blob: 7c57a1726e1ba19d6b1454174cb5d76f67d5322c [file] [log] [blame]
Taverna 2.5.2 Server Release Notes
This is the second public release of Taverna 2.5 Server. We welcome feedback
on both the things that are there and the things that are not.
Key Features
* Runs arbitrary Taverna 2 workflows
* Based on Taverna 2.5 Workflow Engine
* Includes support for Components and Interaction processors
* REST and SOAP interfaces
* All functionality available through both interfaces
* Manages files for workflows
* Make files, read files, delete files
* Create subdirectories, list directory contents
* Can download a whole directory structure as a ZIP
* Tidies up when workflow runs expire
* Expiry time fully configurable
* Can force immediate deletion of a workflow run
* Generates Run Bundles
* Contains formal description of the workflow run, designed for
sharing, including the inputs, outputs and provenance trace
* Security
* Encrypted communication supported
* Multiple users
* Users isolated from each other (via sudo)
* Workflows isolated from server
* Users may grant access to other users
* Specify credentials for workflows to access back-end services
* Notification framework
* Inform users when workflows terminate
* Many protocols: Atom feed, email, SMS, Twitter, Jabber
* Management interface
* Administrative access to all server's tunable parameters
* Authenticated web interface, JMX
* Usage monitoring/accounting
* General quality improvements
* Improved speed
* Improved robustness
* State can persist over (limited) server restarts
* Improved installation
* Self-contained server package
* Support for transfer of large data files
Significant Changes
* Now requires Java 7
Planned Future Features
* Support for Cluster Deployment
* Full WebDAV access to run working directory
* Access to Provenance
Specific Issues Addressed in This Release
TAVSERV-5 Need to detect interactive localworkers
TAVSERV-76 Support user-supplied functionality
TAVSERV-283 Invocation is spelt as invokation in the admin interface
TAVSERV-293 A HEAD or OPTIONS to the wsdl address returns a 500 error
TAVSERV-301 Interaction feed address is not a full URI
TAVSERV-309 Failure in getRunOutputDescription SOAP operation
TAVSERV-310 Support OPTIONS in main interface
---- 2.5.0 release ----
TAVSERV-219 Some server errors are reported as 403 when 500 is more
TAVSERV-290 Support restricting what URLs to use workflows from
TAVSERV-307 Users created through the admin web interface are not properly
set up in "insecure" mode
TAVSERV-321 Interaction service internal bug
TAVSERV-322 Atom feed updated timestamp being rounded down
TAVSERV-325 Can't create run with long default name
TAVSERV-326 Log concatenation
TAVSERV-328 An OPTIONS request to any resource produces incorrect headers
---- 2.5.1 release ----
TAVSERV-42 Provenance: Access and Lifetime
TAVSERV-44 Managing Workflow Instances
TAVSERV-69 Provenance: core
TAVSERV-297 Running instance of Taverna Server 2.4.1 hangs after a while;
submitting a new workflow using REST API results in "HTTP 403
Permission denied"
---- 2.5.2 release ----
TAVSERV-329 Master feed broken
TAVSERV-332 Massively degraded performance of 2.5.2
---- 2.5.3 release ----