
* repaired broken webtests, we now have one (documented) failing webtest (RenameProfile
for container managed auth).
Required fixes:
- TestContainer now binds the jdbc/UserDatabase jdbc/GroupDatabase in Jetty's namespace
- Logout webtest checks for the specific JSPWikiAssertedName cookie
- build.xml was missing a lot of tasks and macros, required to properly startup hsqldb (don't know how/why)
- JDBCGroupDatabase : NamingExceptions do not have a cause, we now log the exception itself
- removed the semicolon from the License in .ddl files (they cause syntax errors)
2012-12-26 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-8
* Filters API (, as part of JSPWiki API (cfr. JSPWIKI-303).
Check UPGRADING document for details
* Plugin API moved to its own sub-package,
* explicit access to API interfaces to get rid of "cannot dereference error with
generics" errors at builds.a.o (cfr.
2012-12-26 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-7
* fixed JSPWIKI-663 (Christmas 2012 patch, thanks to Glen Mazza),
Rename page - page index still shows attachment with old page name, also patched the
WikiPageRenameEvent handling code in PageViewPlugin
2012-12-14 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-6
* initial commit for JSPWiki API (cfr. JSPWIKI-303), mostly focused on plugin API. Check
UPGRADING document for details
2012-12-12 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-5
* fixed JSPWIKI-742 NullPointerException in PriorityList (reported by Rakesh K. Cherukuri)
* minor updates to build.xml to properly handle build failures (I am not an ant expert...)
2012-12-09 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* Sonar Ant task executed even if there are tests failures
* When building, jspwiki.baseURL defaults to http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki/
2012-12-08 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-4
* fixed JSPWIKI-754 Have PageViewPlugin work with page renames (thanks to Glen Mazza)
2012-12-06 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.1-svn-3
* Added generics to WikiPlugin.execute( WikiContext, Map< String, String > )
and propagated the change to all plugins. Cfr. with UPGRADING document for details.
2012-12-02 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-2
* fixed JSPWIKI-753 Consolidate TestEngine.deleteTestPage to single, non-static method (thanks to Glen Mazza)
2012-12-02 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.1-svn-1
* fixed JSPWIKI-665 Page View Plugin and page renames and deletions (thanks to Glen Mazza)
2012-11-22 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* version switch to 2.9.1-svn-0
2012-11-17 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* JSPWIKI-751: deleted guitests target
* Upgraded Sonar Ant Tasks to 2.0
2012-11-01 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating (preparing release)
* added generation of .sha1 checksum files
2012-10-30 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* moved doc/aaa-diagram.graffle to project management area
2012-10-28 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-14
* JSPWIKI-750: PageViewPluginTest is failing very often when using a JDK 7
* minor documentation and logging fixes to PageViewPlugin
2012-10-22 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* several small fixes and improvements related to building and licensing stuff
2012-10-22 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-13
* fixed CommentedPropertiesTest, which broke because of the recent license header changes
2012-10-22 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* adjusted Ant target "rat-report"
* added license headers to further files
2012-10-21 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* ensure correct information on cobertura reports.
2012-10-21 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* some further fixes to license headers
* build improvements: checksum files in correct format, added SHA-512 hash
2012-10-20 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* some fixes for JSPWIKI-749 and CheckStyle version 5.6
2012-10-09 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* added Apache License Header to files which were missing it
(cfr. with
2012-10-08 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* Added rat-report task. It requires at least Apache Ant 1.7.1, though.
* .java files now conform strictly to Apache License Header (cfr. with
2012-09-25 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* no version bump
* minor update to LICENSE file (YUI Compressor version number)
2012-09-23 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* upgraded Yui compressor to 2.4.7, 2.4.2 from Central is broken. Thanks to Peter Hormanns
for noticing.
2012-09-18 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* tomcat jars downgraded to 5.5.23 so they can be downloaded from Central. Completes JSPWIKI-746
and therefore closes JSPWIKI-744
* jetty upgraded to 7.6.7.v20120910 and selenium-server downloaded from their site, to avoid
downloading anything from during build time
2012-09-10 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-incubating-12
* rewrote TestContainer to jetty version 7
* upgraded to selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar
2012-09-06 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-11
* upgraded jrcs-diff to 0.4.2, as part of JSPWIKI-746
* JSPWIKI-747: Dependencies currently unavailable at Central repo
2012-08-29 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* no version bump
* JSPWIKI-745: Dependencies currently downloadable from Central repo
2012-08-09 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-10
* ant clean target cleans all generated files
* junit reports are generated inside of ${} instead of inside ${tests.src}
* dependencies are downloaded from Central repo whenever is possible, in order to avoid
the maintenance of a libraries' svn directory.
* ${libs.opt} set to tests/libs-opt in order to avoid downloading of opt files every time a
clean is made
* maven-ant-tasks aren't used to download opt-libs anymore
* HSQL connections are handled inside the appropiate unit tests in order to ensure HSQL
server shutdown. Hypersonic is updated to
* added clean-deps target to remove all lib's directories. Useful to remove old jars
if the dependencies get updated. This target needs to be run at least once to
ensure that old jars don't remain in classpath
2012-07-22 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-9
* JSPWIKI-731: replaced some occurences of by (XML namespaces)
* some updates to release documentation
2012-07-20 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-8
* Several fixes and improvements for quite some localization resources. Special thanks go to Christophe Dupriez!
2012-07-18 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-7
* JSPWIKI-738: Dependencies should not be distributed with source archive
* Small refactor in LuceneSearchProvider
2012-07-16 Florian Holeczek (florianh AT apache DOT org)
* no version bump
* synchronized windows to unix build files
2012-07-07 Dirk Frederickx (brushed AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-6
* Fixing JSPWIKI-733 Box rounded corners missing in Firefox 13 for PlainVanilla skin elements etc.
Add unprefixed border-radius and box-shadow to jspwiki.css.
(ref. Gecko 2.0 dropped support for -moz-prefix.)
* Fixing JSPWIKI-734 ShortURLConstructor causes Syntax Error when loading jspwiki-edit.js
2012-06-05 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-5, fixed JSPWIKI-737 IfPlugin negation doesn't work
2012-06-04 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-4, added support for cobertura reports and Sonar integration.
2012-06-08 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-incubating-3, fixed JSPWIKI-729 Update Lucene to current version 3.6.0
2012-06-06 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-incubating-2, fixed jsp compile error in rss.jsp ( we forgot one occurrence of com.ecyrd.jspwiki)
2012-05-02 Dirk Frederickx (brushed AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-1, fixing JSPWIKI-683 Sortable Tables.
* second ASF release candidate build.
2012-04-21 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-incubating-0, first ASF release candidate build.
2012-04-18 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-svn-9
* fixed JSPWIKI-726 drop the 2 case-sensitive tests in WikiEngineTest.testSpacedNames1
2012-04-14 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-svn-8
* fixed JSPWIKI-725 Return to original page attachments list after deleting one attachment
2012-03-25 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-svn-7
* fixed JSPWIKI-722 Build broken under jdk 1.7
2012-02-22 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-svn-6
* fixed JSPWIKI-721 Log FileNotFoundException on missing attachment
2012-02-12 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-svn-5
* small refactor on ClassUtil.getMappedObject: it uses varargs so we can take away
a couple of methods. Also /etc/ini/classmappings.xml file is fully populated with
all ClassUtil.getMappedObject calls
2012-02-07 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* tests are now part of the main build. Also, they can be desactivated through
jspwiki.test.skip property (i.e.: ant clean dist -Djspwiki.test.skip=true)
2012-02-06 Juan Pablo Santos (juanpablo AT apache DOT org)
* 2.9.0-svn-4
* taken back <signeddist/> goal from 3.0 branch in order to be able to accomplish
2012-02-01 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-svn-3
* fixed JSPWIKI-719 (plugin compatibility with com.ecyrd.jspwiki)
* draft ReleaseNotes
2012-01-29 Florian Holeczek <>
* 2.9.0-svn-2
* corrected some minor errors which emerged from package renaming
2012-01-25 Harry Metske <>
* 2.9.0-svn-1
* release bump because of package rename