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JMeter uses Bugzilla for issue tracking, i.e. for reporting bugs and requesting enhancements.
Before creating a new issue, please check whether the issue has already been reported by searching Bugzilla.
It's also worth checking first on the JMeter user mailing list; others may already have a solution.
</div><div class="section"><h1>Known Bugs</h1>
<a href="">
Bugzilla - All open bugs</a>
<a href="">
Bugzilla - Open bugs (excluding enhancements)</a></li>
<a href="">
Bugzilla - Enhancements only</a>
</div><div class="section"><h1>Requesting an enhancement</h1>
In most cases it is worth starting a discussion on the mailing list first.
Bugzilla is good for tracking progress and supplying patches, but is unwieldy for longer discussions.
If you have not already done so, you need to register an account first, using the "New Account" link at the top of the
main Bugzilla page: <a href=""></a>.
Make sure you read and understand the information on the account creation page before signing up.
Once logged in, click "File a bug" and select JMeter from the list
Please set the severity to "enhancement".
Please make sure that you describe the enhancement in sufficient detail. If necessary provide an example use-case.
If you are providing a code patch, also provide a test case, and documentation on how to use the new feature (ideally as a documentation patch).
</div><div class="section"><h1>Raising an Issue</h1>
First check that the issue has not already been reported.
If reporting a bug, are you sure it really is a bug in JMeter, not just a misunderstanding of how JMeter works?
If you have not already done so, you need to register an account first, using the "New Account" link at the top of the
main Bugzilla page: <a href=""></a>.
Make sure you read and understand the information on the account creation page before signing up.
Once logged in, click "File a bug" and select JMeter from the list.
</div><div class="section"><h1>Required Information for bug reporting</h1>
Please make sure you provide sufficient information for others to be able to make use of the report effectively.
Use the checklist below to guide you.
<li>JMeter version</li>
<li>Java version (output from java -version)</li>
<li>OS version</li>
<li>jmeter.log file (unlikely to contain sensitive information, but check before uploading)</li>
<li>JMX file if relevant (redact any sensitive information first), providing a simplified Test Plan (using DEBUG sampler) will ensure BUG is fixed much more rapidely than without it</li>
<li>JTL file if relevant (may need to redact sensitive information)</li>
<li>For a suspected bug, describe what you did, what happened, and how this differs from what you expected to happen.
Does it happen every time?.
<li>Add yourself in CC List to be notified when JMeter Team requires more information (in this case bug will be marked as NEEDINFO)</li>
<li>Select accurately the IMPORTANCE level, ENHANCEMENT means it's not a BUG while others mean it's a BUG</li>
<li>If you are providing a patch to fix a bug, please ensure it is in unified diff format.
If using Eclipse, please set the patch root to "Project", not the default "Workspace" which is harder to apply.</li>
<li>New source files can be provided as is; please ensure they have the standard Apache License header (as per other JMeter files).
Please do not use @author tags (credit will be given in the changes file).
<li>In the case of patches for new features, please also provide documentation patches if at all possible.
Components are documented in xdocs/usermanual/component_reference.xml.</li>
<p><b>See also the following <a href="">Bug writing guidelines</a>,
also the terms and conditions noted on the <a href="">Bugzilla account creation page.</a></b></p>
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