blob: dd144cf20db76473493501173c743953acbe5674 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Manchester
* Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their
* respective authors, or their employers as appropriate.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
package net.sf.taverna.t2.activities.wsdl;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.taverna.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser;
import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class WSRFActivityTest {
public class DummyInvoker extends T2WSDLSOAPInvoker {
public DummyInvoker(String wsrfEndpoint) {
super(wsdlParser, "add", Arrays.asList("attachmentList"),
wsrfEndpoint, null);
protected SOAPEnvelope invokeCall(Call call, SOAPEnvelope requestEnv) {
requestXML = requestEnv;
return null;
private static final Namespace SoapEnvelopeNS = Namespace
private static final Namespace CounterNS = Namespace
private static final Namespace DifficultNS = Namespace
private static final Namespace DefaultNS = Namespace
private URL counterServiceWSDL;
private WSDLParser wsdlParser;
protected SOAPEnvelope requestXML;
public void makeWSDLParser() throws Exception {
String path = "wsrf/counterService/CounterService_.wsdl";
counterServiceWSDL = getClass().getResource(path);
assertNotNull("Coult not find test WSDL " + path, counterServiceWSDL);
wsdlParser = new WSDLParser(counterServiceWSDL.toExternalForm());
public void noHeaders() throws Exception {
public void insertedEndpoint() throws Exception {
// From T2-677 - support wsa:EndpointReference directly as well
String wsrfEndpoint = "" +
"<wsa:EndpointReference "
+ "xmlns:wsa='' "
+ "xmlns:counter=''>"
+ " <wsa:Address></wsa:Address>"
+ " <wsa:ReferenceProperties>"
+ " <counter:CounterKey>15063581</counter:CounterKey>"
+ " <difficult:one xmlns:difficult='' "
+ " difficult:attrib='something' attrib='else' >"
+ " <difficult:fish><counter:fish /></difficult:fish> "
+ " </difficult:one>" + " <emptyNamespace>"
+ " <defaultNamespace xmlns='http://default/'>"
+ "\n default \n " + "</defaultNamespace>"
+ " <stillEmpty />" + " </emptyNamespace>"
+ " </wsa:ReferenceProperties>"
+ " <wsa:ReferenceParameters/>" + "</wsa:EndpointReference>";
// Note: We'll subclass to avoid calling service
// and request attachmentList to trigger TAV-617-code and avoid
// parsing of the (missing) response
T2WSDLSOAPInvoker invoker = new DummyInvoker(wsrfEndpoint);
Map<String, Object> results = invoker.invoke(Collections.singletonMap(
"add", "10"));
assertEquals(1, results.size());
assertEquals("attachmentList", results.keySet().iterator().next());
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Document doc = StringReader(requestXML.toString()));
Element header = doc.getRootElement()
.getChild("Header", SoapEnvelopeNS);
assertNotNull("Could not find soapenv:Header", header);
assertEquals("Unexpected number of children in header", 3, header
// Check that everything was preserved as much as possible
Element counterChild = header.getChild("CounterKey", CounterNS);
assertEquals("15063581", counterChild.getText());
assertEquals("Did not preserve namespace", "counter", counterChild
Element difficultChild = header.getChild("one", DifficultNS);
assertNotNull("Could not find difficult:one", difficultChild);
assertEquals("Did not preserve namespace", "difficult", difficultChild
assertEquals("something", difficultChild.getAttribute("attrib",
assertEquals("else", difficultChild.getAttribute("attrib",
Element counterFish = difficultChild.getChild("fish", DifficultNS)
.getChild("fish", CounterNS);
assertEquals("counter", counterFish.getNamespacePrefix());
Element emptyChild = header.getChild("emptyNamespace",
Element defaultNamespace = emptyChild.getChild("defaultNamespace",
assertEquals("\n default \n ", defaultNamespace.getText());
Element stillEmpty = emptyChild.getChild("stillEmpty");
assertEquals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE, stillEmpty.getNamespace());
public void insertedEndpointWrapped() throws Exception {
// From T2-677 - support wsa:EndpointReference wrapped in <*> to avoid
// unnecessary XML splitters and to support legacy workflows
// Example from
String wsrfEndpoint = "" +
"<c:createCounterResponse xmlns:c=''>" +
"<wsa:EndpointReference "
+ "xmlns:wsa='' "
+ "xmlns:counter=''>"
+ " <wsa:Address></wsa:Address>"
+ " <wsa:ReferenceProperties>"
+ " <counter:CounterKey>15063581</counter:CounterKey>"
+ " <difficult:one xmlns:difficult='' "
+ " difficult:attrib='something' attrib='else' >"
+ " <difficult:fish><counter:fish /></difficult:fish> "
+ " </difficult:one>" + " <emptyNamespace>"
+ " <defaultNamespace xmlns='http://default/'>"
+ "\n default \n " + "</defaultNamespace>"
+ " <stillEmpty />" + " </emptyNamespace>"
+ " </wsa:ReferenceProperties>"
+ " <wsa:ReferenceParameters/>" + "</wsa:EndpointReference>" +
// Note: We'll subclass to avoid calling service
// and request attachmentList to trigger TAV-617-code and avoid
// parsing of the (missing) response
T2WSDLSOAPInvoker invoker = new DummyInvoker(wsrfEndpoint);
Map<String, Object> results = invoker.invoke(Collections.singletonMap(
"add", "10"));
assertEquals(1, results.size());
assertEquals("attachmentList", results.keySet().iterator().next());
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Document doc = StringReader(requestXML.toString()));
Element header = doc.getRootElement()
.getChild("Header", SoapEnvelopeNS);
assertNotNull("Could not find soapenv:Header", header);
assertEquals("Unexpected number of children in header", 3, header
// Check that everything was preserved as much as possible
Element counterChild = header.getChild("CounterKey", CounterNS);
assertEquals("15063581", counterChild.getText());
assertEquals("Did not preserve namespace", "counter", counterChild
Element difficultChild = header.getChild("one", DifficultNS);
assertNotNull("Could not find difficult:one", difficultChild);
assertEquals("Did not preserve namespace", "difficult", difficultChild
assertEquals("something", difficultChild.getAttribute("attrib",
assertEquals("else", difficultChild.getAttribute("attrib",
Element counterFish = difficultChild.getChild("fish", DifficultNS)
.getChild("fish", CounterNS);
assertEquals("counter", counterFish.getNamespacePrefix());
Element emptyChild = header.getChild("emptyNamespace",
Element defaultNamespace = emptyChild.getChild("defaultNamespace",
assertEquals("\n default \n ", defaultNamespace.getText());
Element stillEmpty = emptyChild.getChild("stillEmpty");
assertEquals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE, stillEmpty.getNamespace());