blob: 6a669f68515d86480aa3e9b0087fd0efffbe3501 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* This class deals with URI signatures - essentially, strings that represent
* some resource's URI with zero or more placeholders. URI signatures are known
* at workflow definition time and represent the pattern of the complete URIs
* that will be used at workflow run time.
* An example of the URI signature is:
* /{cond_id}?condition_unit={unit}
* Placeholders "{sop_id}", "{cond_id}" and "{unit}" will be replaced by the
* real values prior to using the URI for a real request.
* This class is concerned with validation of URI signatures, extraction of
* placeholders and substituting placeholders to generate complete URIs.
* @author Sergejs Aleksejevs
public class URISignatureHandler {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(URISignatureHandler.class);
public static final char PLACEHOLDER_START_SYMBOL = '{';
public static final char PLACEHOLDER_END_SYMBOL = '}';
* Extracts placeholders of the given URI signature with their positions in
* the signature in the order of their occurrence.
* Extraction is done in a robust way with signature validity checks being
* carried out simultaneously. This makes sure that even with no explicit
* validation (see {@link URISignatureHandler#isValid(String)}) no
* unexpected faults occur.
* @param uriSignature
* The URI signature to process.
* @return A map of placeholders as they are encountered (from start to end)
* in the URI signature and their start positions. Keys of the map
* are the "titles" of the placeholders without opening and closing
* placeholder symbols; values are the URI signature string indices,
* where the title of the corresponding placeholder starts in the
* string.
public static LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> extractPlaceholdersWithPositions(
String uriSignature) {
// no signature - nothing to process
if (uriSignature == null || uriSignature.isEmpty())
throw new URISignatureParsingException(
"URI signature is null or empty - nothing to process.");
LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> foundPlaceholdersWithPositions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int nestingLevel = 0;
int startSymbolIdx = -1;
// go through the signature character by character trying to extract
// placeholders
for (int i = 0; i < uriSignature.length(); i++) {
switch (uriSignature.charAt(i)) {
if (++nestingLevel != 1)
throw new URISignatureParsingException(
"Malformed URL: at least two parameter placeholder opening\n" +
"symbols follow each other without being closed appropriately\n" +
"(possibly the signature contains nested placeholders).");
startSymbolIdx = i;
if (--nestingLevel < 0)
throw new URISignatureParsingException(
"Malformed URL: parameter placeholder closing symbol found before the opening one.");
if (nestingLevel == 0) {
// correctly opened and closed placeholder found; check if
// it is a "fresh" one
String placeholderCandidate = uriSignature.substring(
startSymbolIdx + 1, i);
if (!foundPlaceholdersWithPositions
.containsKey(placeholderCandidate)) {
placeholderCandidate, startSymbolIdx + 1);
} else {
throw new URISignatureParsingException(
"Malformed URL: duplicate parameter placeholder \""
+ placeholderCandidate + "\" found.");
// the final check - make sure that after traversing the string, we are
// not "inside" one of the placeholders (e.g. this could happen if a
// placeholder
// opening symbol was found, but the closing one never occurred after
// that)
if (nestingLevel > 0)
throw new URISignatureParsingException(
"Malformed URL: parameter placeholder opening symbol found,\n"
+ "but the closing one has not been encountered.");
return foundPlaceholdersWithPositions;
* Works identical to
* {@link URISignatureHandler#extractPlaceholdersWithPositions(String)}
* except for returning only the list of placeholder titles - without
* positions.
* @param uriSignature
* The URI signature to process.
* @return List of the placeholder titles in the order of their occurrence
* in the provided URI signature.
public static List<String> extractPlaceholders(String uriSignature) {
return new ArrayList<>(extractPlaceholdersWithPositions(uriSignature)
* This method performs explicit validation of the URI signature. If the
* validation succeeds, the method terminates quietly; in case of any
* identified problems a {@link URISignatureParsingException} is thrown.
* @param uriSignature
* The URI signature to validate.
* @throws URISignatureParsingException
public static void validate(String uriSignature)
throws URISignatureParsingException {
// this method essentially needs to do exactly the same thing
// as the method to extract the placeholders with their corresponding
// positions; all necessary validation is already performed there -
// hence the trick is simply to call that method (discarding its
// output),
// while keeping track of any exceptions that may be generated by the
// called method;
// for this simply call the placeholder extraction method - any
// exceptions
// will be forwarded up the method call stack; in case of success, the
// method
// will terminate quietly
* Check if the URL string contains "unsafe" characters, i.e. characters
* that need URL-encoding.
* From RFC 1738: "...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special
* characters "$-_.+!*'()," (not including the quotes) and reserved
* characters used for their reserved purposes may be
* used unencoded within a URL."
* Reserved characters are: ";/?:@&=" ..." and "%" used for escaping.
public static void checkForUnsafeCharacters(String candidateURLSignature) throws URISignatureParsingException{
String allowedURLCharactersString = new String("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789$-_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=%");
char[] allowedURLCharactersArray = allowedURLCharactersString.toCharArray();
List<Character> allowedURLCharactersList = new ArrayList<Character>();
for (char value : allowedURLCharactersArray)
allowedURLCharactersList.add(new Character(value));
int index = 0;
String unsafeCharactersDetected = "";
while (index < candidateURLSignature.length()){
char character = candidateURLSignature.charAt(index);
if (character == '{') { // a start of a parameter
// This is a paramater name - ignore until we find the closing '}'
while(character != '}' && index < candidateURLSignature.length()){
character = candidateURLSignature.charAt(index);
} else if (!allowedURLCharactersList.contains(Character
.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(character)))) {
// We found an unsafe character in the URL - add to the list of unsafe characters
unsafeCharactersDetected += "'" + character + "', ";
} else {
String message = "";
unsafeCharactersDetected = unsafeCharactersDetected.trim();
if (unsafeCharactersDetected.endsWith(",")){ // remove the last ","
unsafeCharactersDetected = unsafeCharactersDetected.substring(0, unsafeCharactersDetected.lastIndexOf(','));
if (!unsafeCharactersDetected.equals("")){
message += "REST service's URL contains unsafe characters that need\nto be URL-encoded or the service will most probably fail:\n"+ unsafeCharactersDetected;
throw new URISignatureParsingException(message);
* Tests whether the provided URI signature is valid or not.
* @param uriSignature
* URI signature to check for validity.
* @return <code>true</code> if the URI signature is valid;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public static boolean isValid(String uriSignature) {
try {
// no exceptions are generated by validate(), the validation has
// succeeded
return (true);
} catch (URISignatureParsingException e) {
return false;
* Substitutes real values for all placeholders encountered in the URI
* signature and produces a complete URI that can be used directly.
* @param uriSignature
* The URI signature to use as a basis.
* @param parameters
* Map of {name,value} pairs for all placeholders in the
* signature. These values will be used to replace the
* placeholders in the signature.
* @param escapeParameters
* Whether to URL-escape paramaters before placing them in the
* final URL.
* @return A complete URI with all placeholders replaced by the provided
* values.
* @throws URISignatureParsingException
* Thrown if there is a problem with the provided URI signature
* (e.g. null, empty, ill-formed, etc).
* @throws URIGenerationFromSignatureException
* Thrown if there is a problem with the provided parameter map
* (e.g. null, empty, not containing enough values for some of
* the placeholders found in <code>uriSignature</code>.
public static String generateCompleteURI(String uriSignature,
Map<String, String> specifiedParameters, boolean escapeParameters)
throws URISignatureParsingException,
URIGenerationFromSignatureException {
StringBuilder completeURI = new StringBuilder(uriSignature);
// no need to make any checks on the uriSignature - it is
// already handled by extractPlaceholdersWithPositions() --
// if something goes wrong a runtime exception will be thrown
// during placeholder extraction
LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> placeholdersWithPositions = extractPlaceholdersWithPositions(uriSignature);
// check that the URI signature contains some placeholders
if (placeholdersWithPositions.keySet().size() > 0) {
Map<String, String> parameters;
// some work will actually have to be done to replace placeholders
// with real values;
// check that the parameter map contains some values
if (specifiedParameters == null || specifiedParameters.isEmpty()) {
parameters = Collections.emptyMap();
} else {
parameters = specifiedParameters;
// the 'placeholders' linked list is guaranteed to be in the order
// of occurrence of placeholders in the URI signature;
// this will allow to traverse the URI signature and replace the
// placeholders in the reverse order --
// this way it is possible to use the indices of placeholders that
// were already found during their extraction to
// improve performance
LinkedList<String> placeholders = new LinkedList<String>(
Iterator<String> placeholdersIterator = placeholders.iterator();
while (placeholdersIterator.hasNext()) {
String placeholder =;
int placeholderStartPos = placeholdersWithPositions
.get(placeholder) - 1;
int placeholderEndPos = placeholderStartPos
+ placeholder.length() + 2;
if (parameters.containsKey(placeholder)) {
if (escapeParameters) {
placeholderEndPos, urlEncodeQuery(parameters
} else {
placeholderEndPos, parameters.get(placeholder));
} else {
int qnPos = completeURI.lastIndexOf("?", placeholderStartPos);
int ampPos = completeURI.lastIndexOf("&", placeholderStartPos);
int slashPos = completeURI.lastIndexOf("/", placeholderStartPos);
int startParamPos = Math.max(qnPos, ampPos);
if (startParamPos > -1 && startParamPos > slashPos) {
// We found an optional parameter, so delete all of it
if (qnPos > ampPos) {
// It might be the first or only parameter so delete carefully
if (placeholderEndPos >= (completeURI.length() - 1)) {
// No parameters
completeURI.replace(startParamPos, placeholderEndPos, "");
} else {
// Remove the & from the following parameter, not the ? that starts
completeURI.replace(startParamPos + 1, placeholderEndPos + 1, "");
} else {
// Just delete the optional parameter in total
completeURI.replace(startParamPos, placeholderEndPos, "");
} else {
throw new URIGenerationFromSignatureException(
"Parameter map does not contain a key/value for \""
+ placeholder + "\" mandatory placeholder");
* RETURN THE ORIGINAL 'uriSignature' }
return (completeURI.toString());
* Exceptions of this type may be thrown when errors occur during URI
* signature parsing - these will often indicate the reason for failure
* (e.g. missing URI signature, nested placeholders, ill-formed signature,
* etc).
* @author Sergejs Aleksejevs
public static class URISignatureParsingException extends
IllegalArgumentException {
public URISignatureParsingException() {
public URISignatureParsingException(String message) {
* Exceptions of this type may be thrown during generation of a complete URI
* from the provided signature and parameter hash. These may occur because
* of wrong parameters, etc.
* @author Sergejs Aleksejevs
public static class URIGenerationFromSignatureException extends
RuntimeException {
public URIGenerationFromSignatureException() {
public URIGenerationFromSignatureException(String message) {
* Prepares the string to serve as a part of url query to the server.
* @param query
* The string that needs URL encoding.
* @return URL encoded string that can be inserted into the request URL.
public static String urlEncodeQuery(String query) {
String ns = Normalizer.normalize(query, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
byte[] bb = null;
try {
bb = ns.getBytes("UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return query;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < bb.length; i++) {
int b = bb[i] & 0xff;
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(b) || (b >= 0x80)) {
} else {
return sb.toString();