blob: d1e393b0ba26f7541edb31ada53cb845e3d1b461 [file] [log] [blame]
(Shamelessly stolen from River project. Thanks guys!)
Here's how to edit and publish the website. Note
that this assumes you have a working implementation
of Java and Ant installed.
1) Edit the docs in xdocs/
2) Type "ant" in the root (site/)
3) Look at the changes in the docs/ directory using
a web browser.
4) Repeat steps 2-4 until happiness and joy achieved.
5) Commit all changes, both docs/ and xdocs/
svn commit
6) ssh to minotaur
7) cd /www/
8) execute
svn update
to update the just-committed docs out of SVN
9) Verify that all went as planned by browsing the live
and look for the changes you made. Note that it may take up
to an hour after step (8) is complete before the changes are
reflected on the live website.