blob: d35c845c8a45e037994eb987c6a4a9c3986b97a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.impl;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.jena.JenaRuntime;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Cache;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.CacheFactory;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.ReasonerException;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.TriplePattern;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.BackwardRuleInfGraphI;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.WrappedIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* LP version of the core backward chaining engine. For each parent inference
* graph (whether pure backward or hybrid) there should be one LPBRuleEngine
* instance. The shared instance holds any common result caching, rule store
* and global state data. However, all the processing is done by instances
* of the LPInterpreter - one per query.
public class LPBRuleEngine {
// =======================================================================
// variables
/** Store which holds the raw and compiled rules */
protected LPRuleStore ruleStore;
/** The parent inference graph to which this engine is attached */
protected BackwardRuleInfGraphI infGraph;
/** True if debug information should be written out */
protected boolean traceOn = false;
/** Set to true to flag that derivations should be logged */
protected boolean recordDerivations;
/** Set of engine instances which are still processing queries */
protected Collection<LPInterpreter> activeInterpreters = new HashSet<>();
protected final int MAX_CACHED_TABLED_GOALS = Integer.parseInt(
JenaRuntime.getSystemProperty("jena.rulesys.lp.max_cached_tabled_goals", "524288"));
/** Table mapping tabled goals to generators for those goals.
* This is here so that partial goal state can be shared across multiple queries.
* Note: Do no expose as protected/public, as this depends on
* the shadowed*
* Older Jena versions used weak references here.
* If necessary that could be reinstated by adding .weakValues() in the build chain.
Cache<TriplePattern, Generator> tabledGoals = CacheFactory.createCache(MAX_CACHED_TABLED_GOALS);
/** Set of generators waiting to be run */
protected LinkedList<LPAgendaEntry> agenda = new LinkedList<>();
/** Optional profile of number of time each rule is entered, set to non-null to profile */
protected HashMap<String, Count> profile;
/** The number of generator cycles to wait before running a completion check.
* If set to 0 then checks will be done in the generator each time. */
public static final int CYCLES_BETWEEN_COMPLETION_CHECK = 3;
static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LPBRuleEngine.class);
// =======================================================================
// Constructors
* Constructor.
* @param infGraph the parent inference graph which is using this engine
* @param rules the indexed set of rules to process
public LPBRuleEngine(BackwardRuleInfGraphI infGraph, LPRuleStore rules) {
this.infGraph = infGraph;
ruleStore = rules;
* Constructor. Creates an empty engine to which rules must be added.
* @param infGraph the parent inference graph which is using this engine
public LPBRuleEngine(BackwardRuleInfGraphI infGraph) {
this.infGraph = infGraph;
ruleStore = new LPRuleStore();
// =======================================================================
// Control methods
* Start a new interpreter running to answer a query.
* @param goal the query to be processed
* @return a closable iterator over the query results
public synchronized ExtendedIterator<Triple> find(TriplePattern goal) {
LPInterpreter interpreter = new LPInterpreter(this, goal);
return WrappedIterator.create( new LPTopGoalIterator(interpreter));
* Clear all tabled results.
public synchronized void reset() {
* Add a single rule to the store.
* N.B. This will invalidate current partial results and the engine
* should be reset() before future queries.
public synchronized void addRule(Rule rule) {
if (rule.headLength() > 1) {
throw new ReasonerException("Backward rules only allowed one head clause");
* Remove a single rule from the store.
* N.B. This will invalidate current partial results and the engine
* should be reset() before future queries.
public synchronized void deleteRule(Rule rule) {
* Return an ordered list of all registered rules.
public synchronized List<Rule> getAllRules() {
return ruleStore.getAllRules();
* Delete all the rules.
public synchronized void deleteAllRules() {
* Stop the current work. Forcibly stop all current query instances over this engine.
public synchronized void halt() {
ArrayList<LPInterpreter> copy = new ArrayList<>(activeInterpreters);
// Copy because closing the LPInterpreter will detach it from this engine which affects activeInterpreters
for ( LPInterpreter aCopy : copy )
* Set the state of the trace flag. If set to true then rule firings
* are logged out to the Log at "INFO" level.
public void setTraceOn(boolean state) {
traceOn = state;
* Return true if traces of rule firings should be logged.
public boolean isTraceOn() {
return traceOn;
* Set to true to enable derivation caching
public void setDerivationLogging(boolean recordDerivations) {
this.recordDerivations = recordDerivations;
* Return true in derivations should be logged.
public boolean getDerivationLogging() {
return recordDerivations;
/** Return the rule store associated with the inference graph */
public LPRuleStore getRuleStore() {
return ruleStore;
/** Return the parent inference graph associated with this engine */
public BackwardRuleInfGraphI getInfGraph() {
return infGraph;
/** Detach the given engine from the list of active engines for this inf graph */
public synchronized void detach(LPInterpreter engine) {
* Check that there are no currently processing queries.
* Could throw an exception here but often this can be caused by simply leaving
* an unclosed iterator. So instead we try to close the iterators and assume the
* rest of the context will be reset by the add call.
* <p>Should be called from within a synchronized block.
public void checkSafeToUpdate() {
if (!activeInterpreters.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<LPInterpreterContext> toClose = new ArrayList<>();
for ( LPInterpreter interpreter : activeInterpreters )
if ( interpreter.getContext() instanceof LPTopGoalIterator )
toClose.add( interpreter.getContext() );
for ( LPInterpreterContext aToClose : toClose )
( (LPTopGoalIterator) aToClose ).close();
// =======================================================================
// Interface for tabled operations
* Register an RDF predicate as one whose presence in a goal should force
* the goal to be tabled.
public synchronized void tablePredicate(Node predicate) {
* Return a generator for the given goal (assumes that the caller knows that
* the goal should be tabled).
* Note: If an earlier Generator for the same <code>goal</code> exists in the
* cache, it will be returned without considering the provided <code>clauses</code>.
* @param goal the goal whose results are to be generated
* @param clauses the precomputed set of code blocks used to implement the goal
public synchronized Generator generatorFor(final TriplePattern goal, final List<RuleClauseCode> clauses) {
return getCachedTabledGoal(goal, (g) -> {
/** FIXME: Unify with #generatorFor(TriplePattern) - but investigate what about
* the edge case that this method might have been called with the of goal == null
* or goal.size()==0 -- which gives different behaviour in
* LPInterpreter constructor than through the route of
* generatorFor(TriplePattern) which calls a different LPInterpreter constructor
* which would fill in from RuleStore.
LPInterpreter interpreter = new LPInterpreter(LPBRuleEngine.this, g, clauses, false);
Generator generator = new Generator(interpreter, g);
return generator;
* Return a generator for the given goal (assumes that the caller knows that
* the goal should be tabled).
* @param goal the goal whose results are to be generated
public synchronized Generator generatorFor(final TriplePattern goal) {
return getCachedTabledGoal(goal, (g) -> {
LPInterpreter interpreter = new LPInterpreter(LPBRuleEngine.this, g, false);
Generator generator = new Generator(interpreter, g);
return generator;
protected Generator getCachedTabledGoal(TriplePattern goal, Function<TriplePattern, Generator> callable) {
return tabledGoals.get(goal, callable);
protected long cachedTabledGoals() {
return tabledGoals.size();
protected void clearCachedTabledGoals() {
* If the given generator is providing a tabled entry then remove the entry so
* that we can safely close the generator
protected synchronized void removeTabledGenerator(Generator generator) {
Generator tabledGenerator = tabledGoals.getIfPresent(generator.goal);
if (tabledGenerator != null && tabledGenerator == generator) {
* Register that a generator or specific generator state (Consumer choice point)
* is now ready to run.
public void schedule(LPAgendaEntry state) {
* Run the scheduled generators until the given generator is ready to run.
public void pump(LPInterpreterContext gen) {
Collection<Generator> batch = null;
int count = 0;
while(!gen.isReady()) {
if (agenda.isEmpty()) {
// System.out.println("Cycled " + this + ", " + count);
LPAgendaEntry next = getNextAgendaEntry();
count ++;
if (CYCLES_BETWEEN_COMPLETION_CHECK > 0 && !batch.isEmpty()) {
// System.out.println("Cycled " + this + ", " + count);
* Pick and agenda entry to progress and remove it from the queue
private LPAgendaEntry getNextAgendaEntry() {
synchronized (agenda) {
int chosen = agenda.size() - 1;
LPAgendaEntry next = agenda.get(chosen);
return next;
* Check all known interpeter contexts to see if any are complete.
public void checkForCompletions() {
List<Generator> contexts = null;
synchronized (activeInterpreters) {
contexts = new ArrayList<>(activeInterpreters.size());
for ( LPInterpreter activeInterpreter : activeInterpreters )
LPInterpreterContext context = activeInterpreter.getContext();
if ( context instanceof Generator )
contexts.add( (Generator) context );
Generator.checkForCompletions( contexts );
// =======================================================================
// Profiling support
* Record a rule invocation in the profile count.
public void incrementProfile(RuleClauseCode clause) {
if (profile != null) {
String index = clause.toString();
Count count = profile.get(index);
if (count == null) {
profile.put(index, new Count(clause).inc());
} else {;
* Reset the profile.
* @param enable it true then profiling will continue with a new empty profile table,
* if false profiling will stop all current data lost.
public void resetProfile(boolean enable) {
profile = enable ? new HashMap<String, Count>() : null;
* Print a profile of rules used since the last reset.
public void printProfile() {
if (profile == null) {
System.out.println("No profile collected");
} else {
ArrayList<Count> counts = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("LP engine rule profile");
for ( Count count : counts )
System.out.println( count );
* Record count of number of rule invocations, used in profile structure only.
static class Count implements Comparable<Count> {
protected int count = 0;
protected RuleClauseCode clause;
/** Constructor */
public Count(RuleClauseCode clause) {
this.clause = clause;
/** return the count value */
public int getCount() {
return count;
/** increment the count value, return the count object */
public Count inc() {
return this;
/** Ordering */
public int compareTo(Count other) {
return (count < other.count) ? -1 : ( (count == other.count) ? 0 : +1);
/** Printable form */
public String toString() {
return " " + count + "\t - " + clause;