CHANGES for Jena 5.0.0
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index a27a930..8d2a899 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,129 @@
+==== Apache Jena 5.0.0
+Released: 2024-03-20
+which includes the ones specifically related to Jena5:
+== Apache Jena 5.0.0-rc1
+Released: 2024-02-14
+* Minimum Java requirement: Java 17
+* Language tags are case-insensitive unique.
+* Term graphs for in-memory models
+* RRX - New RDF/XML parser
+* Remove support for JSON-LD 1.0
+* Turtle/Trig Output : default output PREFIX and BASE
+* New artifacts : jena-bom and OWASP CycloneDX SBOM
+* API deprecation removal
+* Dependency updates :
+    Note: slf4j update : v1 to v2 (needs log4j change)
+== Contributions
+Configurable CORS headers for Fuseki
+  From Paul Gallagher
+Balduin Landolt @BalduinLandolt - javadoc fix for Literal.getString.
+@OyvindLGjesdal - -- text index fix
+Tong Wang @wang3820 Fix tests due to hashmap order
+Explicit Accept headers on RDFConnectionRemote fix
+  from @Aklakan
+** Java and Servlet versions
+Java 17 or later is required.
+Java 17 language constructs now are used in the codebase.
+Jakarta JavaEE required for deploying the WAR file (Apache Tomcat10 or later)
+** Language tags
+Language tags become are case-insensitive unique.
+"abc"@EN and "abc"@en are the same RDF term.
+Internally, language tags are formatted using the algorithm of RFC 5646.
+Examples "@en", "@en-GB", "@en-Latn-GB".
+SPARQL LANG(?literal) will return a formatted language tag.
+Data stored in TDB using language tags must be reloaded.
+** Term graphs
+Graphs are now term graphs in the API or SPARQL. That is, they do not match
+"same value" for some of the Java mapped datatypes. The model API already
+normalizes values written.
+TDB1, TDB2 keep their value canonicalization during data loading.
+A legacy value-graph implementation can be obtained from GraphMemFactory.
+** RRX - New RDF/XML parser
+RRX is the default RDF/XML parser. RIOT uses RRX.
+The ARP parser is still temporarily available for transition assistance.
+** Remove support for JSON-LD 1.0
+JSON-LD 1.1, using Titanium-JSON-LD, is the supported version of JSON-LD.
+** Turtle/Trig Output
+"PREFIX" and "BASE" are output by default for Turtle and TriG output.
+** Artifacts
+There is now a release BOM for Jena artifacts - artifact org.apache.jena:jena-bom
+There are now OWASP CycloneDX SBOM for Jena artifacts.
+jena-tdb is renamed jena-tdb1.
+jena-jdbc is no longer released
+** Dependencies
+The update to slf4j 2.x means the log4j artifact changes to
+"log4j-slf4j2-impl" (was "log4j-slf4j-impl").
+== API Users
+** Deprecation removal
+There has been a clearing out of deprecated functions, methods and classes. This includes the deprecations in Jena 4.10.0 added to show code that is being removed in Jena5.
+** QueryExecutionFactory
+QueryExecutionFactory is simplified to cover commons cases only; it becomes a way to call the general QueryExecution builders which are preferred and provide all full query execution setup controls.
+Local execution builder:
+Remote execution builder:
+** QueryExecution variable substitution
+Using "substitution", where the query is modified by replacing one or more variables by RDF terms, is now preferred to using "initial bindings", where query solutions include (var,value) pairs.
+"substitution" is available for all queries, local and remote, not just local executions.
+Rename TDB1 packages org.apache.jena.tdb -> org.apache.jena.tdb1
+== Fuseki Users
+Fuseki: Uses the Jakarta namespace for servlets and Fuseki has been upgraded to use Eclipse Jetty12.
+Apache Tomcat10 or later, is required for running the WAR file.
+Tomcat 9 or earlier will not work.
 ==== Apache Jena 4.10.0
 Released: 2023-11-01