blob: 6c0959bb5b7a8011ed769f572a574cfc09eeceda [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit OCM -- Version 2.0.0
This is Apache Jackrabbit OCM 2.0, a subproject of Apache Jackrabbit
Apache Jackrabbit OCM 2.0.0 is release that contains fixes and
improvements over Jackrabbit OCM 1.5. Apart from the test classes, it
does not depend on Apache Jackrabbit core, but only on the JCR 2.0 specification
Changes since Jackrabbit 1.5
[OCM-49] ObjectContentManagerImpl should not use workspace move but rather do it through the jcr session
[OCM-51] Replace itemExists and getItem logic in ObjectConverterImpl and ObjectContentManagerImpl to nodeExists and getNode
[OCM-43] Reviving OCM framework with Jackrabbit 2.x
[OCM-52] Replace inefficient ObjectContentManagerImpl#getObjects(Class objectClass, String path) path ....
[OCM-58] Make OCM jackrabbit independent and rely on JCR 2.0 only
[OCM-54] ObjectContentManagerImpl should not use workspace copy but rather do it through the jcr session
[OCM-55] Replace commons logging LogFactory with slf4j LoggerFactory
Bug fixes
[OCM-53] Fixes needed to work with latest jr 2.4.1 tag
[OCM-50] AnnotationDescriptorReader in case of a @Collection annotation incorrectly ....
[OCM-48] DefaultCollectionConverterImpl should take nodetype into account for doInsertCollection ....
[OCM-42] OCM Versioning is not working as expected
[OCM-33] Running the tests without "mvn clean" provides errors
[OCM-45] ReflectionUtils.implementsInterface() only checks one interface and returns
[OCM-40] Doesn't compile with jackrabbit 2.0.0
[OCM-59] Run all unit tests against an in memory repository and extend from AbstractJcrTestCase
[OCM-34] referential integrity problem due to ObjectContentManagerImpl usage of ObjectCache
[OCM-44] getObjectByUuid throws exception instead of returning null as described in javadoc
New features
[OCM-56] Remove UserTransactionImpl tests for transactions from OCM project
[OCM-1] Move jackrabbit-ocm to JCR Commons
[OCM-57] Cleanup exceptions that are outdated or not needed any more
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