blob: 522f7641815cd3e942067eb2b6b93e4af44bcfc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package
package jena;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
// Imports
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import jena.schemagen.SchemagenOptionsImpl;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory;
import org.apache.jena.util.FileUtils ;
import org.junit.Test ;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* <p>
* Unit tests for schemagen
* </p>
public class Test_schemagen
// Constants
String PREFIX = """
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
// Static variables
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Test_schemagen.class );
// Instance variables
// Constructors
// External signature methods
/** This test used to fail with an abort, but we now guess the NS based on prevalence */
public void testNoBaseURI0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource A =.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testClass0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource A.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testClass1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a rdfs:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource A.*"} );
public void testClass2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource A.*"} );
public void testClass3() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a rdfs:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource A.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testProperty0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a owl:ObjectProperty .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {".*public static final Property p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testProperty1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a rdf:Property .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
// in OWL mode we permit rdf:properties
new String[] {".*public static final Property p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testProperty2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a owl:ObjectProperty .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Property p.*"} );
public void testProperty3() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a rdf:Property .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {".*public static final Property p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testInstance0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource i.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testInstance1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a rdfs:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource i.*"},
new String[] {} );
/* TODO this test fails, because the isInstance check in schemagen is quite weak.
* Consider whether to fix the test or the code... *
public void testInstance2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource i.*"} );
public void testInstance3() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a rdfs:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource i.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testInstance4() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "@prefix ex2: <>. ex2:A a rdfs:Class . ex:i a ex2:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource i.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testInstance5() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = "@prefix : <> .\n" +
"@prefix core: <> .\n" +
"@prefix ecoinvent: <> .\n" +
"@prefix owl: <> .\n" +
"@prefix rdf: <> .\n" +
"@prefix rdfs: <> .\n" +
"@prefix xsd: <> .\n" +
"\n" +
"<>\n" +
" rdf:type owl:Ontology ;\n" +
" owl:imports <> , <> ;\n" +
" owl:versionInfo \"Created with TopBraid Composer\"^^xsd:string .\n" +
"\n" +
":CD-CML2001-AbioticDepletion\n" +
" rdf:type core:ImpactAssessmentMethodCategoryDescription ;\n" +
" rdfs:label \"abiotic resource depletion\"^^xsd:string ;\n" +
" core:hasImpactCategory\n" +
" :abioticDepletion .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"--owl", "--inference"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource CD_CML2001_AbioticDepletion.*"},
new String[] {".*valtype.*"} );
public void testDatatype0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:d a rdfs:Datatype . ex:d rdfs:comment \"custom datatype\" .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource d.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testDatatype1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:d a rdfs:Datatype . ex:d rdfs:comment \"custom datatype\" .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--nodatatypes"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource d.*"} );
public void testRC0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:class a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final Resource class .*"} );
public void testComment0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"commentcomment\" .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {" */\\*\\* <p>commentcomment</p> \\*/ *"},
new String[] {} );
public void testComment1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"commentcomment\" .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--nocomments"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {" */\\*\\* <p>commentcomment</p> \\*/ *"} );
public void testComment2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"commentcomment\" .";
// we don't want the input fixed to be
SchemaGenAux sga = new SchemaGenAux() {
protected void go( String[] args ) {
go( new SchemagenOptionsImpl( args ) );
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, sga,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "-i", "file:\\\\C:\\Users\\fubar/vocabs/test.ttl"},
new String[] {".*Vocabulary definitions from file:\\\\\\\\C:\\\\Users\\\\fubar/vocabs/test.ttl.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testComment3() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"commentcomment\" .";
// we don't want the input fixed to be
SchemaGenAux sga = new SchemaGenAux() {
protected void go( String[] args ) {
go( new SchemagenOptionsImpl( args ) );
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, sga,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "-i", "C:\\Users\\fubar/vocabs/test.ttl"},
new String[] {".*Vocabulary definitions from C:\\\\Users\\\\fubar/vocabs/test.ttl.*"},
new String[] {} );
* A comment in a certain language. But no language specified in schemagen.
public void testComment4() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"comentario\"@pt .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {" */\\*\\* <p>comentario</p> \\*/ *"},
new String[] {} );
* Comments in certain languages. A different language specified in schemagen.
public void testComment5() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"comentario\"@pt ; rdfs:comment \"comment\"@en .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-l", "es", "-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {" */\\*\\* <p>comment</p> \\*/ *"} );
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-l", "es", "-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {" */\\*\\* <p>comentario</p> \\*/ *"} );
* Comments in certain languages. One of these languages specified in schemagen.
public void testComment6() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"comentario\"@pt ; rdfs:comment \"comment\"@en .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-l", "pt", "-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {" */\\*\\* <p>comentario</p> \\*/ *"},
new String[] {} );
public void testOntClass0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--ontology"},
new String[] {".*public static final OntClass A.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testOntClass1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a rdfs:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--ontology"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final OntClass A.*"} );
public void testOntClass2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--ontology"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final OntClass A.*"} );
public void testOntClass3() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a rdfs:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--ontology"},
new String[] {".*public static final OntClass A.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testOntProperty0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a owl:ObjectProperty .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--ontology"},
new String[] {".*public static final ObjectProperty p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testOntProperty1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a rdf:Property .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--ontology"},
// in OWL mode we permit rdf:properties
new String[] {".*public static final OntProperty p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testOntProperty2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a owl:ObjectProperty .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--ontology"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*public static final ObjectProperty p.*"} );
public void testOntProperty3() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a rdf:Property .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--ontology"},
new String[] {".*public static final OntProperty p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testHeader() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--header", "/* header */\n%package%\n%imports%\n"},
new String[] {"/\\* header \\*/"},
new String[] {} );
public void testFooter() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--footer", "/* footer */"},
new String[] {"/\\* footer \\*/"},
new String[] {} );
public void testPackage() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--package", "test.test"},
new String[] {"package test.test;\\s*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testClassname() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
SchemaGenAux fixture = new SchemaGenAux() {
protected void go( String[] args ) {
SchemagenOptionsFixture sgf = new SchemagenOptionsFixture( args ) {
public Resource getInputOption() {
return ResourceFactory.createResource( "" );
go( sgf );
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, fixture,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--package", "test.test", "-n", "Sg"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {} );
public void testClassdec() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--classdec", "\n implements java.lang.Cloneable\n"},
new String[] {"\\s*implements java.lang.Cloneable\\s*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testDeclarations() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--declarations", "protected String m_gnole = \"Fungle\";;\n"},
new String[] {".*Fungle.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testNoClasses() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--ontology", "--noclasses"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*OntClass A.*"} );
public void testNoProperties() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p a owl:ObjectProperty .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--ontology", "--noproperties"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*Property p.*"} );
public void testNoIndividuals() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--noindividuals"},
new String[] {".*Resource A.*"},
new String[] {".*Resource i.*"} );
public void testNoHeader() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--noheader"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {"/\\*\\*.*"} );
public void testUCNames() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--uppercase"},
new String[] {".*Resource A.*",".*Resource I.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testInference0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p rdfs:domain ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*Resource A.*",".*Property p.*"} );
public void testInference1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p rdfs:domain ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--inference"},
new String[] {".*Resource A.*",".*Property p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testInference2() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:p rdfs:domain ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--inference"},
new String[] {".*Resource A.*",".*Property p.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testStrictIndividuals0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A . <> a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs"},
new String[] {".*Resource i.*",".*Resource j.*"},
new String[] {} );
public void testStrictIndividuals1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A . <> a ex:A .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--strictIndividuals"},
new String[] {".*Resource i.*"},
new String[] {".*Resource j.*"} );
public void testLineEnd0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A . ex:p a rdf:Property .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--strictIndividuals"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {".*\r.*"} );
public void testLineEnd1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A . ex:p a rdf:Property .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--dos"},
new String[] {".*\\r"},
new String[] {".*[^\r]"} );
public void testIncludeSource0() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class . ex:i a ex:A . ex:p a owl:ObjectProperty .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--includeSource"},
new String[] {".*private static final String SOURCE.*",
".*ex:A *(a|rdf:type) *owl:Class.*"} ,
new String[] {} );
public void testIncludeSource1() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment \"comment\".";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--includeSource"},
new String[] {".*\\\\\"comment\\\\\".*\""},
new String[] {} );
public void testIncludeSource2() throws Exception {
// had a report of the following not compiling ....
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "@prefix skos: <>.\n" +
" <> skos:note \"\"\"A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace ( See the Introduction to the document \"DCMI Metadata Terms\" ( for an explanation.\"\"\".";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--owl", "--includeSource"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {} );
public void testIncludeSource3() throws Exception {
// multiple literals on one line can cause double-quote issues
" ex:foo a ex:Foo; rdfs:label \"thing called foo\"@en, \"le foo\"@fr, \"das foo\"@de. ";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-a", "", "--rdfs", "--includeSource"},
new String[] {},
new String[] {} );
public void testConfigFile() throws Exception {
String SOURCE = PREFIX + "ex:A a owl:Class .";
testSchemagenOutput( SOURCE, null,
new String[] {"-c", "testing/cmd/sg-test-config.rdf"},
new String[] {".*OntClass.*"}, // if config is not processed, we will not get --ontology output
new String[] {} );
// Internal implementation methods
* Test the output from schemagen by saving the output to a string,
* then ensuring that every positive regex matches at least one line, and
* every negative regex matches at most no lines. Also checks that
* compiling the file does not cause any errors.
* @param source String defining the model, using N3
* @param sg The schemagen object to test, or null for a default
* @param args list of args to pass to SG
* @param posPatterns array of regexps that must match at least once in the output
* @param negPatterns arrays of regexps that must not match the output
* @return The string defining the java class
protected String testSchemagenOutput( String source, SchemaGenAux sg, String[] args,
String[] posPatterns, String[] negPatterns )
throws Exception
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); new StringReader( source ), "", "N3" );
return testSchemagenOutput( m, sg, args, posPatterns, negPatterns );
* Test the output from schemagen by saving the output to a string,
* then ensuring that every positive regex matches at least one line, and
* every negative regex matches at most no lines. Also checks that
* compiling the file does not cause any errors.
* @param m Source model to read from
* @param sg The schemagen object to test, or null for a default
* @param args list of args to pass to SG
* @param posPatterns array of regexps that must match at least once in the output
* @param negPatterns arrays of regexps that must not match the output
* @return The string defining the java class
protected String testSchemagenOutput( Model m, SchemaGenAux sg, String[] args,
String[] posPatterns, String[] negPatterns )
throws Exception
sg = (sg == null) ? new SchemaGenAux() : sg;
sg.setSource( m );
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
sg.setOutput( new PrintStream( buf ) );
// run schemagen
sg.testGo( args );
// now run the test pattern over the lines in the file
String result = buf.toString();
// if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
// log.debug( result );
// }
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( result, "\n" );
boolean[] foundPos = new boolean[posPatterns.length];
// look for any line that matches the patterns
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
String line = tokens.nextToken();
// try each positive pattern
for (int i = 0; i < posPatterns.length; i++) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile( posPatterns[i] );
foundPos[i] |= pat.matcher( line ).matches();
// try each negative pattern
for ( String negPattern : negPatterns )
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile( negPattern );
assertFalse( "negative match pattern ||" + negPattern + "|| matched on line: " + line,
pat.matcher( line ).matches() );
for (int i = 0; i < posPatterns.length; i++) {
String msg = "Expecting a positive match to pattern: ||" + posPatterns[i] + "||";
assertTrue( msg + " in:\n" + result, foundPos[i] );
// check that the file compiles with javac
testCompile( result, "Sg" );
return result;
* Test the compilability of the generated output string by saving it to a
* class file, and invoking javac on that file.
* @param source
* @param className
* @throws Exception
protected void testCompile( String source, String defaultClassName )
throws Exception
String className = defaultClassName;
// ensure we use the right class name for the temp file
// should do this with a regex, but java Pattern & Matcher is borked
String key = "public class ";
int i = source.indexOf( key );
if (i > 0) {
i += key.length();
className = source.substring( i, source.indexOf( " ", i ) );
// first write the source file to a temp dir
File tmpDir = FileUtils.getScratchDirectory( "schemagen" );
File srcFile = new File( tmpDir, className + ".java" );
try ( FileWriter out = new FileWriter( srcFile ) ) {
out.write( source );
// now get ready to invoke javac using the new package
try {
Class<?> tp = Class.forName( "" );
// static method to get the Java compiler tool
Method gsjc = tp.getMethod( "getSystemJavaCompiler" );
Object sjc = gsjc.invoke( null );
// get the run method for the Java compiler tool
Class<?> jc = Class.forName( "" );
Method jcRun = jc.getMethod( "run", new Class[] {InputStream.class, OutputStream.class, OutputStream.class, String[].class} );
if (sjc != null && jcRun != null) {
// build the args list for javac
String[] args = new String[] {"-classpath", getClassPath( tmpDir ), "-d", tmpDir.getPath(), srcFile.getPath()};
int success = (Integer) jcRun.invoke( sjc, null, null, null, args );
assertEquals( "Errors reported from compilation of schemagen output", 0, success );
else {
log.debug( "Could not resolve method. Is the CLASSPATH defined correctly?" );
catch (ClassNotFoundException nf) {
log.debug( " not found (no tools.jar on classpath?). schemagen compilation test skipped." );
catch (Exception e) {
log.debug( e.getMessage(), e );
fail( e.getMessage() );
// clean up
List<File> toClean = new ArrayList<>();
toClean.add( tmpDir );
while (!toClean.isEmpty()) {
File f = toClean.remove( 0 );
if (f.isDirectory()) {
for (File g: f.listFiles()) {toClean.add( g );}
* Return the classpath we can use to compile the sg output files
* @param tmpDir
* @return
protected String getClassPath( File tmpDir ) {
Properties pp = System.getProperties();
// if we're running under maven, use Special Secret Knowledge to identify the class path
// otherwise, default to the CP that Java thinks it's using
return pp.getProperty( "surefire.test.class.path", pp.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) );
// Inner class definitions
* An extension to standard schemagen to create a test fixture; we override the
* input and output methods.
static class SchemaGenAux
extends schemagen
protected PrintStream m_auxOutput;
protected Model m_auxSource;
public void setOutput( PrintStream out ) {
m_auxOutput = out;
public void setSource( Model m ) {
m_auxSource = m;
// override the behaviours from schemagen
protected void selectInput() {
m_source.add( m_auxSource );
m_source.setNsPrefixes( m_auxSource );
protected void selectOutput() {
// call super to allow option processing
// then override the result
m_output = m_auxOutput;
public void testGo( String[] args ) {
go( args );
protected void go( String[] args ) {
go( new SchemagenOptionsFixture( args ) );
protected void abort( String msg, Exception e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( msg, e );
static class SchemagenOptionsFixture
extends SchemagenOptionsImpl
public SchemagenOptionsFixture( String[] args ) {
super( args );
public Resource getInputOption() {
return ResourceFactory.createResource( "" );