blob: b32fa86b4498b996df841dd19adf37fa71844761 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static java.lang.String.format;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Closeable;
/** A writer that records what the current indentation level is, and
* uses that to insert a prefix at each line.
* It can also insert line numbers at the beginning of lines. */
public class IndentedWriter extends AWriterBase implements AWriter, Closeable
/** Stdout wrapped in an IndentedWriter - no line numbers */
public static final IndentedWriter stdout = new IndentedWriter(System.out);
/** Stderr wrapped in an IndentedWriter - no line numbers */
public static final IndentedWriter stderr = new IndentedWriter(System.err);
static {
// Note cases:if (!flatMode)
// 1/ incIndent - decIndent with no output should not cause any padding
// 2/ newline() then no text, then finish should not cause a line number.
protected Writer out = null;
protected static final int INDENT = 2;
// Configuration.
protected int unitIndent = INDENT;
private char padChar = ' ';
private String padString = null;
private String linePrefix = null;
protected boolean lineNumbers = false;
protected boolean flatMode = false;
private boolean flushOnNewline = false;
// Internal state.
protected boolean startingNewLine = true;
private String endOfLineMarker = null;
protected int currentIndent = 0;
protected int column = 0;
protected int row = 1;
/** Construct a UTF8 IndentedWriter around an OutputStream */
public IndentedWriter(OutputStream outStream) { this(outStream, false); }
/** Construct a UTF8 IndentedWriter around an OutputStream */
public IndentedWriter(OutputStream outStream, boolean withLineNumbers) {
this(makeWriter(outStream), withLineNumbers);
/** Create an independent copy of the {@code IndentedWriter}.
* Changes to the configuration of the copy will not affect the original {@code IndentedWriter}.
* This include indentation level.
* <br/>Row and column counters are reset.
* <br/>Indent is initially. zero.
* <br/>They do share the underlying output {@link Writer}.
* @param other
* @return IndentedWriter
public static IndentedWriter clone(IndentedWriter other) {
IndentedWriter dup = new IndentedWriter(other.out);
dup.unitIndent = other.unitIndent;
dup.padChar = other.padChar;
dup.padString = other.padString;
dup.linePrefix = other.linePrefix;
dup.lineNumbers = other.lineNumbers;
dup.flatMode = other.flatMode;
dup.flushOnNewline = other.flushOnNewline;
return dup;
public IndentedWriter clone() {
return clone(this);
private static Writer makeWriter(OutputStream out) {
return IO.asBufferedUTF8(out);
/** Using Writers directly is discouraged */
protected IndentedWriter(Writer writer) {
this(writer, false);
/** Using Writers directly is discouraged */
protected IndentedWriter(Writer writer, boolean withLineNumbers) {
out = writer;
lineNumbers = withLineNumbers;
startingNewLine = true;
public void print(String str) {
if ( str == null )
str = "null";
if ( false ) {
// Don't check for embedded newlines.
for ( int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ )
public void printf(String formatStr, Object... args) {
print(format(formatStr, args));
public void print(char ch) { printOneChar(ch); }
public void print(Object obj) { print(String.valueOf(obj)); }
public void println(String str) { print(str); newline(); }
public void println(char ch) { print(ch); newline(); }
public void println(Object obj) { print(String.valueOf(obj)); newline(); }
public void println() { newline(); }
public void print(char[] cbuf) {
for ( char aCbuf : cbuf ) {
/** Print a string N times */
public void print(String s, int n) {
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
/** Print a char N times */
public void print(char ch, int n) {
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
private char lastChar = '\0';
// Worker
private void printOneChar(char ch) {
// Turn \r\n into a single newline call.
// Assumes we don't get \r\r\n etc
if ( ch == '\n' && lastChar == '\r' ) {
lastChar = ch;
lastChar = ch;
// newline
if ( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ) {
column += 1;
private void write$(char ch)
{ try { out.write(ch); } catch (IOException ex) { IO.exception(ex); } }
private void write$(String s)
{ try { out.write(s); } catch (IOException ex) { IO.exception(ex); } }
public void newline() {
if ( endOfLineMarker != null )
if ( !flatMode )
startingNewLine = true;
column = 0;
// Note that PrintWriters do not autoflush by default
// so if layered over a PrintWriter, need to flush that as well.
if ( flushOnNewline )
private boolean atStartOfLine() { return column <= currentIndent; }
public void ensureStartOfLine() {
if ( !atStartOfLine() )
public boolean atLineStart() { return startingNewLine; }
// A line is prefix?number?content.
private void lineStart() {
if ( flatMode ) {
if ( startingNewLine && row > 1 )
// Space between each line.
write$(' ');
startingNewLine = false;
// Need to do this at line start, not at the previous line end
// otherwise a final blank line will have a prefix and line number.
if ( startingNewLine ) {
if ( linePrefix != null )
startingNewLine = false;
public void close() { IO.close(out); }
public void flush() { IO.flush(out); }
/** Pad to the indent (if we are before it) */
public void pad() {
if ( startingNewLine && currentIndent > 0 )
/** Pad to a given number of columns EXCLUDING the indent.
* @param col Column number (first column is 1).
public void pad(int col) { pad(col, false); }
/** Pad to a given number of columns maybe including the indent.
* @param col Column number (first column is 1).
* @param absoluteColumn Whether to include the indent
public void pad(int col, boolean absoluteColumn) {
// Make absolute
if ( !absoluteColumn )
col = col + currentIndent;
int spaces = col - column;
for ( int i = 0; i < spaces; i++ ) {
write$(' '); // Always a space.
private void padInternal() {
if ( padString == null ) {
for ( int i = column; i < currentIndent; i++ ) {
} else {
for ( int i = column; i < currentIndent; i += padString.length() ) {
column += padString.length();
/** Get row/line (counts from 1) */
public int getRow() { return row; }
/** Get the absolute column.
* This is the location where the next character on the line will be printed.
* The IndentedWriter may not yet have padded to this place.
public int getCol() {
if ( currentIndent > column )
return currentIndent;
return column;
public void incIndent() { incIndent(unitIndent); }
public void incIndent(int x) {
currentIndent += x;
public void decIndent() { decIndent(unitIndent); }
public void decIndent(int x) {
currentIndent -= x;
/** Position past current indent */
public int getCurrentOffset() {
int x = getCol() - getAbsoluteIndent();
if ( x >= 0 )
return x;
// At start of line somehow.
return 0;
/** Get indent from the left hand edge */
public int getAbsoluteIndent() { return currentIndent; }
/** Set indent from the left hand edge. Returns {@code this}. */
public void setAbsoluteIndent(int x) { currentIndent = x; }
public boolean hasLineNumbers() {
return lineNumbers;
public void setLineNumbers(boolean lineNumbers) {
this.lineNumbers = lineNumbers;
public String getEndOfLineMarker() { return endOfLineMarker; }
/** Set the marker included at end of line - set to null for "none". Usually used for debugging. */
public void setEndOfLineMarker(String marker) { endOfLineMarker = marker; }
/** Flat mode - print without NL, for a more compact representation*/
public boolean inFlatMode() { return flatMode; }
/** Flat mode - print without NL, for a more compact representation*/
public void setFlatMode(boolean flatMode) { this.flatMode = flatMode; }
/** Flush on newline **/
public boolean getFlushOnNewline() { return flushOnNewline; }
/** Flush on newline in this code.
* This is set for {@link IndentedWriter#stdout} and {@link IndentedWriter#stderr}
* but not by default otherwise. The underlying output, if it is a {@link PrintStream}
* may also have a flush on newline as well (e.g {@link System#out}).
public void setFlushOnNewline(boolean flushOnNewline) { this.flushOnNewline = flushOnNewline; }
public char getPadChar() { return padChar; }
public void setPadChar(char ch) { this.padChar = ch; }
public String getPadString() { return padString; }
public void setPadString(String str) {
this.padString = str;
this.unitIndent = str.length();
/** Initial string printed at the start of each line : defaults to no string. */
public String getLinePrefix() {
return linePrefix;
/** Set the initial string printed at the start of each line. */
public void setLinePrefix(String str) {
this.linePrefix = str;
public int getUnitIndent() { return unitIndent; }
public void setUnitIndent(int x) {
unitIndent = x;
private int widthLineNumber = 3;
/** Width of the number field */
public int getNumberWidth() { return widthLineNumber; }
/** Set the width of the number field.
* There is also a single space after the number not included in this setting.
public void setNumberWidth(int widthOfNumbers) {
widthLineNumber = widthOfNumbers;
private void insertLineNumber() {
if ( !lineNumbers )
String s = Integer.toString(row);
for ( int i = 0; i < widthLineNumber - s.length(); i++ )
write$(' ');
write$(' ');
public String toString() {
return String.format("Indent = %d : Row = %d : Col = %d", currentIndent, row, column);