blob: e56876c140769f0bb50a36138e0320b06f050206 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar.GCGeneration.newGCGeneration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.Buffer;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar.binaries.BinaryReferencesIndex;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar.binaries.BinaryReferencesIndexLoader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar.binaries.InvalidBinaryReferencesIndexException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar.index.IndexEntry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.spi.persistence.SegmentArchiveEntry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.spi.persistence.SegmentArchiveManager;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.spi.persistence.SegmentArchiveReader;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TarReader implements Closeable {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TarReader.class);
static TarReader open(String file, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager) throws IOException {
TarReader reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(singletonList(file), archiveManager, false);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
} else {
throw new IOException("Failed to open tar file " + file);
* Creates a {@link TarReader} instance for reading content from a tar file.
* If there exist multiple generations of the same tar file, they are all
* passed to this method. The latest generation with a valid tar index
* (which is a good indication of general validity of the file) is opened
* and the other generations are removed to clean things up. If none of the
* generations has a valid index, then something must have gone wrong and
* we'll try recover as much content as we can from the existing tar
* generations.
* @param files The generations of the same TAR file.
* @param recovery Strategy for recovering a damaged TAR file.
* @return An instance of {@link TarReader}.
static TarReader open(Map<Character, String> files, TarRecovery recovery, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager) throws IOException {
SortedMap<Character, String> sorted = newTreeMap();
List<String> list = newArrayList(sorted.values());
TarReader reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(list, archiveManager, false);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
// no generation has a valid index, so recover as much as we can
log.warn("Could not find a valid tar index in {}, recovering...", list);
LinkedHashMap<UUID, byte[]> entries = newLinkedHashMap();
for (String file : sorted.values()) {
collectFileEntries(file, entries, true, archiveManager);
// regenerate the first generation based on the recovered data
String file = sorted.values().iterator().next();
generateTarFile(entries, file, recovery, archiveManager);
reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(singletonList(file), archiveManager, false);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
} else {
throw new IOException("Failed to open recovered tar file " + file);
static TarReader openRO(Map<Character, String> files, TarRecovery recovery, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager) throws IOException {
// for readonly store only try the latest generation of a given
// tar file to prevent any rollback or rewrite
String file = files.get(Collections.max(files.keySet()));
TarReader reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(singletonList(file), archiveManager, false);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
log.warn("Could not find a valid tar index in {}, trying to force-open.", file);
reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(singletonList(file), archiveManager, true);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
log.warn("Could not find a valid tar index in {}, recovering read-only", file);
// collecting the entries (without touching the original file) and
// writing them into an artificial tar file '.ro.bak'
LinkedHashMap<UUID, byte[]> entries = newLinkedHashMap();
collectFileEntries(file, entries, false, archiveManager);
file = findAvailGen(file, ".ro.bak", archiveManager);
generateTarFile(entries, file, recovery, archiveManager);
reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(singletonList(file), archiveManager, false);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
throw new IOException("Failed to open tar file " + file);
* Collects all entries from the given file and optionally backs-up the
* file, by renaming it to a ".bak" extension
* @param file The TAR file.
* @param entries The map where the recovered entries will be collected
* into.
* @param backup If {@code true}, performs a backup of the TAR file.
private static void collectFileEntries(String file, LinkedHashMap<UUID, byte[]> entries, boolean backup, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager) throws IOException {"Recovering segments from tar file {}", file);
try {
archiveManager.recoverEntries(file, entries);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Could not read tar file {}, skipping...", file, e);
if (backup) {
backupSafely(archiveManager, file, entries.keySet());
* Regenerates a tar file from a list of entries.
* @param entries Map of entries to recover. The entries will be recovered
* in the iteration order of this {@link LinkedHashMap}.
* @param file The output file that will contain the recovered
* entries.
* @param recovery The recovery strategy to execute.
private static void generateTarFile(LinkedHashMap<UUID, byte[]> entries, String file, TarRecovery recovery, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager) throws IOException {"Regenerating tar file {}", file);
try (TarWriter writer = new TarWriter(archiveManager, file)) {
for (Entry<UUID, byte[]> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
try {
recovery.recoverEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), new EntryRecovery() {
public void recoverEntry(long msb, long lsb, byte[] data, int offset, int size, GCGeneration generation) throws IOException {
writer.writeEntry(msb, lsb, data, offset, size, generation);
public void recoverGraphEdge(UUID from, UUID to) {
writer.addGraphEdge(from, to);
public void recoverBinaryReference(GCGeneration generation, UUID segmentId, String reference) {
writer.addBinaryReference(generation, segmentId, reference);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to recover entry %s for file %s", entry.getKey(), file), e);
* Backup this tar file for manual inspection. Something went wrong earlier
* so we want to prevent the data from being accidentally removed or
* overwritten.
* @param file File to backup.
* @param recoveredEntries
private static void backupSafely(SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager, String file, Set<UUID> recoveredEntries) throws IOException {
String backup = findAvailGen(file, ".bak", archiveManager);"Backing up {} to {}", file, backup);
archiveManager.backup(file, backup, recoveredEntries);
* Fine next available generation number so that a generated file doesn't
* overwrite another existing file.
* @param name The file to backup.
* @param ext The extension of the backed up file.
private static String findAvailGen(String name, String ext, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager) {
String backup = name + ext;
for (int i = 2; archiveManager.exists(backup); i++) {
backup = name + "." + i + ext;
return backup;
private static TarReader openFirstFileWithValidIndex(List<String> archives, SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager, boolean forceOpen) {
for (String name : archives) {
try {
SegmentArchiveReader reader = null;
if (forceOpen) {
reader = archiveManager.forceOpen(name);
} else {
reader =;
if (reader != null) {
for (String other : archives) {
if (other != name) {"Removing unused tar file {}", other);
return new TarReader(archiveManager, reader);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Could not read tar file {}, skipping...", name, e);
return null;
private final SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager;
private final SegmentArchiveReader archive;
private final Set<UUID> segmentUUIDs;
private volatile boolean hasGraph;
private TarReader(SegmentArchiveManager archiveManager, SegmentArchiveReader archive) {
this.archiveManager = archiveManager;
this.archive = archive;
this.segmentUUIDs = archive.listSegments()
.map(e -> new UUID(e.getMsb(), e.getLsb()))
long size() {
return archive.length();
* Reads and returns the identifier of every segment included in the index
* of this TAR file.
* @return An instance of {@link Set}.
Set<UUID> getUUIDs() {
return segmentUUIDs;
* Check if the requested entry exists in this TAR file.
* @param msb The most significant bits of the entry identifier.
* @param lsb The least significant bits of the entry identifier.
* @return {@code true} if the entry exists in this TAR file, {@code false}
* otherwise.
boolean containsEntry(long msb, long lsb) {
return archive.containsSegment(msb, lsb);
* If the given segment is in this file, get the byte buffer that allows
* reading it.
* <p>
* Whether or not this will read from the file depends on whether memory
* mapped files are used or not.
* @param msb the most significant bits of the segment id
* @param lsb the least significant bits of the segment id
* @return the byte buffer, or null if not in this file.
Buffer readEntry(long msb, long lsb) throws IOException {
return archive.readSegment(msb, lsb);
* Read the entries in this TAR file.
* @return An array of {@link IndexEntry}.
SegmentArchiveEntry[] getEntries() {
List<SegmentArchiveEntry> entryList = archive.listSegments();
return entryList.toArray(new SegmentArchiveEntry[entryList.size()]);
* Read the references of an entry in this TAR file.
* @param id The identifier of the entry.
* @param graph The content of the graph of this TAR file.
* @return The references of the provided TAR entry.
private static List<UUID> getReferences(UUID id, Map<UUID, List<UUID>> graph) {
List<UUID> references = graph.get(id);
if (references == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return references;
* Collect the references of those BLOBs that are reachable from the entries
* in this TAR file.
* <p>
* The user-provided {@link Predicate} determines if entries belonging to a
* specific generation should be inspected for binary references of not.
* Given a generation number as input, if the predicate returns {@code
* true}, entries from that generation will be skipped. If the predicate
* returns {@code false}, entries from that generation will be inspected for
* references.
* <p>
* The provided {@link Consumer} is callback object that will be invoked for
* every reference found in the inspected entries.
* @param collector An instance of {@link Consumer}.
* @param skipGeneration An instance of {@link Predicate}.
void collectBlobReferences(@NotNull Consumer<String> collector, Predicate<GCGeneration> skipGeneration) {
BinaryReferencesIndex references = getBinaryReferences();
if (references == null) {
references.forEach((generation, full, compacted, segment, reference) -> {
if (skipGeneration.apply(newGCGeneration(generation, full, compacted))) {
* Mark entries that can be reclaimed.
* <p>
* A data segment is reclaimable iff its generation is in the {@code
* reclaimGeneration} predicate. A bulk segment is reclaimable if it is not
* in {@code bulkRefs} or if it is transitively reachable through a non
* reclaimable data segment.
* <p>
* The algorithm implemented by this method uses a couple of supporting data
* structures.
* <p>
* The first of the supporting data structures is the set of bulk segments
* to keep. When this method is invoked, this set initially contains the set
* of bulk segments that are currently in use. The algorithm removes a
* reference from this set if the corresponding bulk segment is not
* referenced (either directly or transitively) from a marked data segment.
* The algorithm adds a reference to this set if a marked data segment is
* references the corresponding bulk segment. When this method returns, the
* references in this set represent bulk segments that are currently in use
* and should not be removed.
* <p>
* The second of the supporting data structures is the set of segments to
* reclaim. This set contains references to bulk and data segments. A
* reference to a bulk segment is added if the bulk segment is not
* referenced (either directly or transitively) by marked data segment. A
* reference to a data segment is added if the user-provided predicate
* returns {@code true} for that segment. When this method returns, this set
* contains segments that are not marked and can be removed.
* @param references The set of bulk segments to keep.
* @param reclaimable The set of segments to remove.
* @param context An instance of {@link CleanupContext}.
void mark(Set<UUID> references, Set<UUID> reclaimable, CleanupContext context) throws IOException {
Map<UUID, List<UUID>> graph = getGraph();
SegmentArchiveEntry[] entries = getEntries();
for (int i = entries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// A bulk segments is *always* written before any data segment referencing it.
// Backward iteration ensures we see all references to bulk segments before
// we see the bulk segment itself. Therefore we can remove a bulk reference
// from the bulkRefs set once we encounter it, which save us some memory and
// CPU on subsequent look-ups.
SegmentArchiveEntry entry = entries[i];
UUID id = new UUID(entry.getMsb(), entry.getLsb());
GCGeneration generation = GCGeneration.newGCGeneration(entry);
if (context.shouldReclaim(id, generation, references.remove(id))) {
} else {
for (UUID refId : getReferences(id, graph)) {
if (context.shouldFollow(id, refId)) {
* Try to remove every segment contained in a user-provided set.
* <p>
* This method might refuse to remove the segments under the following
* circumstances.
* <p>
* First, if this TAR files does not contain any of the segments that are
* supposed to be removed. In this case, the method returns {@code null}.
* <p>
* Second, if this method contains some of the segments that are supposed to
* be removed, but the reclaimable space is be less than 1/4 of the current
* size of the TAR file. In this case, this method returns this {@link
* TarReader}.
* <p>
* Third, if this TAR file is in the highest generation possible ('z') and
* thus a new generation for this TAR file can't be created. In this case,
* the method returns this {@link TarReader}.
* <p>
* Fourth, if a new TAR file has been created but it is unreadable for
* unknown reasons. In this case, this method returns this {@link
* TarReader}.
* <p>
* If none of the above conditions apply, this method returns a new {@link
* TarReader} instance tha points to a TAR file that doesn't contain the
* removed segments. The returned {@link TarReader} will belong to the next
* generation of this {@link TarReader}. In this case, the {@code reclaimed}
* set will be updated to contain the identifiers of the segments that were
* removed from this TAR file.
* @param reclaim Set of segment sto reclaim.
* @param reclaimed Set of reclaimed segments. It will be update if this TAR
* file is rewritten.
* @return Either this {@link TarReader}, or a new instance of {@link
* TarReader}, or {@code null}.
TarReader sweep(@NotNull Set<UUID> reclaim, @NotNull Set<UUID> reclaimed) throws IOException {
String name = archive.getName();
log.debug("Cleaning up {}", name);
Set<UUID> cleaned = newHashSet();
int afterSize = 0;
int beforeSize = 0;
int afterCount = 0;
SegmentArchiveEntry[] entries = getEntries();
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
SegmentArchiveEntry entry = entries[i];
beforeSize += archive.getEntrySize(entry.getLength());
UUID id = new UUID(entry.getMsb(), entry.getLsb());
if (reclaim.contains(id)) {
entries[i] = null;
} else {
afterSize += archive.getEntrySize(entry.getLength());
afterCount += 1;
if (afterCount == 0) {
log.debug("None of the entries of {} are referenceable.", name);
return null;
if (afterSize >= beforeSize * 3 / 4 && hasGraph()) {
// the space savings are not worth it at less than 25%,
// unless this tar file lacks a pre-compiled segment graph
// in which case we'll always generate a new tar file with
// the graph to speed up future garbage collection runs.
log.debug("Not enough space savings. ({}/{}). Skipping clean up of {}",
archive.length() - afterSize, archive.length(), name);
return this;
if (!hasGraph()) {
log.warn("Recovering {}, which is missing its graph.", name);
int pos = name.length() - "a.tar".length();
char generation = name.charAt(pos);
if (generation == 'z') {
log.debug("No garbage collection after reaching generation z: {}", name);
return this;
String newFile = name.substring(0, pos) + (char) (generation + 1) + ".tar";
log.debug("Writing new generation {}", newFile);
TarWriter writer = new TarWriter(archiveManager, newFile);
for (SegmentArchiveEntry entry : entries) {
if (entry != null) {
long msb = entry.getMsb();
long lsb = entry.getLsb();
int size = entry.getLength();
GCGeneration gen = GCGeneration.newGCGeneration(entry);
byte[] data = new byte[size];
archive.readSegment(msb, lsb).get(data);
writer.writeEntry(msb, lsb, data, 0, size, gen);
// Reconstruct the graph index for non-cleaned segments.
Map<UUID, List<UUID>> graph = getGraph();
for (Entry<UUID, List<UUID>> e : graph.entrySet()) {
if (cleaned.contains(e.getKey())) {
Set<UUID> vertices = newHashSet();
for (UUID vertex : e.getValue()) {
if (cleaned.contains(vertex)) {
for (UUID vertex : vertices) {
writer.addGraphEdge(e.getKey(), vertex);
// Reconstruct the binary reference index for non-cleaned segments.
BinaryReferencesIndex references = getBinaryReferences();
if (references != null) {
references.forEach((gen, full, compacted, id, reference) -> {
if (cleaned.contains(id)) {
writer.addBinaryReference(newGCGeneration(gen, full, compacted), id, reference);
TarReader reader = openFirstFileWithValidIndex(singletonList(newFile), archiveManager, false);
if (reader != null) {
return reader;
} else {
log.warn("Failed to open cleaned up tar file {}", getFileName());
return this;
public void close() throws IOException {
* Loads and parses the optional pre-compiled graph entry from the given tar
* file.
* @return The parsed graph, or {@code null} if one was not found.
Map<UUID, List<UUID>> getGraph() throws IOException {
Buffer buffer = archive.getGraph();
if (buffer == null) {
return null;
} else {
return GraphLoader.parseGraph(buffer);
private boolean hasGraph() {
return archive.hasGraph();
* Read the index of binary references from this TAR file.
* <p>
* The index of binary references is a two-level map. The key to the first
* level of the map is the generation. The key to the second level of the
* map is the identifier of a data segment in this TAR file. The value of
* the second-level map is the set of binary references contained in the
* segment.
* @return An instance of {@link Map}.
BinaryReferencesIndex getBinaryReferences() {
BinaryReferencesIndex index = null;
try {
index = BinaryReferencesIndexLoader.parseBinaryReferencesIndex(archive.getBinaryReferences());
} catch (InvalidBinaryReferencesIndexException | IOException e) {
log.warn("Exception while loading binary reference", e);
return index;
* Return the path of this TAR file.
* @return An instance of {@link File}.
String getFileName() {
return archive.getName();
//------------------------------------------------------------< Object >--
public String toString() {
return getFileName();