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<title>User's Manual: Hints and Tips</title>
<section name="&sect-num;. Hints and Tips" anchor="hints">
This section is a collection of various hints and tips that have been suggested by various questions on the JMeter User list.
If you don't find what you are looking for here, please check the <a href="">JMeter Wiki</a>.
Also, try search the JMeter User list; someone may well have already provided a solution.
<subsection name="&sect-num;.1 Passing variables between threads" anchor="variable_and_threads">
JMeter variables have thread scope. This is deliberate, so that threads can act independently.
However sometimes there is a need to pass variables between different threads, in the same or different Thread Groups.
One way to do this is to use a property instead.
Properties are shared between all JMeter threads, so if one thread <a href="functions.html#__setProperty">sets a property</a>,
another thread can <a href="functions.html#__P">read</a> the updated value.
If there is a lot of information that needs to be passed between threads, then consider using a file.
For example you could use the <a href="component_reference.html#Save_Responses_to_a_file">Save Responses to a file</a>
listener or perhaps a BeanShell PostProcessor in one thread, and read the file using the HTTP Sampler "<code>file:</code>" protocol,
and extract the information using a PostProcessor or BeanShell element.
If you can derive the data before starting the test, then it may well be better to store it in a file,
read it using CSV Dataset.
<subsection name="&sect-num;.2 Enabling Debug logging" anchor="debug_logging">
Most test elements include debug logging. If running a test plan from the GUI,
select the test element and use the Help Menu to enable or disable logging.
The Help Menu also has an option to display the GUI and test element class names.
You can use these to determine the correct property setting to change the logging level.
It is sometimes very useful to see Log messages to debug dynamic scripting languages like BeanShell or
groovy used in JMeter.
You can view log messages directly in JMeter GUI, to do so:</p>
<li>use menu <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Log Viewer</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,
a log console will appear at the bottom of the interface</li>
<li>Or click on the Warning icon in the upper right corner of GUI</li>
By default this log console is disabled, you can enable it by changing in <code></code>:
To avoid using too much memory, this components limits the number of characters used by this panel:
<subsection name="&sect-num;.3 Searching" anchor="searching">
It is sometimes hard to find in a Test Plan tree and elements using a variable or containing a certain URL or parameter.
A new feature is now available since 2.6, you can access it in Menu Search.
It provides search with following options:
<dt><code>Case sensitive</code></dt><dd>Makes search case sensitive</dd>
<dt><code>Regular exp.</code></dt><dd>Is text to search a regexp, if so Regexp will be searched in Tree of components, example "<code>\btest\b</code>"
will match any component that contains test in searchable elements of the component</dd>
<figure width="768" height="339" image="searching/raw-search.png">Figure 1 - Search raw text in TreeView</figure>
<figure width="767" height="316" image="searching/raw-search-result.png">Figure 2 - Result in TreeView</figure>
<figure width="772" height="319" image="searching/regexp-search.png">Figure 3 - Search Regexp in TreeView (in this example we search whole word)</figure>
<figure width="771" height="302" image="searching/regexp-search-result.png">Figure 4 - Result in TreeView</figure>
<subsection name="&sect-num;.4 JMeter with a HiDPI screen on Linux or Windows" anchor="hidpi">
The HiDPI mode isn't currently support by the Swing API in Java on Linux, MacOS or Windows. Therefore
JMeter can be very hard to read with a HiDPI screen (little icons and chars).
<p>You can improve the JMeter's display on HiDPI screen by changing some properties:</p>
<dd>set to <code>true</code> to activate a '<em>pseudo</em>'-hidpi mode allowing to increase size of some UI elements</dd>
<dd>set to <code>2.0</code> to scale the size of some UI elements</dd>
<dd>with these values: <code>22x22</code> (default size), <code>32x32</code> or <code>48x48</code> (Suggested value for HiDPI)</dd>
<dd>with these values: <code>19x19</code> (default size), <code>24x24</code>, <code>32x32</code> (Suggested value for HiDPI) or <code>48x48</code></dd>
<note>This is not a full HiDPI support and only affects
<li>JMeter tree nodes</li>
<li>icons in the menus</li>
<li>Tables content</li>
<subsection name="&sect-num;.5 Autosave process configuration" anchor="autosave">
<p>Since JMeter 3.0, JMeter automatically saves up to ten backups of every saved jmx files. When enabled, just before the jmx file is saved,
it will be backed up to the <code>${JMETER_HOME}/backups</code> subfolder. Backup files are named after the saved jmx file and assigned a
version number that is automatically incremented, ex: <code>test-plan-000001.jmx</code>, <code>test-plan-000002.jmx</code>, <code>test-plan-000003.jmx</code>, etc.
To control auto-backup, add the following properties to <code></code>.</p>
To enable/disable auto-backup, set the following property to <code>true</code>/<code>false</code> (default is <code>true</code>):
The backup directory can also be set to a different location. Setting the <code></code> property
to the path of the desired directory
will cause backup files to be stored inside instead of the <code>${JMETER_HOME}/backups</code> folder. If the specified directory does not exist
it will be created. Leaving this property unset will cause the <code>${JMETER_HOME}/backups</code> folder to be used.
You can also configure the maximum time (in hours) that backup files should be preserved since the most recent save time.
By default a zero expiration time is set which instructs JMeter to preserve backup files for ever.
Use the following property to control max preservation time:
You can set the maximum number of backup files that should be preserved. By default <code>10</code> backups will be kept.
Setting this to zero will cause the backups to never being deleted (unless <code>keep_backup_max_hours</code> is set to a non null value)
Maximum backup files selection is processed <em>after</em> time expiration selection, so even if you set one year as the expiry time,
only the <code>keep_backup_max_count</code> most recent backups files will be kept.
<subsection name="&sect-num;.5 Adding Elements with Hotkeys" anchor="component_hotkeys">
When you do intense scripting with JMeter, there is a way to add elements to test plan quickly
with keyboard shortcuts. Default bindings are:
<dd>Thread Group</dd>
<dd>HTTP Request</dd>
<dd>Regular Expression Extractor</dd>
<dd>Response Assertion</dd>
<dd>Constant Timer</dd>
<dd>Test Action</dd>
<dd>JSR223 PostProcessor</dd>
<dd>JSR223 PreProcessor</dd>
<dd>Debug Sampler</dd>
<dd>View Results Tree</dd>
<note>The binding above are made for Windows QWERTY keyboards. For other platforms and keyboards ensure you adapt those values.</note>
To change these binding, please find "<code>gui.quick_*</code>" properties within <code></code> file as example,
it is recommended to put overrides for them into <code></code> file.