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Building and Contributing to JMeter</title><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/new-style.css"><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="./images/apple-touch-icon.png"><link rel="icon" href="./images/favicon.png"><meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#ffffff"><meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="./images/mstile-144x144.png"><meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff"></head><body role="document"><a href="#content" class="hidden">Main content</a><div class="header"><!--
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<h3>Acquiring the source</h3>
<p>The full source is distributed alongside the binary, and you can also find source repositories <a href="./svnindex.html">here</a> .</p>
The source archive, SVN and GIT do not contain any of the required library files.
<h3>Compiling and packaging JMeter using Eclipse</h3>
<h4>Option 1 : Setting up Eclipse project with Ant task</h4>
Once you have downloaded the sources using git or svn, you can setup the Eclipse project by running:
<pre class="source">ant setup-eclipse-project</pre>
You can then import the project using
<span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">File</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Import</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Existing projects into Workspace</span></span> and select the folder containing JMeter sources.
<h4>Option 2 : Setting up Eclipse project manually</h4>
The first step is to download dependencies by running the Ant command:</p>
<pre class="source">
ant download_jars
<p>Or you can download the binary distribution archive for a release and unpack it into the same directory structure as the source.
This will ensure that the <span class="code">lib/</span> directory contains the jar files needed for running JMeter.
There are a few additional jars that are needed to build JMeter, download these using:
<pre class="source">
ant download_jars
This will retrieve any missing jars.
Once you have downloaded the source from SVN or the release archives and run the ant <span class="code">download_jars</span> target to
install the dependent jars, you can configure Eclipse. The easiest way to do this is to replace the Eclipse <span class="code">.classpath</span>
file with the <span class="code">eclipse.classpath</span> file provided with JMeter. This will set up the source-paths and most of the libraries.
Ensure you read <span class="code">eclipse.readme</span> for project configuration.
<h3>Compiling and packaging JMeter using Ant</h3>
JMeter can be built entirely using Ant.
The basic command is:</p>
<pre class="source">
ant [install]
See <span class="code">build.xml</span> (or call <span class="code">ant -p</span>) for the other targets that can be used.
</div><div class="section"><h1>Contributing to JMeter</h1>
<h2>We love contribution</h2>
We are very grateful to you if you take some time to contribute to the project.
If you have some time to spend on the project you can pick existing enhancement or bug from <a target="_blank" href="issues.html">Issues page</a>.
<h2>Submitting a patch</h2>
If you want to contribute to JMeter for a bug fix or enhancement, here is the procedure to follow:
<h3>Check your patch</h3>
Before submitting your patch ensure you do the following:<br>
Check that patch compiles and follows Tab space policy by running:
<pre class="source">ant package-and-check</pre>
Check that patch does not break JUnit tests by running:
<pre class="source">ant test</pre>
<h3>Create a PR using GIT</h3>
<li>Open a bugzilla issue, see <a target="_blank" href="issues.html">Issues page</a></li>
<li>Fork <a href="">Apache JMeter mirror</a></li>
<li>Clone your forked repository locally : <pre class="source">git clone</pre></li>
<li>Create a branch using for example bugzilla id: <pre class="source">git branch BUGID</pre></li>
<li>Checkout the new branch : <pre class="source">git checkout BUGID</pre></li>
<li>commit your fix there : <pre class="source">git commit -m 'Fix to BUGID' list of files</pre></li>
<li>Add JMeter repository as upstream : <pre class="source">git remote add upstream</pre></li>
<li>push it : <pre class="source">git push origin BUGID</pre></li>
<li>Create a PR and link it in the bugzilla issue</li>
<h3>Create a PR using Patch</h3>
<li>Open a bugzilla issue, see <a target="_blank" href="issues.html">Issues page</a></li>
<li>Checkout Apache JMeter source</li>
<li>Code your fix</li>
<li>Create your patch by Right clicking on Eclipse project and select
<span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">Team</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Create Patch &hellip;</span></span></li>
<li>Attach your patch to the bugzilla issue</li>
</div><div class="section"><h1>Automated builds</h1>
<h2>Automated (nightly) builds</h2>
As part of the development process, the JMeter project has access to various Continuous Integration (CI) server builds.
The build output can be useful for testing recent changes to the code-base.
Please note that the builds have not undergone any QA and should only be used for development testing.
For further information, see the <a href="nightly.html">Nightly builds for developers</a> page.
</div><div class="section"><h1>Building Add-Ons</h1>
<h2>Building Add-Ons</h2>
There is no need to build JMeter if you just want to build an add-on.
Just download the binary archive and add the jars to the classpath or use Maven artifacts to build your add-ons.
You may want to also download the source so it can be used by the IDE.
<p>See the <span class="code">extras/addons*</span> files in the source tree for some suggestions</p>
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